That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 8: What They Don't Know About, Won't Hurt Them. (Part 2)
#28 of That Gay Goth Dog
click the songs names for the links to the song o.o much faster then posting the links at the bottom >.<
(click here and start reading)the clocked ticked loudly in my head. i didn't know if it was because i was bored or what, but i just wanted class to end.
"come on, come on, come on," i said to myself.
"FREEDOM!" i yelled and quickly ran out of class. i rushed over to our dorm and glomped hayden right when i opened the door. i kissed his lips making him purr loudly.
"well, hello to you to. whats up pup?" hayden said looking into my eyes smiling.
"gah, i wish i knew, the clocks ticking in the class room was forcing me to throw a rock at it." i closed my eyes and hugged him tightly.
"why didn't you?"
"because i don't feel like paying for a new clock...."
"ok.. don't throw rocks... now come on, we have a place to go." hayden said pulling me up. we jumped into his SUV and he put on Right now (na na na) by Asking Alexandria. we drove down to our bands next gig. when we got their we were just about to go on. i ran up to my kit and started Right now (Na Na na). for the first time ever we opened with that song. we normally would put it as the start right after the brake. but we thought we had it down god enough so we opened with it. as we played the fire shot out everywhere making the crowd go crazy. hayden jumped up and put his arm around my neck and put the mic so i could sing with him. i could tell the screen my drum kit showed us. he smiled and kissed my cheek and jumped. he put up his paws and the band help the last note.
"COME ON LET ME HEAR YOU. OI-OI-OI-OI." hayden said then put down his mic and started clapping getting the crowd to join him in rhythm. "ok now we are going old school on your ass. storm hit it." right when he said that i started For
Whome The Bell Tolls by Metallica. the lights shot up with the fire giving the stage a purple haze as josh played the wired bass part. the crowrd yelled and jumped up and down and sang along.
Make his fight On the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun On they run Through the endless grey
On they fight Are they right Yes, but who's to say?
For a hill men would kill Why? They do not know Stiffened wounds test their pride
Men of five Still alive through the raging glow Gone insane From the pain that they surely know For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look To the sky Just before you die It's the last time he will
Blackened roar Massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal Fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now Are his eyes to this mystery He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn All is gone Except the will to be
Now they see what will be Blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls...
at the end of the song the lights went out and i pulled out my headphone just to hear the cheering. everyone was screaming and clapping.
"ok yall like that?" alex said and the lights turnd blue and the screen went black. the crowrd yelled loudly. "good, good. heres a new one right out of the studio.... its called... that god dam duck." the crowrd started laughing. "ok ok ok ... that one is still being wroked on... how about we have some fun with some manson... this is halloween." he said and pointed to me to start off This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson. after the show, that just was a hour and a half. we walked off stage and highfived each other. me and hayden slipped out back and started our drive home.
"well that was a fun concert... nearly got blown up by the flash pod on top of the ramp above you before For Whome The Bell Tolls, but, it was a fun concert none the less." hayden said smiling.
"that's good." i said laughing. we pulled into the parking lot of the school and started walking. when we rounded a the science wing i saw something laying on the ground. "hayden hold up.." i put my paw to his chest and slowly made my way to the block object. when i got close i saw a white tail with wolf markings and a sirt that said 'Vile 23'. and that's when it hit me. "HAYDEN GET OVER HERE NOW. IT LEON." i quickly kneels down and hayden rushed over. leon had a cut going down his cheek towards his throat, but it was close due to the blood drying. his chest was going up and down slowly. i picked him up and we quickly ran to our dorm. when we got in i sat leon down on the guest bed and took of his shirt. he smelt like he just got out of the game from Saturday.
"god, he hasn't had a shower in 2 days after a game... fuck..." i said shaking my head. his musk was strong but still sorta smelt good. their were cuts around his stomic. and chest as well as some around his legs. "hayden get me a wet shirt or something." hayden ran back and got a dish rag wet and ran back handing it to me. i carefully cleaned leons cuts. his fur was still a little pink but nothing to bad. "hes ganna be staying here. cant wait to see how this ends." i sighed and sat next to hayden on the bed. i leaned into hayden and started thinking about what was happening.
"listen fag, now one wants you alive." a voice said, i felt a knife get put into my mouth and slowly start to cut my cheek. i yelped in pain and whimpered loudly as tears rolled down my cheeks and onto my paws that were taped down."awwe is little fag sad.. does he want something to suck on? i bet that's it." out of nowhere member flew up into my face. it was a horse member. my eyes went wide as he grabbed my head. he forced his member straight down my throat. i yelped and pain only to be cut along my stomic with the knife. "shut up and suck you bitch." i did was i was told whimpering the whole time. he started fucking my throat. i could feel his head slam into my flesh leaving some cuts. i took the knife and carved my chest forcing blood out of the cuts. he picked up the pace and started cutting my thighs. "such a good fag. to bad i cant keep you." he thrusts one last time, but before he cummed i bit as hard as i could forcing my sharp fangs into his member. he screamed in pain and bashed the end of the knife into my head making the hole world go black.
'where am i... fuck... my. ow.' i quickly clenched my stomic and pulled back my paw showing the blood. i whimpered more and started moving away from a car. i quickly ran behind a building. i noticed that i was at the college. i keeped running then started to feel light headed. i got near storms dorm but everything went back to black and i feel to the ground.
i heard a faint beeping nois and i opend my eyes. i looked around the room before i noticed storm and hayden laying in bed. storm was reaching over to turn off the alarm clock. i got scared and noticed he was looking at me. he got up and walked over and gently sat down and put his paw on my side. i didnt know it but i started whimpering lightly, i wanted out. i quickly looked for the nearst way out but i noticed that storm was holding my side lovingly as if i was some one from his family.
"leon? what happend.. are you ok." he asked concernd.
"i.. i..." i couldnt speak at all my throat was to beat up.
"open your mouth." storm took my chin and held it down as he looked into my throat. his eyes went wide. "oh, my god.. leon.. we are taking you to the doctor." he said and rubbed my back. i whimpered but cruled into him and hugged him tightly. tears were flowing down my cheeks into his bare fur. "dont worry it will be ok, nothing will hurt you now." he said hugging me back tightly.
he helped me up and took me to the shower, he put some of his cloths on the counter and closed the door. i stripped and looked over my beaten body. i smiled at my 6pack but the pink for made it look girly. i jumped into the shower and quickly started cleaning my fur. after about 10 minutes i walked out in storms cloths. they smelt good for some odd reason i couldnt really tell why but they had his natural scent on them.
"fell better wuff?" hayden asked. i just nodded."whats worng?"
"hon... he got raped... i can tell because of his thraot." when strom said that hayden quickly got up and hugged me tightly. his strong muscular arms felt so good around my neck. i hugged him back tightly and murred lightly. i sat down and hayden and storm took turns taking showers and got dressed.
"dont worry we will find who did this... even if i have to beat the ever living shit out of some one." storm said growling. i smiled and knew that this was ganna end well.
I HOPE CHU LIKE!!! fav, comment, also feel free to add me on skype!!!
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