Dawn\'s Despair

Story by ArcticWolfGirl on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER! Read This: This story will undoubtedly be too explicit for children to read. If you are under the age of 18, please navigate away from this page. This story deals with incest, rape, physical, mental, and sexual abuse, unbirthing, bestiality, and contains a description of a female getting the shit kicked out of her. Unlike in pornography, between two consenting adults, or in writing, it is not acceptable to do anything like this to a partner who does not consent. It is cruel and malicious, and if you honestly want to do this to a loved one, or anyone for that matter, you need to seek professional help.

For Demonwhisper

I put my arms up to cover my face, trying so desperately in vain to stop him from hitting me even more. Daniel just wouldn't stop, though; he kept raping me and overpowering me until my mind went numb and my body went limp in his hands. My fur, normally white and now stained red, was matted down with my own blood; the taste of it filled my mouth as he hit me one final time with all his might. I didn't black out, unfortunately, as I felt him continuing to dig his nails so deep into my tits that he pierced them. I even felt his cock continue to pound deeper and deeper into my cunt as his knot began to swell.

I'm sorry you had to walk in on this; my little brother Daniel raping and beating me. It started back when he hit puberty a few years ago; he saw me and thought I was the sexiest girl alive and had to have me. Unfortunately for me, I'm a skinny little rail with C cups, and he's on the wrestling team at school; when I said no, he reminded me he wasn't asking. Now he's 15 and in the best shape of his life; he could lift three hundred pounds without a problem and he's taken first place at nationals for wrestling. What can I do? I maybe be 21, but I'm skinny and I don't exercise that much. If I scream, he'll gag me if he's feeling nice or, at worst, shatter my jaw without so much as batting an eye.

My minds wandering and racing as he buries his knot deep inside; no matter how many times he does this, I never get used to the burning pain in my cunt as his knot stretches me apart and tears me. A black tunnel forms in my vision and slowly starts closing as I look up to see Daniel licking his hands clean of my blood and laughing down at me. "Oh Dawn, oh big sis, the plans I have for you..." The darkness overtook me as I felt him bind my hands together and begin dragging me. I couldn't even speak to plead him to go easy; I was choking on my own blood.

I woke up in the middle of the night, possibly a day later, tied down to a large tree stump; I was too mashed up to think coherently. I felt my breasts being pressed down against the rough stump, splinters piercing my tender flesh and nipples. I tried to stand up and felt my hands chained down with rope and the same for my feet; then I realized what was going on. My legs, tied down and spread open, were letting my scent carry for miles around. I frantically looked around, trying to see where I was; all I could see around me was trees. Trees that went on and on until my vision faded out; I must have been miles and miles out in the forest behind our house. I started crying, feeling the cold air kiss every inch of my body; chills ran up my spine as goosebumps covered and prickled my skin. I tried so hard and in vain to cover myself with my tail, to try and hide my scent; to my horror, he had nailed my tail down to the stump.

I cried out softly, tears flowing down my face. Tonguing my cheek, I found a deep gash from my sharpened canines; a hole in my cheek, how grand. Then I heard it, as if from a great distance; a wolf howled, and his pack mates joined in. I lay there, not like I had much choice, and waited for them to arrive; I had heard of some packs having six or seven members, and some having up to fifteen. That meant, at most, there'd be seven males; I howled back, pitifully, trying to plead for mercy. It felt like days, though was most likely an hour, the wait for the pack to arrive; oh how I cried when I saw them, wandering in to the clearing with their eyes focused on me. They checked my surroundings, to check for any larger or more aggressive a male before inspecting me. I could feel their cold noses pressing right up against my slit as they took in my scent. Curse my body, betraying me; I was in heat, and they all knew it.

Looking them over, I could see their teeth gleam in the pale moonlight as I counted their numbers. I could tell this wasn't going to end well; this was a pack of males and not a single female in sight. I counted ten lone males all behind one dominant alpha male; I could feel the alpha lick at me, tasting me or maybe just getting me wet for what's about to come. I quivered, my body aching as I spit a thick blob of blood down; as soon as I had, I realized what I had just done. The scent of my blood was now in the air too. A dying animal in heat; this could end up one of two ways, either one not something I wanted to accept. Gripping the edge of the tree, my nails digging in to the bark, I felt a pair of large furry paws at my side; it was just another moment.

I screamed in pain as the alpha wolf took me, ramming his thick cock inside me with no regard for what I wanted or felt. Digging his claws into my sides, he held me in place as he buried himself over and over, deeper and deeper into me. These wolves, no mates, hadn't smelt a female in heat in a while; it didn't take long for the Alpha male to empty his load deep inside of me. Another scream escaped my lips when the dominant male tore his bulging knot out of me with a sick pop. Apparently the beta male wasn't as bright and missed the mark as he pierced my tight tail hole and just went to town raping my ass as hard as he could.

No regard for what I felt, they each took turns and each tore their knots out of me one after the other for hours on end. After a few hours, my slit and my tail hole were so stretched that it was almost no problem for them to slip in and out. By the time the sun finally rose, I could feel their seed dribbling out of my ass and cunt; I woke up from my daze one the sun began burning my face. I shook myself awake, shaking my head to regain my senses. Looking over my shoulder, I could see my raw red ass drooling out cum, and I could almost feel it seeping out of my ravaged slit. The only fear I had now was that since my assailants and I were both canines, would I be carrying their child?

I cast my eyes over to my right and spied the alpha male staying behind, asleep next to the stump; had I been claimed as his mate? His pack had run off and left him when the sun began to rise, seeking refuge at their den no doubt. It was quiet, for now; my screams no longer pervaded the air and echoed off the trees. My voice, so hoarse from the night before, had left me; my throat, so raw and tender, hurt at the slightest movement. Much to my chagrin, I could still smell my own bloody scent in the air and I knew it was only a matter of time before some other opportunistic animal came along looking for a go at me.

The sun was just reaching the middle of the sky, I think, when I saw him; shy and timid, a lone stallion made his way up to investigate. I used the last of my energy to thrash about on the stump to try and spook him off; all that did was force sharp, painful splinters deep into my nipples and breasts. I managed to startle the horse, and he reared up in anger and showed me exactly what he had in mind; his thick, long cock just hung out from his sheath as he circled me a few times, snorting at me and taking in my thick scent.

This large beast placed his hooves in front of me, straddling me and towering over me. I cringed, feeling him stomp around above me as he tried to position his massive cock to my slit; I prayed he didn't make the same mistake some of the wolves did, or he may very well split me in half from the sheer thickness of his cock. My mind, still swirling from the night before, suddenly awoke when a sharp pain raced up my back and engulfed me entirely. Without a second thought, the stallion managed to find his way to my slit and rammed it in without stopping to brace himself. Bucking deep inside of me, I clawed hard at the stump, trying to keep myself from sliding around on the stump.

Bucking deep into me, he thrusted his hard shaft rapidly and deeper with each thrust. Slowly turning my head, I saw his entire shaft disappear inside my stretched and battered slit and I felt his huge balls slap against me making such a lewd and wet noise with each thrust. Closing my eyes, I let the pain and pleasure take me over as I tried to moan out but was silenced by the pain in my throat. Oh just a drop of water, please, I'm so thirsty; please, horsey, cum in my throat. Let me drink from your massive wells; give me something to quench my thirst.

What was I thinking?! Had I become an animal, a disgusting little slut to be my brothers' whore just like he wanted? I'd fallen in love with this pain, finally, after all these years, and loved the feeling as this stallion tore my womb apart. Whinnying, the stallion quickened his pace as he buried his slick, smooth shaft in me. I almost wished he had a massive knot to tie me with and rip it out of me and tear me apart even more. I felt him tense up, pressing himself in as far as he could; the tip of his cock rested right up against my cervix. Flooding me with cum, he forced his seed deep into my belly with such force it mixed with the wolf cum already in me.

My bonds became tight as all the slack was taken up; my belly was stretching to accommodate all his cum. I felt like such a whore, flooded and full of animal spunk; but it felt so good, knowing I'd be carrying around a part of this wild beast around in me the rest of the day. Dismounting me, the stallions cock just flopped around out in the open as it kept spurting more cum, spraying my ass and back and even my head. I felt so dirty and whorish, yet so beautiful. Nipping at me, almost angrily, the stallion galloped off into the woods as I heard a pair of footsteps behind me; all I could think was what next?

Closing my eyes, trying to guess what merciless animal would take me next, I felt my bonds cut and a familiar voice. "Afternoon, big sis; I came just as soon as I cared to get out of bed. I see you've had a wild night, whore! Look at you, covered and coated with cum, and your belly bulging with it! You stupid, worthless little fucking slut; look at you! You love it!" I couldn't cry out in protest as he kicked me off the stump and onto my back on the ground; I had no energy left. Taking his clothes off, he looked down at me and spit on my face, "You must be thirsty, little bitch; I left you out here all night and all morning in the hot sun." I could only nod weakly; this was my second mistake.

Laughing down at me, he pried my maw open. "If you shut your trap before I let you, I swear to the gods I'll kill you and let those wolves eat your dead body!" I was too scared to do anything but moan to show my compliance as he dangled his cock in front of my face. Straddling my chest, he looked down, yawning, and began pissing in my open mouth. Closing my mouth, I gulped it down and opened up again, begging for more. He looked angry at me as he saw me close my mouth, but could only laugh with sick delight as he saw me open up wide for more. "You fucking dirty little whore; you want more? Fine! Here! Drink up!" Kneeling down, he grabbed my by the hair and forced his cock deep into my mouth and pissed straight down my throat. "Ahh... much better!"

Now it was time to get back to business with him; he wasted no time mounting me again. At the slightest hint of a struggle, he hit me so hard in the face that all my senses went sideways. I took the hint and laid there, motionless, as he did whatever he pleased. Pulling out, he rammed his whole fist into me without so much as an ounce of resistance. "Look what those goddamned wolves did! That stallion too! They ruined my fuck toy!" He went to pull his fist out of me, but couldn't; was he stuck? What was he playing at?

The more he tried to pull out, the more my cunt pulled in; my body was literally pulling him in! Was this all a nightmare?! "Let go of me you fucking whore! I swear I'll kill you for this if you don't let me go right now!" Throwing his free hand at me, he hit me in the jaw so hard I almost bit through my tongue. His whole arm disappeared inside my body, and his head slowly got sucked in too; what was going on?! Once he got in past his shoulders, he just seemed to slide in as the horses cum flowed out around him. My brother was disappearing into me! Wearily, I watched as his feet vanished out of sight and all I could wonder was why I looked nearly nine months pregnant.

My body went slack as I curled up and fell asleep there, unable to move; in the middle of the night, I had a strange visitor. The night was cold, and the air was damp; my fur, still sticky and somehow wet with horse cum, began clumping up with ice. To my surprise, the alpha male from the night before returned, alone, and lay at my side. Curling up around me, he licked the back of my head affectionately and propped my head up on top of his like a pillow. I had been taken as his mate, and this made me so happy. I figured I'd take him home in the morning and let him live with me as my mate.

This will, most likely, become a series. Her brother, now her son, may grow up to be just as abusive to her... Only time (and your demand, of course) will tell.