Steele's pack

Story by dawolf knine on SoFurry

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Lol u might see some mood swings in there

The date was december 1,1932, the day was cold as snow flakes fell on the small town of nome and the childrin were slowely awakeing to smile and see the snow out there windows. Ian lay by the fire place of his boy's home as he was shook, ''boy! wake up! it's snowing!'' jack said wth a giggle as ian yawned and stretched out and woke up. Jack rubbed ian's head and hugged him tight, ''come on, let's go play'' said jack grabbing ian's collar as ian ran with him but stopped quickly and bit jack's coat off the rack and handed it to him. Jack's dad saw and smiled and patted ian's head, ''good boy ian, watch over him now'' james said(jack's father). Ian gave a bark and walked outside where all the kid's and there dog's were playing, jack walked out by rosie and started to play with her as ian walked up to jenna, ''Hey jenna'' ian said as jenna smiled,''oh hello ian'' jenna said watching over rosie. Balto walked up behind them, Balto then snuck behind the two and took a leap and jumped on them both as they laughed and nibbled each other and played. ''Haha you boys stop it tickles!'' jenna laughed as steele walked up, ''well ian i diden't know you went wolf too'' steele sniffed and puffed out his chest looking down. ''Steele im tired of you giveing balto shit', just cause hes a wolf makes him no different then the rest of us, hes a great DOG steele!'' ian snarled getting in his face as steele growled as they got nose to nose. ''Break it up you two! not infront of the kids'' jenna yelled as ian nooded and backed up, ''who cares about the damn kids.'' ''Haha, she commands you around like your the bitch'' steele laughed. ''Not all girls are bitches! only the ones that like you''said balto, ''I don't need this'' steele growled and turned and pranced away as girls folowed him but one stayed back, a familer red and white husky walked into an ally and waited. ''Jack, Jack, brekfeast'' his mother called as he hugged ian and ran into his house. ''Im gonna take a walk guys'' ian said as balto and jenna nooded.

Ian started to walk towards the beach as out of no where he was knocked to the snow hard by another dog, he looked up, ''uhhh....whaa?'' he said in a dizzy way. ''hey baby'' a female voice said as ian opend his eyes, ''maria!'' i thought i told u to leave me alone, '' i know what u said , but look at me baby, how chould you resist this pussy'' she said getting up and raiseing her ass in the air then lifting her tail, ian looked at it jaw dropped as if it was a holy light, ''wow'' ian said walking towards her as she nuzzled ian and slipped under his body sexuly and with great flexibilety, she moved around under him out one leg and back in until ian tripped over himself falling on his back. ''See baby, you can't take your eyes off me'' she smiled and licked his sheath as he jumped. ''Don't move or one of my teeth might get caught'' she said as ian laid there still, she put her mouth around his sheath fealing his bulge as he laid back in joy, ''Now stay still'' she said as his cock was throbbing and dripping all the way out of his sheath, she moved down past his balls and pur her tong out onto his ass hole. ''Whoa! hey! hey....ohhhh...oh yea'' ian moaned as he lifted his leg up as maria started to really lick into him, ''mmm, tasty'' she said pulling away with a string of saliva with a sexual smrik and stuck her tong in his ass. ''Ah! oh god!'' ian moaned and started to stroke his cock as she licked. she pulled out and sat up and turned around and lifted her tail, ''you want my pussy don't you you horny boy?'' she said sexualy as ian nooded fast drewling over her. ''Then ya can't talk to balto or jenna again, and you have to joins steele's team again.'' she said waveing her pussy around as ian nooded fast, ''mmmm im so wet, i need a male! fuck me'' she growled as ian ran and jumped on maria and shoved his cock in her slutty pussy and started to fuck her up her pussy hard. ''oh shit! so big! oh yes!'' maria yelled as ian laid his head on her neck and rammed her tight pussy hard makeing them both sore. ''Harder! fuck me harder you big mother fucker!'' she snarled as ian shoved his knot in and ripped it out of her pussy as she gave out a loud grunt, he did this about 3 times until he shoved it in again as his knot started to expand wide in her pussy and cum flowed in her vaginal cavity.''Ahhh fuck! damn! so gooy! so warm! so much fucking cum! she said giveing him a sexual growl. ''Oh shit maria! that was great'' he smiled as steele walked up, ''well looked like you two had fun'' he said as maria pulled on his knot as he yelped a little, ''Welcome back to the pack ian, i see maria met your eqantince once again'' he said as ian panted as his cock was lodged deep in her pussy. ''sure did sir'' maria smiled as ian nooded toung out panting, ''How do u like your bitch'' steele asked ian circleing them, ''Yes sir, i love her'' he panted, ''what do u like about her?'' steele asked and sat down. ''I love her pussy sir!'' he said panting, ''good boy....good boy'' steele said walking away.

(Time skip) About a week later ian laid in a shed with maria. Maria woke up and looked at her self in a mirror, ''oh shit'' maria said looking at her expanded stomach. ''Ian!'' she snarled as ian jumped, ''what! what!'' he said quickly. ''Im pregnent''

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