That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 8: What They Don't Know About, Won't Hurt Them. (Part 3)
#29 of That Gay Goth Dog
(click here then read)'fuck what a long night.' i said holding my head. 'wait where am i.' i got up quickly and looked around. 'wait ... what is thi- a IV?... god what happend.' i looked around as my vision come though to me."hayden?".... "HAYDEN!"..... i curled into a tight ball holding my knees to my chest. i started shivering. just then a tall cobra came in.
"sssir? are you ok?" he asked putting a hand on my neck stroking it gently.
"hay-Hayden Stev-Stevens... was he he-here?" i asked stuttering and shivering.
"mm.. let me check." he walked out and came back a few minutes later. "yesss ssssir he wasss here... he left sssshortly before you woke up... hossspital rulsss."
"thank you.." i laid down into the bed and felt my cell phone go off.i quickly answered it."hello?!"
"hey hon. are you ok... you got in welll... do you remember anything?" hayden said gently.
"n-no... why am i in here.. hayden please come here. i feel so alone... please hon." i started crying.
"hon... their should be a little husky stuff animal on the table next to you. do you see it?"
i looked over and turned on the light. their was a black and purple husky. it had haydens musk over it, his eyes, fur everything. i held it close to my chest and whispered thank you over the phone.
"your welcome, now get some sleep. i love you and will be their tomorrow. bye"
"bye... love you to." we both hung up and i quickly sniffed the husky and held it tight against my chest. i don't know why but that gave me the same warmth as hayden. i slowly drifted back to sleep smiling as i held the husky.
-----------------------------------------------------next day----------------------------------------------------------------i woke up and saw hayden sitting next to me. i could see more because of the sun. my leg had stitches down one side. my right arm had some stitches as well. i had some band-aids around my chest and some tape to keep the IV and monoters in..
"hey hon, are you alright?" hayden asked smiling and licked my nose.
i nodded,"yes hon, thank you for being here for me. i-i really need you here... can you tell me what happend? i dont remember anything." i asked licking his lips and smiled.
"well... on your way to talk to james about the club you... never mind i think its better if you dont know...." he said looking at me smiling.
when he said that my eyes went wide and i felt my cheek, there was the cut that leon had. "hon.. how is leon doing... i know that he was having a hard time because of getting kidnapped...
hayden looked at me like i was crazy, "hon... leon is fine.. nothing happened but some guy calling him a fag and got into a little fight. it was the same night you got well.." he pointed to my body. "just rest, you should be ok in no time."
i closed my eyes trying to figure out everything, the doctor ran in. "sssir, you need to calm down." he said my heart monoter was going fast. hayden kissed my lips and it slowly went down. i smiled into the kiss and rubbed his chest. the strong muscles under his shirt forced a bigger smile. "hmmm... just kissssss him more, and he will be outta here in no time." the doctor smiled then walked out.
"fuck.... this is wired." i said and sighed.
"what do you mean hon?"
"well..." i told him what i thought i lived. he stood their in shock. "yeah... crazy, just like me." i smiled and so did he.
"my crazy ass german shepherd." he smiled and rubbed my head pushing some of my hair back. i smiled and took his paw into mine and licked it gently.
i chuckled, "my wired as husky." i brought his head down and kissed his lips. his tail went into hyper-speed and he let out a light murr. i smiled and patted his head. he put his head on my chest and sat down, soone we both fell asleep.
i woke up to Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica (listen and read). i slowly got my vision correct and saw hayden was still on my chest. i smiled and rubbed his back, he murred loudly making me smile. "i love you hon." i smiled and laid back and closed my eyes thinking about what was going on in life.i couldnt understand how i could have drempt any of this but in leons head. i taped my paw on the end of the bed listing to the song. i smiled more as i saw haydens tail wag to the beat. i chuckled and rubbed his neck making him murr. i couldnt help but get lost in the song. "im not strong enough to stay away, what would i do, i would die without you, in your presance my heart knows no shame. im not to blame, because you bring my heart to its knees." i sang and hayden looked up and started singing with me.
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay. I'm so confused,So hard to choose. Between the pleasure and the pain And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right. Even if i try to win the fight, my heart would overule my mind And I'm not strong enough to stay away
There's nothing I can do My heart is chained to you And I can't get free Look what this love's done to me
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay. I'm so confused,So hard to choose. Between the pleasure and the pain And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right. Even if i tried to win the fight, my heart would overule my mind. And I'm not strong enough to stay away
"i love you hon.. so much." i said and kissed his lips.
i love you to hon." he kissed me back and nuzzled my paw. "the doc said that you should be able to go home today, if you want, theirs no rush."
"gah, get me the hell out of here." i said and licked his ear. "he helpped my up and gave me some cloths and we walked out of the room.
"hi, Jeremy Stevens, checking out." hayden said, he signed a few papers then we both walked to haydens car. "man... that place most know us by heart."
"im pretty sure they do.. we been in their alot." i chuckled. when we got into the car hayden turnd on Unbound (The Wild Ride) by Avenged Sevenfold. i started drumming along as he sang along to the song. it took us a while to get home becuase of how far away we were. by the time we got home it was getting dark, we both ran up to our room and undressed and laid down togehter. "i missed your fluffy-ness hon."
"guessing that husky plushi didnt do much for you."
"it did more then you would ever know." i smiled and kissed his lips. i soon drifted into my dream world.
"yeahhhh... noooo.. i dont know what the hell your doing... if i knew i would tell you, but i dont so why call me and ask me when i havent seen you in 12 years. no i dont ha.. yes i know im a fag... so is hayden.. i dont care what reli... WILL YOU JUST SHUT..... oh hell.... what....... bitch just shut up for a secod.... ok now listen up. i dont care what you or dad think... yes i ... no... no.. sure... fuck you... yes i like to shove my dog bone up his tail hole, and he likes it to... yes... i dont care if pastor jason thinks being gay is worng... ok goodbye bitch." i said and hung up the phone.
"who was that hon?" hayden asked form the kitchen.
'bitch of a mother who believes that pastor jason is the key to everything... she has no idea how much i dont care." i said sighing and sitting down at the table. "be happy your parents believe we have rights.. god with out them dont think we would have mad it this far in life... then again i have you." i said and smiled.
haydens tail started wagging and he came over and sat down next to me. "well we have been married for about 12 years now.. so i think we are stuck together no matter what.. but eh i dont know. maybe someday we will fall out of lo-"
"bitch please. i will love you till the end of time." i said and put my claws into a little heart and smiled. he did the same then kissed my nose.i smiled happily and rubbed his cheek.
_"i know i was just jokin, i know nothing will ever happen between us."... BEEP BEEEPBEEEP_BEEPBEEPBEEP
"fucking alarm clock!" i shouted waking up hayden. we both looked at the clock and relised we over slept. we quickly jumped into the shower and washed our fur as fast as we could. we jumped out and quickly dry and ran out, i ended up putting on haydens blue jeans and E.O T-shirt. he put on my boxers, Black pans and black shirt. at that moment Come Home by Zoe got stuck in my head. we both ran as fast as we could to our next class. we barily made it in time. we sat down next to seth winded.
"you pups ok?" he said looking at both of us with a eyebrow cocked.
"yeah.... just sprinting form dorms to here is a bitch." hayden said.
"fu-fuckkkk!" i said making hayden and seth laugh. "im a 190lbs dog... 6'1" ... i should not be sprinting for so far." i said and chuckled.
"oh-well at least you made it here in time.. we have another fricking quiz today..."
"fuck!" me and hayden both said. the teach hushed us and gave us our quizzes.
after about 30 minutes i gave the teacher the quiz and she dissmised me. i sat out side till hayden and seth came out. soon seth walked out and about 20 minutes later hayden walked out. "that was simple..." hayden said smiling.
"yeah-yeah smart dogs think everything is simple." seth said waving his paw ranomdly.
"im sure i failed.... but, eh," i said. we walked back to the dorms and back to our rooms. once me and hayden got into our room we started playing GTA5, right away hayden started killing people hwo looked like whores.
"DIE. WHORE, DIE!" hayden yelled. i started shooting random things, soon we had a 6 star wanted level and cops shooting at us from all over the place. after our 600th death we turnd off the system and sat down to do some home work. shortly after that we laid down and fell asleep in eachothers arms listing to Creek Mary's Blood by Nightwish.
hope you like! fav, watch, subscrive, feel free to add me as a friend on here and skype. also message me if you want. tell me what you think of the songs i link. and also if you think the sotry is as good as when i first started! love chu all BYE!!!! well see you soon i hope o.o