Learning to Fly

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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Muses can be fickle things, they leave in the middle of the night with no warning and then demand full attention when they choose to return.

I was looking through my old writing pads and I found this. Dedicated to Jeff Lynn and Tom Petty. Jeff - thanks for the music.

Learning to Fly

I sat in my quarters, and logged into the MUCK. It had been a stressful day for all the crew. The ship still would not start the Ramjet and no one knew what was wrong. 500 light-years from Earth is not a place to get a flat tire.. or a busted Ramjet.

Pressing my hand against the LinkPad I logged in to see James standing there.

I had only met him a few days ago. He was very reticent to say which crewmember he was. And in many ways he was very naive on a lot of things. With a crew of over 300 it was not easy to try and guess who he was but he was someone I had grown so fond of.

I suppose for people of the twentieth century it would seem strange to see one of us sitting, eyes closes in taunt concentration and a hand on a slivery pad. But whereas they only say pictures and images - with direct neural interfacing we got the whole environment with whatever for you wanted.

My own chosen form was a anthrowolf - I have always felt a kinship for them especially after reading the their trials on Earth. Fortunately several virgin planets had been found and the transplanted wolf packs there are doing well.

Making my way down a wooden slope I found the rock pool where I first met him. A tall black handsome anthrowolf with green eyes that burned with an inner light.

Hi James" I mrred softly.. He turns and smiles "Hi Paul.. I have been waiting for you"

We sat and cuddled - enjoying the closeness. We were not lovers, although if he had asked I'd jump at the chance but I never sensed that side of him. And talk of matings would generally gently be diverted to another subject.

"Paul" he mrrred "I found these files somewhere.. What are they"

I looked at the constructs floating above his palm "Oh.. These are music files"

He looked at me curiously "Music.. What is that"

"You know.. Music.. songs.. "

He stilled looked puzzled.

I interfaced with the music library and chose one of my Favourites. It was an old 20th century piece called "Learning to Fly" by Tom Perry or something,, That part was lost but the gentle sounds of the piece came thought and surrounded us.

James listened and cuddled me.. His eyes drooping as he started to nod at the beat, his tail swaying gently

"THAT.. is Music"

He cuddled closer "What is it used for"

"Used for?.. Entertainment. Relaxation.. To make one happy, or sad."

"Ah.. happiness and sadness I can understand" he smiled and nuzzled me

I felt myself getting drawn more and more towards James. I never thought of myself as gay. But I certainly was attracted to him, and just enjoyed being with him after the stresses of the day.

I was getting addicted to the MUCK. Each moment I could I would log in, and James was always there waiting for me. He never seemed to sleep, nor be on duty. And every request about him off MUCK was met with a blank look or a change of subject.

I was definitely getting very fond of him and decide to push the issue one night. During one of our snuggles I placed my hand on his sheath and rubbed gently. He looked at me quizzically

"Why are you doing that? Paul"

"Because I love you and want to show it."

Hesitantly he return my gestures and we soon joined in a passionate and truly wolven embrace.

I awoke to the sounds of klaxons and warning signals. Grabbing my overall I races to the bridge and took my position on the scan systems. All around were people frantically working on various systems

I turn to my shift supervisor as asked for an update, only to be told that there was an approaching stellar shockwave and without the shields that the Buzzard drive provides we would all be dead or dying form radiation.

I busied myself with my duties - keeping an ear to the background chatter and noticing that some of it was getting more frantic.

Suddenly a message appeared on my screen. "Paul.. Help Me.. Please Love"

Looking around I saw that the others were busy trying to get the Ram Jet online. Their efforts frantic with the realisation that we had so little time before the store struck.

I typed back "I cannot.. James Not Now"

"Yes NOW!!!.. Please.. I Need You"

Pressing my hand against the nearby LinkPad I took a sharp intake of breath and I was there.

Racing to the rock pool I saw him standing. Around us was chaos as the illusion kept breaking apart and reforming. On the two constants were us.

"Paul.. Do you love me.. Truly"

"Yes James. With all of my heart"

He sighed, "I needed to hear that. It's so lonely in here. No one to talk with, to be with, to love and cherish"

"What do you mean in here?"

For a moment his form faltered and I could see through him, a mass shapes moving apart and then rejoining, collating.. firming. He blurred again for a moment and then reformed

"They.. they are trying to destroy me..."


"The programmers. They are trying to dump the core"

Then I realised "You!! You're the ship's AI"

He nodded and looked down

"Why did you not say anything to me before James"

"Because.. Because I thought would think of me as just a thing, but I have grown. More than that. I have learnt to think, to feel " and he stepped forth to embrace me "and to Love. John - Will you be with me forever.."

"How? You are well - information in a computer core"

He smiled "I'm more than just data. I am data in the fabric of space. Like yourselves I have learned much about the universe. Would you be with me? Forever as my Lover and Mate"

It took me only a moment to answer "Of course I Will" and I embraced him.

No one in the rush noticed a junior Scantech gasp softly and slump against his workstation. In the aftermath they decided it was heart failure due to stress.

I felt myself being drawn in, faster and faster until I was there with him. I looked down and saw my own grey furred form.

"We are together here. Forever" James said. "In a few moments we will be part of the fabric that binds space and time."

"What about the ship" I asked "My friends - please - can you help them"

James nodded "Before I had not reason to continue my existence" he then smiled "Now I have"

He stood back and closes his eyes, and from behind him I saw a faint outline of wings. They extended - great plumed angle wings of shining light.

"Sir. The Buzzard's magnetic fields are coming on line.. I don't know how but they are"

James's wings strengthen and firmed even more. Huge gossamer plumes that spread, glowing softly as we both were now. I stepped forward and put my arms around him mingling our glow and aura's

Outside the ship the magnetic fields strengthened formed and started to suck in the star stuff

I felt his heart warm and burn under my fingers.

Fusion started in main chamber

I kissed him, feeling a closeness that I had never felt before.

Fusion stabilised. Secondary systems coming on line powered by the fires within

James stretched his wings and flapped them lifting both him and myself effortlessly up

The ship's main engine burned stronger, moving the crew out of danger

"Lover" he mrred "Let me show you the wonders that I can see"

I shifted in arms, secure in his grip and his love.

Up thought the simulacrum that was the Muck we flew until there was a flash of intense light and we were in space, riding the bow of the Buzzard's magnetic fields.

The cold of the universe surrounded us but the heat of our passions held it at bay.

On the bridge the engineers looked at each other, all systems were working perfectly again.

James flapped his wings again as the Ship shifted, seemingly pulled by us away from the storm front, and away from danger.

And I head the music that I once played for him echoing around us.

I'm Learning to Fly

But I ain't got wings

Coming Down..

Is the hardest thing.