The Lake-House

Story by Cronicdragon on SoFurry

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This is somewhat a doodle story that I wrote in about 4 hours to get it out of my head. I might make it into a series and do one for each day, perhaps having a different fetish or scenario each day; i'm undecided but let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy it and comments and criticisms are welcome!

Also a big thank you for Diamond Dragon for inspiring this idea and pretty much coming up with the plot for it, so thank you!

Slam went the door of the smart company saloon car, and with it went the stresses of another week at the office. A brown furred paw rested on the dark blue paint as it wiped the bonnet clear of the few smears of dirt and insect remains before it returned to it's owner's side.

Its owner was a young handsome otter by the name of Austin. He was no taller than the next otter and no wider either, simply remaining fairly average looking with the exception of his suave suit that he wore when he worked. He was covered from head to toe in a glistening brown coat that he took pride keeping clean and soft; so much so that he would often give himself a second shower every day, if not just for the relaxing touch of the hot water and to wash any loose dirt away from him. From a young age he had had a fairly comfortable life, growing up in relative wealth in a happy family home and enjoying the company of a wide circle of friends; most of whom he still kept in touch with. Leaving school he had found a job at a local logistics company and was soon set up with a cosy job for life.

One other perk of his job, besides the car, was the salary. Saving up over the years he had found himself with enough money to buy a house that was away from all the noise and bustle of the city; somewhere by the side of a lake with no other houses in sight where he could do what he wanted and not be disturbed by anyone or anything. And so it was that, on stepping out of his car, he was greeted by the sight of his lakeside cabin and the cool breeze that often blew across the lake and rustled his fur.

Letting his lungs fill with the pollution-free air, he grinned and made his way to the cabin door to let himself inside. Inside he sighed, the bright sunshine seeping through the many windows and skylights that covered the house, lighting up the large rooms and leaving him feeling all the better. Everything was untouched, exactly as he remembered it, and nothing felt better to him than that thought of being away from every stress of everyday life and being free to settle back into his holiday thoughts.

Dropping onto the sofa, he began to contemplate his plan for the next week. Having received a weeks holiday from work, he had decided to invite one of his friends round to stay and enjoy the warm sunny beaches with him. Everything had been set up in advance and all that was left was for the guest to show up.

After a few moments of relaxing in the simmering glow of the slowly setting sun, Austin realised that he might need to stock up on food for the coming week and so, despite wanting to stay in his position atop the sofa, he dragged himself out to the car to do some quick shopping; all the while thinking about the long hot shower he would have when he got back home.

The next morning Austin's guest arrived. It was a bright sunny morning, without a single cloud to blemish the sky, and the temperature was slowly rising to what would soon be perfect summer heat. Driving up in a similar car, he climbed out and stepped onto the cobblestone driveway, smiling happily to himself as he looked over the house in front of him. He was another otter named Shaun and it was his first time visiting his friends luxury cabin that he had so often told him about. So far it seemed to be everything that he had been told it was.

In many ways the two were the same; they were the same height, had the same job and car, they had similar tastes too. But Shaun was a few years younger than Austin and still naïve and shy in the workplace; Austin was his first real friend there and he had grown ever more attached to him ever since. He was much skinnier than Austin and wasn't as muscular as the older otter, often making him seem a lot younger than he actually was, and his fur was a much lighter brown as well, the thing which made it easiest to distinguish between the two.

Shaun, however, had not had the upbringing that Austin had. He had come from a lower class family and was never very popular at school; he wasn't bullied or picked on at all but he was always so quiet that the other kids never got to know him. So it was that Shaun stuck with his studies and passed every exam with flying colours, only ever making friends with a few people in his school years. He had tried to come out of his shell and talk with people but he always struggled to keep the conversation going and soon he tried less and less. Until he met Austin. Austin was kind to him, and even when Shaun struggled to even look in his eyes, he kept the conversation flowing and soon the younger otter began to open up. It was something that the light furred otter would never forget.

Opening the door to greet his friend, Austin wandered out to the car and began to help Shaun move his luggage into the house, all the while making friendly conversation.

"Shaun!" He half-shouted, giving the young otter a friendly hug, "Glad you could make it."

Shaun returned the hug just as eagerly and smiled from cheek to cheek. "Of course I made it, I wasn't going to miss the promise of a free stay in a lake house with you."

Shaun was his happy self around Austin and was quickly in deep conversation with him, something he couldn't manage so easily with anyone else. The talking also helped make the unpacking bearable as they caught up with each other after the last few days apart. It wasn't long before all the bags were unloaded and soon unpacked into the wardrobes in Shaun's room, giving him a chance to finally relax.

Now sat in the lounge Shaun had a chance to really take in the building and landscape around him; the beautiful lush forest that encased the lake, casting a small shadow ring around the outer edges, and the still clear waters of the lake itself added with the beauty of the wooden house and the bright décor inside made a perfect place to stay, especially with the one that he felt closest to.

"So what do you do out here in the middle of nowhere?" Shaun asked spreading himself out in a large plush armchair.

"Well, relaxing is always an easy option. And seeing as it's getting towards the middle of the day and it's such a lovely day outside, why not go for a swim?" Austin pointed out of the large windows to the inviting lake in his back garden.

"Sounds great! I'll go grab my trunks." He said, turning towards his room and starting to cross the lounge to get them.

"No trunks," Austin said with a mischievous grin, "One rule of this house is that the beach is strictly a nudist beach."

Shaun's face turned a deep red under the light brown fur and he stopped fast. "Wh..what? Why?"

"The beach was a nudist beach before I bought it and I thought it was a pretty good idea. After all, no one can see you out here," He knew that Shaun was a shy otter and so he relented a little bit, "Tell you what, you get undressed and head down to the water with your towel and I'll make my way down in a minute so no one will see you." Even though the older otter had made the offer he couldn't help but wish that he could watch. Shaun was a very cute otter and since they had begun to get closer, Austin had began to think about him as more than a friend, though he was unsure if the feeling was mutual.

For a moment Austin was worried that his friend might decline but he nodded his agreement, his cheeks still as red as ever as he meekly entered his room to collect his towel and remove his clothes. He shut the door behind him and began to strip himself quickly, unsure of how long Austin would give him. He removed his shirt to reveal his soft chest fur and lithe torso and then dropped his shorts so that all that remained was the tight white underwear the he loved to wear. He picked up his towel from inside the wardrobe and shut the door, noticing himself in the mirror that was screwed onto the front. The young otter let loose a small sigh; he was way too shy to make a move on Austin and he wasn't even sure if he was gay. Even if he was, Shaun was sure that he would never go for a skinny otter like himself. Looking like he did, Austin could have whoever he wanted.

The light brown otter shook his head, clearing it of such thoughts for now; this was not the time for such things. Promptly he dropped his pants and looked at himself in the mirror once more, seeing his furred sheath and fuzzy balls hanging between his legs. He was roughly average and perhaps a little over that, but he was nothing to behold, that was for sure.

Before he left the room he wrapped his towel around his waist and made his way through the lounge to the back door and out onto the beach, crunching his toes in the hot soft sand. Sure enough, Austin wasn't anywhere to be found and so he made his way to a nice spot on the beach and, after checking to make sure he was alone, took off his towel and laid it on the ground. He stood cupping his balls and sheath with his paws, not even confident with no one around, and with the sun heating his naked fur, the lake began to sound like a perfect idea, so without delay he headed towards the crystal blue water.

Austin was taking a moment to relieve his bladder in the bathroom when he heard a quick yelp from outside. He chuckled quietly to himself knowing that Shaun had just found that the water was much colder than he expected, a mistake he had made many times himself. Once finished with his business he grabbed his towel from the towel rack and headed outside, letting it swing neatly over his shoulder.

Shaun had, after a few moments of getting used to the chilly water, finally immersed himself part way in it and was now feeling much more relaxed as the water began to take the weight from his body. He almost didn't notice Austin walking down the beach towards him but when he did his cheeks burned an even brighter red than usual. Seeing his friend strolling down the beach and making no attempt to hide himself made his sheath swell quickly just under the water. His sleek toned body and abs were open to the air and, lowering his gaze, so were his thick sheath and large balls. It seemed like the otter was purposely walking so that nothing got in the way of that magnificent view, his arms on his towel and his towel around his shoulders.

It was all too much for the young otter though and he felt his sheath starting to release his pink cock. Fearing that it would be visible in the water he panicked a little and sunk himself suddenly deeper in the cold water, hiding it in the depths so that his friend couldn't see his dark secret. The movement, however, did not go unnoticed.

"You ok in there, Shaun?" Austin said as he laid down his tail, turning himself around so that his backside faced the young otter as he bent over, again making no attempt to hide his rump as he so skilfully showed it off.

"Er, fine, just fine!" He called back, his eyes glued to the supple cheeks that revealed themselves and, as he bent over to place his towel next to Shaun's, the small pink hole just between them. He could hardly control his cock now as it slid to almost full length under the water but at least it was hidden if he stayed low.

Dragging himself back to reality he pulled his gaze from his friend and turned away from the shore, taking a leap from where he was stood and swimming some way out into the lake, giving himself some time to tear his thoughts from the teasing male somewhere behind him. Having reached a fair distance into the expanse of water and felt his cock recede back into his sheath, he began to turn and head back, noticing that Austin was still relaxing in the shallows. However he took his time, unsure how he was going to last the day swimming naked with the otter of his dreams.

"Ah, you've come back I see." Austin joked, paddling around slowly on his back.

Shaun ignored the comment and splashed at the other otter, chuckling as he flinched and fell out of position, splashing himself in the process.

"So that's your game, huh?" The older otter grinned playfully and splashed back at Shaun who had already begun to return fire.

For an hour or so they splashed around, chased each other and just enjoyed the chance to play as if they had no cares in the world. But after a while the coldness of the water began to get to them and so they pulled themselves from the water and collapsed on their towels, content to let the searing sun dry their glistening fur while they talked about anything that seemed worthwhile talking about.

Even the distraction of conversation was not enough for Shaun though and soon he found himself looking over at his friend while he sunbathed. Watching his athletic form from no further than a few inches was enough to drive him mad; he wanted to lean over and pleasure Austin, to drag his tongue from the the base of his balls to the top of his chest and back down again. There was nothing he wouldn't do to get a chance with such a perfect male.

Austin was lying with his eyes shut to protect them from the sun's fierce glare and also to try and stop himself from looking over the younger male. He was unsure whether he was gay or not but he didn't want to drive Shaun away by asking. He always seemed so sensitive to anything personal and something like that might ruin the trust that they had; it seemed like a difficult thing to get around.

He opened his eyes and looked over at the lighter furred male and caught him looking over his body and crotch. It was only for a short second before Shaun pulled his eyes away and pretended that he hadn't been looking at all, but it was enough for Austin to confirm that he was interested.

Shaun had now diverted his eyes the other was and was looking out across the beach away from his friend to avoid facing him if he'd been caught and so Austin slowly brought his paw up and rested it on the younger male's chest, rubbing it gently in a slow sensual circle. Shaun recoiled at the touch, afraid at first that Austin was about to strike him for looking at him in such a way, but nothing came from it, all that he felt was Austin's caring paw massaging his soft bright fur. Slowly he turned his head and looked at his friend, his cheeks bearing the bright red colour that the older otter had come to adore.

"I never knew you thought about me that way Shaun" Austin said and continued to rub his chest lovingly, hoping to tease the younger otter into revealing his feelings.

"I...I never knew you did too." Shaun stuttered, his eyes darting from the paw on his chest to Austin and then away again.

"How could I not when you look so cute?" Austin growled quietly and dragged his paw up Shaun's chest, holding his head level with his own and sliding across next to him. Shaun's heart was pouncing in his ears as he was held looking Austin in the eyes and watching them draw ever closer until their lips touched. Austin gave him no chance to falter and held his lips firmly against the younger otter's, prying them open with his tongue and slipping it inside the wet cavern.

He slid his tongue over Shaun's, his eyes firmly shut so that all he could sense was the warm mouth of his lover and the quiet effeminate moans that he gave as he was so passionately kissed. Shaun's heart was thumping so hard that he thought even Austin could hear it but he didn't care, all he was focusing on was the lips that held his own and the tongue that shared saliva with his own and so he began to return the favour, slipping past the guard of Austin's lips and getting a true taste of his otter.

For a few moments they stayed simply discovering the tantalising pleasures of having a tongue inside of your mouth and the erotic taboo of their outdoor display. It was only when Shaun braved his timidity and rested a paw on Austin's toned stomach that the kiss broke, a trail of saliva momentarily connecting them.

"Ready to go further?" Austin asked, lifting his head a little and biting his playmate's ear softly, leaving him panting a little beneath him.

A soft nod was the only answer he received and so he pulled back onto his own towel and lie down, spreading his legs slightly wider and grinning over at the young male. "Then perhaps you would like to make that -wonderful- tongue of yours useful once again."

Shaun followed the movement of the darker otter and soon spotted the pink tip of his cock showing easily against the dark brown background. He stared and watched it slowly begin to slide from the sheath that held it and he knew that his own was doing the same as he watched. Something about it was so hypnotising that for a moment Austin thought that he wasn't going to perform but nothing would stop Shaun from taking this moment now.

Gradually he slid himself lower down his own towel so that his head was in line with the lengthening cock and then he rolled himself over and knelt over Austin's legs. His muzzle now hung but a few inches above the semi-hard cock and those large balls with the scent of the older otter's pheromones filling him mind with lust and desire. Lowering his muzzle he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, letting it make contact with the fuzzy orbs that hung under Austin's large sheath. After soaking in the lake for an hour there was little taste but it was mainly the knowledge of what he was doing that made it so good for him.

He began slowly caressing each orb with his tongue and soaking them in his saliva, making soft cooing noises as he lost himself in the moment. Austin could only watch and moan as he watched the cute male he had come to love licking his balls for him like he had always wanted. He had never taken Shaun to be this playful before and now that he was seeing this side of him, he was never going to wish for the old one back.

He felt Shaun slide one of the balls into his mouth so that he could carefully suckle on it like he had always dreamed about doing, making sure that no part of Austin's large sack was unwashed by his tongue. Finally he let them go, and pressed his nose up against them one last time, keeping his face to his lover's crotch and taking a few deep sniffs of that intoxicating male scent that he craved so desperately.

"My goodness Shaun," Austin panted quietly, "You really did want me." The only answer that Austin received though was a hormone driven moan from the young male who was still tending to the heavy balls as though he was never going to get another chance at them. "Why don't you try your muzzle out somewhere else? Goodness knows I could use a cute muzzle like yours right now."

Shaun realised just how he was acting and saw how animalistic he was being with the older otter but for once he didn't care. He wasn't feeling shy any more. He couldn't feeling shy around Austin any more after what he was doing with him. Austin loved him for him and he loved Austin for Austin. He didn't need to hold back who he was any more and so he wouldn't.

He slid his muzzle up, still keeping it pressed against the dark brown fur so that it rubbed over his sheath and sensitive cock, his own fur tickling and teasing the receiving male. He dragged his lips against the underside of that pink throbbing cock and he felt every pulse that surged through it and every spurt of pre that came up through it, and once he was sure that he'd felt all there was to felt, he began to lick his way from base to tip.

The moment he felt that tongue grind against his shaft, Austin let loose a small cry of release, finally having that which he had desired ever since he had began to know Shaun. His cock twitched even faster as his head raced with what things they could do and how good it felt to have Shaun's lips finally wrapping around his cock head and slowly, slowly, taking him inch by inch into the tight depths of his wet throat.

Shaun was on the same wavelength, never missing a beat as he stuffed as much of that otter cock deep into his mouth, greedily slurping and sucking it deeper and deeper with no intention of ever letting it go. His paw dragged down his own body and gripped his own engorged cock and began viscously pumping it as he took his lover's shaft inside of his body and pleasured it with his tongue, drinking down and salty pre that he could get a hold of.

Shaun felt Austin's paw rest on his head, and listened to his moans of bliss and sheer ecstasy as he was sucked for every drop of pre he could give. He heard the encouraging moans of "just like that" and "deeper Shaun, all the way to the base" and he knew that he would follow those orders as if his life depended on them. He bobbed his head, working up the momentum that he would use to take the cock all the way into his throat; he wanted it buried inside of him so that he could feel what it felt like to truly service this well-hung otter.

Tightening his lips and picking up his speed he began to moan himself, tightening his fist and pawing himself off in rhythm to the licks and bobs that he gave on the shaft in front of him. He began to work like clockwork and never missed a beat as he began to slowly take more and more of the enormous cock inside of his throat.

Austin managed to force his eyes open and looked down at the young otter beneath him, pushing on his head harder as he felt his urge to cum rising inside of him like the lava from a volcano that was about to blow. He watched his head get lower and lower and just as he felt the otter's nose bump against his crotch he felt his world fall around him; his body tensed and his toes curled tight. His teeth gritted and his hand slipped from the back of Shaun's head. Knowing that he had tipped over the edge, Shaun pulled most of the cock from his mouth and focused his tongue on the sensitive underside of the pink spaded head, gripping the base with his paw, sending even stronger waves of pleasure through his lover than he had before.

Moments later he felt a strong spurt of salty gooey cum hit him in the back of the throat making him splutter and cough and pull the cock from his mouth. The flood of seed then sprayed upwards, arching onto the young otter's face fur and painting it a pearly white, leaving him sticky and dirty in a way that made his pulse race and his own orgasm start. He moaned loudly as he felt the hot load of his lover coat his face white; he was so focused on the ecstasy of having Austin's cum finally on him that he hardly realised that he was now cumming himself, splattering Austin's leg with his messy load.

As their orgasms slowly faded Austin looked down and caught sight of his otter lover, his face painted white with his potent cum, and he grinned tiredly.

"Seems like you aren't as shy as you first seem." He chuckled and sat up, kissing his lover on the lips and driving his tongue quickly into his mouth. The taste of cum was still stuck inside and they shared the salty flavour for a few minutes before gradually breaking away.

They wandered down to the water to clean themselves of the mess they had made; and then slowly made their way back to the house walking hand in hand up the beach while they dreamed of what they would do for the 6 remaining days of their holiday.