Demon War Chapter 1

Story by Cadpigv2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Demon War story

The first chapter of Demon War, a story about the fight between the Delsirians against an evil, demonic force known as the Valdye.

Chapter one: The Players

The day had been a nice one for a change. The silence that had fallen across the meadow was peaceful as the breeze blew softly across the land; it's gentle force pushing rippling waves across the grass. The day seemed almost perfect for just doing nothing as the sun's warm rays flowed across the land. But even in this quiet, peaceful environment, the war had spread. Taking their positions across the fields, dozens of anthropomorphic creatures took cover. Trees, logs, rocks, anything that the enemy could not easily get through was considered for protection, even if only for a short time. They all knew the stakes.

Holding her rifle tight, an anthropomorphic vixen checked her ammunition pouch hanging off of her hip. Including the magazine in her rifle, she had four magazines of 7.62 ammunition, each magazine holding thirty-five rounds. It wasn't enough for a long fight, but it would have to do. With their current supplies, she was lucky enough to have grabbed a few more magazines.

With a sigh, she pushed a strand of rose red hair away from her eyes. Ever since the war had erupted, the vixen's life had been torn apart. She had no idea if her parents were alive or not and there was no word from her sister who was in another unit. Now, as far as she knew, Christina was the last one of her family alive.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of a loud bang, as if a cannon had been fired off! As the bang sounded across the field, a mysterious bead of energy appeared in the center of the field. As the energy dropped down, it left a red line in the air. Soon, that line split open like a wound, heat erupting from the expanding opening. Within the opening was a swirling vortex of red lines, the heat only increasing the closer to the portal one got. But the portal was not what the anthropomorphic creatures were expecting. It was what came from these portals they feared and fought against.

Christina had seen these portals before. They had opened frequently during the opening days of the war. Now, the openings were scattered, mostly on the outskirts of the major population centers or small towns, wherever the enemy had decided to attack. But the threat they brought forth had been enough to burn most major cities and town to the ground within hours of their opening.

From this portal, a creature roughly the size of a large dog emerged first. Its body was a dark brown, covered in rough scales as it walked out of the portal; it's eyes blood red and glowing. It walked on four, muscular legs, each foot ending in a set of claws that could easily tear apart any creature it faced. But the demonic creature's worst weapon was its head. Looking much like a lizard, except for two, scything, serrated, tusks that grew from under its jaws. These sharp tusks could rip through light armor and flesh in a heartbeat, making it a deadly adversary. Among the anthropomorphic inhabitants of the planet, these demons were called 'Scouts'. They were always the first to appear in any fight. Fast and deadly, the Scouts were not a light threat, but they were the lowest ranked demon so far to be sent into battle.

"Any idea how many are in this one?" a cat whispered next to Christina, holding his rifle tight as well.

Christina simply shook her head, "From what we've seen, I'd guess anywhere between five or six. Let's just hope their friends don't appear."

The cat nodded and took careful aim. Scouts only had a few weak points, including their undersides and their necks. But getting a shot off to dispatch them without getting too close was difficult to do, especially once they were moving at full speed.

But as he took aim, another Scout appeared, walking calmly out of the portal. It growled softy to the first one, glancing at the tree line where the fighters were hiding. Without a word, Christina took aim at it, placing it's exposed throat in her sights. The creature suddenly looked away as another emerged from the portal, along with a fourth one. As they did, the demons glanced to one another, sniffing the air. Suddenly, their eyes glowed brightly, a fiery orange and red glow pulsing within them like a flame. They smelled the scent of the enemy!

Christina's finger tightened on the trigger. Just because the demons knew they were there, didn't mean they knew exactly where the anthropomorphic fighters were. The vixen was all too aware that when she fired, the rest of her team would as well, hopefully brining down the Scout before it could attack them.

"Careful..." Christina thought to herself, trying to steady her aim, "One kill."

But before she could take the shot, another shot rang out! The quick sound of the shot filled the air as one of the Scouts fell, it's black blood pooling out from a wound to its neck. Without warning, another two shots shattered the silence, hit the downed demon twice more in it's exposed neck, killing it as it's black blood covered the ground under it as it gave a final, bloody, frustrated roar.

As if a switch had been flipped, four more of the demons emerged from the portal as the second demon charged into the tree line with a bloodthirsty howl. The fighters opened fire; gunshots ringing out in chained bursts as they fought back. Unfortunately, the steely hides of the demons were too much for the first line of defenses, being overrun and killed within seconds in a bloody slaughter. But once they had finished, the demons turned to the tree line, knowing the others were hidden there. Although there was now plenty of blood on their claws, the demons always craved more, the hunger fueling their bloody killing.

Christina pulled back the trigger, opening fire as one of the demons charges towards her. The gun recoiled lightly, three shorts erupting from the barrel one after another. The Scout recoiled as well, the bullets finding it's exposed chest. As it fell, the Scout rolled to the ground as Christina fired again, killing it for sure as her bullets penetrated the soft underside of the demon.

The others were firing as well, trying to bring down the faster Scouts. But the few demons had already killed over twelve of the other fighters, ripping them apart as soon as they got close enough. Blood stained the ground and trees as the two sides battled!

The cat beside Christina fired wildly in panic as another Scout ran at him, his shots pinging off the demon's rock hard hide as it charged. Christina pulled him back as the demon tried to sink its bloodthirsty claws into her comrade's flesh! As she did, the fox lashed out with her boot, kicking the demon aside as it tried again, firing point blank into it's exposed underside.

"Watch your damn back!" She growled at the cat, "And get some fire out there!"

"Yes ma'am!" the cat replied as he reloaded.

One of the remaining three demons charged the tree line again as one of the other anthropomorphic foxes vaulted over a fallen log, his comrades opening fire to distract the demon as it turned to face him. Christina watched for a second before turning her rifle on the demon as well. The demon faltered as the fox opened fire at close range with a pistol, dodging around it's serrated tusks to get a clear shot at the demon's neck!

As he did, one of the two Scouts rushed to aide it's ally, knocking the fox aside as it charged into him. The fox let out an anguished cry as the tusks ripped into his armor, blood spilling from the wound as the fox opened fire, his pistol rounds piercing the demon's flesh, finally killing the Scout as he pulled away from it. The fox gripped his wound, blood seeping to coat his hand as a wolf ran out from cover, two others opening fire on the last two demons as the wolf pulled the fox back to cover.

Only two demons were left, the portal already having closed as soon as the sixth demon had emerged. But these two had already torn through another three of the fighters, their tusks and claws covered in blood as they howled loudly in thirst for more. Suddenly one of them faltered, a large spray of blood emerging as a bullet shot through its neck, tearing a messy hole through the demon. It went down hard as the final demon turned towards the shooter.

Cocking his rifle, a white tiger smirked, his green eyes flashing dangerously as he took aim through his high-powered scope. Perched up in a tree, the tiger's sniper rifle fired once more! The sound of the explosive round echoed through the air as the final demon fell, it's neck literally exploding from the force of the large, .50 caliber round.

"And down you go." The tiger smirked, "Clear!"

"Clear!" another anthropomorphic replied.

With a sigh, Christina reloaded, dropping her empty clip to the ground as she slapped a fresh magazine in. As she cocked it, the vixen looked up at the tiger as he climbed down from his perch.

"Nice shot Calvin." Christina said as she walked over to him, her tail swaying lightly with each step, "Care to take those shots when half our forces are still alive next time?"

The tiger nodded, "I would have, but I only had two fifty cal shots left and I just used them. After they hit our major supply convoys last week, getting these rounds have been killer. Even the black market and other, usually shady, non-military suppliers have been deeply affected by their attacks."

Christina nodded, understanding the situation all too well. With a sigh, she ordered everyone to gather the wounded and begin basic medical treatment of any who were hurt. Luckily, only fifteen of them had been killed this time.

Looking over the remaining twelve fighters, Christina sighed heavily. The vixen was well used to seeing her fellow anthropomorphic creatures dying at the hands of the demons. But, she still felt the pain of loss with each fight. Her fellow anthropomorphic creatures could not keep taking these kinds of losses...

"Come on, let's get back to base and report in." A wolf said, walking past the two, "After all, we have to keep you alive, Christina."

The vixen sighed and nodded, "Fine. But bury the dead first...they deserve that much."

"We'll give them a true Delsirian burial here." The wolf replied, "You just get back to HQ."

With a sad last look over the dead, Christina nodded and turned away.

* * *

Once she had returned to base, Christina stood near the middle of a briefing room, watching as her superior officer paced before her. As he did, the ocelot sighed and looked to her.

"You know as well as I do the risks of this war, Christina." He finally said, his green eyes looking at her, "Your mother and father are both dead, and we still have no word from your sister's security detail or her."

"I know the risks, Lieutenant Ross." Christina replied, "But the people need leaders now more than ever. You know as well as I do that the royal advisors are doing a good job so far to take charge and keep my sister's MIA status well hidden."

Ross sighed, "Christina, the people need someone from the royal family to rally behind to-"

"I am not going to just be a figurehead!" Christina angrily interrupted, her ears flattening against her head, "Dammit Ross, I am a warrior, not a statue! My place is here, fighting these things back into whatever damned hell they crawled out of!"

With that, the vixen walked to a window, looking out at the base. Civilians and soldiers, all trying to live off of what little supplies they managed to keep safe from the demonic hordes.

"These people need heroes." She said, her tail and ears lowered in sorrow, "And that's what I'm here to give them. Every victory inspires a little hope, even small ones like today. So long as we have that hope, we're not beaten."

"And what if you are killed out there one of these days?" Ross asked, "Without you, the royal throne will be vacant, princess."

Christina looked at him, her eyes glaring harshly, "You won't change my mind. I'm a warrior and I forever will be. I'm not about to let you talk me into going back to the castle to cower behind guards and walls while the people I trust and call my brothers and sisters in arms, my family, are being attacked on the front lines."

Ross sighed, "Fine, have it your way Princess Christina. But remember what will happen if anything were to happen to you."

Christina sighed, her ears lowering, "I know that all too well. But it's a risk worth taking."

The vixen walked away from the window, thinking it was time for a subject change.

"Question for you." She asked, "About how long until project Omega is ready for testing?"

"Sorry Princess, but that's not my domain." Ross replied, "I'd tell you to ask the science team, but they're keeping Omega highly under lock and key lately. Even I don't fully know what's going on anymore."

"Figures with them...too secretive for their own good." Christina nodded, "Well try to find out something, Ross. We need him soon. The demons are getting bolder everyday. If this project succeeds, we'll have a way to fight them harder than ever before."

With that, Christina bid the ocelot farewell and walked out of the room.

Once she left, Lieutenant Ross walked out of the room as well and walked across the base to, what looked like, a run down building. The roof looked in danger of collapsing down over the rotting supports, and the whole place was simply a wreck. But inside, the building was brand new. The white walls of the building gave it a sterile, hospital-like feeling. This was the science bay, disguised so that no one would ever guess what was really going on inside. As Ross swiped his ID card near an elevator, a panel flipped out for retinal identification.

Soon, the ocelot was on his way into the lower levels of the facility, buried deep under the surface. Once the elevator locked onto the lowest level, the doors opened, revealing more white walls and sterile environments. Scientists were busy going about their tasks, most of which were highly secretive in nature. But only a privileged few worked on the most important task they had in years since the demons first attacked Delsiria, project Omega.

One of the scientists, a white wolf, looked up as Ross walked through the elevator doors, "Ah, Lt. David Ross. How good of you to come by and see us again."

"The princess wants an update on Omega." Ross replied, "Just tell me we're close to awakening it."

"Omega is hardly an 'it'." The wolf said with a slight huff to his voice, "He will be our ultimate weapon. An unstoppable Valdye killing machine."

Ross sighed, "Just show me."

The scientist nodded and lead the ocelot to a room filled with panels, instruments, and other scientists. All of them were dressed in a similar fashion, white lab coats, ties, protective glasses, and sterile gloves. But in the center of the room was a huge tube, like object. A containment device for the creature known as Project Omega.

"Looks like a weapon, alright." Ross state, looking over the creature, "Tell me we're almost ready for final testing."

"Indeed we are." The wolf replied, "As soon as the general arrives, we will begin activation procedures and see what Omega can do."

"Good." Ross replied.

Suddenly, one of the scientists monitoring a set of vital read-outs looked excited, "It's awakening! Omega is waking up!"

"What?!" The wolf cried, running over, "How is he waking up on his own?"

"I-I do not know!" the other scientist replied hastily, "Brain activity is off the scale and vitals are spiking! Should we inject more sedatives?"

"Do it! Up the dosage and keep him well under." The wolf replied, "It's not time yet!"

* * *

Inside the tube, the creature opened its eyes. As it did, the creature glanced down at itself. Something was over its mouth and nose, allowing it to breathe. As it wearily looked around, it did not mind being looked at. It noticed all of the anthropomorphic creatures acting frantically, but it did not mind. All it cared about what that it was awake now. Urges were rising within it, but it could not move to act upon them.

Distorted voices came through the tube's glass casing. Although they sounded frantic, the creature couldn't make out what they were saying. But it didn't matter to the creature. Tiredness was returning to it. Its eyes felt heavy as they closed slowly. It fell asleep again.

* * *

"That was too close." The wolf panted, "Another close call like that and we could lose him altogether."

"Make sure there aren't anymore issues." Ross stated, "Shall I also bring the princess down to view Omega?"

"Since he will be under her command, I would assume you would anyway." The wolf replied, "So, indeed, bring her down as well."

Ross nodded and walked out. As he did, he heard the wolf yelling at the others.

"Am I working with feral animals here?" the wolf asked, "Be more careful you imbeciles! Omega is too valuable to lose this far in!"

* * *

"I don't like the name." Christina said as she followed Ross to the elevator.

"The name?" Ross asked, looking back at her before swiping his ID, "What's wrong with the name?"

"Just calling it 'Omega' makes it a weapon." The vixen explained as she stepped into the elevator, "If this creature is going to be under my control in the field, I'd much rather give it a name myself. After all, it is just like the rest of us, right?"

Ross smiled, "By all technical means, you are correct your highness. Out of combat, he will be just like the rest of us, except he will still be learning how to interact with everyone else. Although I believe the science team implanted many of the gestures we use and their meanings into it themselves."

"That could be troublesome." Christina giggled, and then she thought for a minute as the elevator descended below the surface, "Will he have someone to take care of him? Someone who can teach him besides what he has been taught already by the science team?"

"I believe they do, but they refuse to tell me who." Ross replied.

He had known Christina would feel this way about the project once she had been told that it was a living creature. As much of a warrior as she was, Christina cared about everyone on her team. It was for that reason she called everyone by his or her first name. To the princess, it made everyone feel like a real creature, not just soldiers to be called into a fray.

"Allow me to name him then." Christina said, "If he's going to be on my team I'd like to be able to at least have that privilege."

"I do not believe the science team anticipated it, but you are the princess." Ross chuckled, "Once you see it, you can name him yourself, alright?"

Christina nodded, pushing a few strands of red hair away from her eyes, "Thanks David."

Demon War Chapter 2

Chapter two: Awakening Omega After seeing the creature first hand, Christina had thought for a minute about the name. As her tail swished lightly back and forth in thought, the wolf scientist shook his head. "Why are we even bothering to name...

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