The Smelly love between father and Son 3

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#1 of The smelly love between father and son

This was started a couple of years ago, and am just now finishing it. Not it is not great, but agian, it is just something to beat your meat too. If you have any negative comments, keep them to yourself, I don't care. If you have possitive feed back, want to talk about the story, or just want to tell me that it got you off several dozen times, then shoot me a pm, or send me an email, though if you don't reference the story in the subject of the email, I might not know what it is and delete it.

This story and series are copy right to me. If you would like to redistribute it, please e-mail me at [email protected] you can also find me on facebook as Afril Trueheart. This story contains adult material not suitable for children. If this story is illegal where ever you are for you to read and you decide to read it anyways (such as you are not of legal age to read this) then I am not held liable. If you are under age and you get caught reading this and get in trouble, that is your problem, not mine. I would say to just not read it, but if you are determined you will read it no matter what this warning says. This story involves diapers, scat, incest, watersports, gay sex of all sorts, and sex between an adult male furries and a wolf cub. If you don't like it then don't read it. If you have any negative comments about my writing ability then keep them to yourself. This story is just something to read, enjoy, and wank to. If I was planning on publishing it then I might care, but I'm not and I don't. If you do decide to redistribute this story on another website, make sure that you mention that Afril Trueheart is responsible for it, and do not post this story on any pay sites.

Thanks to everyone who supported the story and convinced me to write more. Sorry for the extreme wait on this one, I just haven't felt in the creative mood. But without further delay, here is the third installment of my story. If you want details about characters and their past, read one and two.

David is sitting in the living room watching TV with Michael, his six year old cub, lying on the floor with his cute little head propped in his paws as he watches the cartoons. Michael is wearing his diaper with at least two poops for the day already in it, while his father has yet to relieve his bowels for that day, saving it for when his friends get there. Yep, that's right fans, it is Saturday, the day that Mikey and David have been waiting for. Three of David's friends are coming over to play with him and his little wolf cub. Michael was really hyper this morning in expectation, but was calmed by the Saturday morning cartoons.

It's now about two in the afternoon when the door bell rings, so the six foot tall, black wolf got up and started for the door as Mikey's ears perk up and he looks over his shoulder at his father who is wearing a loose fitting pair of gym shorts only. David gets to the door and looks out the peep hole and see's exactly who he has been waiting for, so he opens the door and welcomes in his friends. Michael gets up off the floor, runs over to the TV and turns it off, then runs to the couch, hopping up and is looking over the back at the three guests and his father.

"Uncles Jarrod, Sean, and Bobby!" Mikey calls out with a huge grin on his face. Jarrod is a black wolf like David but is an inch taller, Sean is a five foot eight pink bunny that is very flamboyant looking and acting, and Bobby is a well hung, very fit, brown bear at six foot five. David met them when he was in high school, dating each one at their perspective time, though they all remained really good friends over the years. The three friends were the ones that introduced Dave to the wonders of gay sex and scat. Sean was the friend who found the remedy that David uses in all of his food. They all walk around the couch and Michael hops down from the couch and give them hugs.

"Hey there kiddo." Says Jarrod as he gives Mikey a Hug.

Bobby hugs the cub with a smile "Hey there boy."

And Sean goes down onto one knee giving the six year old a hug and grabs his squishy, diapered butt cheek. "Hiya cutie!"

Sean stands back up and David gestures everyone into the living room. "So guys shall we get comfortable in the living room and get things started?"

The guys nod and head into the living room, stripping off all their cloths and dropping them into one large pile in the corner. Jarrod and Bobby fawning over Sean who still looks like he could be fifteen years old, even if he is actually about twenty eight. They are enjoying the pink bunnies' young looking feminine build, and sexy round butt. But they all turn their attention back to David when he clears his throat.

"Whattsa matter Davey? Don't you find me attractive anymore?" Sean says with a joking smirk, loving to tease his old high school boyfriend.

And without missing a beat, the wolf replies "I would but I've got a younger sexier model right here!" and pulls Mikey into his side as the pup hugs his father's side.

The big burly brown bear steps forward and goes down on one knee, gesturing to the cub to come towards him. Mikey walks forward to Bobby, who then reaches down, placing his paws onto Mikey's hips. "Are you ready to start all the fun, little guy?" Mikey nodded in agreement enthusiastically as Bobby started to undo the tapes on the cubs loaded diaper. As he pulled it away from the cub's fur, the smell filled the room giving everyone a strong scent of the pup's excrement, which gave a rise to all the cocks in the room from their sheaths.

Bobby, slowly lowers the diaper to the floor, as everyone gets a good whiff and a good show as they see the diaper was REALLY loaded, and the shit was not just on the cubs backside, but had slid up and around his little balls and sheath, with a clean spot at the opening of his sheath where the pee had washed the poo away. The Brune, slid the diaper under himself, and squatting, started to push out getting ready to add his own waste to all the waste that was already over flowing the diaper.

As he was doing that Sean came up behind the bear, placed his paws on the bear's butt cheeks, and spread them apart so he could both get a good look and to help the bear out. He watched from behind the bear as he started to let loose several long logs, as Michael stood in front of Bobby watching. Mikey's tail was going wild with his wagging, and little pieces of shit were falling from his previously diapered area, onto the floor. Everyone was excited about what was going to happen, but Mikey especially because he was going to be the center of the attention.

Bobby had just finish dumping his load into the diaper, and what a load it was, but then again, they were all big poopers. The smell in there just became stronger as Bobby finished at which point he pulled Mikey to him and gave him a big kiss, slipping his tongue in and swirling it with the cubs. Then he stood and stepped out of the way as Sean stepped over the diaper.

Before Sean started pooping he signaled Mikey to come towards him while saying "Come here sweetness, I have a nice little drink for you." He dipped his cock into the shit in the diaper, and presented it to the pup with his knees spread wide, and ass just floating above the mound of mess. Mikey moved forward, dropped to his knees, and immediately took the pink bunnies cock into his mouth. Feeling the warmth of the mouth around his malehood, he let loose and piss started to flow into the cub's mouth as he swallowed. Sean started pushing and his tailhole spread open and his shit joined Mikey's and Bobby's in the pile. Though with him pushing out like that, it increased the power of his stream, which was too much for the pup to handle and the piss started spraying out of the sides of his muzzle. When Sean was finish, Mikey sucked his cock clean, and released it. He stood up, walked over behind Mikey and held him as Jarrod then walked over squatting over the diaper with his tail raised high, he grunted and felt up the little wolf cub in front of him as the first of several large logs slid from his tailhole. He slid his digits up and down the tiny shaft before him making the poor little cub shiver with pleasure, before releasing him and standing up as well after he finished adding to the mess.

Now it is time for daddy to add to the messy pile of shit that has filled the diaper to ridiculous heights on the floor, as David squatted down, then mess was already too high and the top of the warm mess pressed against his tailhole, butt cheeks, and base of his tail. Realizing what had happened he raised and adjusted himself so that he was slightly higher over the mound but still made a mess of his entire backside, which was fine because soon he was going to make an even bigger mess. With Sean still kneeling behind Mikey, he slips his paw down the cubs back and starts to slip a digit, then two, then three into the puppy tailhole causing him to moan in front of his father. David seeing this pushes with all his might, forcing all his pent of shit to slide out of him. Huge logs of mostly solid waste landing on top of the pile and continued till the last of it hit his hole again.

Standing up from the diaper, Dave steps back and Sean slides his claws out of Mikey's rectum, with a disappointed whimper from the cub. All four of the adult furry males then guide the sexy six year old cub over the mount of feces piled high on top of a diaper that was already several sizes too big for a cub his size, and start to lower the little one into it. As Mikey lowers into the filth, it merges with his fur, spreading out as the others are continuously making sure that none of the shit falls out of the diaper. When Mikey is sitting fully in the diaper, his father lays him back, Mikey feeling the shit slide up his back and getting into the carpet behind him some, and David fold the diaper closed and tapes it back on. Jarrod helps Mikey sit forward, and realizes that not too much of the shit escaped the back of the diaper, but he still scooped up what had, and pushes it back into the back of the diaper. All of the adults are now looking at the filthy cub as the sexual object that he is going to be used for that day, all with throbbing hard cocks, all dripping pre from the slits and groping all over the filled diaper of the cub full of all of their excrement.

David picks up Mikey, grunting slightly at the added weight of the shit filled diaper, and carries him to the play room, and lays him on the rubber matted bed. Once he is there they start to push on the diaper from the front up and from the middle out, so that the shit that is filling the diaper starts to push out like toothpaste from the tube. As the scat leaves the diaper, it is immediately smeared along the cub's fur. The flamboyant, pink bunny is so horny that he lifts Michaels left leg and slides his cock into the leg of his diaper, and starts thrusting, while the large-in-every-way bear does the same with the pups right leg, and Jarrod squats over the cubs stomach, with his cock in the top of the cubs shitty diaper, all fucking the filth in the cubs diaper at the same time. While all of this is going on, Mikey's perverted father moves around to his sons face and first kissing him deeply, then slips his cock into the cub's mouth. After being at this for a while, and not wanting to finish too soon, they all pull out of their various make shift fuck spots, and lean back.

"Well as hot as all of this is, I think that it is time that we all got to the main course." David says to all of his guests while smiling down to his absolutely fucking, sexy six year old, and kissing him again.

"Yeah, I want to be covered in all the poop in my diaper then have you all have sexs with me!" Mikey blurts out, being too young to really try to dance around his desires.

All three of the guests all say in their own various way, let's do it! They then, once again, un-tape the pups diaper, with Sean once again leading the way (he is just so selfishly horny), but first checking with everyone else if it is okay for him to go first. With a nod or okay from everyone else, he positions himself between the cubs legs, the others holding his legs up against his chest, as the pink bunny, using one paw to keep his upper body level, uses his other to guide his cock to Mikey's tailhole where he slides it around before starting to push in. With plenty of shit to work as lube, his cock sinks right in, though Mikey lets out a light his of pleasure/pain from being stretched but is soon used to the intrusion, and starts to moan as Sean slowly lowers himself to the pups hole and starts to thrust in and out.

As this is going on David, being the only one with his paws free is gathering up some of the loose shit and smearing it over his cubs face and pushing it into his son's muzzle. Mikey is lapping the offered paw to get as much of the excrement into his muzzle as he can, and down his throat. The smell in the room is incredible as his father then turns around and lowering his tailhole down to his boy's mouth, says "come on baby, lick daddies hole clean. Really dig that puppy tongue as deep as you can to see if daddy has anything left to feed you!" Knowing full well that he still had a little more still up there just for this moment. As he lowers himself down, he feels the boy beneath him start to lap at his hole and all around it, getting as much shit off as he could. Shit from the base of his father's tail was smeared on his chin as he thrust his little tongue as deep into his father as he could, wetting the canal and pulling out all the shit residue that he could. As he was digging in he felt the end of a turd start to slide down towards his tongue, and started to lap at the end as it reached the entrance of his ass and slowly started to slide out quickly filling the little cubs mouth and as David raised up a little to push the last little bit out, it flopped on Mikey's nose and top of his muzzle to between his little eyes.

During all of this, Sean was still fucking away at the cub's ass and was about to unload, especially after seeing the shit flop from the cubs fathers ass onto the cubs face. Leaning further forward he help lick and eat what didn't fit in the cubs muzzle, and kissed the cub, sharing the log between them as their tongues fought with each other for the brown prize. That being all that he could take, Sean's cock erupted in the cub's bowels, filling it with cum, spurt after spurt, until there was no more to be had. He pulled out of Mikey to find that not only was hit cock covered profusely with shit from the cub's still full ass, but his entire groin was coated from the shit all over the cubs backside, and his balls and bottom of his own ass from rubbing against the shit filled diaper. Lifting himself up, the others lowered his legs as Sean crawled over the little cub and fed his scat cover cock to the puppies muzzle and started to piss, helping the cub wash down all the shit that was still in his mouth.

To be continued?

The smelly love between father and son 2

This story contains explicit sexual acts of incest and scat. If you do not like that sort of thing, then you need to go elsewhere. If it is classified as illegal for you to read this where you are, don't get caught, because I am not responsible for...

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The smelly love between father and son

Warning, this story contains incest, and consensual sex between an adult male and his underage son, scat and just a little bit of watersports. If you don't like that kind of stuff, then you are reading the wrong story. If you are into that stuff, then...

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