Breaking Through the Labels

Story by (~Dj The Fox~) on SoFurry

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#1 of Chapter One - Changing of Eachother's Views

Eric woke, to the sound of a repetitive beeping in his ear. He lifted his paw and slammed it onto the source of his annoyance. The alarm clock tilted and crashed to the carpet, stopping all at once. Eric moaned and sat up on his bed, he began to stretch and ruffle through his headfur. With a final yawn, Eric scratched his tail and hopped up from the warmth of his covers. He then moved into his small bathroom. Eric grabbed a towel off the rack and pulled back the curtain on his shower. He climbed in and turned on the water. He jumped back and squealed as the icy water hit him like a thousand small needles all poking him at once. After the water regulated he grabbed his shampoo and lathered it all over his body, starting with the fur on his head. He continued his lather. lathering his chest, back, and arms. Eric stopped when he reached his abdomen and slowly ran his soapy paw over his sheath and furred balls. Continuing the lather he moaned as he quickly made a final stroke over his package. Eric then remembered that today was not was Monday! He stopped his tease and quickly turned off the water and reached for the towel. Eric then rummaged through the cabinets until his paw came in contact with the blow dryer. He started up the device and blew his entire body dry as quick as he could. He then picked up a comb and moved over to his body mirror. His expression changed quickly as he looked at his reflection. Before him stood a 5 foot tall red furred fox. The problem was not him, it was his largely puffed-up fur. He combed through his fur and winced each time he hit a tangle. Eric placed the comb on the back of his toilet and headed back into his bedroom. He continued through to his dresser and picked up some boxers, jeans, and a sweater He quickly dressed and picked up his cell phone from his night stand. "7:45! I have to be at school in fifteen minutes." shouted Eric as he ran from the bedroom. He practically jumped down the stairs and went into the kitchen. He grabbed some bread and placed it in the toaster. A minute later he turned to the smell of something burning, it was of course his toast. He groaned and threw the toast into the garbage. He set the alarm at the front of the entrance and closed the door. The sun was very bright and made Eric's fur gleam. He liked the feel and warmth of the sunbeams on his body. Eric began to sprint to make sure he would not be too late, stopping every fifty paces or so to heavily pant. Eric now was starting to wish he played a sport. "Then I would be in shape." he murmured under his breath. He then started up the large driveway, which lead to the big building he was to be confined in for the next several hours. Eric didn't hate school but he was not fond of some of his classmates. The worst was the hockey players, they always poked fun of his size. Eric never really completely understood why they treated him so differently. All he could reason was the fact that the hockey players were wolves and he was a fox, there was nothing more to it. Eric started into the building and entered the elevator to the left. He got his books from his locker and went to his first class, History. He knocked upon the door of his classroom, Mr. Kim answered with a quick "Where were you?!". Eric just lowered his head and continued to his usual seat. Mr. Kim was a very large german sheppard, who stood over six and a half feet tall. Eric opened his books and took notes as Mr. Kim continually spoke. Eric only caught the occasional word after a few minutes of sitting, "1944......the Jewish....Concentration..." Eric then dosed off. He was abruptly woken by a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a blue tinged wolf, who was smiling down at him. "You don't want to miss the break, do yeah?" said the wolf while staring down at Eric. Eric smiled back and replied "Thanks, I guess I just didn't get enough sleep last night.". Eric knew he had seen that wolf before....he thought long and hard, then it hit him. He was a member of the hockey team thats when he started to think "Its probably just a trick, I'm sure of it.". "Well it was nice to meet you anyways, I had to transfer into this class. Apparently chemistry is not for me, everyone has heard of my fiasco in the lab. Well I have to get a bite to eat before P.E., see you later." said the wolf as he headed towards the door. "Yeah.....see you later." replied Eric as he got up from his desk. The rest of the morning went quickly, English and Math. Now was the time Eric truly loved, lunch hour. Eric headed down the hallway to the cafeteria, and approached the line to get something to eat. He opened his wallet to count his money his parents always gave him $50.00, enough for the entire week. His parents worked a lot and he never saw them through the week, they both worked for the same law firm. That's when Eric was shoved aside by some of the hockey jocks. "Move aside queer." replied one of the larger wolves. Eric just sighed and leaned against the wall, making sure to give them room to go by. "Hey Kyle, you can cut in here." stated a smaller wolf who was almost completely brown with just a few spots of white. Eric knew this wolf he and Eric use to be friends until th wolf made the hockey team, his name was Marco. Eric turned without much interest to see this 'Kyle' guy who was going to cut in front of him also. Too his surprise it was the same blue wolf he had been woken up by in History. Eric was amazed when Kyle did not step in front of him, instead he just stood there behind Eric. The larger wolf who's name was Jared just pushed Eric further against the wall. "Come on he may be gay, but he wont bite. You can pass he is harmless". Kyle just shook his head and then said "What's up with you Jared? He didn't do anything to you." Kyle than released the grip that was upon Eric. Jared and the other members just laughed and turned the other way to have their orders taken. "Sorry about them, they can be real idiots when they want to be." said Kyle while staring at the lunch menu. "Its okay, I am used to it, so how long have you gone here?" asked Eric with more interest now. "About two weeks, but if you mean the team I just started playing last week." said Kyle while looking through his wallet. Eric then read the lunch menu "Bean and pork - $4.85 (Comes with a side of mushrooms and sa---" Eric's reading was then interrupted. "How about we go to that pizza place down the street?" asked Kyle. "Anything would beat the meals here." replied Eric with more enthusiasm now. They both headed towards the school's entrance, once outside they began walking to the parking lot. "It looks like it may rain, you don't mind if we drive do you?" questioned Kyle. "Yeah, that would be fine." stated Eric. As Kyle started his car Eric began to feel somewhat awkward, he barely even knew this guy. To put his fur on the stove, he was also a jock and did not know if he could trust him ( its not like Eric ever had the best luck with jocks before ). Before Eric could realise they were at the Italian restaurant just a minutes drive from the high school. "So you never did tell me your name fox." remarked Kyle. "Oh, its Eric...your's is Kyle right?". "Yeah you got it, well we should probably hurry if we wanna' actually eat." Kyle suggested. With that remark they both hopped out and went into the rather fancy restaurant. Kyle and Eric split a large pizza and they each had a coke. Eric pulled his cell from his pocket and notice they had less than ten minutes to be back on school grounds. "We should hurry, the times almost up." said Eric rather calmly. "Okay but first what's your cell number I will add you." asked Kyle. After the numbers were exchanged they finished the last of their pizza and Kyle reached into his pocket and to his surprise nothing was there. Before Kyle had time to announce he left his debit card in his locker Eric spoke "Don't worry you drove us, I can get it" said Eric as he pulled the fifty from his pocket. The two then opened the car doors and shrank into the velvet seats. "Sorry about those guys earlier, they can be stupid a lot of the time. They had no right calling you gay, or any of the stuff they did really" said Kyle sincerely. As Eric heard this he wanted to tell him he was actually was gay, but Eric was worried then that Kyle would not like him. The rest of the trip back was rather quiet, all that could be heard was the faint sound of the radio "next up, a new one from the furry five. Only on Lonewolf 106.5.....". A couple minutes later they were back on school property. They said their 'see yeah laters' and each headed for their class. Eric could not stop thinking of Kyle, he was daydreaming of him all through his computer class. His daydreaming stopped all at once as he felt a vibrating in his pants. "Bzzzzzzz.....bzzzzzzz" Eric was then aware of what it was and he reached into his pocket carefully not to make his bear of a teacher angry (no really...he is a bear...with a short temper). Eric flipped his cell up to reveal the text, he wondered who it could be from. " (1 - 675 - 327 - 742) - Message 1: Heya, what's going on? Wow I really hate French haha... So I was wondering, I have the new Coyote Revenge movie... and my house is always boring. Wanna' come over to watch it, you can meet me in the lobby after school. Or better yet by my car if you want to come over. See you at 3:30 maybe. =3 (~Kyle~)" "Wow, this is awesome, but its only 1:30." thought Eric as he watched the clock over his head. After Eric's afternoon dragged on he heard the bell he had been waiting for and rushed to his locker. He placed his books on the bottom shelf and grabbed his coat and closed the locker. He then proceeded to the parking lot where Kyle was waiting for him. "Hey what's up Eric." asked Kyle in a happy tone. "Not a lot, glad we are finally done the school day, I hate Mondays." replied Eric laughing. They both entered the car and then Kyle questioned Eric "So your parents are not going to be mad are they?". "No they both work until 11:00 so I am sure they will not mind." said Eric. "I heard some of the guys talking about you again. You know saying things like you were gay and what not. Anyways I told them to knock it off, they will not be bothering you anymore" said Kyle. Once again Eric wanted to say something to Kyle about him being gay but instead he replied with "Thanks a lot.". The ride was rather long and they both were continually blinded by the rain. It had just started out of nowhere, and was coming down in heavy and windy sheets. Kyle began to curse moments before he started to swerve. With a loud crash, the next thing they both saw was a large tree branch inches away from the windshield. "Damn." said Kyle continually while hitting his steering wheel. Eric exited first followed by Kyle shortly after. Eric and Kyle both tried their cell phones but with all the weather interception they could not make a call. They were rather far from Kyle's home and this stretch of highway had no houses, it was very secluded and covered in forest. They both talked for a wile and remained outside until the weather took a turn for the worst. As lightning began to crash down closer and closer the two decided it best to go into the back seat of the car. As Eric entered he tripped, landing on one knee. As he fell he accidentally grabbed Kyle, Eric looked up and he saw Kyle was inches from his muzzle. Kyle began to blush and Eric apologized, nothing seemed to break the awkward silence as they got into the car. As they sat in the back seat of Kyle's car they both listened to the beating of the rain against the roof. Kyle finally broke the silence "I don't know how to say this but are you actually...well gay?". "Yes...let me guess you don't want anything to do with me now right?" asked Eric said upset, almost choking on his words. "No, that's not what I meant at all Eric, that's why I stood up for you, even when I was not sure you were gay. I am gay too, its just their was no way I could tell my team-mates." Eric's expression changed, his eyes softened and he leaned in towards Kyle. Kyle not needing any more signs, began to remove his jacket and then his t-shirt. As Kyle lifts the shirt above his head he is helped by Eric. Eric then begins to stroke Kyle's off blue chest fur. Eric removes his own jacket and sweater revealing something that surprises Kyle, his nipple rings. Kyle smiles and begins to lick Eric's furred chest and stopping just before Eric's left nipple. Without hesitation Kyle licks over it and swirls his tongue in a circular motion over the sensitive tip, Eric begins to moan and reaches towards Kyle's jeans. Eric's paw strokes over the growing lump in between Kyle's legs. He feels Kyle's member harden, Eric then unzips the fly and pulls down both Kyle's pants and boxers. This reveals Kyle's hardening member as it slips from his sheath. Eric strokes along the length and uses his other hand to cup Kyle's furred balls. Eric is amazed at the size of Kyle's member, it must be at least nine inches; two more than his own. Kyle then stops his licking and moans deeply, then sighs a great relief. He pulls down Eric's pants and boxers then it meets the cool night air. As they caress each others bodies, their paws stroking over each others member. Kyle's cock is now fully out of his sheath and his knot begins to form. Eric starts to lightly buck into Kyle's paw and releases the remaining member from his sheath. "You know their is something we can do, something that would feel....much better" said Eric panting heavily. * * *

( Wow that took longer than I expected. Well that is chapter one, let me know what you guys all think, be nice this is my first furry story. I have a good idea of what chapter two is going to consist of. Lets just say a lot less talking and a lot more pawing. ^_^ Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment. ~Dj The Fox~ )