The History of Kina Surdham, part one

Story by The Black Kat on SoFurry

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(This story contains sex between furres, if under 18, do not read. Thank you. No, this story does not contain infantilism, despite Kina's age)

Special thanks to Rick (Tiger Wolphen, go read his stories!) and our mutual friend for helping along in the writing of this. So partial credit also goes to the both of them.)


My name is Kina. It has been for a while. It wasn't always that way. It used to be quite different. I used to be quite different. This is my story. But is also the story of many others. This is how we all changed.

I was six when I first met Koulin. I lived with the rest of my family, all koalas, in a burrowed out tree in the forests of Australia.

He came one day in spring, knocking on our door with a kind smile. He requested that he stay at out house for a little while, having no place to call his own. My parents eagerly excepted. They were kind people.

Koulin's constant nakedness came as no surprise. Many in our land had no money, and I and my lone sister had no clothing as of yet either. Our parents wore simple loincloths. My mother didn't have anything to cover her breasts, so they hung free as well.

I saw Koulin sneak glances at our full nakedness every once in a while. But mostly he just kept his eyes on our eyes. I too glanced occasionally at his sheath, which hung proudly between his legs.

He worked on his own, coming home with some money to pay for room and board. At dinner one night he suddenly piped up, "Mr. and Mrs. Surdham. I was wondering... Would you be interested in a little demo of my skills?"

They looked at each other. "We wouldn't mind. Now?"

He shook his head. He looked over at my sister and I. "No. Not until they've gone to bed."

We looked longingly to our dad, but he shooed us off. We crept into our room. My sister, Kina, shut the door and got into bed. She quickly fell asleep while I went back to the door and opened it to just a slit of light.

"Let go..." I heard Koulin say. "Just relax... sleep... Listen to my voice..."

I had no idea at the time what he was doing. Koulin's voice just droned on and on. He kept mentioning something I couldn't see. If it weren't for that, I would have fallen under his spell as well.

Koulin soon changed his tone. He ordered them to do simple things. Then said something about when he counted to five. Right afterwards, he did count to five and suddenly I heard my parents voices again.

"Oh Koulin," My mom said, "That felt amazing."

"Simply marvelous." My father said.

I had no idea what they were talking about. But from then on, I felt like I needed to experience this whatever it was for myself.


A few days later I woke to Koulin's heavy footsteps in the halls. I yawned, getting up to see if Kina had been woken as well. She was not in her bed.

I slipped out of bed and into the hallway to see what Koulin was up to. He was holding Kina's hand outside my parents room. He pushed open that door and leaned in, counting slowly from 5 to 1.

Then he took Kina's hand and led her back out to our living room. I had to duck back into our room to avoid being seen.

He did the same thing to Kina that he did to my parents. This time he ended it different. He told her that when he counted down from 5, she would fall in love with him. She would do anything he asked. Unquestioning.

I peered out from my door. Koulin had his back to me, and Kina was as always naked before him. Her eyes were glazed over and she did not notice me staring at her at all. Koulin started counting down from 5 and I quickly closed the door, leaving only a crack open. Kina sprang back to life, looking at Koulin and moaning.

"Oh, Koulin," She sighed, snuggling up into his arms. "It's been too long."

Koulin picked her up and set her on the bed. When he turned to the side, I could see a long roo shaft sticking out from between his hips. At that age, I had no idea what this meant. I could only wonder why mom and dad weren't getting up. They were making an awful lot of noise.

Koulin leaned over, putting his shaft right between her legs. I had never seen anyone yiff before. It made me feel strange to watch it. It made me feel good. Koulin worked his cock into her at a rapid pace. He was aided by his powerful roo legs. It wasn't long before they started moaning against each other. And after that, Koulin let out a howl and jerked his hips. He pulled out quickly and I saw some white liquid spraying from the end of his rod.

Koulin counted again, and instructed Kina that she was not to remember or speak of this to anyone.


This went on for several days. Each time I'd get up in the night to watch them yiff some new exotic way. I learned a great deal more about Koulin this way. He was a virgin before having taken my sister. At the time he was about 24. During the day he went out as a worker of miracles. People paid him greatly to hypnotize away their ills.

Eventually Koulin had to leave, saying that he'd come back soon to pick her up. My parents were sad to see him go. They said he had given them better sleep than they had ever gotten before. My sister didn't seem to mind at all. She looked forward to it I think.

I did notice a change in her after he left though. Instead of going out to yiff every night, she stood up on the edge of her bed. Her legs were tucked under her to expose her sex. She locked the door and then slipped her fingers into herself constantly. She would moan and rock for hours. Then after two hours of intense moaning she would give a short gasp. After that I could smell something very pleasurable floating through the air.

One time I worked up the courage to ask her what she was doing. She acted as though she had never done anything. So I kept silent.

It began in the middle of the night. I heard someone yelling outside our tree and looked out the window to see a pack of dingoes huddled at its base. They each held a torch in their hands. Weapons of war were at the ready.

I let out a yelp and ducked under my bed. My sister hadn't heard me and was snoring loudly.

I crept to where I could just see down the hall. There was a knock at the front door and I heard my mother and father getting up to see who it was. The knock sounded again. The dingoes were getting impatient.

I didn't think to stop my parents, but the moment they opened the door it was much too late. They both screamed as the dingoes drew swords and held them at their throats.

"You wait here," their leader called. "Find the girl. Koulin wants her alive, don't forget that."

A pair of dingoes walked into the room. Both were decked out in full war paint. Both carried large swords at their sides. My sister was still sound asleep, possibly thanks to Koulin. They crept up beside her.

"This can't be the one," said the one on my right.

"Yeah, she's much too young. Kill her now. We'll sneak back and yiff her body once we're done."

His partner laughed. "Yeah." I couldn't have raised my voice to stop them either. They brought their knives down swiftly.

I didn't think to cry then. The dingoes were busy searching the rest of the house for... me. I hid under my bed and only after nearly half an hour did the leader come in to find my sister dead. He went to the nightstand by her bed and looked at the name there. He shook his head with worry. He stepped away.

I gave out a tiny squeak as his foot landed near my bed. He swept his weapon under the bed. I screamed as it landed in my shin, lodging itself deep in my bone.

I was screaming and crying as he looked under to see who he had caught. When he saw me, he pulled me out and carried me on his back out of the house.


The dingo talked to me all along the trip to his home. I was too scared to say anything back, so he just kept talking. "My name is Gradiir," he said. He apologized profusely for the loss of my sister, and assured me that her killers would be punished. This didn't mean much to me at the time.

But throughout the journey, I got the impression he was a kind man forced into being a slave trader. He kept my parents in a different part of the caravan. He told me that Koulin had shown them how to take control of them and that they no longer recognized me or even each other.

The caravan split down with Gradiir taking a part to the north. The other part went south, and my parents went with them. Within two days Gradiir had taken me to his village. "Normally," he told me, "We do not let outsiders in, but I now have you in my custody."

Gradiir took me to his tent, introduced me to his wife Gnem, and then left. Gnem made me dinner and inspected the wound in my leg. She told me I would be fine and would begin my training tomorrow. From then on, I can only remember snippits of memory. Most of that night was involved in eating or treating my wound. Gnem suspected it would fester and grow sore and there would be no way to prevent it. She worried too that I would have the scar all my life.

After a good night's sleep, Gradiir told me what was going to happen. He had met Koulin the previous night. Koulin had paid the dingoes to capture my sister and give her to him. His payment was offering them to have my parents as slaves. He gave them exactly what they needed to take them without any resistance. But Kina's death upset him greatly. He requested that the two responsible for her death become his slaves. Then he asked Gradiir to train me as a slave so that when the time came he could buy me as well.

Gradiir told me this was an honor. But I was too young to know anything but the need to have my parents and sister back. Gradiir took me to the dingo shaman, ordering him to make me forget my pain. The shaman took me and inscribed mystic symbols on me with paints. He gave out a shout to the air and the symbols seemed to lift and dance on my skin. I felt like some part of me was leaving. I still wanted to see my parents and sister again, but it didn't matter so much any more.

Gradiir gave more orders to the shaman, who looked quite shocked at his words. The shaman slowly nodded and took me into his tent. The shaman was a lean boned figure, more so than the other dingoes of the village. Unlike most of them, he actually wore clothing. It was only a simple loincloth, but it was clothing.

The shaman slowly slid it off in front of me. He pointed to his sheath and then to me and said, "You need to come forward." I walked closer and he pushed me onto my knees, his sheath hanging directly next to me.

He sighed for reasons I didn't know. "Take the sheath in your hands."

I did as he commanded. He released a powder into the air above my nose, making my sneeze. "Now, run your hands along it."

I did, feeling the sheath pulse lightly at my touch. I used my fingers to open the top up a little wider, pushing in a few fingers to see what was inside. I felt the tip of his cock shudder under my touch. The sheath pulsed again and his shaft pushed out into my hands where I continued to run my paws along it.

The shaman groaned. He leaned down to tell me to take it into my mouth. He said I'd know what to do.

I nodded, repulsed, but moving forward. I put my lips on the edge of the rod and it jumped from my grasp. A small dribble of white liquid came from the top.

The shaman gave no more orders. His head was bowed low. His eyes were closed and he chanted. His arms were tight at his sides, quivering and shaking.

I gave a lick up the shaft. As soon as the liquid hit my mouth, I felt like I was in extacy. It was so salty but also sweet! It was like nothing I had ever tasted before. It was amazing.

I looked down at his cock from headon. I saw another bit of the liquid coming up from the little slit at the top. So, I greedily slurped all of that up. Another slide up it and even MORE of the liquid came tumbling out. I had to grip the head between my teeth just to catch all of it.

I felt a warm feeling spreading through my body. It started with the liquid down in my stomach. It spread to the tips of my fingers before settling down between my legs. It built there until I felt like I was getting a sunburn. The craving for the liquid kept growing and so did the heat in my groin.

It was soon when I noticed something different begin to happen. He was sweating badly. Beads of the salty liquid were streaming down him and the same was happening to me. All of my sweat was collecting right between my legs. There I was dripping my heat all over the floor. I created such a small puddle that I started slipping on it. I had to regain my position on his shaft by forcing myself back up.

That did it. He gripped my head and forced my muzzle as deep onto him as I could go. His shaft began spurting a new liquid into my throat. I felt like I was overheating. I swam in the intense pleasure of it. The ground was covered in juices so thick that I slipped. His rod stayed where it was and sprayed all over me.

I giggled happily. But I became woozy and passed out on the floor a moment later.

(The end of part one)