New Life, New Problems; a new life chapter 6

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#7 of New Life, New Problems

Chapter 6

You know the drill guys, M/M, must be 18+ to read... blah, blah...

I do not in anyway claim to own Halo, or any of the references made to it in this chapter or story series for that matter.

Like in the next chapter I'm taking on the role of Skye; trying to get a feel for 1st person story telling.

All characters are mine, don't use without permission please.


A few hours later the drop ship gave a heavy heave as it touched down to the landing pad.

"We're here." I announced walking into the tail of the jumper.

The loading ramp lowered, complete with the charred marks where the bullets had ricocheted and dents were they hadn't.

"Are you okay?" Wilson walked inside, looking at the 'cargo.'

"So this is where you guys went." Wilson smiled, "You guys went to HVACS didn't you?" he commented.

"You know Sir; I can't discuss anything of the matter in public." I laughed.

"No worries Skye, we'll get around to black team soon enough." Wilson's face went grim, "Now, who are these guys?" He asked, gesturing to the cargo holds' seats where 10 boys were sitting in their PJ's looking just a scared as they had when Skye and the others broke them out.

"Welcome to your new home." Alex grinned, "Well at least for now."

Alex didn't notice the sour face Wilson made at that note.

"Well take you to our quarters, Black teams house; you can stay there for the time being." I smiled, gesturing for them to get up and out of the drop ship.

"I'll go." One of the boys replied, it was Kurt, he got up and walked down to Skye who now was wearing part of his uniform.

"All right then, I'm guessing that the rest of you are staying here then?" I asked with a tone of irritants, I turned my back and began walking.

"Wait." Suddenly a number of kids jumped up and were following Skye.

"That's what I thought," I laughed, and lead them to Black teams half of the base.

Skye opened the door to their quarters, and lead the boys in. There were several gasps and excited conversations sparked when they walked in.

They walked around the room for a while, getting accustom to using the screens, controls and even the schematics for the gear that the rest of Black team used.

Becka appeared on the main holo-pad in the room, standing about 6ft tall she commanded attention.

"I have a few questions for you guys." She started, the room fell silent.

"Shoot," I replied.

"This is actually for the 'newbie's' so to speak." She finished.

Kurt walked up to her, "Shoot," he smiled.

Skye looked over at him, almost impressed.

"I've looked over your data and your initial scans from when you arrived." She continued.

"How did you scan us and when, we never went through a scanner?" one boy asked.

"I don't have to, when you walk into black teams room, there is a sensor install at the entrance to take all the necessary readings to determine if they should be here on not." Becka explained.

They all exchanged worried looks, a few eyes falling on Skye and the others for not alerting them of this.

"Anyways, it seems that you guys are almost 100%, in a day or so you should be fit for action." Becka paused.

"What do you mean action?" Kurt questioned.

"I mean that in a few days time, you will all begin your training with Skye, Alex and Simon as to how things work and how to fight, and morph." She answered.

"What do you mean morph?" Another boy asked.

"Derrick, I'll touch on that in a minute." Becka replied.

"How do you know my name?" Derrick asked.

"I'm good aren't I?" Becka smiled.

"Becka," I interrupted.

"Yes Skye?" she looked irritated to be cut off again.

"Well I was wondering how much time they have, before... you know." I paused.

"Oh, sorry I forgot, about two minutes, judging by the readings I'm getting now." Becka looked angry with herself for not saying anything sooner.

"Before we what?" Derrick asked.

"Before you morph," I answered, "Change forms, take on the aspects and looks, of your favorite animal, and trust me, it hurts."

A few boys started to look scared and began looking from one to another and back again.

"Skye you've got one minute, I suggest you get them into beds." Becka warned, dropping several beds from their holders on the walls.

Skye's team did just that, they grabbed the boys and lay them on the beds getting ready for the 'show,' so to speak.

A few seconds later it began; Flashes of different coloured lights arced around the room, Reds, greens, blues and blacks; the rings began to move across their bodies.

Skye looked over at Kurt, who was almost screaming, his back arched and he was riving against the pain; reddish-white rings formed around his feet and hands.

Skye ran over, "It's ok, it'll be over soon, I promise." I comforted, grabbing a hold of his hand.

"Skye... NO!" Alex and Simon yelled, but it was too late; the bond had been made the pain half shared between Kurt and Skye, their eyes watered and they groaned as Skye felt the pain of Kurt's transformation.

"You weren't kidding were you?" Kurt tried to grin, "It kills, hurts was an understatement."

"Well you're doing great, keep it up." I managed to smile through the pain.

Kurt looked down and gasped as he noticed his smooth slender tanned finger tips had turned into white slightly rounder, longer fingers, and his toes, into hard hooves. As the rings of light moved up, Kurt's body changed more and more, becoming covered in silky soft white fur, and a tail from his tail bone, made of soft hair. The reddish-white light then moved closer towards his core, leaving behind more soft white fur and rock hard abs. A second later and the light jumped; and suddenly there was a flash of red and white flames, which vanished almost immediately.

What remained behind made Simon and Alex gasp, Kurt had become a white anthro unicorn with silvery white wings which were burning a red/white flame.

Skye was lying on the floor beside him, gasping for breath, I his dragon form.

"Skye," Kurt bent over.

"I'm okay, I kept from transforming with you some how, but it morphed me into my morphs form." I managed to smile.

"Wow, so you're a dragon eh, that's really cool." Kurt smiled suggestively at him as he got to his feet.

"Yeah and at the moment I'm an extremely tired one." Skye grinned, and got to his feet, walking into his quarters, as Alex walked into his.

Once Skye settled into his bed, he couldn't sleep, he would roll side to side, trying to find a better position but nothing came to him.

Around 1am, four hours after he was about to get back up and go work out, there was a small knock at the door.

Skye sat up, and looked at the front door, the sensor said that nobody was there, so he laid back down. A few minutes later there was another knock, this time from the closet area of Skye's room.

"Come in Alex," I groaned.

The door parted a crack, "How did you know it was me?" he asked.

"Who else would be in my closet at 1am?" I asked.

"True enough." Alex grinned, "But hey, I finally finished that door between our closets."

"You know, one of these days you're going to get us kicked out." I laughed.

"Well then let's make the best of this while we can." Alex dropped onto my bed.

"All right then," I leaned in, knowing full well what Alex was after.

"Becka," I called.

"Yes Skye?" her voice came across their Coms.

"Lock Alex and my doors and set our status to DND, please." I asked.

"Understood." Becka replied, "have fun," she flickered on the holo pad and then was gone, followed by a click that meant the doors were now locked.

"Now then where were we?" I asked.

"Right about here," Alex replied with a grin.

He leaned in and kissed Skye, who quickly opened his mouth, accepting Alex's dominance in the position.

Alex stole his moment and pushed his tongue past Skye's lips and into his mouth.

He intertwined his tongue with Skye's pulling it out of his mouth and into his own, groaning slightly as he repositioned his lips.

Skye, slide his right hand down his lover's body to his smooth groin, and began stroking Alex's soft length.

Alex grabbed Skye's dick and together they worked off their stress on each other.

A few minutes later, Simon climaxed and shot a few streams of warm cum up Skye's chest.

The sight of Alex's climax set Skye over the edge, and he orgasmed as well, shooting his cum up onto Simon's chest and body.

They cleaned up and then their fatigue slowly overcame them, and the two of them fell asleep together, after finishing one more kiss.


To be cont'

Sorry this one got cut a little bit short, but I didn't have that much time writing the last part of it. So its just an in between for chapters 5&7, hope it was okay.
