A Day In Baghdad
A Day in Baghdad
This is a yiffy journey into the mind of a recently deployed Armed Services member, battleing depression, among other things. Most of the content was inspired from a month of real life experiances. Some of the content in this story is graphic... You have been warned.
Phillis sighed as he sat at his laptop. Another "wonderfull" day off in the middle of Baghdad. His goal this first deployment was to save as mutch money as he could, so he could buy his first real car; the kind with leather and a manual transmission, and maybe a motorcycle, with enough left to invest in something while he makes the payments. This unfortunately left him bored as hell. He had no internet and no videogames, just Chess Masters, Paint, Wordpad, and Media Player. He saw it fitting because in his veiw, in order to gain anything, one must sacrifice. He had about five months left, and worked every day except for Saturdays. He worked hard too, nonstop from five to three, nothing but Hmmwv's to work on, as the cops his unit worked for ran those poor vehicles into the ground. Shutting down the computer he sighed again, getting sick of being put into check by his superior computer, and sick of hearing Metallica. He set the computer down on the seat he had stolen off of a duchebag Captain, and sat on his bed. Letting his eyes adjust to the darkess again, he let his mind wander....
Suddenly he was in his house, being warmly greeted by a 40 something grey wolf; his father, and his torso crushed by a 16 year old wolf; his brother, who had just finished practicing his kickflips outside. Drawn into the kitchen by the entising smell of honey ham, he meets the final family member, his fathers girlfreind, a red fox appropriatly named Rose. He gives her a quick hug, still a little uncomfortable after all these years, but he loved her like a mother. His other brother was missing, this time on charges of statutory rape, he was unable to make bail. After meeting with them and catching up on things, he turned his attention to his old home, checking for the changes that inevitably occur when you are gone for awhile, was surprised to find nothing except for the christmas tree tucked into the most conveinient corner of the livingroom. Sighing in happyness, he plopped onto the most comfortable couch in the world, tired from his two day drive up from Florida.
"C'mon Phill, show me your new car!!" his brother yelled as he jumped onto the couch next to him. Phillis smiled.
"Sure thing buddy!"
"Hmm.. You ever driven manual before? I'm about to head out and say hi to a few old friends, and I've got all the time in the world." he winked. Getting the hint, his eyes wide with excitement, the young wolf scrambled off of the couch and asked politely if he could come with Phill. With carefull exaggeration and bending of truths, he managed an okay from his father, under the terms his homework was finished. His brother hurried to his room. Phill smiled, bemused at his brothers excitment. Taking the extra time to his advantage, he relaxed. Phill never had an older brother, so he always felt good when he helped Joey on his way through life. Be it life talks about drugs and crime, or advice on how to get things done, he always tried to be there for him. Visualising the different empty parkinglots his father took him when he was younger, Phill eventually settled on the old Aims parking lot, it was big enough for his brother to get into second gear without mutch worry for traffic.
"Done!" his brother snapped him back into reality. Smiling again, Phill got off the couch and told his father where he was going, complemented Rose on the wonderfull smell of the ham, and walked out the kitchen door........
BOOM, rumble.
"Shit!" Phil said under his breath. that one was close. The fear came then, he curled into a ball on his bed. He hated mortars. Unpredictable and random, there was nothing you could do about them, because the cowards that fired them always did so in a neighborhood, and more collateral damage was the last thing the millitary needed. They were a deadly nuisance at best. All that Phill did was hope it wasn't his time, and listened for the telltale whistle. He uncurled as the fear subsided, and looked at a picture of is family clothspinned onto the sheet that was his wall......
Further away this time, he worried for his comrads, as the shells always seemed to come in two's and three's. Noticing it was nine o'clock (the Airforce dosn't do military time), he turned and fell into a restless sleep, only to be awakend seven more times due to yet more mortars, and two Blackhawk patrols....
This was the hardest he'd ever been, his thick red member gushing pre as the gorgeous mountain lion fem crept toward him. She licked her lips as she inched closer to his dick, and he uttered a low moan of pleasure as he felt her heated breath on his engorged flesh. She grabbed the base and started to lick and suckle on the tip, obviously enjoying the salty taste. Moaning again, Phill grabbed her head lightly and massaged her ears, trying to encourage her to go farther. She did, swallowing a whole six inches of k-9 cock into her warm muzzle. She bobbed up and down, moving her hand in time with her mouth, and squeesing in just the right place, she had his knot swollen in no time.
"I'm gonna....."
Phill woke to a gushing cock, thinking he was pissing himself, he tried to stop it, then the dream came up from his mind, a beautifull feline gave him a blowjob. Smiling he slipped his hand under his breifs and grabbed around the base of his swollen knot. He jerked vigurously, feeling the last bit of orgasm play out in his body. I'm going to save that one for later, he thought, chuckling to himself in the complete darkness that was his tent.
"Hmph... My first wet dream in this hellhole." he said under his breath. He turned and fumbled for his clock.
"Shit! Five forty!" he mumbled, letting the little light on the clock glow long enough to find his flashlight. He was dressed in his desert camo and pistol in five minutes, as he always slept in his brown tee, socks, and underwear. It left him barely enough time to brush his teeth and trim his wiskers to regs. Still groggy, he grabbed his helmet and and sunglasses and shambled out to the bench at the back of the tent.
"Aahhh.." he murmured as the warm air hit him, he always seemed to like walking out from the cold tent in the mornings, and into the seventy degree desert twilight. He set his helmet down and promptly laid down on the bench, crossing his arms over his chest. Stareing into the sky, he noticed a jumbo jet oddly fly in circles around the base....
"You ready?" came the voice of his supervisor, a bull terrier by the name of Tech. Sergent Wryley.
"Yea, just waking up, I dont understand it, I used to be such a morning person..."
"I couldn' get outta bed till figh forty five, I feel ya!" Sgt Wryley chuckled.
"Did you hear that mortar last night?"
"Naw I felt it, I was jus' watchin' a movie wit my phones on, and the whole tent shook."
They drove to the shop without a word. The only thing breaking the silence was their Hmmwv's fan and power steering pump screeming in unison to the baratone of the 6.5 litre's exsauhst. Getting there, they were glad to find that only one Hmmwv awaited maitenence, and the other three they were working on yesterday were on the ready line.
"Got tha' keys?"
"Yea, here man, looks like Lucky's back, I wonder whats wrong with her this time?" Phill said as he handed him the keys.
"Hope is' not another fan clutch." mumbled Sgt Wryley.
"Don't wanna tear up another front end."
"Yep, you got to love Hmmwv design, you have to take five completely different things off to get at the part your looking to replace!" chuckled Phill.
The "shop" was sub-par to say the least, the main building being just a metal roof held up by gangly metal poles, there was no protection from the wind and the dust, but you got used to it.
The "office" was one of those large metal shipping containers with a framed in wall, with two home a/c units barely keeping it cooler than the shade the "shop" provided. Phill moved to the white board and immediately noticed in bold letters:
"#6 "Lucky"- rear brakes, Howndie special". Phill smiled at the use of his nickname, his buddies had given it to him when he got to his first base, a play on his last name; Hownde.
"Sweet! I love the easy shit! I should have this done before lunch Sgt Wryley." Phill said enthusiastically. #6 was an old hmmwv, built in 1998 with twenty-somthing thousand miles on it. Phill had worked on this hmmwv three times before, and all three times were because it was hit by an IED. The first time he worked on it was the worst, the IED ravaged through the front end and punctured the fuel tank, but all it needed was a hub, tire, tank patch, and wiring harness. When he was done with it the first time he nicknamed it Lucky, and the name stuck. Phill walked out into the shop floor and made a disgusted snort. The night shift had made the place a mess again, trash, tools and broken parts strewn throught the shop. He immediatly started tidying up, mumbleing to himself in anger as he did....
"You gonna go eat?" Sergent Wryley called from across the floor.
"Seven allready?! Hell yea im going to go eat!"
"I know you neva miss a meal!" he chuckled.
Phillis finished picking up the trash as Sgt Wryley went to get the Senior Airman that worked supply, a cute little calico female by the name of Williams. Phill went into the "office" to grab some water, and promtly took a few hydroxycut and a vitamin, then they were off, another "silent" ride to the chow hall. The food there was good in the mornings, thats why they went to that one, but it scared Phill that it was right under "srawberry hill", a hill that the enemy apparently aimed for. Phill grabbed the usual omlette and fruit, and sat next to the news tv. He went to work destroying the food, and as usual he was done before the other two. They poked fun at him for his millitary eating habits as he got up for some coffee. It was burnt as usual, but it readied him for the day, and sugar always helped. As he sat down and sipped his coffee, he looked up to the tv. Yesterdays news was about how senators from the presidents side of the two party house, were suddenly switching sides and abandoning the president, citing that they see no progress, before his plan had come to full effect. Phill gave the second disgusted snort of the day.
"They babble about what they DON'T see, when they should be babbleing about what they are GOING to see." he said loudly. He got a nod and a chuckle from a pair of army captains at the next table, and the civillian sitting next to him agreed.
"They only doin' that 'cause of the next election, tryin' to get their party out of tha hole." chuckled Sergent Wryley.
"Thats fucking retarded!!" fumed phillis, "Why in the hell are they concerned for their party?!... When theres a war going on that can't wait for petty squabbles before elections, there's lives at stake!!!"
"Power." replied Sgt Wryley solemnly.
"They don' care bout us, so long as they ass in power, and makin' money. And they'll do anything to keep it in check, thats why theys' still an electoral colledge, even tho' the people can obviously think fo' themselves..."
"What we need is a real person up there for the candidacy, you know, like a vet who's seen the progress weve actually made here, not some political puppet spewing the same guilded bullshit in a different flavor..." mumbled phill, he got another agreement from the civillian.
They left the chowhall energized, and amazed again at the difference in in hour as the sun sat higher on the horizon. Sgt Wryley suggested on the way to the Hmmwv that Phill pick up his pc so they can play chess after he was done with Lucky. Phill agreed, chuckleing at the thought of the Miss Piggy and Ozzy duet "born to be wild" blairing on the sterio. When they got to the shop he'd decided on King Diamond instead. Putting it on, he turned it up and gathered the tools for his task. Sgt Wryley burst out of the office and yelled,
"This ain' singing! This is jus' yellin' and a guitar!" Phillis laughed and countered with,
"Flavor Flav."
"True." Sgt Wryley said as he started playing air guitar and mocking the high piched lyrics. Phillis laughed again and sang with the song word for word in contrasting baratone, he wriggled underneath the rear differential and got to work. He whistled happily at what he saw, the beauty of doing brakes on a hmmwv is you only need to remove two things to get at the calipers, both of witch were already taken care of by the night shift. So the only thing Phill needed to worry about was the steady flow of brake fluid on his fur, whitch he shrugged off as part of his job. They were done in two hours, leaving him dirty as hell, but satisfied that she could get the cops back from their mission, and with two hours to kill untill lunch. After he was washed up, he suddenly had the urge to play that Ozzy song. With a mischeivious smirk he looked towards the Army side of the shop for victims, but oddly, there was not a soul to be found. He also noticed that heavy maintennace on the other side of the compound was gone too, he figured they finally got a well deserved day off, and left it at that.
"I'm ready to have my ass handed to me again!" Phill anounced as he walked through the door of the office.
"But you are going down before that!" he chuckled, deciding to put on that song anyways. Sgt Wryley looked at him funny when he heard Miss Piggy blaring on the speakers.
"Hey, you subject me to 'Puff the Magic Dragon'! Haha!"
The two hours went by slowly. Phill indeed had his ass handed to him, five to almost one, and when they were done he went to doodleing on paint. His mind was left free to wander again, and it went back to the dream he'd had.......
The head she'd given him was amazing, and he wondered if she was playing with herself as she was doing it. Pictureing her, he made her play with herself, making soft moans as she thrust her hips into the air. He moved her left hand to her tit and made her kneed it, she moaned louder, slipping two fingers into her wet passage. He stopped her, and suddenly he was above her in doggy style position, digging his claws into her firm rump, making her growl in exstacy......
"Lets eat!" Sgt Wryley snapped him out of it.
"Uh, sure!" Phill managed, suddenly conscious of the bulge in his DCU pants.
"I'll get Williams." Phill said, feeling safer as he turned his back to his supervisor.....
As usual he got done before them again, and usually they took their time on lunch break, so he grabbed a rip it energy drink and let his mind slip yet again.....
He'd always wanted something different, so every other week before he bought and rebuilt this beast he'd had a different passion in a new vehicle. His first being an origional Mini Cooper with a Honda Vtec conversion, after that it was a turboed 98 Buick Regal GS, a little Geo Metro with a swapped or suped up engine, a Miata with a 5.0 Mustang conversion, a Cobra kit car, and various musclecars. He pulled the little Bug into the burnout pit, feeling the excitement build into his chest, he positioned is feet and waited for the signal. He wached intently as an otter came by and wet his rear tyres, then his opponents, a four door Dodge Ram dually. He then walked in between the two vehicles and checked to see if each contender was ready. They were. The otter spun his paw. Phill's heart felt like it was in his throught as he immediatly dumped the clutch and smashed down the gas, the Volkswagon responding by instantly breaking loose and screeming to redline, and thick white smoke started billowing around him. Laughing histerically, he upshifted to show off to his friends in the stands, surging forward, and let it go past the staging line. The turbodeisel next to him was no joke either, pulling an equally impressive dual wheel burnout, with the turbo screeming a high pitched wail the whole time. Phill was a little afraid of the deisel, it was the only one on the strip that day, and he watched it smack down a few good musclecars, and he'd read about how mutch cheap power you could actually get from a 5.9 Cummins... This one still had a full tool box on the back. I got my engine to put out 280 hp... In this chassis? This should be good! He thought as he backed the little beast up to the stageing line.....
"You ready?" asked Sgt Wryley. Phillis, dazed, just nodded his head, and followed them out of the chowhall. During the ride back he thought of his dream again, and the rough ride of the Hmmwv made things worse, with his hardon rubbing against the fabric of his pants. So when they got back he went to a port-a-potty. It was a little hot, so he debated wether or not to actually proceed with it. He looked down at his sheath, the pink tip of his penis was poking out. The thought of carrying out his masturbation brought it out more, and watching that happen made him even hotter.....
She was begging him to enter her warmth, rubbing her clitoris and spreading her legs wide. He grinned at the thought of royaly fucking this bitch. Grabbing his dick, he stroked himself in front of her, reveling in the feeling of being watched and wanted, and smearing pre all up and down his shaft. He watched her movements... She bit her lower lip, seemingly fixated on his cock. Figureing this was enough showoff time, he moved towards her, placed it on her netherlips, and began rubbing his tip up and down them, teasing her. She wimpered at him in need and he obliged, ramming himself in to the hilt and grunting in reply to her gasp of pleasure. He started to thrust in earnest, and bending down began to nibble and lick at her neck. He slowly worked his way down to the vally between her breasts. He caught her scent as it came wafting up from their grinding crotches, as she started yiffing lightly at every thrust he made. Knowing she was close, he thrust harder, and his muzzle meandered over to her left nipple, nipping and suckleing it. Her yiffs became yelps and she started to thrust back hard as she started cumming around him, wrapping her legs around him and pulling him deeper, telling him not to stop. He smiled as his knot swelled, hearing her gasp, watching her spasm, and feeling her cum, he propped himself up, he was ready to do the cumming now. Upping tempo, he slid all the way out to the tip, then rammed in all the way to the knot, thrusting madly, over and over. The sound of his balls slapping against her ass filled the room, and she came for a second time, yoweling in exstacy as her vaginal muscles started grabbing and tugging at his dick. This sent him over the edge, moaning deeply, he forced his knot into her and began filling her with his thick seed.....
Phill's knees buckled as he came, allmost hollaring his pleasure to the world as he felt the bliss of release. He continued stroking as he watched his dick dump load after load into the small urinal on the wall. As the last bit of pleasure subsided he chuckled to himself. A good distraction from a dull day.
"Man I need a girlfreind.." he mumbled, as he grabbed the toilet paper and cleaned himself off, moaning as the unusually hot paper toched his over-sensitive meat. He wobbled out of the port-a-potty in time to watch an administrative fleet truck roll into the compound. Sometimes the brass came by to see how their Airmen underlings are doing, so he figured this was no different. As he walked up to the shop though, something wasn't right. A sympathetic looking rabbit in an Army uniform walked up and greeted him,
"How are you doing?" he turned out to be a Lt. Col. Chaplain.
"Uh.. i'm fine, Sir" he said, a little threw off by the concern in his voice.
"Good to hear. What is your name? Is this your first deployment?"
"I'm Airman Phillis Hownde, Sir." he said, shaking the rabbits hand.
I'm a sick mother sometimes, he thought.
"Yes Sir it is, I'm still trying to get used to things here, I'm surprised I'm here to be honest, Sir" he said laughing nervously and rubbing his head, he had a light fear of officers, even though this one was a Chaplain.
"Oh, why's that?"
"Well Sir I've only been in a little over a year now, and on top of that, I'm not finished training for my job, I should be doing oil changes." as he finished his sentence, the First Sergent, and an Army Major walked out of the office with Sergent Wryley. The chaplain regarded them and asked.
"What northern State are you from?"
"Heh, that obvious, Sir? I'm from upstate New York, nothing but trees, mountains, and lakes" he said, putting an emphasis on upstate.
"Well, if you need anything... Fillip is it? My office is right across the street, take care and God bless." With that he handed phill a card and followed the other two into the truck, and all three drove off in a cloud of dust.
"What the hell was that about?!" Phill wondered aloud to Sgt Wryley.
"Rememba tha morter last night? Someone got hit."
"I hope they're all right!" wondered Phill, truly empathetic for his Army comrads.
"It was tha' one fuels chick, the golden retreiva, rememba her? She was hit in tha heart, died on tha way to tha hospital..."
"Damn.. So thats why nobody was here today.."
"They was at tha funeral." Sgt Wryley grimmly added.
The news hit Phillis like a ton of bricks. He suddenly felt detached from everything. He knew her, she was nice to him.... One of the first people he met out here.. He couldn't for the life of him remember her name.. Then suddenly his own mortality really came into focus, and it ashamed him that he was thinking of himself in light of this news, he felt sick.
He was on auto pilot the rest of the day, barely noticing when he took his shower, and walked to chow. Not even hungry, he grabbed a chicken sandwitch and sat alone. Just like every dinner, he ate in silence. Staring into space, his mind raced....
Godspeed to her family; I want to see my family; I want to have a family; Is one going to come now, or when I sleep; I never really beleived in God, so worshiping now would be hipocritical; I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle, will I get a chance to?; Why the hell do they fight for this wasteland; I've always wanted to go hiking and camping in Alaska; I want a fucking Girlfriend!; Were are my friends? They eat at this damn chowhall too; It seems I'm destined to be alone.
That last thought had him almost crying, he had to fight himself to stop, he was still in the chowhall. He looked down at the half eaten chicken, suddenly realizing again that everything he had ever eaten was once alive. His mind reeled, he desperately tried to find something to take his thoughts elswere. He focoused on his hands...
So dirty, and how in the hell did I get that cut?! Sighing, he heaved himself off of the chair, and absently walked out. The walk back was slow, he spent the whole time looking for any sighns of life besides the dull brown, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of a camel spider, that misunderstood creature had always been of interest to him. Nothing. He looked up, and before the sound hit him, he saw tracer rounds heading in the direction of strawberry hill, followed by a big black puff of smoke....
Krak, krak, krak, BOOM....
The nameless Soldier came to mind..
"Why in the FUCK didn't you work for HER!!!" he screemed at the tracer rounds.
"Are the Goddamn communications towers more important than a furrsons life?!?!!"
He looked around after the sudden outburst, nobody was around. I need to go to bed, he thought. He finished the trek to the tent in silence. Pondering that maybe there was no God, as everything on Earth seemed to be fueled only by his fellow furs greed for money and lust for power, and that the Universe was formed by chance, and everything in it was formed by the infinite chance interactions of the smallest particles (He always marveled at the thought that he and everything around him was once fuel for a star). If there was, he must have enjoyed watching the countless slauters of innocent people in his name..... Sick motherfucker. When he got to the tent, he plopped on his bed and set up his computer...
Boom... Another one went off out in the distance, but he still jumped.
" 'Incoming, incoming, incoming', feeeeeeeeeeeeew....... BOOM!! Haha!" one of the furs bunking next to him mocked the inadaquit PA system. You wont be laughing when one hits closer, asshole, Phill thought. He put on his headphones and settled on Nevermore's "Dead Heart, in a Dead World" album. Perfect for my mood, he thought. He turned it up and layed down, suddenly feeling the vibration of another mortar, pretty close this time, unfased, he laughed out loud at the thought of his tentmate shitting himself. As he fell into another restless sleep, he tried to picture that golden retreiver's face, but sadly came up with only a fuzzy, formless generalization.