Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 8.0

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#9 of Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion

Here we are, part 8 of the Burning Rebellion.

Now I've never done this before but I put a lot of thought into how I wanted to end the Burning Rebellion and it occurred to me that a lot of the possible endings are actually plausible. Ultimately, the canon ending is what I thought was the best but I also thought I'd create the alternate endings as well just because it was so much fun writing this series!

So the end of part 8 marks the point where the different endings begin.

As before, the endings are all based on three factors, who Roran chooses to love, Yulanda's conviction and how far Valk is willing to go for his cause.

The endings will be posted soon!



"Take solace for the while they have passed from this world, the Mother Goddess opens her arms to them and welcomes them into paradise. The faithful are elevated by her right hand and the sinners are forgiven. Let us pray..."

The priest lifted his Apocrypha, reading a passage about the Brave Farmer's exploits across Incendius during the Sunshadow War. The words were lost on Harm though he vaguely recalled it had something to do with the Farmer raising the dead to fight for him. His eyes drifted away from the bright, ruby monument that had been erected in memory of the dead.

A shining crimson statue of a phoenix with its wings bent to cradle a live flame, the Phoenix Memorial had been erected in less than a day. Located in a small clearing just outside of the city's outskirts, the Memorial stood as a blood red stone against a sea of verdant green. No bodies were allowed to be buried for fear of corruption and had been burned earlier to the weeping masses, the ashes scattered. Only few attended the service at the Memorial as tears had run dry since.

The large basin containing the oil-fuelled flame had been made from the weapons and armour of the Solis that had died in effort to defeat the demons. At its base was a gilded, black marble plaque that had the names of those that had died engraved into its face.

All six hundred and thirty-nine of them.

"We pray for Arthur Lazlo, brave father and caring farmer," the priest intoned. "We pray for Emil Santos, courageous soldier and playful joker..."

Six hundred and thirty-nine names were uttered one by one. Each one brought a fresh wave of sadness from the mourners. Harm watched with dried eyes as faces that had been steely and composed one moment broke down in a waterfall of tears the next. Yulanda stood beside him, her eyes puzzled and filled with tears while her lips were turned down. Beside her was Aria, standing tall and proud, her face an expressionless mask as always. Turning to his other side, he found Roran, lips pursed and eyes bloodshot with tears. Beyond Roran was Valk, eyes cast down and mouth weighed down at the corners.

"Colleen Northridge, beloved wife and a strong woman."

"Northridge," Harm whispered. "So that's her surname."

"It's mine," Roran answered in a broken, croaky voice.


Harm kept his paws by his sides, unable to raise them to comfort Roran. Guilt marred his heart. Perhaps it had been his words that had driven her to make that courageous leap to part with Roran on her own terms. From the reports, the demons were too weak to overrun the encampment but some had slipped through the weakened defences. Colleen had thrown herself in front of Roran and defended him with a knife with all that she could muster.

"How does it feel to have guilt grip your heart, Chronos?"

The world was suddenly awash with flames. The ground was blackened and burned, the sun in the sky blotted out by a dead planet. Pools of lava and lakes of fire burned the unfortunate souls trying to scramble for the shore. Amongst the devastation stood the Burning Throne.

"It is a guilt that I have to bear and one that I know will never be washed away," he answered. "But it is not one I will let weigh me down. It was her choice to interpret my words and it was her choice to act the way she did. I cannot control the will of others. I can suggest, maybe even force at times but ultimately, the one power mortals will always have that no other can take is the power of choice."

"How very like you. One second passes and it is gone forever. You are constantly moving forward. Nothing can hold you for long, can it, Chronos?"

"Perhaps you should take a lesson from my book, Adra. Those chains of guilt do not suit you well."

"You mistake the source of my guilt, my friend." Adramalech's face mask cracked even more, one red eye exposed to the acrid air with blood seeping from the sides. "Where your chains are created from the acts of others and are weightless against the flow of time, mine are not from having led my daughter on the road she chose. It is that I used her to my ends and that I chose to place duty over family."

The Burning Throne vanished from his sight and Harm was suddenly left alone with only Roran, Aria and Yulanda standing beside him. The other mourners had left and the memorial was left empty. Even as the flames that rose from the metal basin gave the ruby crystal an almost living appearance, it still felt a cold, dark memorial to that which was lost.

"Phoenixes are magical beasts said to rise from the ashes of their own graves," Yulanda said softly. "I see no life in these ashes."

"I would prefer it that way," Roran croaked. "I wouldn't know what to say to her..." A dark laugh escaped him. "I don't even know why I'm so sad right now."

Aria crossed behind Harm and placed her hand on the Tigris' shoulder. "I believe it is because even though it was a façade, for three months you felt you could grow to love her despite your inclinations. She was your wife and you were determined to see the marriage through if not for her than for your unborn child."

"I do not know..." Roran's eyes lifted to meet Harm's. "Please... Please say something."

Harm had no words.

Should he tell Roran how Colleen had sought to free him; that this act was not an act of spite but one that would designed to free him of the chains that bound them together?

Should he admit that his words had driven her to this end just so he had someone to blame, someone tangible and someone that could not be hated through the vast void between life and death?

No... He had no words.

But he had action.

He drew Timekeeper, causing those around him to take a step back in surprise.

"Aria, do you know Sol Surgere?"

The Angel blinked multiple times before her eyes narrowed. "I believe I do."

"Yulanda, I need you to cast a mass Pluma Ignis. Have them come down right above me."

Yulanda shook her head in surprise. "What? I do not -"

Before she could finish, he was striding up to the memorial and swinging Timekeeper through the air. He spun the blade and pointed the tip straight down. Burying the tip into the ground, he gripped the blade with both hands and knelt in front of the weapon. Closing his eyes, he jogged his memory for the required task.

"What are you doing, Chronos?" Adramalech asked.

"Making a memory," he answered softly. "Turning guilt into something not to be ashamed of or to shackle but something to wear proudly. Bear your guilt with pride, Adramalech, for it speaks well of your character that even after thousands of years, you still shed a tear for the loss of your daughter whereas I would have forgiven myself the next second and forgotten her in the one after that." He let out the breath he had been holding. "Time Lock..."

He instantly felt a vast majority of his strength bleed out of him. Even without looking, he could tell the ritual had begun. Large, translucent, golden cogs appeared around him, orbiting him in an orderly fashion as they slowly led towards a gargantuan clock face that encompassed the entire clearing. Gold light sprang from the floating devices, a soft tick-tick-tick of a clock ringing in his ears as the clock's hand tracked the progression of time.

Amongst it all, he heard Aria's voice. The Angel's musical word's formed into a beautiful hymn. Her voice alone made its own melody. The listener's imagination would fill in the magical tones of the gentle harps, the resounding chords of a piano, the long voices of violins and the quiet, haunting notes of saxophones.

"In nigerrimus hora,

Cu umbra devorat terra."

Harm felt something light and feathery touch his cheek, its gentle caress warm like a mother's loving touch. Slowly, he opened his eyes, peering upwards. Hundreds of read feathers were descending from the sky. They swirled around the small clearing, seemingly carried by the words coming from Aria's lips. The golden light from the cogs played on their colours, making them seem so much more alive.

He felt a sharp pain stab at his chest and he felt his strength leaving him greatly. Holding fast, he pushed the ritual forward. The clock face above him began to tick faster... and faster, the cogs spinning slightly quicker.


All the while, Aria continued to sing. A choir joined every word; bass, alto, soprano and tenor, each added to the harmony like an entire angelic host sang the hymn beside her.

"Spes venit in solis figura,

Sol surgere, sol surgere."

The clock face's second hand began making revolutions in the span of a second. The minute hand, ticking away quickly. It reached one revolution and the hour hand moved with a thunderous boom. Harm gripped Timekeeper tightly and grit his fangs together, keeping himself focused.

"Tollere lamina

Atollere scutum."


The second hand was spinning wildly, the minute hand quickly following suit until both were a blinding blur. The hour hand was letting out deafening booms almost every second, the sound shaking the earth. Every cog in the machine was now but a simple, golden circle, spinning blindingly fast.

"Expandit alas

Pervenire in caelum,

Sol surgere, sol surgere."

Harm felt his grip weakening and he gazed upon his paws. A soft grunt escaped him when he saw the tips of his fingers starting to blacken and turn to dust as his Time was drained away in the spell. Snarling, he refused to surrender and pushed forward, pooling his strength into the clock spinning above him until all three hands were but a blur on the face. All that seemed to be seen above him was just a blank clock face.

_ "Licet opacare veniat_

Aurora est certa sequi."

He closed his eyes, the pain in his body growing to unbearable levels. When he heard the first crack, a wash of relief pass through him but that was quickly followed by even more agonising pain. A gasp ripped through his lungs and he began panting.

"Ad fidem soles."

Then, there was a sudden wash of warmth spreading through him. He felt a familiar touch reaching through a burning world to seize his shoulder and seep the power of fire into his body. Strength once more coursed through his veins and he felt Adramalech hold him up. Slowly, he opened his eyes and watched the cogs crack and spin wildly out of control. The clock's components shattered; every cog and gear exploding in a shower of golden dust. The second hand of the clock was launched off its pivot, vanishing in a flurry of dust. The minute spun away and pass through the forest while the hour hand suddenly froze at the '12'.

It dropped away a second later... leaving nothing but a blank clock face.

The insignia of the Chronomancers.

"Sol surgere, sol surgere!"

The clock face hung in the air for a moment before it slowly began to fade. Harm watched it go before turning his head back towards those watching. Aria had stopped singing, the hymn over. Yulanda had fallen to her knees, exhausting all the Force energy she dared to spare.


"In nigerrimus hora,

Cu umbra devorat terra,

Spes venit in solis figura,

Sol surgere, sol surgere."

Aria's voice hung in the air, forming the words of the hymn even though her lips did not move. Red, fiery feathers continued to descend from the skies and fill the clearing. The moment they touched the ground, the faded and vanished but more quickly took their place. A heavenly light descended from somewhere above even though the Sun Spire shone far to the north. The song would continue soothe the air forever more.

Adramalech slowly let go of Harm's shoulder, none of those behind him seeing the fiery soul.

"Thanks," Harm murmured.

His friend merely nodded and vanished, returning to his throne and his guilt. Harm smiled, resting his forehead against Timekeeper's hilt and letting out a sigh of relief. Warm paws wrapped around his shoulder and for a second, he thought Adramalech had returned. Though the scent told him it was Roran.

"What... What did you do?" the Tigris asked.

"Time Locked this clearing," Harm answered softly with a mild chuckle. "I didn't do the lighting though," he answered, pointing weakly upwards. "I always sucked when it came to lighting direction."

"But I thought it took twelve Chronomancers to perform a successful Time Lock."

"That's only with people or an moving object permanently. Time Locking a person is more complex than just a single place. Locations are relatively static. People change. Memories, emotions, thoughts... they must have their malleability preserved. If you Time Lock an object with moving parts, you want to make sure that it can still be moved or its parts adjusted. Time Locking a gun is a bad idea if not done properly." He snickered softly, fighting off the temptation to relate a story of a poorly Time Locked gun. "But if you want to preserve a place forever in time..." He nodded at the Phoenix Memorial. "It's not so hard..." A soft chuckle escaped him. "Though the ten feet around me right now isn't Time Locked. Timekeeper kept it unaffected. Thought you might want a place of respect that wasn't touched by Time Magic."

Roran's blue eyes lifted.

The clearing... was simply breathtaking. Red feathers descended majestically from the sky, floating delicately to the sounds of Aria's beautiful voice. The haunting melody brought tears to Roran's eyes. The smile on his face was all the thanks Harm needed. In the glorious sunlight with red feathers dancing around him, Roran looked so at peace.

"What does it mean...?" he asked softly. "The song, that is."

Harm turned his eyes towards the distant Sun Spire.

"The sun will rise."

As if to taunt his very words, mocking the beautiful song that Aria had so sung so exquisitely, their surroundings grew dark and the Sun Spire was blocked out by an ominous, black shape. Harm's breath caught in his throat as he watched five massive ships cross the skyline, their soft roar heard from even their vast distance as the ships hovered over Clockwork.

There was no mistaking the insignia of Incendius erected on the back of the Sunspot.

"... but it can still be eclipsed..."


A brilliant, white flame erupted several feet away from the Phoenix Memorial, just a short distance away from Yulanda and Aria. From the tongue of flickering white emerged the Apex Clericus Solis and several other Custodia Solis and Custodia Deos. Novallier did not look pleased at all. Inquisitor Warton even less so.

"Five ships?" Harm asked, mustering his strength and rising to his feet. He was shaky and feeling weak but he dared not show it to Novallier. "That's not even a hundredth of the Incendian fleet. I expected you to bring the entire sky down after yesterday's fiasco."

"I would have had Lady Valkyrie not stayed my hand," came Novallier's stiff reply. "Warton had me convinced that Incendius was plagued by demons and I would have called down Ultimo Judicio if the noble Aria Valkyrie had not reminded me that Clockwork is but a speck on the map."

A sense of dread slowly began to creep through Harm's veins. The impassive stare Aria was giving him warned of a snare that had trapped him; one arranged by Aria herself. "Good to hear. Still, shouldn't we wait for the rest of the fleet?"

"In the grand scheme of a demonic invasion, the rights of non-humans is a secondary matter," Novallier answered. "I am taking my family and all the other Incendian dignitaries on the Sunspot until the Inquisition can conduct a full inquiry on Clockwork and Incendius."

"That could take months!" Yulanda protested, stepping in front of her father. "Father, Valk and the Justitae Ignibus will not wait that long!"

"I do not expect them to. Valk will come with us whether he likes it or not and he will line up along with the other nobles and plead his case. He is a citizen of my Station and he will obey my laws not demand the creation of his own!"

Harm had the eerie feeling Aria had done more than calm a frightened Novallier. "You're bordering on kidnapping."

"I still have Valk outgunned and I'm sure even he will agree that in these uncertain times, our petty internal squabbles can be set aside as we root out the cause of this demonic incursion." Novallier lifted his chin, a sense of authority radiating from that small gesture. "On that note... Inquisitor?"

Warton stepped forward along with several of his Puria. The Grey Knights surrounded Harm, knocking Roran aside even as the Tigris demanded to know what was going on.

"Lord Harm Chronos," Warton said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice, "under the power vested in me by the most holiest of holy, the Mother Goddess Athena, I hereby place you under arrest. You are to submit to processing. May the Mother Goddess have mercy on your soul."

"This is absurd!" Roran shouted, trying to push past the Puria. "Don't you know Harm was the one that closed the portals! He saved us! You can't suspect him of corruption!"

Warton stormed over to the Tigris, looming over the feline with an imposing stare. The edges of his lips were upturned very slightly. There was no doubt he would enjoy what came next. Harm maintained his poise even as the Inquisitor sent Roran tumbling to the ground with a powerful backhanded blow. Blood stained Roran's orange fur and bloodied his fangs. The strong-willed feline only staggered back one step, however and spun back towards the Inquisitor, paw on the hilt of his blade.

"It is unwise to strike an Inquisitor," Aria said loudly, her eyes still firmly fixed on Harm.

The Chronomancer met her gaze, keeping his gentle smile in place. He could see her trying to unravel his plot; attempting to discern his true intentions even though he apparently stood there, cornered.

Why was he still smiling?

Why was he surrendering when so many avenues of escape were presented to him?

This was just a skirmish, Harm knew. Aria was testing his defences. She was capable of much more than a blunt, brutish arrest by a narrow-minded oaf like Warton.

Back in the confrontation between Warton and Roran, the Tigris continued to grip his sword but did not draw it. The Inquisitor spat, the glob landing dangerously close to Roran's left boot.

"Nothing but a coward. What was I to expect from the wife of a whore?"

The last straw was drawn and Roran began to draw his blade.

"It is not your job to antagonise the innocent, Inquisitor," Novallier snapped sharply. "You would be sure to remember that you are addressing one of Valk's many trusted followers. Do not make me regret granting you concession to arrest the Propheticus Primoris' brother."

Warton's lips peeled back in a scowl. "Rank means nothing in the eyes of the Inquisition."

"Are those the Inquisition's eyes or the Goddesses'?" Harm retorted.


The pain was fleeting, sharp but fleeting and definitely worth it. A bitter smile crossed his features as he regarded Warton defiantly. Even the Inquisitor was unnerved by his golden stare. Slowly, Harm lifted his paws, offering them to the Grey Knights around him.

"Well? Am I to die of old age?"

The Inquisitor gave a sharp nod towards his Puria and two of the Grey Knights slapped a pair of golden manacles on him. Harm instantly felt his reach across time dampen. It was like having a thick sponge wrapped around his body, making every movement lethargic and seem unproductive.

Warton stormed over to him and yanked Timekeeper from his waist, holding it in front of him in triumph.

"Samson Shackles," Harm laughed softly. "Chronomancers used to use these to bind those who would not conform to the Collective." He lifted his gaze to meet the Inquisitor's. "You must have had these for a while, Inquisitor. It usually takes months for the Church to allow the use of these."

"I ordered them over eleven months ago."

"Eleven? I've only been here for five."

The Puria seized his shoulders and pushed him towards the flickering white flame. Yulanda and Roran could only stand and watch as he was marched away from them. As they passed Aria, however, Harm forced a halt and just gave her a quick stare... and a sly wink. The sharp intake of breath from her was all he needed and he willingly entered the flame...

... to face the Inquisition's wrath.


The Inquisition had very few true bases on any given Station. Chapters were placed in secluded areas and heavily guarded for it was within the Inquisition that the most dangerous of artefacts were kept whether it be from the Purge of Time, a demonic invasion or just the creation of some mad sorcerer. Inquisition Grey Houses were kept in public locations for citizens to report suspicious activity but the true location of the Inquisition's command was always hidden.

Harm felt a strange degree of pride at being within the Quattuor Acuta Turris Puritatis. Translated, it was known as the 'Four Pointed Spire of Purity'. In truth, it was not a spire but simply large, grey fortress located at the centre of a basin surrounded by four, enormous mountains.

He peered through the barred window of his cell, amazed at the duality of the cell's grim, hopeless façade and the promise of freedom that shone down from the Sun Spire, peeking just between two of the mountains. It didn't pass him that every cell meant to contain a prisoner faced the Sun Spire.

"There is no more dangerous weapon than hope, wouldn't you agree, Inquisitor?" he asked over his shoulder.

Warton growled from where he stood. Behind him were four men dressed in grey robes. Their faces were covered by plain, porcelain masks with no expressions and not even slits for their eyes.

The Clericus Puria.

"How did you get out of your chair?" the Inquisitor asked.

Harm slyly lifted his right paw, showing the golden manacles that he held. "Just because these things supress my Chronomancy, doesn't mean I need Chronomancy to escape them. You might want to keep that in mind. Chronomancers are more than just Chronomancers."

"I beg to differ." Warton nodded and several of the Clericus stormed in, seizing Harm's wrists and forcing him back into the seat positioned at the centre of the drab, dark cell. Despite his grim surroundings, the cell was still rather well kempt. The floors were polished as were the ceilings and walls. It was plain, not even a cot or a chamber pot. Clearly, these cells were not designed to house residents aiming to stay for long.

Golden restraints were slapped onto Harm's wrists and ankles. Another was wrapped around his neck, binding him to the chair. Warton loomed over him, one good eye narrowed while his artificial one shone its terrible, red glow into his eyes.

"Chronomancers are all heretics. They are evil. That is all they are."

"Then you must be so proud to have caught one," Harm replied, keeping his smile in place.


Warton's heavy, gloved metal hand knocked a few fangs loose. Harm tasted blood and the pain was lasting this time. Though it began to ebb, he did not feel his wounds begin to heal.

"How does it feel to suffer true pain without hope of reprieve, Chronomancer?" the Inquisitor snarled. "Your kind makes me sick. You believe yourselves immortal. Your bodies may not suffer any permanent harm but your souls wither and turn black with every second you live in your unnatural state." Holding out his palms, the Inquisitor received a large, golden disc with a soft, blue crystal embedded into its centre. He held the device in front of Harm. "Do you know what this is, Chronomancer?"

"That would be an Eye of Avalon," Harm answered in a dismissive tone. "Commonly known as a Chrono Dampener. It forces everything within its field of effect to adhere to the flow of time defined within its programming. Basically, it negates any and all Chronomancy as long as it is outside a Chronomancer's body."

"Exactly." Warton reached forward and squeezed hard on Harm's paws. Bones began to reach breaking point but Harm did not cry out and merely met the Inquisitor's stare impassively. "And the Samson Shackles binding you now negate your regenerative abilities. You can die Chronomancer. I can kill you right here and now and none will ask why. Not even your own brother."

Harm could only chuckle, bringing a twinge of surprise into the Inquisitor's expression. "Indeed. Now the question is..." He widened his smile into a malicious grin. "Would you be doing me a favour by killing me?"

Warton's nostrils flared.

"Awww, did I ruin it for you?" Harm taunted, flashing his bloodied fangs. It hurt to smile but pain was something he was accustomed to. "You know why all the Chronomancers on Temporal are impaled on Spears of Longinus, right? You know that none of them are truly dead; just lingering on the edge of life and death, unable to do anything but suffer for eternity." He leaned as far forward as he could, coming nose to nose with Warton. "So tell me, Inquisitor, if you kill me, won't that spare me a fate worse than death?"

The Inquisitor's eyes flashed in annoyance but the scowl was far from gone. "You're absolutely right. Death is a quick end for someone who has caused havoc and mayhem across the all of Tower Thirteen." His hand snapped out, seizing Harm's chin and lifting it so that they were eye-to-eye. "I will make every moment in your pitiful, blasphemous, eternal existence a living nightmare. I will make you confess each and every one of your crimes a thousand times over and even then, I won't grant you the mercy of death. I will impale you on a Spear of Longinus and parade your limp corpse all over Tower Thirteen before finally leaving you to rot on Temporal with the rest of your heathen brethren!"

"Kind of a win-win situation for me, isn't it?" Harm retorted with a devious smirk. "Either I die and am freed from narrow minded, sociopathic morons like you or I get to stand beside my brothers and sisters, proud in our Chronomancer heritage until the day when one of the sympathetic men and women your kind oppresses decides to free us. What will you do come a second Purge of Time, Warton? Where will the Chronomancer who saves you be?"

He lunged forward, making the chair groan softly as it jumped from its hinges. Warton, the fear finally showing in his eyes, leapt back, hand halfway to the gun-scythe attached to his back. "Just why are you so obsessed with imprisoning me, Warton? What have I ever done to you that warrants constant doubt and opposition when I have done nothing but further the good of Tower Thirteen?" (Harm is pretty strong! It may be the lack of sleep though but I wasn't entirely sure if it was Harm doing the lunging at first._

The Inquisitor stormed forward, nose to nose with Harm once more. "You exist."

Harm could raw easy parallels to Warton and Valk. Both were powerful men and both saw something that appalled them and both sought to correct it. It was not a matter of eliminating the threat or hiding it from the public eye, it was a matter of convincing the 'corrupt' for sins that were either committed by others and branded to others of their 'kind' by default or that were not sins at all. Choice was taken from the equation.

He found himself sickened by Warton.

"Are you sure you aren't taking your personal reservations into this problem, Inquisitor?" he asked darkly. "The Inquisition are still mortals after all."

"We cannot be corrupted," Warton snarled.

"By demons. But a blackened heart is black still without the influence of a demonic force." Harm lost his smile, the room seemingly darkening with his black stare. "Be wary of where your heart will lead you, Inquisitor. Many give the advice to follow your heart but the heart has no eyes, it has no ears, taste or smell. All it can do is feel." His smile returned, dark and without humour. "What do you feel, Inquisitor? Where does your heart lead you? What is it that you sense... right here...?"

Harm's claw tapped Warton's power armour breastplate. It took a moment for everyone in the cell to realise that, once again, the Chronomancer was free of the Samson Shackles. Warton instantly leapt back, lifting his gun scythe and levelling it at Harm. The Clericus Puria scrambled to restrain the Wulfun once more. Whether it was Harm's unnerving smile or the fact that he just sat there, accepting his 'imprisonment', the instant he was restrained again, everyone took a step back away from him.

"We begin," Warton said his voice shaking a little. He held out his hand and one of the Clericus warily placed a strange, orb-like device made of a ruby metal in it. The instant the Inquisitor drew close, the orb sprang to life, spitting out a multitude of tiny, red spiders. "I find Incendian torture methods rather... creative, don't you? These little ones crawl beneath your skin and find the most sensitive nerves in your body. They will then proceed to jab their tiny little mandibles into them, causing you intense pain. Then, when you are about to sleep, they will torment you by crawling all over your body, providing that terrible, itching discomfort that will never go away. Men have died after they have ripped their own flesh from their bones."

"Good thing I can't sleep then."

"We shall see."

The Inquisitor placed the spiders on Harm's arm. As described, the little insects bit into Harm's flesh, peeling it apart and immediately digging under his skin. The pain was agonising. A thousand pinpricks of fire crawled up his arm from each of the tiny legs of the spiders. The sensation spread from his arm across his shoulder and over his chest where it spread wildly all over his body. He could feel one of them crawling up his neck, over his jaw and finally land just above his eyelids. It was jabbing at the nerves dangerously close to his eyes.

But through it all, he didn't make a sound.

Warton did not seem at all pleased. "Next!" he demanded.

Savage hooks were provided to him, each one connected to a chain held by one of the Clericus. Warton wasted no time and jabbed the hooks into Harm's body, one on each shoulder and the other two on his legs, biting into the hard muscle. The Clericus immediately began to pull. They slackened after a second, took to steps to their left and then pulled again. Over and over, they pulled in a tight circular pattern.

Harm shook his head, bringing pain from the spiders that were biting into his spine. "Honestly Warton, you simply must try harder."

"Very well!" Warton snarled, snapping his fingers. The Clericus released their hooks, yanking them painfully from Harm's body.


Stars flashed in front of Harm's eyes. The surprise of the blow made him gasp. He imagined Warton would succumb to more elaborate torture schemes before resorting to basic violence.


Wham! Wham!

Harm grunted. His left eye filled with blood, turning his world a strange pinkish colour.



Warton lashed out, his heavy, metal boot slamming hard in between Harm's legs. An anguished cry ripped from Harm's throat, bringing a satisfied smirk to the Inquisitor.

"Admit your involvement with the Demon Lord Agares!"


Another blow to Harm's manhood. The Chronomancer let out a cry, throwing his head back. He turned the cry into a growl, baring his fangs but keeping his eyes closed. The tiny spiders took that moment to crawl into the back of his eyes, jabbing at the nerves there. The next time he opened his eyes, his vision was blotted out by large, eight-legged beasts.

"Admit it!" Warton screamed. "You are his pawn! You always have been! You have been secretly working to undermine Incendius' security all for the glory of that wretched Demon Lord!"



"You are but a mere pawn to this Dawn's Champion! You do his bidding and he bid you to act the ever-benevolent brother to the Propheticus Primoris while secretly using the Burning Rebellion as a cover to admit entrance to Agares into this Station!"


"Argh... Ah!"

"This was your plan!" Warton roared. "Gather everyone to Clockwork, far from the full power of the Church and the Custodia Solis. Have the head of the Incendian governing powers here so that you could slay them all with that failed attack! Confess!"

Warton lifted his leg and -


"Yes!" Harm cried.

The Inquisitor grinned grimly. "You bend quicker than -"

"Oh yes!" Harm shouted, turning his bleeding eyes towards Warton with a maddened grin. "Harder, you sick bastard! Kick me harder!"

Warton staggered back. "What...?"

"I've lived a millennium and no one has touched me down there with such passion as you have now! Come on, you sick son of a bitch! Kick me again! I've never been more aroused!"


Harm just gave his sick grin.

The Inquisitor snarled and lifted his gloved hand to deliver a decisive blow... but lowered it almost immediately in disgust. "We are done here!"

"What? Come on! I've already got a partial! You can't leave me hanging!"

Warton stormed out, slamming the door shut behind him. The Clericus Puria left behind exchanged glances before hurrying after the Inquisitor. Only one of them cast a look back and the chill that ran down his spine from Harm's grin was enough to give the Chronomancer some degree of satisfaction.

When the door shut, Harm collapsed and allowed himself a faint wince as the spiders continued to torment him.


The door sprang open and Warton came marching back in. In his hands was what looked like a metal harness for the head only it was burning red and two drills hung from tiny metal arms from the front. He stormed over to Harm, lifting it above the Wulfun's head.

"Do you know what this is, Chronos?" Not waiting for a reply, Warton said, "This is known as the 'Enlightener'. These metal harnesses with burn themselves into your skull and these drills..." He flicked it, his metal gauntlets unaffected by the heat given off by the metal. "... They are designed to drill straight into your eyes. You will see the Sun Goddess' grace and justice. Quite literally."

Harm could only offer a grin in return. "Bring it on."

Scowling, Warton lowered the Enlightener, bringing it inch by inch closer to Harm's head. The heat from the device singed Harm's fur. The tips of his ears twitched away from it reflexively but soon, there was nowhere to run from the unholy device. Harm just maintained his poise, keeping his gaze fixed firmly at Warton. Even the Inquisitor seemed to shake as his hands brought the Enlightener closer...

... and closer...

... and closer.

A resounding gonging sound ran through the cell. Harm broke the locked gaze and peered away, wondering at the noise. Another gong rang through the air and his heart leapt to his throat, fear showing in his expression for the first time during the session.

A third quickly followed.

Not good.

"Demons," Warton murmured. "I must get back to His Holiness." His eyes stared at Harm, a foul scowl appearing on his face. "This was your plan, wasn't it? You hoped to distract me so your comrades could sneak past my defences while I was here tormenting you! You're but a scape goat!"

Harm smirked. "Baaaa..."


His gaze blurred, filled with stars and spiders, Harm could only listen to Warton storming out of the cell and barking orders at the Clericus Puria around him. There was talk of a demonic incursion somewhere at Clockwork.

The Sunspot... Something about the Sunspot.

"Yulanda..." Harm whispered softly. "Roran..." He allowed himself to close his eyes, weariness seeping into his body. As much as he desired to escape, the strength left him and with so many anti-Chronomancy devices littered about, he was fast running out of options.

Grunting softly, he lifted his head as far as it would go and focused his mind as much as he could.

"I promised I would lend my aid when my world was threatened."

A weak smile crossed his features. Even through the blood and the silhouette of the spider in his eyes, Harm could see the Burning Throne in front of him. Adramalech sat in front of him, the both of them bound to their chairs. "Not yet, Adra. I can still get out of this."

"You are still as stubborn as ever. The world crumbles around you and yet still you insist on walking your path alone. Is the path of Time always so lonely?"

"One second for one man is not the same for another."

"Perhaps not but mayhap the seconds that do intersect are worth preserving lest we live our lives chained by guilt and regret."

A small smile touched Harm's lips at those words. Some part of him wanted to boast at his friend's change of heart but he thought better at it and kept his peace, holding his head down.

A white flame erupted from around Adramalech, weaving through the air in twisting patterns before it seeped into Harm's wounds. The flames flooded into the Wulfun's veins, burning away the irritating spiders and closing the injuries they had inflicted. The warmth that spread from them bled into every muscle in his body, offering strength where there was none.


Adramalech chuckled softly. "Your friend is here."

Harm opened his eyes, never having noticed that he had closed them. The doors to his cell sprang open, all signs of the Burning Throne long gone. A figure dressed in black leather and wielding a fiery, white whip emerged from the doorway. Her soft brown eyes widened and she immediately rushed to his side, cupping his cheeks lightly, brushing away the blood caked into his fur. The Sun Spire had set and it was dark but Harm could still make out Yulanda's features.

"Yullie..." he croaked, surprised at just how hoarse his voice sounded. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving you," she answered, reaching into her belt and pulling out a flask of water. He refused with a shake of his head. "You must drink."

"Chronomancer, remember? Drinking will cause more pain than if you just let me out of these things."

She nodded, smiling tightly. "Right. Of course." She fished into her belt and retrieved a set of keys which fit perfectly into the Samson Shackles. "Lady Aria snuck me away from the Sunspot. As my father was boarding the ship, she conjured an illusionary image of myself and had the Inquisition escort it on board. She had a horse and a light guard waiting me for me and brought me straight here." She peered around briefly. "I never knew this place existed."

"Most people don't," Harm answered, his arms freed at last. He worked on his head restraints as Yulanda freed his ankles. "I'm actually a little surprised Aria knew. Well... Not surprised as such just that she knew about it and I didn't know she knew. Clever minx."

"There's more," Yulanda said after freeing him completely. "Demons have arisen once more. We don't know where they came from. I don't know the status of the Sunspot or my father."

Harm stood up and strode over to where the Eye of Avalon sat beside him. He lifted his foot and shattered the device. The flow of Time filled him like fresh water had been funnelled down his throat. "We'll find out once we get up there. We need to clear out the demons at Clockwork first."

"That's still a three days away by horse," Yulanda said. "It nearly killed my horse to get here and I doubt he can carry us back!"

"Three days?" Harm asked, eyebrows raised. "I've been out that long? How time flies." An idea came to mind. "I have a way to get us to Clockwork quickly."

"Do share."

Harm glanced towards the door. He could see several of the Clericus Puria slumped against the walls, alive but still unconscious.

Smiling, he said, "I need to visit a friend_._"


With the Apex Clericus Solis up in the Sunspot with the majority of the Custodia Solis, the outskirts of Clockwork were left relatively unguarded. Harm and Yulanda found it easy to weave through the woods and through the loose patrols. Even though they proceeded on foot with Harm jumping them forward periodically in time, it still took them the better part of the day to reach their destination. Sadly, the long jumps and his injuries slowed Harm's recovery.

Still, he found renewed strength as he stepped into the familiar, perfectly circular clearing.

"Here?" Yulanda asked. "We're less than a day away from Clockwork. Why must we stop here?"

"Because Warton probably has Timekeeper and I need a new sword." He stepped toward the centre of the clearing, peering at the distance where an ominous plume of smoke had risen once more in Clockwork's direction.

She lowered her gaze and it her lip a moment before regarding him once more. "Did you bury a blade here somewhere?"

He shook his head, laughing softly as he did so. "Nothing so crude. Hold onto your sanity. This... This is going to be wild." His eyes levelled at the exact centre of the clearing. "Isn't that right, Adra...?"

A blast of heat washed over the entire clearing. Yulanda gave a cry of shock as a tremendous ball of flame appeared in front of Harm. The flames burned the grass instantly to a crisp. Trees withered and died in the span of a second. In the next moment, they were blown away by scorching winds. The ground turned black and broke, lava bubbling between the cracks. A lake of pure fire wrapped around the clearing. Tormented, burning souls screamed as they tried to pull themselves away from the liquid fire. High above them, a dying planet eclipsed a once-glorious sun.

The Burning Throne appeared in front of him.

Yulanda instantly fell to her knees. Her eyes desperately tried to find anything recognisable but couldn't even find the distant Clockwork. The skies were red, obscured by black clouds save for the small opening where the sun was blotted by the ominous, black planet.

"Truth, Hope, Love... They are all dangerous weapons when wielded in the proper hands." The cracked mask of the occupant shattered even more. The pieces fell to the ground, burning to ash.

"It's good to see you again, Adra," Harm chuckled. Yulanda's jaw dropped open and she was utterly speechless.

"I curse you for giving me hope, Chronos. However, I thank you for reminding me of what I love... and the truth." He lifted his arm as far as it could, the chains of his own throne binding him down, the spikes digging into his limbs. "Wield truth, hope and love my blessing."

Flames coalesced around Adramalech's hand, the heat becoming as unbearable as the environment itself. The vague shape of a flaming bird appeared against the flames. It spread its wings and from the folds of the fiery feathers, a red blade with a silver edge sprang. The grip and pommel appeared a moment later, a ruby embedded hard into the phoenix design. One of the phoenix's wings formed a serrated edge, just as deadly as it was beautiful.

Harm reached out and gripped the blade. "I promise, one day I'll free you from your chains just as you helped me break loose of mine."

"I look forward to that day, my friend."

The Chronomancer opened his eyes. In his paw was the fiery blade, glorious even in the dim light of the Sun Spire.

Yulanda scrambled up to him, staring at the weapon in awe. She was utterly speechless as her eyes trailed up the silvery edge of the ruby blade. Her eyes darted from him to the clearing, the Burning Throne gone with no trace left save for the red blade.

"Rebirth is nigh_," Harm whispered softly. He flashed Yulanda a grin and seized her around the waist. "_Fly, Firefeather."

The blade instantly sprang to life. Fiery bolts sprang from the edge and struck Harm's back. Twin wings made of pure flame spread wide from his spine, wide enough be more than three metres across each. Yulanda let out a joyous cry. That cry turned into a shout of amazement as the wings flapped and they were suddenly airborne.

Harm turned towards the south and on some unspoken command, the wings wrapped around them, encasing them in a cocoon. The fiery bolt shot through the sky like a meteor, zooming through the night like a brilliant red banner.

A banner flying for freedom.

And headed for Clockwork.


The entire city of Clockwork was afire.

Roran shouted until his voice was hoarse. Around him were the members of the Justitae Ignibus and those few members of the Estuans Oculus that remained uncorrupted. He lifted his enchanted blade, lifting it to block the dark claws of a nearby demon. A feral growl ripped from his throat and he kicked the beast back. In one smooth motion, he drew his bow, nocked an arrow and struck the monster right between the eyes.

"Stand firm!" he bellowed, lifting his blade. "We must not let them have the clock tower!"

He wasn't sure why he wanted to defend the clock tower but the instant the demons had sprang from the sewers and men and women he thought he could trust turned into monsters, he had scrambled towards the unmoving clock. There was no denying that the Time Locked tower reminded him of Harm and there was a part of him that wanted it preserved above all else. No doubt wormed its way into his heart that Harm would survive the Inquisition but he wondered if he would ever see the Chronomancer again.


He thought he heard the Wulfun's voice and when he turned, a white Wulfun was rushing towards him. For a moment, he smiled and realised he had been crying. Fighting to keep himself presentable, he wiped the tears away, thus wiping away the illusion. The Wulfun was tall, taller than he was and much bulkier than Harm. Typical of his race, the Wulfun was powerfully built, even more so than Roran and simply brimming with muscles. Strangely, his voice had that light, playful tenor so similar to Harm's.

"We are overrun!" the Wulfun shouted. "There are simply too many!"

Glancing over his shoulder, he regarded the gates of the clock tower that had been shut very tightly. Women and children had been routed into the tower to hide. Soldiers and the able bodied stood to defend them but they were already pressed against the iron walls with little the move. He turned to see the sea of blackened flesh, pulsating, red veins and unholy red eyes. They covered all the streets, crawled over the buildings and swarmed over the defenders.

Strangely, he felt content.

"Then we die defending those we love," he answered. "Whatever it takes for them to be free."

The Wulfun nodded and turned, hefting a mighty axe in his paws. "For Incendius!"

"For us all," Roran whispered, drawing another arrow.

He let fly, watching his enchanted projectiles rip through a demon only for two to take its place. Other archers sent their arrows into the midst of the beasts, aiming for those well beyond the wall of shields and bodies that kept the demons at bay. A satisfying explosion heralded the death of another demon but these were not the weaklings that would succumb to minor injuries. They only treated their comrade's death with minor annoyance.

Grunting, he drew arrow after arrow. He shot at those demons crawling over the buildings. The exploding bodies took large chunks out of the structures, bringing an idea into his mind. Aiming for those demons, he fired multiple times, taking out several demons. The home crumbled and rubble rained down on the demons below. Those above were thrown to the ground, buried by the debris.

"Aim for the buildings!" he bellowed. "Bring those homes down!"

If they could narrow create a bottleneck for the demons to enter...

A thunderous boom shook the battlefield but not from the demons.

Roran spun around, his eyes wide in horror. The doors to the clock tower burst open. Freshly made demons poured out, salivating, claws outstretched and eyes mad with anger. Standing amongst them was a human figure dressed in corrupted armour, a black mask covering the upper half of his face. Each demon wore fragments of clothing, bloodied and torn.

"No!" he roared.

That was a mistake.

His troops turned and saw the very people they sought to protect turn upon them.

Hope... was quickly lost.

But not to Roran. Anger burned inside of him and he let loose an arrow, aiming for the masked man. The man showed no remorse as he seized a demon - one that looked like it had once been a little boy - and held it up as a shield. The demon exploded in his hands and he only smiled darkly.


Roran was charging, blade drawn. He lost count of how many demons he cut through before -


His sword slammed hard against a towering, corrupted claymore.

"Am I truly the monster?" the man asked, his voice a deep, gravelly boom. "Who is the one who trapped the weak and helpless in a cage with hope that could never be fulfilled?" The man's strength was unholy and he pushed Roran back with just a light flick of his blade. "You, like your leader Valk, promise freedom and spend your time arguing and languishing in your luxuries! Now is a time for action not political debates!"

That claymore came crashing down and Roran lifted his blade to block. Their swords slammed into one another but the man's strength was far superior. Even with its enchantments, Roran's blade was thrown to the ground and the Tigris' arms were left ringing from the impact. He made to snatch it back up but the man's claymore was suddenly pointed at his nose.

"You offer the people hope when it is all but a promise. One that cannot be fulfilled by weaklings too concerned about where they will step instead of where they will go!" The man lifted his blade. "True change can only be brought by war. Embrace the dawn!"

Roran's heart pounded in his chest but as the second passed and that blade came soaring down towards him, time seemed to slow and a sense of perfect clarity wrapped around him like a warm blanket. Contentment flooded his veins. Live or die, he embraced whatever end would come to him. Aria's song played softly in the back of his mind and he saw the Phoenix Memorial. Standing in front of it stood Colleen, a proud smile on her face. Gentle light cascaded from the heavens above her, red feathers descending all around her.

Another boom shook his world of dreams, bringing him back to reality. The man's corrupted claymore halted a few inches away from his muzzle, the dark knight's eyes turned towards the battlefield, jaw slack with shock. Roran wasted one second confirming he was still alive but used the next to snatch his blade from the ground and made a wild stab.

His steel bit deep into the man's armour, piercing flesh and the man gave a shout of surprise before stepping back. Roran gripping his blade tightly, holding onto it with shaking fingers as he staggered to his feet.

"Not possible!" the knight shouted. "He should be incarcerated by the Inquisition! He should not be able to use Fire Magic!"

There was another boom and this time followed by a tremendous explosion of heat. Roran was no longer able to resist and turned, exposing his back to the knight.

Still... it was worth it.

Scores of demons lay burned to a crisp at the feet of a proud warrior wielding a fiery blade. The glorious flames from a pair of red, feathered wings cast dancing firelight onto the Wulfun's snow-white fur. Golden eyes filled with confidence and power shone through the choking mist of ashes. The twin tails of his white scarf billowed in the wind.

Harm Chronos made a swiping motion with his right paw. The feathers on his wings sprang forth, a venerable swarm of blade-like red projectiles. Demons who dared to hurl themselves at him were peppered with the feathers. They fell screaming even as their comrades climbed over their bodies, closing in around the Chronomancer. Harm lifted his right paw into the air for all to see...

... and then snapped his fingers.


A series of violent explosions erupted from the midst of the demons. Every feather burst into a cloud of flame and ash, turning the host demon into dust and turning those around it into shreds.

Roran could only watch in amazement as Harm tucked his blade under his arm and shouted, "Rise forth, Firefeather!" The Chronomancer unleashed a rising slash. Plumes of fire and magma erupted from the ground, tearing through the cobblestone and sewers, clearing the avenue to the clock tower in one, fell sweep.

As crimson droplets of molten earth descended from the skies, Roran felt the smile on his face broaden... then fall. A titanic demon sprang up from behind Harm and before he could shout a warning, the demon's enormous claws had closed in around the Chronomancer.

A trail of white fire suddenly sprang out from nowhere, curling around the demon's neck and coiling around it. The demon's claws barely even raked Harm before it was hurled to the ground and its entire body set alight but brilliant, holy flame.

Yulanda stood behind the creature, smiling triumphantly.

"She made it," Roran sighed.

His sigh suddenly turned into a gasp of pain... and then a deep gurgle. One look at the black blade erupting from his chest and he felt fear seize his entire being.

"Your hero will not save you now!" the knight snarled, tearing the blade from Roran's stomach.

Blood seeped out of the wound in gallons and Roran felt his knees go weak. He toppled to the ground, falling on his hands and knees. Life and strength bled out of him. Vision quickly blurring, he could see the dark knight striding through the demons towards Harm as the Chronomancer and Yulanda fought back the seemingly endless hordes of demons.

Even as his body began to fail him, Roran managed to grip his sword tightly and lift it above his head.

"I... I don't need a hero!" he shouted and hurled his blade boldly at the knight.

The man spun -


And went rigid. Roran's enchanted blade buried deep between the man's eyes, breaking through the black mask. The two pieces of the mask crumbled to the ground, revealing the features of a man Roran never thought he would see.


The corrupted Custodia Solis pulled the blade from his face and threw it aside. Anger flashed across the man's demonic, red eyes. Even with the blood seeping out from the enormous wound on his forehead, the knight stormed towards Roran.

Desperation clung to Roran's heart and he quickly seized his bow, nocking an arrow in the span of one frightened breath. The air sung with the voice of his enchanted arrows. The razor-edged projectiles bit into Gardon's flesh, cutting through armour with ease but the knight only charged forward even faster. Roran took a step back, firing another arrow.

Gardon swung his claymore, sending the arrow into another demon's face.

Another step back and another arrow.

Another miss.

Roran cursed as his aim went wide. He tried to focus but his vision was blurring badly and every step he took consumed precious strength needed to draw his next arrow. For a second his eyes went towards the distance.

Harm lifted his blade into the air, a red beacon in the sea of black. "Firefeather! Open heaven's gates and send forth your blades of justice to purge the world of evil with cleansing fire!"

The air was abuzz with activity. A thousand fiery blades descended from the skies like a shower of bright red meteors. Demons were impaled with ease. Even as their bodies exploded in terrible acidic bursts, the burning blades stood unaffected. Harm caught one such sword as it fell from the sky, gripping the sword in his right paw. The Chronomancer spun, bringing both his blades crashing down against the demon that had sought to sneak up behind him.

Such that sight somehow filled Roran with power and he took a mighty step back, letting loose two arrows.


He was slammed hard against one of the clock tower's pillars. Gardon hovered above him, their noses pressed against one another as the foul corrupted snarled at him.

"You cannot believe how long I have waited to slay you personally."

Roran's eyes hardened. "What...? How do you even know me?"

The man threw his head back, letting out a dark laugh. "Oh of course... You must not know." He grinned wickedly, meeting Roran's gaze with those unholy, red eyes. "Lusia screamed for you as her life blood seeped between my fingers. You and Valk. She cried for you to save her but you never came."


He tried to push Gardon away but the knight kept him pinned. "You non-humans are all the same. Grovelling, smelly beggars who leech off the achievements of all humans. We humans are what brought you salvation from evil! Humans brought the light of the Mother Goddess back into the world! Even this Burning Rebellion would not be were it not for the existence of your kind!"

The black blade pressed against his neck, close to breaking the skin.

"We are your saviours! Your masters!" Gardon roared. "The world will see that humans are superior to all mortals! We are the Goddess's chosen and we will command all life even demons!"

Roran grit his fangs, the last ounces of his strength leaving bleeding from his chest. In the Phoenix Memorial of his mind, he could see Lusia standing beside Colleen. Both of them were smiling at him but it was not a welcoming smile. Encouragement shone from their eyes and their smiles emboldened his heart. He tried to fight back... but the more he tried, the stronger the world of fantasy became.

"I want to fight..." he whispered softly. "... but I don't have the strength..." Shaking his head, he asked, "Why...? Why should I fight? Why are you encouraging me? Neither of you love me..."

Lusia just smiled her face bright with friendship and trust.

Colleen's eyes said it all.

There was love there... There was no denying it.

Roran recalled the last moments he held his wife in his arms. She was smiling just as she was now.

His heart felt stronger... even as his body weakened.

"I... I don't..."

A paw gripped his shoulder. A fiery blade was placed in his paws, gripped by another's paw, pure white. A pair of golden eyes shone beside his and Harm's cheeks - no matter how imaginary - pressed against his as they held the blade together.

"Remember when you asked me why I was doing what I was doing?"

Roran could only numbly nod.

"You still haven't gotten your answer."

A burst of strength leapt from his body and he thrust the blade forward. The sword struck something and it twitched. His imaginary world vanished and shattered. Gardon's horrified countenance took the place of beauty and peace. The dark knight coughed, black blood dripping between his lips and his red eyes slowly drifted towards Roran's enchanted blade which lay buried deep in his chest, straight at the heart.

The moment of shock was enough for Roran to deliver a ferocious kick into the man's chest, sending Gardon toppling back. Even with his demonic strength, Gardon's life was slipping away and the remnants of his life weakened his movements. The man tried to stand...

... Roran's blade returned to the Tigris' paw and he drove it back into Gardon's legs, sending the man to the ground.

"That's for Lusia!" Roran shouted. A cry ripped from Gardon's throat as Roran pulled the blade free and sent it straight back into Gardon's shoulder, forcing the man to drop his claymore. "That's for Colleen!" Another stab, this time into the gut. "That's for me!" He pulled the sword one more time. "And this... this...!"

He plunged the sword, burying it straight down the knight's throat.

"... that's for Tower Thirteen."

His weakened state suddenly came crashing back on him and he fell back onto his rear. Whether the fighting had dulled down or his ears had lost the ability to hear, he wasn't sure. The world seemed to have gone silent and lost all colour. He could only see the blood that seeped between his fingers and dribbled down his chest.

The end was near and he could see the Phoenix Memorial again.

A strange gurgling met his ears and when he next turned towards Gardon, he saw the knight's flesh bubble and blacken. It was the signs of a demon getting ready to explode. He had neither the strength nor the will to pull away.

Roran lay back...

... and accepted his fate.


The world was a sea of red and a warm, comforting embrace held him tightly.

Roran's eyes fluttered open again and as he lifted his head, Harm met his gaze and offered a small, relieved smile. The Chronomancer unfurled his crimson wings, brushing off the splatters of acid from Gardon's body. Around him, the battlefield had fallen silent. The bodies of thousands of demons littered the streets, their blood eating away at the stone and wood. Yulanda brushed blood from her brow and staggered up to them, Sun Dancer still bright.

"You saved me..." Roran whispered softly. "Thank you..." The Tigris' head went limp.

Harm quickly propped it back up; their gazes met. "Hey, stay with me. Do I have to kiss you to keep you awake?"

Roran laughed softly, grunting in pain as the motion reminded him of the wound in his chest. "I would die content."

"Well, I'm a stubborn bastard who hates change. You're not going anywhere." He lifted Firefeather, pressing the blade against his forehead. "Cauterize their wounds, Firefeather."

A delicate, white flame seeped from the blade's crimson edge. Like tiny, white serpents, the trails of flame gently caressed Roran's wounds, closing the injuries with healing magic. The Tigris let out a soft hiss and Yulanda touched her cheek in amazement as the flames soothed her wounds.

"How are you using Pyromancy_...?_" Roran asked. "You're a Chronomancer..."

"This isn't my magic," he answered, lowering Firefeather and regarding the blade with a smile. "It's a friend's."

"Powerful friends you keep..." The Tigris sat up, letting the flames continue to heal him.

"I'll say. You beat Gardon all by yourself."

"No... not by myself."

There was a strange light in the feline's eyes. Harm had seen that light before. It was a glow that could not be produced by a single soul. Bonds strong enough to unite hearts through time and space now held Roran strong and he was sure that even without his help, the Tigris would have found a way to survive.

"Be that as it may, you still deserve this."

Harm leaned forward, pressing his lips against Roran's. There was a moment of shock and hesitance on the Tigris' part but that quickly faded. Eternity seemed to pass as they held their lips together. Harm pressed his paw against Roran's chest, feeling the man's heartbeat run in tandem with his own.

Ever so lightly, he pushed himself away, fingertips still touching Roran's chest ever so lightly.

"Why do you do what you do?" Roran suddenly asked.

Confused for a moment, Harm recalled being asked that same question just a week or so ago. He had urged Roran to follow him to find out.

Strangely, he found himself unable to answer.

"I'm fighting for a place in your memory," the Tigris continued. "If a century from now you still remember me then it will be worth it. If after millennia, you can still recall my name, then I will be content."

A smile touched Harm's lips and he rose, offering his paw to the Tigris. "Well, you'll have a lifetime yet to fight for it."

Grinning, Roran took his paw and rose to his feet, the two of them grinning at one another. A cough from Yulanda reminded them they were holding paws for a little longer than usual.

"Roran, did you learn where the demons came from?" she asked.

"The Solis," answered the Tigris grimly. "The majority of them were already corrupted. The presence of the former Custodia Captain confirms that." His eyes darted between Harm and Yulanda. "It's clear that Gardon was converting people long before he 'disappeared'. He was just waiting for this time to strike. That would explain how and why so many portals opened in the city without us knowing."

"No other portal opened," Harm said, lifting his head and sniffing the air. "At least not here on Clockwork. But Gardon was on the other in the Void when I first closed those portals. If he's here now, that means another portal was opened somewhere."

He turned his gaze to the other two. "And I have a horrible feeling I know where."

"The Sunspot," Yulanda whispered, her voice filled with fear. Her hands were shaking. "We must reach my father!"

"But how?" Roran asked. "The city devastated. I doubt there are any ships to take us up there."

There was a deafening roar and all three spun towards the clock tower. A broad, golden starship flew circles around the tower, spinning elegantly with its stout wings tucked tightly against is squat, broad body. As it flew over them, the symbol of a skull and crossbones with golden coins for eyes flashed against its flanks.

"Aureas!" Harm laughed.

As if hearing his name, the side door of the ship sprang open and a youthful young man dressed in a ragtag assortment of power armour, crude leather and cloth stood by the entrance, grinning broadly from ear to ear. The bright, golden feather in his black, broad cap fluttered in the air as the dropship came to hover in front of them.

The Golden Pirate Aureas - at least the latest incarnation - pulled the hat from his head and gave the trio a theatrical bow.

"The Valkyrie's Gold and the entire Golden Fleet is at your service, Lord Time!" Aureas exclaimed, bright, brown eyes shining and teeth flashing.

"You know the Golden Pirate!?" Yulanda exclaimed, taking a step towards the ship.

Roran instantly seized her arm. "Have you lost your mind? This man is a notorious felon!"

"And I'm not meant to exist," Harm answered, striding towards the pirate. They shook hands, the grip firm and friendly as they've done so many times before. "Same deal as always, I presume?"

"The Lady Templar was very generous," Aureas answered. "Four capital ships and a down payment."

"I'm grateful for the help."

"You won't be when you learn the payment came from your personal coffers!" Aureas winked at him slyly. "I may have paid a visit to your vault. If you happen to find a rather large depression in your gold pile, you'll know it went to a good cause."

"I would hope so." Harm gestured at the dropship, the Valkyrie's Gold. The name suggested more than just a mockery of the great House of Angels that presided over much of Haven's security. "Lead on."

Aureas, his naturally jet-black hair long and proud leapt into the dropship. "We best hurry, Lord Time. The Lady Valkyrie's plot was clever and saved many lives but she is far from hot water. I imagine she awaits your intervention; her golden knight." He eyes the red blade in Harm's paws. "Not your usual sword, is it?"

Harm made no reply, simply keeping his gentle smile as he boarded the ship. He nodded towards Yulanda and Roran who were still both in shock at the friendship that seemed to bind a notorious pirate and a highborn lord. The hesitantly jumped onto the ship, taking one of the seats mounted on the sides of the broad, metal cabin as the Valkyrie's Gold sprang back into the skies.

"Tell me the situation," Harm asked, striding towards one of the side windows and peering out at Clockwork. The entire city was in ruins and it would take many hands to repair it. He had no doubt the Phoenix Memorial would no longer stand alone. The loss of life was overwhelming. Guilt threatened to crawl into his heart but as he had told Adramalech, he bore that guilt with pride.

Those people died for a good cause.

"Not a day after the Sunspot left and you were incarcerated by the Inquisition, demons sprang up from Clockwork," Aureas answered. "No portal was opened. From all reports, it was the Custodia Solis that were secretly corrupt."

"Just the ones under Valk's command?" Roran asked.

The pirate shook his head. "Sadly no, Master Stripes. The majority of the Solis turned. Sunspot and her escort were instantly overrun." A cocky grin crossed his features. "As it so happens, Lady Valkyrie had planned just for this eventuality it seems. She smuggled many of my men onto the Sunspot and as the fire began to fly, we aided the incorrupt and evacuated the Apex Clericus Solis' son, Tynvandar onto our ship, the Sanctimonious Reprieve."

Harm had to laugh at that and Aureas returned a knowing grin.

The Sanctimonious Reprieve had been Lumire's flagship many years ago until Aria had traded it for Aureas' help during a particularly nasty battle in the Void. The ship was well known for being built for comfort and enchanted to house the nobles of each Station at once. Rooms would appear with the birth of every noble in the world. They would be populated with that noble's likes and desires, changing whenever they grew and changed. Housing Tynvandar there was both a mockery of what Lumire could no longer do.

However, the moment of mirth passed when the Valkyrie's Gold broke the atmosphere of Incendius and flew into the roiling Void. Joined by Roran and Yulanda, Harm peered through the windows at the five corrupt ships hovering in the thick, nebulous storm while about a dozen ships marked with Aureas' symbol surrounded them.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Roran asked. "They have them outnumbered! And isn't that the Titanitus?" He pointed at one of the bigger ships in Aureas' fleet. The experimental battleship, Titanitus, had been gifted to Aureas when he saved Lumire's hide not too long ago. "They have the firepower to obliterate the meagre escort!"

"It's because my father is still on board..." Yulanda whispered grimly. "Isn't that right, Lord Aureas?"

The pirate looked rather pleased at the title. "'Lord Aureas?' I like that. Perhaps the next time I save your hide, I should demand a lordship, eh Lord Time?"

"I'd start with a knighthood," Harm replied, his gentle smile unmoving. "Though is she right? Is Novallier still on the Sunspot?"

"We could not evacuate him on time," answered the pirate. "As we began, the Inquisition charged in and attacked us, thinking we were opportunistic marauders. We barely escaped."

"You are opportunistic marauders."

Aureas waved the comment aside. "Be that as it may, we were separated from Novallier despite him claiming he was being saved. The Inquisition took him deeper into the ship, the foolish bastards." Shaking his head, he gave a nod towards the Sunspot. "We dare not attack lest we become responsible for regicide too. We are pirates not criminals."

"Small distinction there," Harm snickered. "So what is our plan?"

"The play is that you and your team infiltrate the Sunspot, rescue Novallier and put an end to this madness."

"Why us?" Roran asked. "Why should we of all people do this when you and your pirates can do exactly the same thing?"

Aureas smiled at him, patting his shoulder. "The Valkyrie's Gold is a unique ship, Master Stripes. It is one of the few ships in the Havenese Fleet that has the ability to bend light and mask itself completely from sight. Only this ship and this ship alone can sneak onto the Sunspot undetected. And after the losses I have suffered, I am not going to risk any more of my men for this venture.

"Those men had families. They had friends. I took a risk sending them in there and I hoped none would die and many already have." His eyes lifted and met Harm's. "My price is paid. My reward awaits. My deal is done. Count yourselves lucky. I am sending you into the Sunspot to secure my investments."

Harm removed himself from the argument that was sure to ensue. Roran and Yulanda quickly protested Aureas' price on the stability of Incendius. Aureas retorted that he was already doing more than his deal with Aria specified. Harm could not fault the pirate for withdrawing his forces. The man was loyal to his men and valued life above all else. Every loss was a personal blow to him. Behind that cocky grin was the sadness of friends he had lost.

The Sunspot was quickly approaching and Harm braced himself for what was to come.

These past few weeks seemed to culminate to this point.

Here, Yulanda would either prove to her father that she was a strong, free individual with the right to choose her own path and she would cement her conviction deep in her heart.

Roran would find the person that he loved, fight for them and prove to everyone and himself that he was proud of that affection.

The threat of Agares would be made to the world.

The Dawn's Champion would face justice.

And Valk...

Harm spun towards Aureas as the Valkyrie's Gold slipped quietly into the Sunspot's hanger. The once beautifully decorated metal that made the hull of the Sunspot was coursing with terrible, red veins. Pulsating slabs of black flesh grew out of the metal. Red, slitted eyes squirmed against the flesh, trying to find the source of the noise as the invisible dropship landed amongst the other corrupted ships.

"Aureas... Did you manage to save any other nobles on your escape?"

The pirate turned to Harm, the frustration in his eyes fading as he gave Harm a sad shake of his head. "Our objective was to only save Tynvandar and Novallier."

Roran's eyes widened and his muzzle hung open. "Then Valk..."

"We have little time to waste," Harm insisted, slamming his paw against the 'open' button. The dropships' side door sprang open and he leapt onto the corrupted ground. He swung Firefeather in a circle through the air. "Purge them with holy fire, Firefeather."

A wave of fire erupted from where his feet touched the ground. It burned away all the black, corrupted flesh. High-pitched screams seemed to cut through the air as the eyes were scorched and the veins pulsating through the metal were consumed by the flames.

"That's a mighty Valour you have there, Lord Time," Aureas observed. Yulanda and Roran passed him and leapt onto the cleansed ground. "I hope it is enough to save your king."

"This is no Valour," Harm answered, regarding Firefeather. "This is a Creed."

With those puzzling words, he strode through the hanger boldly. Designed to house dignitaries and not much else, the Sunspot did not have a very big area to store ships. He weaved through what few ships there were and came to the one door leading into the ship's proper. His finger hovered over the control panel.

Pausing, he turned towards Yulanda and Roran. Aureas was gone, the Valkyrie's Gold vanished from sight.

"Whatever lies through this door," he began, "know your convictions, understand the cage from which you are confined, find your key and break free."

"I know mine," Yulanda answered, unfurling Sun Dancer.

"As do I," Roran replied. "Do you?"

Harm glanced from face to face and then finally back towards the door. "Now more than ever."

He pressed the button.

And the door slid open with a fierce hiss.