Discovering a new Species
Ryan was born and raised in a canine community. Only furs who were considered canines were allowed in. When he was 18, he was allowed to leave the community to attend school, where he got to see Dragons, Felines, and other assorted furred, feathered and scaled creatures.
In Ryan's Advanced Physics class, he sat behind a slender green scaled male dragon. He admired the sheen the of the scales, the way the colors seemed to shift when the sunlight through the window caught them just the right way.
"Ryan?" someone called. The wolf snapped back to reality hearing his name. "Ryan?" the voice called again. He looked to the front of the classroom and realized that the teacher had called on him while he was staring at the back of the dragon. And the dragon had turned around and was staring right at him, holding back a laugh.
"Huh? What was the question?" Ryan asked in a daze.
"Bottom of page 62 in your text, Ryan," the professor said, sounding irritated. There was a pause as Ryan looked for and read the question.
"Oh, 'addition of velocities'," He answered confidently.
"Thats right, Einstein had a major breakthrough..." the professor droned on again and Ryan tuned him out, immediately transfixed by the dragon once again.
As he watched the dragon's meaty tail swing back and forth, he found himself wondering what a dragon looked like without any clothes on. He tried to imagine the dragon in front of him undressing to show off his smooth, slender body. Pointing out a scaly sheath that concealed a large cock. But what would the cock look like? He imagined a canine cock, for that was all he has ever seen, slowly sliding out of the draconic sheath. The dragon rubbed it slowly, as the knot began to grow at the base.
Ryan rubbed his own sheath, feeling his wolfhood becoming warm with excitement. He looked at the dragon with his now fully erect canine penis. 'Now that just looks silly' he thought to himself.
"...and don't forget about the exam next week!" the professor called out over the noise of zippers opening and closing, and shuffling papers. Ryan blinked, he was still staring at the dragon, and stood up to pack his things.
"So I hear you're pretty smart, Ryan." a voice asked. Ryan looked up, and his heart skipped a beat. It was the dragon who sat in front of him. He hadn't realized how tall the dragon actually was- he must slouch during class.
Ryan smoothed the grey fur on his head. "Yeah, I suppose," he said, trying to sound modest. He knew he was smart, and often got annoyed by people constantly asking for his help all through high school. They never wanted to be his friend, just wanted to use his brain.
"Could ya help me out? I missed a couple of classes, and I don't think I'm going to be ready for the test next week."
The wolf sighed, and was about to come up with a lame excuse, but the dragon was telling the truth- he had missed a couple of classes. He also saw an opportunity.
"I can take you to dinner, give you money, whatever. I don't like doing this, but I'm desperate." the dragon explained, seeing Ryan's hesitation.
"Sure, I'll help ya." Ryan grinned. He scribbled down his dorm room and cell phone, and they arranged a date.
* * *
Ryan dressed to impress; wearing his favorite black silk button-up shirt (though, left it unbuttoned), low riding jeans, and his favorite cologne. He had brushed his grey brown and white coat, making it as soft as possible. He turned up the heat, then examined himself in the mirror, nodding to himself in approval. Then came the knock at the door, it had to be Aura. The wolf rushed to the door, and opened it smiling.
"Come on in!" he said with a smile and a wave of his arm. The green dragon hadn't noticed how sharp Ryan's yellow eyes were, and he was briefly captivated before stepping into the room.
"I can't thank you enough for helping me. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get help at this school. They can be such pricks sometimes." Aura complained as he dropped his messenger bag on the floor. Ryan noticed that all the dragons used messenger bags, but it wasn't till now that he understood it was so they could get it over their wings easily.
"Hey, don't mention it. You seem like a cool guy," Ryan said as he sat down on his bed. "So, where do you want to start?" he asked. Ryan leaned back on his hands, causing his shirt to part and fall to the sides, exposing his soft white chest. His wore his underwear slightly above his jeans, but even that he didn't wear quite high enough, so that a small tuft of hair from his sheath was exposed.
Aura glanced up with a piece of paper in his claw, about to explain which chapters he missed, but had to do a double take, seeing Ryan in that position. Aura hadn't noticed how handsome Ryan was- his white chest has a finer, softer looking fur than the rest of his body, a beautiful mix of grays and browns and blacks.
"Um... lessee, I uh, I missed chapters 3 and 8... and 15." he said with a dry mouth. How could have Ryan guessed that he was gay? Was Ryan really coming on to him, Aura wondered. Either way, he was suddenly very horny. He would have to find out. He took out a text book from his bag and sat next to Ryan, who was simply smiling. Aura opened the text book in his lap and began flipping through the pages, looking for the chapter he missed. At the corner of his eye he noticed the tuft of hair right above Ryan's underwear.
Ryan leaned over and read began to read the chapter that Aura had turned to. Aura clenched his teeth and leaned slightly towards Ryan, and their shoulders touched. He looked at Ryan, who was still reading over the text, and he hadn't even flinched. A wave of relief and comfort filled Aura, and Ryan began to explain the chapter.
* * *
"Chapter 15 is pretty complicated, maybe we should save that for another night," Ryan suggested as he rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. Ryan fell onto his back, yawning. Aura couldn't help but stare. He noticed that there was some muscle on this wolf. "Aura?" the wolf smiled noticing that the dragon was staring at his chest.
"Huh?" Aura blinked and stood up. "I guess you're right. I'm pretty tired too."
"Leaving already? Why don't you stay and relax for a little bit, we hardly know each other." Ryan suggested.
"Sure, if you don't mind." Aura said, as he stuffed the book in his bookbag and kicked it to the side. He sat down next to Ryan again, who was still laying down. Aura was about to say something, but Ryan had suddenly grabbed the dragon's green scaly tail.
"Hey, your underside is white, too!" Ryan remarked as he lifted the tail. Aura laughed and blushed.
"Yeah, I guess there are still some similarities between dragons and wolves, huh?"
Ryan let go of the tail and sat up. "Don't you have to like, regulate your body temperature?" he asked naively.
"Well, sort of. Dragons tend to-"
"I hope its not too hot in here. If it is, your welcome to take off your shirt." Ryan interrupted. Aura felt like that was his cue. Its true, he was hot, and he was wise enough to guess that it was done on purpose. By this point, there was almost no doubt in his mind that Ryan was also gay. So he took off his shirt, trying to be casual about it, but in his suppressed anxiety, he got the shirt caught on a wing and it ended up being a clumsy affair.
Once Aura had his shirt off, Ryan paused to admire the smooth creamy white chest of the dragon. He revealed no muscle, but his slender body, and smooth, soft, yet tight scales definitely suggested there was a hidden strength in him. The wolf was fascinated by his sexy chest, and a paw drifted over and touched Aura.
They gasped in unison. Ryan was shocked at how wonderful the dragon felt under his pawpad; Aura was surprised that the wolf was so quick to touch him in a way that was clearly not innocent. Their eyes met as Ryan rubbed his paw around Auras chest, and in a flash of intimacy they were kissing.
Somehow, in their passionate kiss, Ryan's shirt had come off. The wolf finally pulled away.
"You know..." his eyes drifted down to Aura's crotch. "I've never seen a dragon, um-" Ryan didn't need to finish, as Aura had stood up and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling down his pants and underwear in one go.
Ryan was shocked to see that there wasn't a sheath! He stared at Aura's groin, which had simply a small bulge.
"Whoa..." he said in shock. Aura sat down at Auras side, and wrapped an arm around his back.
"Oh, thats right. Wolves have a sheath," Aura said as he recalled someone explaining the differences to him once, "not that I've ever seen one."
Ryan placed a paw flat on Auras chest, and slid it down to the bulge. He gripped in gently in his paw, feeling the warmth inside. Ryan rubbed it gently, wanted to see what the dragon's cocked looked like. He wondered if he was even rubbing in the right place. Ryan noticed that Aura had wandered a claw to the wolf's crotch, and was fiddling with his jeans, trying to get them undone.
Ryan stopped what he was doing and swiftly slipped out of the rest of his clothes. His red wolfhood was already peaking out of his fuzzy soft sheath. He looked up and smiled at Aura who then leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. The wolf looked back down at the dragons groin, and 2 folds of skin had parted, and a pointed cock tip was pressing through. It had a shine, and when Ryan reached down to touch it, he realized that it was because it was wet from some internal lubricant. He groped at the bulge and the the small cock, which slowly grew into the wolf's paw.
Aura was gently massaging Ryan's balls before his smooth claw slid up to the sheath, which he gently rubbed, massaging the throbbing cock it concealed as it slowly slid out. Aura ogled at the red cock that eventually grew completely out of the furry sheath. He rubbed it gently in his paws, exploring it, feeling the tiny differences in this differently shaped cock.
Aura's cock was nearly black, a sharp contrast to the dragon's soft white belly. It had a tapered tip, and was quite wide at the base, which disappeared into folds of skin that looked like a sheath now that his cock was fully erect. There were shallow grooves that ran up either side of the dragon's cock, Ryan noticed as he massaged it in his paws.
They fell onto the beg together, and embraced in a deep kiss as they pawed each other off. They slowly pulled together, and when they were close enough, Ryan let go of the dragon's cock but squeezed it against his. He let out a gentle murr, feeling the warmth of this foreign cock against his own, rubbing the wetness of it onto him. Their tongues wrestled in each others muzzle as they grunted and growled in passion.
Not finding a tail to grab onto, Aura's thick tail wrapped around one of Ryan's legs, squeezing it tight enough that Ryan couldn't move it. Aura's free wing extended over Ryan, giving them a sense of privacy as they continued to paw each other off. Ryan couldn't believe how amazing the sensation of having a smooth scaly paw all over his cock was. It throbbed in the dragons paw, and soon the knot grew as the wolf's climax neared.
Aura rubbed his paw, tail and legs against Ryan; the sensation of the soft warm fur against his scales sent shivers up his spine. He rubbed the canine cock in his paw, but focused on the sensation of the wolf on his own, the wolf's paw was comparatively small to dragons, but he loved the feeling still. The wolfs paw could reach all the way around near the top, but not near the base of his cock, but the slickness allowed Ryan to move his paw quickly up and down the dragonhood.
They were bucking their hips into each others paws, when Aura noticed a change in Ryan's cock- the knot. He didn't care what it was- he was in the heat of the moment, and close to his climax. His body was shivering in pleasure, hot against the fur of the wolf. The dragons paw squeezed at the knot as he massaged, causing the wolf to let out a lout moan of pleasure. The wolf massaged the dragon's cock quicker and faster, as if it were his own as he neared his climax.
He broke their long and passionate kiss to let out a howl as he climaxed, spraying his cum between himself and the dragon. The dragon held his paw at the tip of Ryan's cock, letting the semen get all over his paw. His teeth clenched as Ryan jerked wildly at Aura's thick dragonhood. Suddenly Aura pulled the wolf tight against his body, their chests touching. He began to let out a roar as he climaxed, but silenced himself by biting down on Ryan's shoulder. The dragon's seed came in waves, his body twitching in each wave, shooting warm, thick, seed between their chests.
In a matter of moments they were both done, breathing heavily in a loose embrace as they lay on their mixed seed. Ryan idly rubbed Aura's thigh and closed his eyes.
"So this means we'll be studying together a lot?" Aura asked Ryan in a softer, loving tone.
"Every day..." he giggled. Aura smiled and pulled Ryan closer, who rolled onto his side allowing them to spoon together as they drifted off to sleep.