The Present Of His Dreams - Part 3

Story by lonelywolvenuk on SoFurry

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~The present of his dreams - Part 3~

Sorry about the delay,i still feel lonely but not as depressed any more :-) so after requests and a general feeling of i should do something to try to cheer myself up i decided to write the third part..enjoy..

LEGAL BS: If under 18/21 don't read....Or rather don't get caught...


Seven months have passed since ~The present of his dreams - Part 2~ Jon and Terry have become much closer and begun to plan for college and the future. Jon's parents have went away for two weeks to visit his sister in the US. Jon and Terry decided to use this opportunity and Terry has been staying at Jon's.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* The alarm rang out slicing through the morning silence like a hot knife through butter. Jon stirred and rolled over and hit the off button on his alarm clock. He opened his eyes which quickly adjusted to the dim light shining through the curtains. He rolled over to nuzzle his mate gently in the neck. "It's morning hun, i gotta get off to work..." Jon said softly in his ear. Terry rolled over to face him.

"Do you have to go?...It's only three days until your parents return.." Terry said pleading with him to call in sick. Jon nodded and kissed Terry deeply. Jon slowly slid away from Terry's warmth and got up and stretched. He went through and got breakfast and went for a quick shower afterwards. He returned to his room and got dressed, looking over to his bed he saw Terry had gone back to sleep. He lent down and kissed his cheek and left. "He's so much more beautiful when he sleeps" Jon thought to himself as he walked to work.

Jon had taken a weekend job in a local supermarket. It was ok pay and was a good way to get out of church without hurting his parents. As Jon worked the tills he kept thinking about Terry at home curled in his bed and wondered what he was doing at that moment. Jon noticed he had a case of wolf-wood and pulled himself in closer to the tills to hide it. Terry was just getting up and after a warm shower complete with a good pawing off he decided to see what DVD's Jon had. When lunch time arrived Jon headed home to see Terry. As Jon entered his house he heard whistling and smiled...Terry was playing Manhunt 2 UNCUT and Jon knew just what to do...He tip-toed to his room and Terry was seated on the edge of his bed wearing a headset so audible nosies could be used to distract ingame 'hunters'. Jon walked up behind Terry who was oblivious to Jon's presence. Jon watched the screen. Terry was sneaking up on a hunter. He raised the crowbar and held it down to 'Gruesome' level execution. "The Devil makes work for idle hands...that's why i jerk off." the hunter said just before Terry released the attack and as the crowbar shattered his head into a pixelated mess. Terry yelled "YEA GOT YOU, YOU MOTHER FU..". Jon yelled "BOO" and caught him off guard midway. Terry leapt up so high in surprise he nearly hit the roof. Jon fell on the floor laughing.

"THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" Terry barked as he began to calm down from his surprise.

"Sorry, i couldn't help it." Jon said as he sat down next to Terry "So hows your morning been?". Jon leaned back against the wall.

"Wait..don't lean back there.." Terry said and blushed.

"Did you hit the wall again?" Jon asked. Terry nodded. "Please try to not do's annoying to clean it off...".

"Sorry..but i guess we are even then.." Terry said with a slight grin. Jon nodded and got up.

"Come on..lets get some lunch." Jon said and he and Terry went through to the kitchen. After debating over what to have they settled on spaghetti. "Ok..i better get back to work..anything you want me to get while I'm there?" Jon asked as he headed for the front-door. Terry thought for a moment.

"Vodka and lube." Terry said with a giggle.

"I take it you finished the lube this morning then..." Jon asked and Terry nodded. Jon sighed "Ok..we don't sell decent lube but I'll stop in at the drug store on the way home. As for the Vodka..i cant buy it but then again another staff member owes me a favor..".

"What did you do again?" Terry asked.

"I helped her out...She thought her boyfriend was cheating on her. I hacked his PC and installed some 'updates'...He was cheating and man I'm glad i am not him...but she said if i need a favor i just need to ask." Jon said. He kissed and Terry and began to walk out. "See you in a few hours." Jon said as he set off for work.

"Bye don't forget lube above all.." Terry called after him then blushed and went back inside quickly.

As the afternoon wore on Jon was getting really bored and could hardly wait to get home again. As his shift ended Jon grabbed a bottle of Vodka and a handful of Red Bull cans. When he reached at the checkout it was time to call in a favor.

"Jon i cant sell you the know that."

"Remember when i helped you out in the past..."


"I'm calling that favor."

"Ok" *sigh* "I'll take the Vodka and buy it and give it to you in the back..after this we are even ok.."


Jon walked into the back room after paying for the Red Bull and waited. Five minutes later she came in and handed Jon a bag with the Vodka inside. Jon went out the back way and headed for the drug store. Jon bought the lube and headed for home.

As Jon got home Terry was waiting for him. Terry opened the door and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you soo much" Terry said as he hugged Jon forcing the air out of him. As Terry released Jon he gasped for breath. "Sorry" Terry said.

"That's ok..." Jon panted. they went into the living room and sat down. Jon looked at his watch. 1830. "So what shall we eat for dinner?" Jon asked.

" I've been craving it lately..." Terry said enthusiastically. Jon smiled and grabbed the phone. Ten minutes later they where on the couch together eating pizza,drinking vodka-red bulls and watching Hostel. As the film wore on Terry would close his eyes and bury his face in Jon's neck fur during the gory scenes. Even though he disliked gore he still liked horror films. "Aww he's soo cute when he does that..who's ass did i kiss to find someone like him? meh oh well.." Jon thought to himself while smiling. The film finished and Jon looked at his watch. 2040. He turned to Terry what shall we do now darling?" Jon asked.

"Can we watch the Lord of the Rings?..please.." Terry replied with puppy eyes.

"Aww now how can i say no to those eyes.." Jon said as he went to get the DVD. The film was put on and the drinks refilled....finally at midnight the film ended and they went to bed.

They fell asleep in each others arm and sleep soundly for a while at least...Jon awoke to a familiar sound *FAP FAP FAP FAP* He looked at the clock. 0300. He rolled over to face Terry and he was doing what Jon thought he was..pawing off. "Aww..does my little wolf have some tension that needs releasing?" Jon asked teasingly. Terry nodded. "Want me to help? I got an 'A' in woodwork last year..shame they didn't teach me any thing about working with real wood.." Jon said with a giggle. Terry nodded again and rolled onto his back to help give Jon easier access. Jon reached over and fumbled about and turned on his lamp. He looked over at Terry and smiled. His seven and a half inches of wolf meat was as hard as steel and already ozing pre. Jon lent in and breathed in his scent, he felt his own member begin to stir. Jon took Terry's in his paw and began to stroke him slowly at first. After teasing Terry a while Jon lent in and licked Terry's meat base to tip causing Terry to moan and buck lightly out of reflex. Jon slowly took it in his muzzle craning his neck as he'd learned in the past few months and began to deep-throat Terry. Terry's moans grew louder as Jon upped the pace and bobbed his head up and down gaining speed as he went. Jon slid a paw round and began to roll Terry's orbs in his paw, gently rubbing the sensitive lumps together causing Terry's moans to intensify. Jon slid his free paw down further and slid it gently into terry's anus. Terry's moans change pitch and frequency as Jon dug deeper and he yelped lightly as Jon reached his target..Terry's prostate. Jon could tell Terry was getting close and knew his release was imminent. A few minutes later Terry tensed and howled loudly as he emptied his load down Jon's waiting throat. As his climax subsided Jon made sure to get every drop he could from Terry loving the taste and how it felt as it ran down his throat.

After about five minutes Terry turned to Jon. " looks like you need release now.." Terry said with a giggle as he looked a Jon's wolfwood ozing pre. Terry got up onto all fours and wiggled his rump. Jon grinned and reached for the lube. He got his fingers slick and lubed up Terry's tailhole then his own wood. Jon knelt down behind terry and slowly slid into him. He moaned lightly as the familiar feeling over took him once more. Terry began to groan lightly as the wonderful feeling of being filled returned and he moaned loudly as Jon's member brushed against his prostate. Jon paused for a moment wanting time to stop and to stay forever here, hilted inside his love,feeling his heart-beat pulsing in time to his own. Finally he moved again,slowly at first but then increased the pace at a gentle rate. As they kept up their rhythm Terry began to paw at himself.

"Oh no you don't.." Jon said as he reached around and took over and began to time his pawing and thrusting. They kept this pace up for a while and Jon felt his knot begin to swell. He was about to ask Terry if he could tie and as if on cue...

"P-p-please" *gasp* "tie with me.." Terry managed to say. Jon did an almightyily hard thrust and his knot entered with a light 'pop' sound. They kept this up and Terry tensed up and howled loudly as he shot his load into Jon's paw. Terry's muscles clamped down and this was too much for Jon to bare. Jon closed his eyes,tilted his head back and howled unto the heavens as he filled his love with his load. They collapsed onto the mattress together. "T-t-that was...." Terry managed to say before Jon cut him off.

"..good?.." Jon said and Terry nodded. They fell asleep shortly afterwards, warm,content,satisfied and tied together in soul,spirit and body.

A few days later when Jon's parents returned Terry returned home and they continued their relationship as normal. Several months later they began college, Jon studying Computer Networking and Terry Chemical Engineering. Terry's parents said that as long as he stayed in college and did well they'd pay his rent and so he got a decent flat and Jon moved in. Terry's parents still don't know he's gay and he may some day tell them. Jon and Terry are doing well together and still to this day thank fate for bringing to lonely wolves together and changing their lives for the better for ever....



The character Jon is owned by me. If you wish to use him seek my permission FIRST. The other characters unless stated otherwise are made up by me and therefore still owned by me. BUT they may be used WITHOUT permission just put a little thank you in the work some where and send me an email just so i know that you have used them.

~Our Father who aRT IN HEAVEN!~ REVISED!!

OK, this story contains M/M and underage Yiff. If you are uncomfortable with this or underage (if you are underage just don't get caught...) leave now... This may be true...or not... ;-) It was an average Sunday evening..well that's how it...

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Our Father who aRT IN HEAVEN!

OK, this story contains M/M and underage Yiff. If you are uncomfortable with this or underage leave now... This may be true or not... It was an average Sunday evening..well thats how it started. Jon was a wolf pup between the ages of 10 and...

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The Present Of His Dreams - Part 2

~The present of his dreams - Part 2~ Sorry about the delay,just family visiting and other holiday season stuff. LEGAL BS: If under 18/21 don't read....Or rather don't get caught... ...

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