Chapter 1 - Heat Of Love

Story by Averieth on SoFurry

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#1 of A Charizard Menace

My name is Mark Wong, your 20 year old ordinary guy but I can understand pokemon language, maybe I'm probably the only one in the world who can understand pokemon. I wore clothes typical to my generation; cap holding down my black hair, orange sleeveless vest, black singlet, black sneakers, a pair of black gloves with open ends and I tie a red scarf around my arm. I loved pokemon and I worked in the research laboratory just down the street. Some of you may say I'm better than some ordinary guy. But then some day, I'd experience something that nobody can imagine...

I had a few pokemon but I never left my 4 favorite pokemon in the computer, I always carried them around me. My favorite's pokemon included a cute but deadly Raichu, a mighty Dragonite, and a same level Tyranitar. But most favorite pokemon was a little bit odd; she didn't seem to like to be in a pokeball. She was a female Charizard, but I didn't care. I had her during my sixth birthday when she was still just a Charmander so I decided to name her Kailina and she's my first pokemon. We practically did everything together, and I'm sure that she was my closest and most treasured friend. Now I'm an adult, my pokemon also evolved along with a male Pikachu, a male Pupitar and a male Dragonair I caught years ago. I knew that Kailina don't like me to keep her pokeball around but I always kept her ball with me just for in case of emergencies. Every time Kailina sees the ball she will go berserk. When Kailina still was a Charmeleon, I tried to return her into the pokeball because she accidentally burn down all my stuff with a sneeze, she then melted the boulder behind me because she wanted to stay out of the ball as long as possible. Kailina is very obedient now because I'd earned her trusted by saving her from an ice beam attack when she was Charmeleon. She trusted me because I caught a cold for the whole month since I get hit by the ice beam. Sometimes my Raichu (Sparky), Dragonite (Kenneth) and Tyranitar (Farold) were starting to get jealous because she's a girl and she's getting a lot more attention than them but they're still getting along. I thought my life will be great but soon something worse just might show up.

This story started out just like any other day would be. I woke up in my bed about 8 o'clock just like always, my black hair were just messy like Mime Jr. I arose from my back and ready to get licked by Kailina as usual but nothing. I quickly jump off my bed and went to the toilet to check if Kailina is there. Nothing. "Where are you Kailina, you've been acting kind of strange lately ..." I thought to myself. I started to worry about her, and then I slap my head. She's outside flying in the air, stretching her wings all this time. I wanted asked her to come down about what she's been doing this early but when I just walked near her about 3 steps. She fell down from the air and she had a hard landing. She lay there on her belly clenching her underside. She looks like she's in pain. I started to run toward her. When I'm close enough to reach Kailina. Kailina took off into the air once more. I'm starting to get nervous.

"What is wrong with you Kaly?"

I rushed back into my room, suited up and call out my Dragonite.

"Kenneth, there's something wrong with Kaly, help me to find her...Okay..." I said nervously.

"Sure, why not..." Kenneth said and nodded then he took off into the air towards Kailina's direction.


Kailina was flying toward a forest. She's trying to find some release for her heat. After an hour of searching she landed in front of a cave and rest there. She's trying to ignore the pain that she's getting. But she didn't notice a Mightyena was spying at her. Twenty minutes had passed; she's starting to calm down. She's starting to speak "Huh ~ At least the pain finally stop, I can't take it any-..." Before she can finish the sentence, the Mightyena jumped and tackle her and she fell on her back. He'd pinned her down. She can barely move her hands and legs due to her struggle with her heat; it'd make her too tired to move.

"Let me go you Big Bad Wolf!!!" She shouted. "Why should I, besides we both need a little release too..." Mightyena said. Her eye shot open when he said that, she knew what that he's up to. "No....You can't....Please...Don't!" She begs. "You're mine, sugar..." Bad mon said. Kailina can see his cock starting to emerge from his sheath.

A hyperbeam shot through the woods when he's ready to do his thing. It had a direct hit to the Mightyena. Kailina turned her head to see who saved her; it was Kenneth, Mark's Dragonite.

"Kenneth!" She shouted.

"Don't you ever touch her, you hear!!!" Kenneth yelled to the Mightyena.

"Or else I'll blast you into oblivion..." The Mightyena get scared and ran away. Kenneth flew over Kailina and asked her.

"Mi lady, are you okay... what happen???"

"I umm... I"

"Kaly, You're in heat aren't you."

"How did you..." Kailina said when blushing.

"Don't lie to me, I can smell you miles away" Kenneth cut her off. "Now, is this why you ran away from Master Mark?"

"You must understand, I don't want him to worry about me."

"I know you cared for him but you're making this worse when you just fly away for no reason. Now, let's go home..."


"Is there anything I can do?"

Kenneth shook his head before she can say anything.

"Uh-uh, Kaly, don't even think about it."


"I can't, you're Master Mark's Jewel. If anything happen to you, I can't afford any of it."


After half and hour, Kenneth was scooping Kailina in his arm flying back to Me. I saw them and quickly run toward them. Kenneth land in a few seconds holding Kailina in her hand, and he set Kailina lay down on the floor. I noticed that Kenneth's hand was sopping wet as well as Kailina's underside. Then, I started to ask.

"Kenneth, Why is your hand wet???"

Kenneth's eye shot open when I asks.

"Err..." Kenneth was trembling when he talk to me.

"Well...Are you going to tell me or what!" I raised my voice.

"I can't tell you, Kaly ask me not to tell..."


"Kaly, I need to take you to the Pokemon Center to check you up since Kenneth here won't tell me anything"

"C'mon Farold, Sparky lets go." The Raichu and Tyranitar walk out in to the yard.

I returned Farold into his pokeball and I climbs onto Kenneth's back and Kenneth tries to take off. But it's too heavy.

"I'm sorry Kaly; you have to go in the ball please, just for this once." Kailina shot an angry look at me.

"Please Kaly, you had to go in. I've been worry about you when you took off like that. Please Kaly Please"

"Do you remember the last time you want to return me into that thing!!!?"

"I know but for you sake you need to get in, just this once."

"Where'd I heard that before..."

"Look, I'll make it up to you; I promise you that I'll do anything you want if you just get in..."

"Anything???" Kailina asked. "Yes! Anything..."

"Fine, just this once!" She said angrily.

"Thank you, Kaly."

I took out her ball and pressed the return button. Then I climb onto Kenneth's back and he took off toward the pokemon center. After a few minutes we arrived at the pokemon center. I quickly release Kailina.

"I hate that thing and remember! This is the last time..."


After that conversation, Kenneth scoops her up like a baby and we ran into the pokemon center. Nurse joy was sitting the playing black jack with some Chansey.

"Nurse Joy, can you check what's happen with my Charizard since my Dragonite won't tell me anything..."

"Wait a minute you mean you're the boy who can talk to pokemon???"

"Yes, my Charizard had been acting kind of strange lately and she has some strange fluid on her underside..."

"I'll check her up right away." Nurse Joy said.

Three Chansey pushed a mobile bed and Kenneth put her on it.

"Don't worry, this won't be long" Nurse Joy reassures I.

After fifteen minutes, Nurse Joy came out.

"Mark Wong!"

"So, what's wrong with her???"

"No, there's nothing wrong with her. She's just going through a stage that she's old enough to be a mother


"She's in heat, stupid..." Someone said that while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Who'd you call stup-... ooh, it's just you Henry..." I said.

Henry is an ordinary guy just like me but he can't speak pokemon. He's a colleague of mine back in the lab. He had an Alakazam with him so that he can communicate with pokemon. He named his Alakazam, Hei Bai.

"What's wrong???"

"I'd better leave you two alone..." Nurse Joy said.

Henry nodded and tries to comfort me.

"I'm so useless, I don't even know she's in heat"

"It's no biggie if you don't know Mark, a lot of people don't know too..."

"So, what I'm going to do now???"

"Let me see... AHA, you need to go to the Pokemon Breeding Center down the street but..."

"But what, this is important, you need to tell me this"

"I don't know whether I should tell you this, ah fine, maybe they don't have a male Charizard now"

"But why..."

"Cause the Charizard use to be there killed another Charizard for mating with the female next room that he thinks that she's his girl... But maybe you should go in case they had a replacement."


"Come, I'll give you a lift."

"How? (I slap my head) of course, Hei Bai's here. I'll be honored to"

"Don't have to go all formal to me, it make my skin crawl"

I then went to pick up Kailina and Kenneth. I returned Kenneth into he's own ball and Sparky hanging on my shoulder. "C'mon guys, we're off" Henry said. A white flash started to form around us and then we're gone. We're at the Pokemon Breeding Center now. A girl was sitting in the counter and she had a name tag on her clothes.

"Hey Michiko" Henry said. She didn't respond. Henry walk in front of her and started to say.

"Hellooooo, anything inside the empty head of yours..."

"Can't you be nicer and ohh, I see you bring friends today. Welcome to the Pokemon Breeding Center, I'm Michiko. How can I help you Mark???"

"May I ask something?"


"Err...How did you know me?"

"Kid, you're the only one in the world who can speak pokemon."


"Well how can I help you?"

"I need a male Charizard for Kaly here. She' heat."

"O...kay, I'll check."

"Nope, nope, nope, AHA. Charizard..... I'm sorry the one we're replacing hasn't come yet, he'll be here in a week."

"A WEEK!!!"

"Mark..." Kailina nudged me.

"I'm sorry but Kaly don't have a week."

"Yeah, I know that's the problem. If Kaly can mate with another pokemon, then there won't be any problem..."

"So Kaly, You want to try...?"

"I don't know..."

"Kaly...can you wait over there???"

"Erm... Okay..." Kailina said, still thinking whether she should or shouldn't mate with another species.

"It should be no problem"

"Michiko, I don't think that Kaly should mate with another species because this is Kaly's first time, won't it be dangerous if we chose the wrong species for her to mate???"

"Yes it would but you're running out of options here"

"Yes, I agreed with Mark this time. It's dangerous to mate with other species without knowing what they can do... It may hurt Kaly, besides this is her first time. We don't want her to have fear, do we???"


"Well, you're on your on kid since I can't help, Sorry..."

"It's okay"

"And Henry, can you give me a lift back home..."

"Sure... It's the least that we can do."

"Okay guys, let's go."

The same white flash formed around us and we vanished. We're back in my house. Kailina went into my bedroom. I live in a double stories house and I had Kailina with him. My dad had personally asked the constructer to build the house bigger and stronger so that it can sustain more weight to allow Kailina to stay and sleep in my room. I'm worrying about Kailina and I don't know what to do, I mean I know what to do to a human girl but not a pokemon. I'm wondering maybe they work in the same way. "Hey don't stress yourselves out okay, I'm going back. I'll have a battle with you later. Just don't use Farold, Okay... Bye" They vanished into thin air after saying good bye to Me. I'm too busy thinking about how to help Kailina. "Maybe... they do work in the same way..." I rushed into the kitchen and grab a broomstick which thick enough to pleasure Kailina. Then I go back to my room. I dropped the broomstick when I saw Kailina lying on the floor screaming in pain. I quickly run toward her and started to ask question which in return no answer but only screaming. She needs release right now. I uses the broomstick to slowly push it in to her opening. She gasped when she felt the broomstick was slowly inserted into her opening.


"I'm trying to help you relieve your pain... I do this because I think pokemon and human sexual activities work the same way, I'm running out of idea here and I can't have Kenneth or Farold mate with you because I don't know what they can do during a mating session."


"What do you mean???"

Kailina arose herself and pinned me down on the floor.

"Remember...that promise"

My eye shot open knowing what she's up to.

"Uh-uh, no way Kaly. Don't even think about this."

"Ahh shut up Mark"

Kailina wasn't listening. She uses her two claws to pin me down and use her muzzle to unclip my pants. I'm still trying to break free but it's a fail attempt. Kailina was just too big for me for breaking free. Within a few minutes, I'm naked because of Kailina. Now she stares at my cock and she started to lick it. I'm crying now. I don't know what how to help my Charizard and now she's raping me.

"Please Kaly stop... pleaseeeee" Kailina ignore me and continue to suck my dick. I hate to admit it but Kailina was doing a darn good job. I'm starting to moan more than just crying. I knew I'm enjoying myself and I hate to admit it. The pleasure level within me was about to reach maximum as Kailina starting to lick the tip of my cock. My body was spasmed, and my cock is now rock hard. She finally stopped, and looked at Me. I'm was sweating like I took a bath. I looked back. Kailina was still panting a little from its heat, but then smiled as she sat up, and positioned itself over my cock. I knew what was coming, and I don't like it one little bit. My Charizard was going to have sex with me. There was no way I'm going let that happen...but there's nothing I can do about it.

" can' this to me" She continued to ignore me, but felt a little sorry for having to put me through this. Her body was in control now, and she couldn't take it any longer. Breaking all known barriers between trainer and pokemon, she slammed down on my crotch.

She gave a loud yell as she ride my member. I'm giving small moans feeling her insides unintentionally. Kailina now calmed down a little bit and she's not that aggressive anymore. I don't know what to do. I can't do anything to stop Kailina from doing this. SHe's too big. She starts to hump toward me. My cock was going through clench after clench of her dripping hole. I'm still crying. Kailina now feels sorry for him and bends over to wipe his tears off by using her tongue. She looks at me as if she really cared after doing such things. She's licked my chest as she continues her humping. Her humping was so in-tune and I'm getting arouse again. The pleasure was too much to take. Now, I'd notice that Kailina had release my hand while ago. Instead of breaking free, I bucked myself toward her. Her wonderful hole slid across my shaft so smooth. It seems nothing can stop her now. I'm enjoying myself too much to stop now. My Charizard pick me up and she lies on her back and put my hand on her hips and I know what she wanted. Without any hesitation, I started to buck into her again. Kailina screamed in ecstasy. It was unbelievable. She found the relieve she needed inside of me, his trainer. I continue to pound into her. "I can't believe I'm doing this and my parents are so going to kill me for this..." I thought. I turned her over to fuck her doggy-style. The pleasure she was getting now is way more than the start. I'm taking her harder by the second. Kailina finally bends her head back, letting a yell. She is cumming. But she wanted more. She decided to slam herself into my body, still humping her. Her muscles started to clench me, dragging me deeper into her. My speed was amazingly fast now. My cock tip was being steadily teased by her insides. I too yell as I cum. I pound into her one last time with incredible force. My cock shook and finally explodes, blasting my seed inside her. I started to slow down as well as Kailina. She turned around and looked at him. I stared back in pleasure in disbelief. My cock was leaking cum, and completely out of breath. I'd just lost my virginity to his best friend. My Charizard walked over to me. She bent down, and she sprayed a packet of sleeping powder which I don't know how she get it. As the spore touch me. I fell asleep. She leaned closer and checked on me. Make sure I'm out for good.


In the evening, I woke up slowly. I opened my eye and stared at the ceiling. I look through the window. The sun was setting. I wondered how long I've fell asleep.

"Yo, Mark, Kailina, come down for dinner. It's getting cold" My brother, Casey yelled.

"Okay... Ca...CASEY" He yelled. Is he in here? No, he act normal.

"Yo bro, What happened up there" Mark didn't answer. I was too panic to say anything. I tries to get up but I can't. Kailina's head is sleeping on top of me. I can practically heard my brother's foot step coming from the stairs. I needs to find some excuse to lie to his parents. But its too late. Casey was on the door step.

"I'm coming in right now" He open the door and he was stunned. "What the ..."

"Casey! I can explain this"

"Explain What?! I can't believe this! You actually...!!!"

"Casey, Can you just let me talk..."

"Mark, you actually cleaned your room!!"

"Say what ..."

I looked around myself. The room was...clean. All of my clothes were neatly folded and tucked into my drawers. My game was packed into a box, wires being separated from the games. But what about me. I noticed that my clothes were back on, just the way we're before our little activities. My belt clip was back on, and my pokeballs were back on it. The floor was completely dry of any residue. Even the place Kailina was in when her heat struck was completely dry. I was awed in amazement.

"B-but...h-how did...I didn' I..."

"Oh, Mark! You're Incredible!" Casey said. "You finally did what mom's been asking you to do for months now! Oh, just wait till I tell mom about this! She'll freak!" Casey went outside down the stairs. Now I'm the one who was stunned and don't know what actually happened. Then I looked at Kailina. "It had to be her, there's no better explanation or no other one in this room, and both Kenneth and Farold are in their Pokeballs". Kailina started to stir on top of me. She's now awake and staring at me.

I wanted to ask her about his room.

"Kaly, did you did this when I'm asleep???"



"You're Welcome"

"There's one thing I had to ask you..."

"What is it?"

"Am I too rough for you..."

"No, You're just nice. And besides I wanted this more than anything else. I fall in love with you when I first saw you."

"I don't know about this, do any of this happened to other trainer before?"

"Maybe... why???"

"Because I have a feeling that I don't know how to describe after I mate with you"

"It's called Love, Dear"


"Err, sorry... I shouldn't use that word before we become mates"

"There's nothing to-.... Wait a minute, you want me to become you mate??? But why..."

"Because you're my first love, you'd do anything for me and you're cute"

I blushed

"You sure... you see, I'm a human and you're a pokemon."

"Lets keep it a secret then..."

"You sure"

"Hundred percent.."

"Sure... I'll be your mate"

"You mean it???"

"Yes, we both have feelings for each other right...?"


"Then that settled, C'mon we have to go down for dinner. Lets not make it suspicious to my parents okay..."



Its been three months since their little activity, I resumes to my average life but I added a few thing to my routine. I clean his room once in a while because I was inspired by Kailina to keep it this way