Part 2 Saneira

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#2 of The Land of Marnex

Hey guys got part 2 on, sorry for the furries who want to read yiff action becuase there is none here. but I promise you that there will i think it will be in the next chapter but i am not really sure if it will work out in that chapter

even though this has no yiff and you are under 18 does not mean you can read this so go play video games or read at your level if not lock your door and hope that no one knows you are missing.

Part 2 Saneira

The past few days Dragoune would clean the cuts keep warm and cool and change the bandges of the Dragoness. Every time he kept her warm he would always go into the position like he did last time and every time he hoped that she did not wake up. The day finally came when Dragoune heard moan while he was sharpping his swords. He looked up and saw that the Dragoness was getting up. He went to her, but as soon as he got close she wipped her tail at him as a warning.

"Where am I and who are you?" the dragoness asked, Dragoune finally saw her eyes they were the same color as her stripes, which made her more beautiful than before.

"M-my na-name is not impotant. Where you are though is in my cave." he studdered The Dragoness just glared at him and he knew why, She could not trust him and he was not telling his name but if he did she would trust him less. Dragoune then suddenly noticed that one of the cuts was bleeding freely again, so he was about to cover it for her. But before he got close to the cut she slashed his muzzle with her claws.

"I am not going to let you come near me until you tell me your name." she said, Dragoune was agitated now but he had very little choice.

"A pollite dragoness would tell her name first." Dragoune said.

"But a dragon who took the dragoness into to his cave without telling her why he did it, should explain himself." she said.

'She is good' Dragoune thought.

"My name is Dragoune." he said, as soon as he said that he saw that the dragoness eyes moved to look at his tail in which was behind him hiding from view.

"You must be thinking that I am the king son, because I have his name and I have wings. Well I am not I came from a distant land were all dragons and dragonesses have wings as for the name a mere chance." Dragoune said, she really did not look too reassured but she left it at that.

"My name is Saneira. I need to ask you something though if you say what you are is true than why are you hiding." the dragoness asked. Dragoune was stuck on this one so he decided to tell her the truth but not the whole truth.

"I was in with the knights for the king and did what he wanted to do. But then I noticed that he was corrupt, so I took my belongings and left. Then I started to steal their gold and gave it back to the furries and did so ever since." he said, Saneira was content with that and Dragoune cleaned her cuts again but noticed that she was going to recover very soon.

"It seems like you will be perfect in a few days so when the time comes you will be able to have the choice of staying or leaving." Dragoune said with a heavy heart. Saneria knew that she had no other place to go and in this place she felt safe and secure, plus she was really starting to like Dragoune alot with those dark scales of his, with all those muscles but what she really liked was his wings. Then she found herself staring at him as well she snapped out of it.

"I will stay since I have no where else to go." said Saneira and Dragoune was very happy to hear that.

The next day Dragoune wanted to go back stealing again but he wanted to practice before it went out again. Saneira saw him practicing and was really impressed on how he used three swords. She went down to him.

"Can you teach me how to wield three swords so that I can help you steal the kings gold and give it back to the furries." Saneira asked.

"I cannot teach how to use three swords because I am not really good at it." Dragoune anwsered, she lowered her head.

"But I can show you how to use two swords, but let us use sticks so that we don't cut each other. " Dragoune picked up four sticks and gave two to Saneira.

"Let's see what you got." he said As soon as he said this she was gone, at first Dragoune thought that she turned invisiable but then he noticed small gray flashs at the corner of his eye. She is very fast he thought suddenly Dragoune senesed that she was behind him, and he quickly grapped a stick with his tail and blocked her attack.

"That's not fair." Saneira

"Actually it is quite fair, you took the easy way to win by going behind where you thought I was defenseless. As long as I am training you, you will never take that way understand." She nodded.

"Good we will begin again." Dragoune said and when they started again he noticed that she only attacked only in three different directions, his front and his sides. They did not fight long and he saw that she was slowing down.

"First you need to attack at different angles..." he started to say she was on the left

" will keep the enemy quessing. Your speed is spetacular, but you need to use it wisley..." she was on the right

"... otherwise you will be tired and the enemy will easily deafet you..." she was at the front and attacked but Dragoune blocked the attack making her lose one her sticks and the other one being held back by Dragoune's stick while his other one at her throat

" I just did. We will begin again tomorrow."

The next few weeks Saneira got really good at sword fighting. Dragoune was really impressed on how fast she was learning. It made him love her even more but harder for him to teach her he would always had are time starting to talk to her and while he was talking to her he would usaully forget what he was saying. Plus every time he saw her or when he thouht about her that pleasurable feeling near his tail base would always came back. The same for Saneira she would always space out looking him over and it was not long before that she started to love him and get that same pleasurable feeling near tailbase as well. One night Dragoune was looking something under his bed but before he found it Saneira hoped on the bed.

"What are you looking for?" she asked

"Nothing." he said, then he yawned and stretched.

"We should for bed." Dragoune said

"You are right." she agreed Dragoune was going near the fire place like he normally did but then he noticed that a tail was around his leg pulling him close to the bed almost making him trip.

"This time and from now on you are going to sleep with me. Every morning I see you that you are sluggish and feel very cold." Saneira said, but that was part of the truth the rest was that she needed him to be near her to hug her or caress her, but she could not tell him that. Dragoune went into the covers as soon as he did Saneira put her back to him and got real close. Dragoune got the idea pulled her real close and put a wing over her. She surprised him when she wrapped her tail around his falling asleep while purring. Dragoune smiled and he too fell asleep.

Who is Dragoune really and will it disrupt his relationship with Saneira? You will have to find out in part 3 Volaxon.

Please put comments complaints dos donts everything and anything

Part 3 Peaceful Day

Man these titles are getting hard to figure out it took me a half hour to put for this one. I know I said that this one was going to be boring but to my utter surprise it turned out to a good one. I will let you decide, 18 and above enjoy any below...

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Part 1 Dragoune's Nightmare

I know, I know, I said that this would be up later but I couldn't set it down and do other stuff. Apparently once I start something I can not stop oh well. But that is not important what is though is that this is the beginning of the next series YAY! I...

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Part 3 Volaxone

Sorry i have bad news this is not the chapter were there is yiff in it but we are very close i promise you, but still under 18 get out Part 3 Volaxone Saneira was finally close to the end of her tranning. That morning Dragoune got up...

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