Part 4 Dragoune's History

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#4 of The Land of Marnex

Well here it is my first yiff chapter i really do not know how good this is going to be so if you do not like it i am sorry. That means if you are under 18 then leave or hope no one sees you

Part 4 Dragoune's History

It took Dragoune all last night to figure out where he will tell Saneira about his real identity. He settled at the beach at sunset and if she loves him even if he is the king's son then he will ask a question while giving her something that he made. They caught up in the morning Saneira ealier than Dragoune.

"Want to go to the ocean today?" asked Dragoune

"Sure" Saneira said

They grapped some for the journey and the beach and Dragoune also grapped some wood so they could stay there even in the evening. While Dragoune was carrying Saneira he was trying to figure out how to tell her. Saneira looked up and saw how troubled he looked.

"Something wrong?" she asked snapping him back to reality.

"What.... oh no nothing is wrong." He said not really convincing her.

When they arrived they sat down and ate lunch. After that they walked along the water Dragoune still was thinking on what to say. Saneira had an idea, she splashed water on Dragoune and went to the shallows.

"Come and get me." she said, which Dragoune did and was surprised on how the water was quite comfortable. After an hour of playing in the water they went out and started the fire and just watched the sun go from afternoon to sunset occasinally telling stories. Dragoune felt that it was now or never so he summoned all the courage he had.

"Saneira I have to tell you something." Dragoune said

"What's that?" Saneira said

"Saneira you remember you asking me if I was the king's son?" he asked, Saneira nodded knowing where this was going and not liking it one little bit.

"Well I-" Dragoune said but Saneira cut in

"You can't be this is a joke." she said despertly, Dragoune did not say anything but turned around to show her the scar on his tail.

"Before you say anything, let me tell you the true story. The day before my mother was killed everything seemed normal except Graxeon because he would be normally around the castle checking on if anything was okay but not that day which struck me as odd but I didn't think nothing of it. The next morning I heard that the queen my mother was killed in her room. So much grief I was in, my father was not his joyful self anymore and ordered every one to find the murderer and bring him or her to him. My grief turned into rage and I followed my father's order seeking the murderer myself not wanting to bring him but to kill him. Well you pretty much now than I went on a rampage asking anyone if they knew anything and killing innocent lives when they tried to hide something. After two weeks my head cleared a little so I decieded to look around my mothers room and try to find anything that will help get closer to my mother's murderer. Graxeon said that there was no trace, but i wanted to make sure. I went around scenting only my mother's scent and Graxeon's when he looked around in here. I too looked around but like Graxeon said there was nothing. As I was heading out I smelled a weaker scent near the bed it was so faint that I barely missed it, but there was no mistaking it it was Graxeon's only two weeks older than his last visit which was only two days before I checked. New rage swelled up inside of me again only this time it was alot stronger. I went to my father's thrown knowing that Graxeon would most definatly will be there. I told my father what I had found, but he thought my rage was to great for me to control and said that I was not thinking straight. That angered me still and I challegend Graxeon to a duel. We fought for more than two hours and he beat me while giving me the scar. That is when I had enough I took some of my money, my and my mother's two swords and left. That's when my father started saying that he does not have a son so I decieded to steal from him and give back what I took from the furries here."

Saneira just stared at him the whole time but not in a good way.

"I think I need to go away and think about this." she finally said. Dragoune knew that this would happen but not moving or saying anything to stop her, because he was devestated. When he could not see her tears started to fallfrom his eyes as he held tightly to the gift he was going to give her.

Saneira walked quite a ways way from the fire. Thinking why did he lied to her, well that was obvious she would have left him right than and there. But she could not stop thinking on how all the fun they had during their time togather and also now that she was away from him she felt defenesless and cold but she did not know what to do.

Dragoune was laying on his belly in a circle with silent tears. How he could have been stupid, he should have told her what he truly was during training at least she would have left. He than got up and looked at his gift with resentment.

'How could I have so stupid thinking that a dragoness would have loved me when I did all that stuff.' he thought. Dragoune was about to throw the gift into the water when he saw that Saneira was coming back, so he quickly hid it behind his back.

"I have made a decision." she said, Dragoune bowed his head tears starting again knowing what was going to happen, but to his surprise she took his head and looked at him straight in the eye.

"That I am going to stay with you just as long as you do not lie to me again." she said after that Dragoune set one knee down and held up the gift which was a gold necklace with a blue sapphire on it.

"Well I should lying now, Saneira I love you so much that I want you to be with me forever and ever. Saneira will you be my mate?"

"Yes of course I will because I love you too." she said and Dragoune put the necklace around her neck. When he was done he went in front of her and they kissed. It started slow but then it increased until they were kissing passionately, playing with each other's tounges. Soon Dragoune's sheath was bulging and Saneria was getting wet around her second lips. Dragoune broke the kiss making Saneria hiss in dissapointment but then moan in pleasure when he started nibbling and licking at her clit. He teased by going over her clit with his tounge but not entering it. By then his dragonhood was out and Saneira started playing it by licking it with her tounge and making him moan as well. Dragoune decided it was enough to tease her so he put his muzzle into her and licking inside of her, making her roar in pleasure. She then wrapped her tounge around his shaft and then try taking it all in her mouth. To her dissapoinment she only good put half into her mouth, so she started bobbing up and down while sucking on it making him moan in her clit. She went faster and faster feeling that he was close to the edge and so was she. She sucked hard making him climax and drinking his seed as much as she could some of it came out of her mouth. When Dragoune cummed he moan his loudest making Saneira climax as well and he two drang her juices which were sweet. After a little rest Saneira played with Dragoune's shaft with her paw.

"I am not done yet." she said with a seductive tone, and his dragonhood became hard again. She turned her back on him bent over and lift her tail high in the air. Showing Dragoune her inviting clit. Dragoune got the idea and went over to her. He aimed his shaft were her clit was but did not enter her. He teased her again by rubbing the head of his shaft over her lips. She was aroused even more but could not take any longer.

"Dragoune...please...I can't take....this anymore...I need you....inside me now." She said between moans. Dragoune then slid his cock into her slowly making her gasp. She was a tight fit and very hot, he moaned at the sensation of being inside her clit. When he was fully inside he bent down and nippled at the back of her neck and licking it as well. He started bumping slowly at first wanting it to last but instincts took over and he started to go faster and faster. Saneira started to go with flow when he pulled back she went back when he thrust forward she would push forward making sure that his cock was inside her the whole time. Too soon Dragoune felt her contractions getting stronger and he felt that he was near the edge. So with his final thrust he thrusted hard making Saneira climaxed roaring and clenching his shaft hard and he too roar climaxed. His seed shot into her again and again and she took evey last bit of it. When he was done he pulled him self out dripping with his and her juices as well as she. In the after glow they curled up near each other with the same postion they did with every night.

"I love you my beautiful dragoness." Dragoune said

"I love you too my handsome dark knight" Saneira said they kissed a little and fell asleep.

End of part 4

So what do you think I must have your opinion on this since this is my first so please tell me what you think.

I do not know what to name the fifth part yet but it will be coming maybe not as soon as this I do not know but be patient