Matheau and Beijore 10: The Legacy's End

Story by MatheauTheRed on SoFurry

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Matheau and Beijore: The Legacy Ends

Okay, you know the basic rules, no one under 18, so i dont need to go further.

It was a day just like any other. The entire Stratford family was up and about. Matheau and Beijore were both surprised, though not unpleasantly, that both of their daughters Sasha and Jocylyn were pregnant with their son Aurokhan's children. They all moved out of the cavern and into the morning sunlight, stretching themselves. The sun played off of their scales, and the colored rainbows danced and mingled across the ground. Matheau smiled down at all of his children, children that he never thought he would have. And his beautiful mate, the lovely Beijore. He kissed her now, and the children all 'ooohed', though it was nothing unfamiliar to them, obviously. Beijore just huffed playfully and shook her head at them. "Well, I think its time that i went hunting, dont you?" Matheau was greeted by a chourus of begs to go with him. "No no....Sasha and Jocylyn, you are egg heavy, so you both know that the awnser is no. Aurokhan, you are not quite ready yet, and your flight is still unsteady. And Beijore.....You know that you cant go because you have to stay and watch the children, but also because you are pregnant again as well." It was true. It had been over two years since the two of them had gotten together. And it was a year and a half since he had first gotten her pregnant with their three children, and become a dragon in the first place thanks to Beijore's magic. They all whined and complained, but Matheau was firm in his decision. "I shant be gone long, my darlings, just go inside and rest for awhile, and i will bring you all back a fat deer to eat." This seemed to seal the deal for the children, and they all obediantly went back into the cave. Beijore, however, was much more difficult to persuade. "Matheau, please let me go with you....." She pleaded, her emerald orbs boring into his crimson eyes. "You will need help bringing back so much food...." Matheau shook his head.

"You underestimate me darling." He said softly, nuzzling her neck. "I'll carry two in each of my arms, and the other in my jaws. Please darling, just stay here, i'll be back before you know it, okay?" He kissed her softy, and walked inside, giving each of his children a kiss and a hug. "I'll be back soon, so i hope your hungry." They all piped their assent as he moved back outside. He kissed Beijore again tenderly, and hugged her. This had become a habit from the last close encounter he had had with death. He never left to go anywhere without kissing his wife and children and telling them how much he loved them. If it was one thing he had learned from his near death experiance, it was to cherish every moment that he was alive and to make sure he always told his family how much he loved them. He spread his wings and took flight, heading into the sunlight.


Beijore moved back inside, watching her children frolic and play with each other, in sometimes rather borderline play between sexual acts and just play. Beijore shook her head. "You children know that you have a bedroom for that. I know that you are all mates together, but that doesnt mean i want to watch you do it." She smiled lovingly at her babies. She was very proud of them, and they had grown up so quickly, Aurokhan soon to be a daddy, and her daughters soon to be first time mothers. Their family was quickly growing. Beijore remembered the first time that she met Matheau, and how they were very much like the children. They were both in love with each other, but were afraid to admit it to the other for fear of rejection. She remembered the first time that they had made love, and they gave each other their virginity. Matheau had been so gentle and loving with her. That was a memory that she would always cherish. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didnt notice the children move off to their own private room until she heard the noises of them mating and enjoying each other. That small smile of pride tugged at her lips again as she moved to her chambers to lie down and wait for her husbands return.


He watched the dragon leave his home through his one good eye. His body was battered and nearly destroyed from the confrontation they had had years ago. That insolent whelp had learned to tap into his draconity for those few hours that it took, and he had beaten him, nearly killed him and left him for dead. Now he would have his revenge, and he was going to hit him where it hurt the most. He was going to take away that errogant dragon's life, as he had taken his all those years ago. He glided slowly, silently towards the cave he had seen the crimson beast leave from. So he had finally learned how to take on his true form. That was well and good. It wouldnt matter soon. He set down carefully on the edge of the cave and crept inside. He had to admit, it was well kept. But he suspected it was more from his mate than himself. His ears and nose pricked up as he smelled and heard the sounds of sex nearby. So this may get interesting yet. He crept slowly towards the sounds, and came across what he suspected were the dragon's children. The were a tangle of wings, tails and limbs as they pleased each other sexually, fullfilling their carnal needs. A snarl came to his lips and he breathed a might breath of flames that engulfed the entire room. The children screamed in agony and pain as the flames surrounded them. He moved in quickly and dispatched of them, ripping them apart with tooth and claw so that they would be hard to identify for even the father to identify. As their screams subsided and echoed into the darkness, he heard a roar of outrage from behind him as a tail struck him hard enough to send him into the charred remains of the room, crashing into the far wall. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABIES?!!" The female screamed. Her breaths came in heaving sobs, and tears streamed down her face. She was pissed, needless to say, and he took great pleasure in the pain from the blow that she had delivered. He got back to his feet and stared her down. His eyes were of a deep purple, resembling the color of darkness absolute. "The same thing that i am going to do to you, you slut." He snarled and launched himself at her, striking her hard an the jaw with his fist. He felt the satisfying feel of her jaw and teeth breaking. She staggered but did not fall. She caught her balance and swung her broad tail at him, but it was a wild swing due to her fury, and he easily dodged out of the way. He kicked her hard in the side, and he was suddenly on top of her, pinning her arms to the floor, his teeth sinking deep into her throat as he held her down and forced her hind legs apart. She squirmed and thrashed, beat at him with her wings, did everything she could do to get him off of her, but nothing was working. He slammed his cock into her sex with one quick thrust, and she screamed out in pain at the rough penetration. He pistoned his hips, driving himself hard and deep into her repeatedly, his teeth sinking deeper into her throat. She suddenly fell very still, letting this unknow beast have his way with her. He had killed her babies and her grandchildren in one gruesome attack without her even sensing his presence. And here he was, rapeing her violently in her own home, not 20 feet from where her dead babies lay. Despite what she wanted, her body was responding to him, her juices and her blood coating his thick cock, aiding his thrustings into her. She felt him tense up and suddenly he pulled out of her, letting go of her throat and stepping foreward, roaring as he came on her face, nearly blinding her with his hot thick cream. She lay very still, hoping that Matheau came home right now to stop this maddness, to kill this dragon before he did any more harm........


Matheau was in fact, not very far from home, and he had already dropped all of the deer that he had been carrying. Something was wrong, he felt it. A sharp pain in his chest was telling him that something bad was happening at home. He flew as fast as he could, and he smelled smoke as he got near. His talons scraped the ground as he landed and he walked inside to the most horrifying sight imaginable. His wife lying on the floor, her sex bleeding and her face plastered with another males cum. And that very dragon stood behind her, his talons to her throat. "Good." The dragon said in a low voice, his one eye glowing in the darkness of the shadows. "Welcome home.....SON!" Upon this proclomation, he slashes Beijore's throat and snapped her neck in one fluid motion, letting her lifeless body fall to the floor. Matheau roared in sorrow, falling to his knees, the tears flowing down his cheeks as he stared in disbelief, his body in the paralysis of shock at he had just watched. The dragon stepped foreward, his body completely covered in scars, his wings battered, and one eye missing. His body still shone crimson red despite the scars. "And if you look to your children's room....." The dragon directed with a nod. "You will see the remains of your slutty children. I despatched them before i took care of your whore of a mate." Matheau sobbed uncontrollably, the word 'why' kept coming from his mouth. The father that he had hated had returned from seemingly the dead. After Matheau had witnessed his father murder his mother and his brothers and sisters, he had lived alone, training himself until he was strong enough. He had sought out his father and challenged him. After a brutal battle that nearly took both of their lives, Matheau had prevailed, and watched his father's presumably lifeless body fall and crash to the ground. Then he killed his fathers new mate, pregnant with his children. He took his father's life away, or so he thought, as his father had taken his.

"Thats right, you ungrateful little whelp. You thought you killed me, and you took away my whole life. It took me a long time to hunt you down, and now ive taken your life away." He scowled at his son's whimpering and sobbing form. "Not so strong now are you, you son of a bitch? How does it feel to be dead in every sense but the literal? That is how i felt after i returned home to find my mate dead. If you had just left them be, none of this would have ever happened. Look at your mate....look at the remains of your children. Tell me how you feel!"

Matheau of course could not respond, his life all but gone from his body. He somehow dragged himself to his feet, his eyes burning with rage, anger, hate, sorrow, so many mixed emotion, but there was no fight left in him. His life was over. He had nothing left.......He spread his wings open and held his forearms open and lowered his head and his eyes, the ultimate surrender of a dragon. "You've taken everything away from me, father." He whispered hoarsely. "Youve taken my mother, my brothers, my sisters, my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. You win father.....after all of these years, you win. Ive nothing left to live for, there is nothing left for me here. If you are any sort of dragon, you will accept my surrender and kill me......If you dont, i swear that i will kill you. And this time, ill make damn sure that i watch the final breath leave your body." He heard his father approach, and kept his eyes downcast, but he was standing as proudly as he could. A snarl sounded, and he felt his father's teeth sink into his throat. He did not roar, he did not scream, he did not even move. He would not give this.....THING, the satisfaction of his cry. Suddenly, his father ripped backwards, and Matheau choked as his throat was ripped out. He gasped for breath as he felt his blood filling his lungs, choking on his own blood. His eyes started to drift closed, and all he saw was light, as if he were in a tunnel. And waiting at the end of the tunnel, he saw Beijore, and his children standing and waiting for him, calling for him. He started foreward as his last breath fled his body, and he was in her arms sobbing at the end of the tunnel. Apologizing over and over as he cried and she held him, and his children hugged him tight. They were together again, they had waited for him, because they knew he was coming. They were whole, as if nothing had happened, but they all knew that they were dead, and in the next world. The Stratford legacy ended with Matheau's death. But for those that knew and loved them, their legacy would always carry on with their memory.

Author's Note: Matheau and Beijore have been with me ever since i first started writing 13 long years ago. This was a very hard story for me to write, and i did actually cry writting it. Though Matheau and Beijore may have died in this story, they are not truely gone, and im sure you'll see them some time later down the road. But for now, ive decided to stop writing stories, and this will be my last for some time to come. Matheau and Beijore are both a part of me, and will always be in my heart, and as the end of the story says, the Stratford legacy will carry on as long as they are remembered. I hope you have all enjoyed the stories, as i have writing them, and on occasion, if i get enough demand for it, i may make another story. So please keep these two beloved characters of mine in your hearts and remember them, as i know i will. But for now, this is goodbye, my friends. And this comes not from the author, but from THE original Matheau. Until we meet again, Friends, fare ye well.