That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 9: Painful Memories (part 1)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#31 of That Gay Goth Dog

The story in this chapter actually happened to me. i thought it was time i posted it. its something that no one knows about me. at all! hope you enjoy it. please leave a comment at the bottom. and help someone with their problems..

BECAUSE SAVING ONE LIFE, WILL! SAVE ANOTHER!.... i hope you like this. i put my heart into it.

i sat reading the G.T.D.A.S booklet. after about a hour of reading i packed up some things and started out to my class. as i walked i noticed a young arctic fox wearing all black and was sitting off to the side in a dark corner. i noticed his fur was a little pink. i stopped and looked at him and saw no movement. i ran over quickly and knelled down beside him shaking him lightly.

"hey, are you ok." he fell to the ground and i saw the pile of blood under his body. my eyes went wide and i gasped. some kids who were walking around just looked at him in disgust and kept walking. i pulled his body back up and put two fingers onto his neck to check a pulse. i head a very week one but he was still alive. i quickly picked up the bloody body and thew him around my back. at this time their was a little group around us. i had no choice but to scream."MOVE IT!" their was a small opening and i knew i wasn't ganna fit but i ran as fast as i could knocking down 2 kids. "i told you to fucking move!" i yelled and ran down to the nurses office. luckily i was close to the office because i felt his body start to shut down. it actually was hurting me for some odd reason.

i took out my cell phone and called 911, "911 whats you emerg-" she said before i cut her off.

"i have a arctic fox who has cut a little to deep. i found him in a pile of his own blood. he is alive but i don't know for much longer. please get to M.C nurse station ASAP!"

"we are on our way sir." she said and hung up. i got to the nurses station and set him on the bed. he opened his eyes slightly, he had pink eye's. almost as deep as haydens purple eyes, but his eyes were scared.

i took his paw and smiled. "dont worry. everything well be ok." just then some dalmatians with a stretcher ran in. i put the body on the stretcher and they ran out. "Ms. patty... what was his name?" i asked.

"Yoki... Yoki Zemmerman... why?" she asked puzzled.

"because... im ganna have to visit him soon." i said and walked out. i looked at the time on the watch hayden gave me. the watch as black with a purple face that matched his fur and purple hands that matched haydens eye's. "fuck!" i took off at a fast sprint, pumping my arms forward and staying light on my hind-paws.

i ran quickly to my class dodging furs as i went. i made it about 3 minutes late. i didn't know that the teacher likes to shut the door after the bell so i slammed right into it making a huge BANG!. the kids in the class scream and the teacher to jump and yell "FUCK!" she walked over and opened the door. "good god boy how the hell did you not brake down the door?" she asked and motioned me into the class.

"sorry Ms. Lu" i said and walked in.

"now tell me why so late for class Mr. Stevens, sleep late?" she asked.

"no ma'am. on my way here their was a young artic fox who was obviously depressed. he was cutting him self and cut a little to deep, i think, im not sure. but i had to run him to the nurses station and call 911. i stayed their intill the guys arrived and right when i found out his name i ran here as son as i can. hence the big bang." i chuckled.

"Mr. stevens... i haven't in all my time here heard of a male like your self do something like that. most of the... stronger, boys of the school just walk right by and not pat attention." she said with her mouth agape and her eyes wide.

"well, i want to make a difference on peoples lives. not to sit and drum all day, although that is what i want to do. i also want to help when i can." i said and smiled up at her.

"very good Stevens... ok class lets start." she said and claped her hands smiling. after about a hour and a half of reading and talking about somethings she dismissed us. "Oh! mr. sevens please come here." she said and motioned me up. the calss had already and i was just about to exit the door. i turnd around and walked back smiling and wagging my tail.

"yes ma'am?"

"tell me, what made you want to help others... what made you stop and look at this young male?" she asked.

"well ma'am it's a long story... back to when i was a pup. i can tell it for you if you want. but it is long." i said dropping my ears. she looked up at me and nodded. but her face saw that this story would hurt me.

"it started back when i was a pup. i found out i was but i didn't want anyone to know. i wanted it all to myself. i wanted to be normal and i knew if i was gay i could not be normal at all. so i held it in. my friend .. austin and i were playing some games. before he left.. i-i garbed his arm and looked him in the eyes and said "i have something to tell you." and he looked back at me with wide eyes but walked back.....

"whats the matter jeremy?" he said with care in his voice. i sat down beside him holding my self tightly.

"i... you know how we have been friends so long?" he nodded."please don't let that change...he looked at me confused. "whats wrong?" he said and put a paw on my shoulder.

my heart rate pumped up till it was at about 225 beats a minute. "austin.. i-i am not like you... i- i a-am ....." i looked down and growled at myself. "austin... im gay" my fur around my eyes started to get wet and my tail was laying flat against my ears were down as well as my head.

"your g-gay?" i heard a small growl next thing i knew he stood up and i saw his fist hurled to my muzzle in slow motion. the force of the punched thew me to the ground blood leaking from my nose and mouth. "you fucking prick. you fucking TAIL RAISER! don't ever come near me, or talk to me again. got it fag!" i screamed then kicked my stomic forcing me into a ball.

and walked out and slammed the door. i heard another slam and him running away. i laid in a pile of my own blood crying." i said and looked at her she head tears forming in her eyes. "soon i was 13 and i came out to some more people but i was still "straight". my depression started to sink in more. i dont kknow why. but i was called fag by others for just being wired... the pup who loved to wear black and listen to metal while rap was the only 'good music'" i said and shook my head in disgust. "but one friend... and my other friend.. well basically brother Alex Reily, well we lost time together. so i started to get more and more depressed.

'my life means nothing... why am i still here.' i said holding a knife. i put it up to my throat and dug it in lightly. i felt my hand trembling and i move it back down beside me. then i placed it right in front of my heard... i pulled back only to drop it. 'why cant i do this.' i growled to myself.

"and i sat their in my tears again." now Ms. Lu was tearing up more plowing her nose lightly. "a few months later i found my dads gun.

'they pick on me for being different. god dam it they want me dead and they made me depressed. might as well give them what they want.' i thought to myself. my heart ached as a picture of austin popped into my head. i took the gun and put it to my head. i took it back and nodded and stuffed the ammo in to it... one bullet for one pup. i put it to my head and cocked it, i looked up my heart was racing... tears flew down though my fur.

i couldn't pull that trigger... i dropped it.. the gun went off and shot into my leg." i said and lifted it up showing the pulled wound i have had for so long. "after that i tried suicide 1 more time... that time was by hanging myself from fan in the computer room...." i closed my eyes as tear flew down my face but kept going. "i said out loud this is-

"this is it... end of the line. time stops... now" i moved my paw and the chair fell over and i flew down. the air stopped flowing to my body.. i felt it slowly kill me. tears landed down to the carpet. my friend was outside and he heard a bang from inside my house. he ran in. "

"JEREMY!" he ran to me and lifted me up. i got a quick breath of air fulling my lungs, i kicked him down and i fell once more. losing oxygen. "JEREMY IM NOT GANNA LET YOU DO THIS." he took out his knife and cut the rope making me-

fall to the floor." i said and grabbed my neck rubbing wear the nuce was. at this time the teacher was crying. and blowing her nose. "soon i listened to some songs by a band Skillet. it gave me a new prospective on life... i got into creating songs. i got a band going... i soon found my 7 main friends who will always be their when i needed them.... Dj, Marucs, Abbey, Sam, Lizz and.. Alex.. soon me and alex started dating during JR year of high school... but that didn't last so long. he found out even though he is bi he likes girls more. so he broke up with me.. shortly after that i met Hayden Stevens... he is now my Husband and gos to this school.. he has changed my life so much no one... not even the happiest person every could feel how i feel around him." i smiled.

i felt arms wrap around me and that warmth i loved and need so much feel me. "i love you hon. and im never going to let go of you no matter what happens. "he said and kissed my lips.

"oh, my god jeremy.. i hav-haven't heard a story like that ever." she said chuckling lightly and smiled though her tear soaked fur.

"yeah.. and that's why i wanted to take this class... and why i want to help others. i been though it so who better to help prevent it then some one who has felt the pain and depression..." i smiled and put my paws on haydens and nuzzled into his chest. she nodded and waved goodbye and put her head down trying to calm her tears.

hayden and i walked out of the class and he kissed my lips. "i love you hon, im never ganna let anything like that happen to you again."

i kissed him back. "i love you too hon. and trust me now that i have you nothing like that will ever happen again." i smiled and we set off for our dorm room.

i hope you like this part... the story in here is true.. it did happen. fav, comment, subscribe, watch. and have a good night. or a nice day!