Bad Timing

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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A short time ago one of my previous stories came up in casual conversation and for whatever reason that gave me the urge to write up this quick follow up to Project Proteus.

This is a short quick story but hopefully it is worth it.

No! Not now, not here! Josh groaned inside his head as another wave of dizziness and nausea washed over him filling him with dread. They told him he would have complete control of his triggers, that he would be able to direct when and how much he changed. He hadn't had a spontaneous shifting since the orientation and training. Those first few times were scary enough when he had no clue what was really happening or what to do about it. His first he had at least been out on his bike, alone in the middle of nowhere and the others he was home by himself. This time he wasn't so lucky.

The pounding rhythm of the music and the cascade of lights on the dance floor only made his queasiness worse and his terror multiply. He had been to this club many times, both before and after his induction, and this was certainly the first time he had even been scared like this. He had to find a place to get away, and fast. He didn't want to think about what they guys around him would think let alone what the project leaders would say about his exposure. Josh broke away from his current dance partner, a cute Puerto Rican named Miguel, with a small pang of regret as he had hoped to ask him for his phone number for later.

Fever and chills swept through him next and there was no time to waste. He ran past the long line at the restroom and past the entrance to the bar stock room. He had hoped to find one of the private party rooms empty but luck was not on his side at all tonight and every one of them was occupied. He staggered down the hall as his muscles started cramping up. At least the rear exit to the alley wasn't alarmed as he spilled out into the humid evening air. He franticly scanned the area and thankfully found that there was nobody in sight. He only just made it around a particularly foul smelling dumpster before he slammed his fists against the building's brick façade and vomited.

When he had control the change wasn't as bad, in fact it bordered on enjoyable. These instances of involuntary transformation were disorienting and hurt like hell though, almost like his body was at war with itself. Josh spit the burning aftertaste of puke from his mouth and wiped his chin on the back of his hand. Panting heavily he tried to catch his breath as he began to sweat bullets, fat beads of perspiration built up all over his exposed skin and soaked into his clothing. Without hesitation he rapidly tried to shed his clothes, public nudity and any sense of modesty were the least of his concerns right now. Soon he was standing there his bare skin glistening in the alley lights as he clutched at the last thing he wore, a cold steel set of dog tags hanging from his neck.

Waves of pain started to course through his body and he clenched his jaw shut to keep from howling at the sensation. He fell to his knees barely cognizant of the rocks and shards of glass on the pavement piercing his skin. He was sweating harder now, dripping as though he had just run a marathon in the rain forest, curls of steam started to rise around him as the heat radiating from his body intensified. His short brown hair started to fall out in clumps as did the rest of his body hair. His entire body seemed to be in revolt as his muscles locked up and he could no longer move of his own accord. Even his cock betrayed him as it sprang to full erection, his pulse pounding in his member so hard it was like being repeatedly kicked in the crotch.

Tsunamis of torture continued to rock his conscious mind as he struggled to maintain control. It was no use though, it was going to happen now weather Josh liked it or not. A small droplet of orange fluid had appeared on the back of one of his hands. He stared at it intently as it continued to grow larger before it rolled off to the side leaving a streak of shiny iridescence behind in its wake. Fat globs of the synthetic material were forming all across his skin replacing the perspiration that had been produced. Now glistening beads of liquid neoprene and latex rubber were rolling down his form, coating him with a thick layer of orange goo that writhed and moved as its sticky tendrils sought to envelope him.

Josh knew this was only the beginning though, it was about to get much worse. His entire body ached right down to his bones which were now growing rapidly and starting to protrude from his skin. Multiple rods of bone that was as hard as steel grew in fast as they fanned out from his shoulder blades, stretching out the rubbery sinew across his back. The liquid orange slime formed scales that spread between the new growths and wings fluttered a bit before slapping hard against the ground on either side of him, kicking up a cloud of dust. Smaller spikes of bone grew out along the back of his skull and from the joints of his elbows and knees. Now his hands and feet burned as the thick material squeezed down on them reshaping each digit in turn. Clawed fingers and toes carved ruts in the asphalt beneath him as they reformed into massive paws.

The liquid rubber mass undulated across his skin as it reformed his body. Suddenly his muscles were exploding beneath the strange scale-like texture that coated him. His body bulked up quickly almost doubling in size as Josh howled in pain at the rapid increase in mass. Yellow neoprene skin rippled across his underbelly as his abs lengthened popping into tight mounds of twelve pack perfection. A large bulge of orange built up at the base of his spine and shot outward in a thickening tendril of synthetic flesh, filling out with carbon fiber strong bones as his tail whipped through the air. Suddenly the goo like substance he was sweating out ringed his neck in a strangle hold, restricting his breathing as licking fingers of slime reached around his head and were forcing their way into his mouth, ears, and nostrils.

Josh's screams of pain were chocked off as the rubbery material filled his mouth. He felt the warm substance coating his tongue and flowing down his throat as his face started to push outward. His skull was compressed as the spikes on his head grew larger and more solid. His nostrils flared at the end of a long snout and a deep rumbling roar rent the air as his new muzzle opened wide revealing his new razor sharp teeth. His howl mutated though, as the living latex wrapped itself around his rock hard cock and pulled it up close to his body and absorbed it into his crotch. He could feel his manhood lengthening and thickening before slipping from his newly formed slit. He cock was now as thick as his wrist used to be and a deep glistening orange that throbbed in the low alley light. Just as quickly the sensation doubled as he felt it suddenly divide forming an equally impressive and equally aroused identical prick, its pointed tip and the thick ridges that ringed the shaft begging for attention.

When the pain receded, Josh was able to get back up off the ground though his legs were still a bit shaky from the intensity of the change. His clawed toes dug into the pavement as he steadied himself against the brick wall, still trying to catch his breath as he gulped a deep lungful of the stagnant air around him. He allowed his longer and thicker limbs to stretch out slightly and he flexed his impressive set of wings. As much as he hated it every time he was forced to change, once he had shifted he felt incredible. His dragon-like form simply oozed power and strength but right now he was most interested in what was oozing from his twin cocks. There was something about the transformation that aroused him and this time was no different as his draconian manhood throbbed in time with his rapid heartbeat.

Josh felt a low growl escape his muzzle as wrapped a large hand around each dick. The smooth feeling of his own self-made lube allowing the rubberized skin of his palms to slide up and down his cocks was nearly perfect, only having his good friend Will doing it for him would have been better. The three raised bands of flesh circling his shafts added extra pleasure as he pulled his firm grip across them, intensifying his arousal with each pass. He leaned back and propped himself up with the wide spaded tip of his tail, his breathing becoming more unsteady as he neared the point of no return. He was almost there when a loud crash echoed down the alley from the street.

Cursing his own bad luck at not being allowed to finish in peace and his fear at being discovered, Josh crouched down beside the dumpster and cautiously peered down towards the source of the commotion. Silhouetted against the backdrop of brighter streetlights behind them, Josh could make out the outlines of several guys, three larger ones forcing two smaller guys into the darkened alleyway. His augmented hearing was able to pick up their loud shouts even above the din of the scattering trashcans that one of the smaller guys was pushed into.

"Come on ya little faggots, talk about my ass now!"

"What's the matter? Cock got your tongue?" One laughed harshly.

"Yeah come on girls why don't you fight back? Afraid you'll break a nail?"

Josh recognized the voice of one of the guys; it belonged to a large redneck hick who had been cruising up and down the block in his pickup truck earlier that night harassing everybody he could see. He felt the heat of his ager building up in his gut, as these grown men acted like schoolyard bullies. Even if it hadn't been three against two it wouldn't have been a fair fight since each of these guys was almost twice the size of their victims. Josh hated just sitting back in the shadows and watching this happen but he knew he couldn't let himself be seen in his current state. He fought back the urge to let the fighting skills they had started to teach him kick in and come to the defense of some guys he felt such sympathy for. While it was just taunts and a bit of shoving Josh wasn't all that concerned, however when the biggest guy drew back his fist and sucker punched one of the guys in the stomach he couldn't take it anymore.

With a primal yell of fury Josh's massively muscled body coiled like a spring before releasing and shooting him nearly thirty feet in the air. His dark shadowy form flipped in mid-leap, arcing gracefully down the alleyway until he dropped like a stone right at the group of bullies. He stretched out his wings, the breadth of his span nearly filling the ally as the tips of his wings touched the brick walls on either side of him. This slowed him just enough to give the attackers enough time to spot the shadow hurtling at them but he hit the ground with a massive thud before they could react with more than a startled gasp. He stood up slowly reaching his full towering height, growling with rage as smoke and sparks streamed from his nostrils.

"If it's a fight you're looking for, I've got all you can handle right here, boys." Josh snarled.

"What the hell?" One of the guys said, shrinking back a bit.

"Christ, is it costume night here in queer town? Just move along freak this is none of your business." The biggest guy said, trying to sound tough to mask the fear Josh could smell in the air around him.

'I'm making it my business," Josh growled, baring his teeth. "I strongly suggest you apologize and then beat it, before you get hurt."

"I don't care how big you look in that costume, you the one about to get beat. And I ain't referring to those big fake dicks you got strapped on either."

Josh didn't even realize his cocks were still hard but the adrenaline rushing through his body was keeping him seriously aroused. He reached down and grabbed a big pawfull of his throbbing meat. "You sure were quick to notice these, you wouldn't be picking on gays to compensate for your own feelings would you?" He chuckled deeply.

The guy just snorted in derision and dropped into a boxing stance. Josh simply sighed and looked down at the guy with contempt. Hauling back the guy struck out with a powerful roundhouse punch, but Josh's reflexes were faster and his arm shot up catching the guy's fist in his own paw. He squeezed down on the guys hand and felt bones start to crunch as his own clawed finger tips drew blood from his wrist. He laughed mirthlessly as he tossed the guy sideways into a pile of boxes. The other two thugs circled around him ready to strike even after seeing the way the first punk was tossed aside. God these guys really are stupid, Josh thought to himself almost feeling sorry for them. He notice one of the men who had been attacked getting to his feet, looking like he was about to come to Josh's aid but Josh waived him off.

"Just stay back, I've got this." He remarked confidently.

By now the first guy was back up and all three of the fuckers rushed him at once. With practiced ease, Josh lashed out with his tail and the guy behind him caught a hard slap across the chest with the large spaded tip. The force of the blow knocked him down to his knees and Josh corkscrewed is tail around him to hold him in place before turning his attention to the next in line. The first guy wasn't willing to try a punch again, even if his hand hadn't been nearly crushed, and settled for trying to kick out Josh's legs. Backing off and shrinking away Josh drew him in nice and close. After one more hard kick to his thigh, which Josh barely even felt, he dropped to his knee and feigned a moan of pain. The guy shouted in triumph but it was short lived as in the blink of an eye Josh unfurled his dragon wings and caught the guy clean across the jaw with its steal hard leading edge. The guy was lifted right of his feet and spun in mid air before collapsing in a heap on the pavement.

The third guy wasn't as eager to attack as the others but he was even more cowardly in his method as he pulled out a knife. The five inch serrated blade was more suited for camping than fighting but against most people it was probably plenty intimidating. Josh wasn't most people though. He grinned viciously and motioned with one hand for the guy to bring it on. Lacking any sort of style or training the attack was essentially just random flailing that was just as likely to get the knife wielder cut as anybody else. Josh rolled his eyes and reached out and caught the blade in his palm, the razor edge coming to a rapid stop without so much as a scratch to Josh's artificially enhanced scales. He yanked the handle out of the stunned grasp of the attacker before grasping the knife in both hands and bending the blue steel into a neat ninety degree angle.

Behind him the man wrapped in his tail struggled to get himself free and managed to pull out his right arm and along with it the 9mm semi-automatic pistol he had kept concealed in his jacket. Without thinking and without remorse he leveled the handgun at Josh's back and fired three times in rapid succession.

Josh felt the impacts of the slugs directly between his wings. He staggered forward from the force of the blows and released the guy from the grip of his tail in shock more than anything.

"Yeah! Take that mother fucker!" the guy shouted in triumph, actually proud of himself for trying to kill somebody by shooting them in them in the back.

Slowly rising back to his feet he stretched his head to the side, audibly cracking his neck. He wasn't concerned about injury since on his first day of training they tossed a live grenade at him which he caught and when it exploded in his hands he didn't get so much as a blister from it. That's not saying that it didn't hurt like hell and taking a couple of 9mm luger rounds in the spine was no picnic either. Now he was really pissed off. He grabbed the punk who brought out the knife and the fool with the crippled hand who was starting to come to and threw them through the air at the last guy, collecting them all in a pathetic heap. He gradually turned to face the three of them drawing himself up to his full terrifying height even as the gunman raised his weapon in now shaking hands. The rage built deep inside of him again, smoldering in the pit of his stomach and burning up through his chest. His nostrils flared as he drew deep breaths into his long muzzle and every muscle contracted tightly as a barely controlled fury colored his vision.

"I want you to listen and listen good," he said in a terse whisper that gradually became louder. "You had better leave while you can and never come back. If I so much as see a picture of you in this neighborhood again, I will hunt you down tear you apart one organ at a time starting with your balls!"

Josh ended with a roaring shout and suddenly a fountain of flaming plasma was erupting from his muzzle and shooting over the heads of the cowering bullies, the smallest of whom had wet his pants. The bright orange flames lit up the ally as bright as day, scorching the brick facades of the surrounding buildings, and melting the aluminum sign for deliveries handing over the loading dock thirty feet away. Even Josh was impressed by this display. They had told him he could breathe fire and at first he didn't believe them. Then he woke up one night with his bedroom curtains on fire. Once in training he was able to produce a small stream of sparks but nothing like this. He gave one last roar and then clamped his mouth shut cutting off the flames and then laughed vindictively as the three men clawed and tore at each other to be the first to get away.

His goal accomplished, Josh pulled in his wings and slouched slightly which he hoped would make him look less intimidating before he turned to the two guys he had come to the aid of.

"Are you two ok?" he asked as benignly as he could manage.

One of them was still laughing from watching the bullies scamper away while he was helping the other extract himself from the pile of trashcans. "Yeah, we'll be alright, we were so lucky you came along though." the one being helped up said with a slight lisp.

Now that he could see them properly Josh actually recognized the two guys, especially since they looked exactly alike. The twins were both dancers at the club he had just been in and he had seen them perform up on the stage earlier that night. Both were short and rather skinny, though Josh's perspective on size was a little skewed when he was in this form. They were wearing matching t-shirts and tight jeans that clung to their trim bodies like another layer of skin, though one had a large greasy stain across the side of his shirt and pants from the trash and both of them had their spiky blond hair mussed up.

"Well I don't think you'll have to worry about those guys anymore." Josh said confidently.

"I'm James and this is my brother Jesse," the one without the stain gestured at the other.

Josh actually knew that but the funny thing was he had never figured out weather those were just stage names or not. "It was my pleasure to help, I really should get out of here though, somebody might have heard those gunshots."

"And you weren't exactly quiet yourself," Jesse added with a small laugh.

"Wait don't go!" James asked stepping in closer to Josh. "We didn't even get to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, I was just doing what was right," Josh said feeling a little embarrassed.

James continued to move a bit closer, "You know at first I thought you were wearing a costume, but now up close I'm not so sure. Do you mind if I..." he trailed off as he reached his hand out.

Feeling torn Josh still wasn't sure if he should just get the hell out of there right away or if it was ok to stay. He had already broken a major directive and let himself be seen in his enhanced form by multiple people and now he was going to let one of them touch him? Still he had always admired these twins and never had the guts to approach them in the club before. This was his perfect opportunity. In the end he just stood still while James reached up and ran his hand down across his shoulder and along one of the ridged spines of his right wing. He felt his tail flutter a bit against the pavement and Jesse gasped when he saw it move and in seconds he was standing next to Josh as well, touching his tail and rubbing the side of his leg.

"Wow, its smoother than I thought, rubbery too. Kinda like a wetsuit," Jesse mussed squeezing Josh tail between his fingers.

"No it's more like spandex, but it's so firm and warm." James commented.

Josh felt himself flush some more, being fawned over and examined like this was reminding him fully of his still persistent need to come as evident by how much harder both his cocks had become. He tried to keep them covered with his wings but James' touch was drawing closer and closer.

"You know I... I didn't to, I mean I have to... have to be going soon," he stuttered in slight protest as he started panting more heavily.

"But I told you," James almost purred, "we didn't get a chance to thank you." Suddenly he found the gap between Josh's folded wings and thrust his hand inside brushing against the uppermost of Josh's pricks, "And I think I just found the perfect way to show you our appreciation."

Josh felt the small piece of himself that was still protesting in the back of his mind abruptly go silent as James' strong hand closed around his shaft and squeezed down. Regulations be damned he wasn't going to pass this up. He slowly let his wings relax and drop loosely to his sides fully revealing his double stacked cocks, both hard as iron and both leaking pre like mad.

"Oh fuck that is hot," Jesse almost squealed with delight, "one for each of us."

James simply nodded in agreement and licked his lips as he squeezed down even harder on Josh's upper member, rubbing his hand down across the raised rings of flesh that circled the midpoint of his shaft. Meanwhile Jesse stood on the opposite side from his brother, drawing his hand up slowly along his thigh until he could touch Josh's equally immense lower erection. Josh could barely contain himself as the twins stroked him in perfect synchronization, one of them pulling up on one cock while the other moved in the opposite direction and slipped his hand down the parallel shaft.

Both of Josh's dicks pulsed and throbbed even harder as the grip of the dancers became slicker with the massive amounts of pre he produced and the brothers got faster as they themselves grew more excited. Once again in perfect unison they released his glossy orange shafts and Josh felt as though he could cry from his need for release. That was until James followed by Jesse bent down a little and pressed their warm soft lips to the tapered points of his cocks, first kissing then licking all along their lengths. He would have thought that his girth would be too much for these guys to handle but he was quickly proven wrong when they sucked him into their mouths one after the other. The twins were obviously experienced cock suckers as they had both of his shafts buried in the back of their throats and they bobbed in and out with practiced ease. Not even his best buds Will and Alex could give head this good and here he stood being treated to double the pleasure.

Josh felt an incredible heat building at his core but this time it had nothing to do with breathing fire. He did his level best to stand still and enjoy what Jesse and James were doing for him. It was hard to resist rocking his hips and bucking his massive equipment deeper into their mouths. His entire body tingled from the tips of the spikes on his head to the flat spade of his tail and the claws on his toes. The twins worked him over even faster and he let himself go cross-eyed from the pure satisfaction of it all. Their hands rubbed across his smooth scales touching every inch of him they could reach; caressing his yellow painted abs, tracing along his ripped orange legs, and massaging the underside of his tail. He wanted this sensation to last forever but despite his strongest effort there was no holding back the inevitable.

The twins had been working him over for what seemed like hours when he could no longer hold back the tide. He felt his balls churning inside his groin and he sucked in and held his breath when they exploded with the intensity of his orgasm. With a low growling moan he unloaded a double shot of spunk into his throbbing pricks only to have Jesse and James tighten the seal of their mouths around the shafts and guzzle down every drop of the fountain of molten seed the poured out. Josh didn't hold back anything as he came again and again. He was afraid he was going to suffocate the guys with this avalanche of jizz but a quick look down showed him that they looked perfectly content as they drank down his cum. Eventually they had to pull away though, James was the first to let go as he extracted Josh's upper cock from his mouth. Jesse seemed more reluctant to stop however and he pumped away furiously on the lower prick, running his hand over the rings of flesh in the middle to coax every last drop of fluid from the phallus. When he finally pulled off his face was dripping with sweat and traces of dragon seed that had leaked across his chin.

"Now that's how you thank somebody properly," James said, adjusting his jeans over the swollen lump in his own crotch.

"I'll say," Josh nodded in agreement. He felt his double cock gradually soften and start to retract into his slit.

"Yeah and if you ever want us to thank you again just let us know," Jesse laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind, trust me. You guys can't tell anybody else about me though, ok?" Josh asked, coming back down to reality and realizing the risk he had just opened himself up to.

"Only if you promise we'll see you again." James countered.

Josh hesitated as he thought that one over. He was in deep enough trouble as it was but there was no denying how much he just enjoyed that. The times he got to hang out with Will and Alex once a month after their training was just not enough to satisfy him.

"It's a deal." He said reaching out to take James' hand in his paw.

"Cool. You can get a message to us through the club here whenever you want."

"Just don't wait too long because I know we can't." Jesse said hanging off his brother's shoulder and reaching down to grab James' swollen cock through his jeans.

Josh smiled at the prospect before flexing his wings and leaping back down the alley to collect the clothing he had discarded earlier. With one last look over his shoulder before he flew off he could have sworn he saw Jesse licking his lips, only his tongue looked slightly orange, and was it forked now?