Welcome To Kentham

Story by AethulWulf on SoFurry

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AethulWulf makes a friend, and an enemy or two. Song choice for this was Ballroom Blitz. Introduction of a friend of mine and his fursona.

It was already well into the night in the port city of Kentham. AethulWulf walked the streets of the port city amazed at the size of it. Kentham was much larger than he had anticipated. It wasn't the largest city he had seen, but it definitely wasn't a small town. Kentham seemed more like a center for trade among larger cities in the region. As he walked through what seemed to be a "red light district" of sorts, he eyed the patrons of various brothels with their potential "clients" and evening playmates. He looked around for a decent inn and caught site of a place called The Razors Edge. "Well, good enough for now..." he mumbled to himself. Not quite used to being around so many people. He began walking up to the inn staff in hand, but still slightly nervous. He shrugged it off. "I fought MalicSpawn, why would people bother me?" he asked himself. But he already knew the answer. As he walked up to the Inn, there were three drunken men standing out front seeming to argue over something. Their words were barely understandable for how much ale they had consumed. One was a ragged looking younger wolf, white in color, but with fur so matted and dirty it seemed to be permanently stained. He was with a Feline of some kind, AethulWulf had never seen the likes of him, his fur was a solid yellowish brown. And next to them lurking in the shadows was a hare with a crazed look in his eyes. Watching them argue. AethulWulf walked with purpose without slowing, walking right past them, when the wolf suddenly grabbed a hold of AethulWulf's satchel. The others eyed him with hungry eyes. "What's in the bag runt?" AethulWulf held his gaze and didn't flinch. The wolf was taller and a good deal bulkier then he. But that wasn't what bothered him. His Rune Stones are kept in the bag. And not only that, but this was just plain rude. This Wolf has made a mistake he was about to pay for. Across the way, Sporty was walking over to Razors Edge for a drink to relax from the day, wearing a pair of simple work shorts and one of his favorite short sleeved shirts, when he saw the exchange happening in front the tavern. He stopped where he was seeing this stranger being confronted by Devon and his two flunky friends, Mick the feline and Andy who was crazed from too many drugs. Something about the dark wolf interested him. He looked like a homeless person and dressed as though he had been traveling for some time. Sporty has always had a keen eye; he noticed the wolf's quarterstaff with runes etched on it and the markings in his fur. Even though he looked to be a homeless traveler, Sporty knew there was more to this wolf then he liked to let on. Judging from the reaction body language of the dark wolf, it looked like Devon was about to get a big surprise. Whatever it was that wolf had in that bag, he was not about to give it up. The dark wolf's posture changed to that of an experience soldier similar to himself. Sporty stayed back to watch the show, smiling to himself. "This'll be interesting..." he thought to himself. "I suggest you let me go. There's nothing you want in that bag."AethulWulf held Devon's gaze with eye of cold iron. AethulWulf was not about to be intimidated by such a young pup. Let alone a mongrel like this one. "Well, now I gotta know what's in there runt!" Mick had slinked himself up behind AethulWulf flanking him. Devon still had a tight grip on the satchel. With a sigh AethulWulf shrugged, "Alright ladies....dancing it is then" he said grinning now, and with a simple fast motion AethulWulf removed the satchel and wrapped the strap around the hand that held it, Devon's. And with another quick motion AethulWulf slid between the big wolf's legs and stood behind Devon. Flipping the big wolf head over paws and landing him on his back with a thump into the earth, taking Devon's breath away. Dropping the satchel, AethulWulf quickly made a lunging thrust with his staff hitting Mick directly in his stomach, then as he hunched over for air, AethulWulf flipped the end of the staff straight up, hitting the feline square in the jaw with a crack. Now, in one more fluid motion, the dark wolf wheeled about to face the crazed hare, spinning the staff around with such speed it made a whistling sound. Andy already had the satchel in hand, but dropped it and ran for the shadows seeing how quickly his comrades were dispatched. AethulWulf walked over to the bag and put it back across his chest and over a shoulder. Feeling another presence behind him, the dark wolf spun the staff around for a blow to the head, still feeling the heat of combat. His instincts were controlling him now. The staff was simply stopped. A large white paw gripped the end of it stopping it where it was. In front of AethulWulf stood a wolf mixed K-9, with grey white and a small amount of blue fur. A good foot taller than himself and stocky and well-muscled with a handsome face. A white underbelly, with the grey mostly along his back and arms which was also where the blue lines showed. He had a blue Mohawk and a pair of black markings on each cheek underneath each eye. Catching the staff didn't even phase this K-9. AethulWulf tugged on his staff. It didn't even budge and the K-9 was grounded like a statue, but he smiled looking at AethulWulf. "Release my staff...." He held the K-9's gaze. "Nice footwork. Some of your technique was a little sloppy. Looks like you've been out of practice. But you like to use your opponents against themselves. That's a good thing. Fight smarter, not harder. What were you holding back?" Sporty had an iron grip on the staff, still not letting go. He knew he was this dark wolf's superior in hand to hand combat. But he could tell there was something more to this wolf. And he wanted to know what it was. "Release my staff...."AethulWulf was beginning to see why he didn't like big cities, things like this almost always happened. Although this K-9 was different. AethulWulf could tell he wasn't getting his staff back without some kind of confrontation. The K-9 was coercing him. He wanted to see what AethulWulf was about. Fine, But he didn't want to hurt him, "he's pretty damn cute after all..." he thought to himself, but then focused on what was at hand, catching himself eyeing the K-9 up and down. "Nauthiz...Kano" AethulWulf spoke the Runes only loud enough for the two to hear and suddenly the corresponding Runes on the staff and on his right arm flared to life and fire danced across the staff and lashed out at Sporty, burning his paw and hitting him directly in his broad chest. The K-9 released the staff and stumbled back burning from the fire and some pain, but to AethulWulf's surprise wasn't too hurt Adding the Rune of constraint Nauthiz to the fire Rune, Kano, was a good idea. It wasn't enough to truly hurt this K-9 but enough to get him to release the staff. Either that or he's one healthy and stout warrior. "YEOW!" Sporty released the staff with a yelp and stepped back shaking off the effects of the magic. Now looking down as the ashes of his once favorite shirt fell off himself. "Aww really?! You owe me a new shirt! I wasn't gonna fight you or anything. I just wanted to see what you were about, and after seeing you fight. I wanted to know what it was you were holding back..." "Now you know..."AethulWulf stared at the now shirtless K-9 with a new interest and curiosity. He was quite the specimen. And it seemed like the feeling was mutual judging from the look he was getting from him. "Wishful thinkin Aeth.... Focus. AethulWulf thought to himself. He could mend his shirt with a simple application of the Rune Sowelu, a Rune which had a trait of Wholeness to it. But Aeth thought better of it, enjoying the view. Sporty noticed the way the dark wolf was staring at him and couldn't help himself, "Things just got a whole lot sweeter" he thought to himself as he suddenly rushed forward and in one movement Pinned AethulWulf against the outside wall of the tavern, holding Aeth's paws above his head and looking directly in his eyes, AethulWulf held his gaze with a look of determination and an unyielding will in his eyes. "Are you panting?" Sporty grinned and Aeth realized he was "and is that all you got?" He leaned in close to the dark wolf, able to catch his scent, the scent of the wilds were all over this one, feral, wild and unconstrained. "Cause I can take a lot more then that..." Sporty whispered in AethulWulf's ear. Sporty stopped and stepped back, knowing this wasn't the time nor was it the place for this. He grinned taking another step back. "My names Sporty" he stuck a paw out to shake. "AethulWulf..." He shook Sporty's paw. "A pleasure to meet you. Now sorry you had to get involved in all that." Aeth glanced around at the two now unconscious men. Leaving them there and starting to walk back into the tavern. He stopped and looked back at Sporty, "and if you could, tell no one of what you saw me do here. No one." "Oh that whole magic thing? Yeah I'm pretending I didn't see anything, or felt it" he looked down at his shirtless torso. "You still owe me a shirt." "I kind of like you better this way" "Yeah well, it was one of my favorites. Ummm not to be rude, but you don't look like you would have any coin on you. You do have that whole homeless wonderer look to you." They were already inside the tavern at this point and grabbing a table as they talked. Sporty stayed up and walked to the bar asking for two ales. AethulWulf studied his surroundings, taking it all in. The Razor's Edge was much nice then he had expected. It had a very rustic feel to it and a nice fire pit in the center to keep the place warm. They sat at a table near it. Sporty Came back with ale in hand and looked over to AethulWulf. He took a sip "So what brings you here? And where are ya from? You were in the war weren't you? I could tell from your skills. Although I don't ever recall seeing any soldiers wielding magic" Sporty raised an eyebrow at Aeth. AethulWulf looked around hearing Sporty so blatantly speak of it. "Will you keep it down about that please? I don't need anyone knowing about that." "Ummm you do remember burning me with magic fire in the middle of the street right?" Sporty stared at the dark wolf. AethulWulf sighed. Sporty was right. AethulWulf started drinking his ale, realizing it was pointless. While those who wielded magic wasn't unheard of, especially in a city this size. People using Runes was a rarity, .Rune Keepers were hunted. "It's a long story, and it would take much more time then I have to explain. But I'll be here for a few days. We can talk in the morning if you would like. But I'm gonna warn you..." AethulWulf looked away, not making eye contact with Sporty, suddenly feeling guilty. He already lost his pack. His loved ones. He only knew this K-9 for a few minutes. But he didn't want anyone else to be at risk because of him. "You know. You should probably just go. You really don't want to have anything to do with me." AethulWulf began to say as he started to get up and get a room from the tavern keep. Sporty grabbed his arm and held him in his tracks with that same iron grip. He looked up at AethulWulf "Look, I know you've been wondering out in the wilderness for days, weeks, maybe even months. I can smell it on you and see it on your clothes and everything about you radiates the fact that you're on the run. And I think I have an idea why after seeing what you can do. You've got no idea what I'm capable of. And I've seen all kinds of things that would put your tail between your legs. You're not going to blow me off so easily. I can take care of myself. And whether you like it or not, you intrigue me. And until my curiosity is satisfied, you're stuck with me." He was giving AethulWulf an almost puppy like stare but was still very firm. There was a genuine concern in Sporty's eyes AethulWulf hadn't seen in years. And it warmed his hard and even made him blush. He tried to hide it and pulled his hand away. "In the morning then. We can discuss more then. If you're so determined to find out more about me" AethulWulf said with a small chuckle. He went to the tavern keep and purchased his room for the night, then walked back to Sporty. "I'm going to bed. You should head home and do the same. We've got a lot to talk about tomorrow if you want to know more." AethulWulf started walking off and stopped once more at the stairs, looking over his shoulder. "Thanks by the way." "For what?" Sporty said leaning back in his chair propping it up slightly as he relaxed and put his hands behind his head, feet propped up on the table. Chest and stomach totally exposed. AethulWulf had to take a deep breath at this sight, but kept himself in check. "Just for being friendly. And for not going anywhere, even with the potential danger." Sporty shrugged "Eh...no need to thank me. You're still thinkin this is about you." Sporty said laughing and trying to seem distant or callous. But AethulWulf knew otherwise from the look he had seen in the other's eyes with his earlier remark. "Sleep well then. Until morning" AethulWulf said walking to his room and going to bed. "Yup, things just got a whole lot sweeter and a whole lot more interesting." Sporty thought to himself as he walked out of the tavern and headed home himself for sleep. He smiled in spite of himself. He liked this wolf. "Yup.... A whole lot more interesting."

Moonlit Riverbank

He was about two hours into his travels. AethulWulf was deciding whether or not to stop and rest for a moment and eat. Maybe rest for the night. Dawn was approaching soon. Lighting a fire at night would only attract predators. So, seeing a small river...

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Ashes to Ashes

Night falls on the ruins of Cerulean Keep. A single figure traveling through with a seemingly single purpose. He walked through what was left of the front gates. Walking past decaying door splinters. He moved with purpose. Knowing where he was going as...

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