Never Trust A Fairy

Story by ChefJeffBadger on SoFurry

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Two bunnies are forced from their homes, and into the forest by raiders. They come across a kind wolf named Aiden, which at first seems like salvation, but will their luck run out?

Commission for Aiden on IB

Peter coughed as the thick smoke swirled around his head. He felt his way along the dirt floor of his parent's house, crawling until he found his brother's bed. He shoved his paws underneath, feeling around on the floor until he felt his brother's cowering form against his paws. Peter grabbed him, and yanked him out from under the bed as one of the rafters of their house fell down and crashed through the bed his brother had been under just moments ago. The white rabbit helped his brother onto his back, and he told him to hold on tight as he jumped to his feet.

He held onto his brother's arms tightly as he ran towards the door, slamming his shoulder into it. The door cracked like thunder as it tore from its hinges, and sent the two bunnies tumbling into the street. Peter coughed and hacked, getting the twisted black smoke from his lungs. The hare looked back to his home now engulfed in flame, and he could hear the cries and screams from the rest of the village as the raiders took who and what the pleased, burring what was left to the ground. 

His younger brother, Pepper, cried as they ran through the streets of their town. The older hare's feet kicking up dirt as he dashed across a wheat field, the edges already glowing as the wolf's set it ablaze. He could see the outline of the forest in the distance, not stopping, not daring to look back at the burning wreckage that behind him. He didn't stop until his feet were bleeding, and his body would go no more. Peter slowed to a stop, his heart thumping as he set his brother down. He leaned up against the trunk of an old willow tree, sliding down it, until his rear was planted firmly against the ground.

He patted his lap, and his brother climbed on, hugging him close as his heart pounded in his chest. Tears streaked through the soot on the little bunnies white furred cheeks. "Wh... What happened? Where's mom and dad?" Pepper managed to say through his sobs. The little buck's nose was running, and his bottom lip quivered as he looked at his only brother.

As the older rabbit looked into his brother's eyes, he didn't have the heart to tell him what he knew to be true -that their parents had been engulfed in the flames that took their home. Instead he smiled, and nosed his brother's cheek. "Mom and dad told me to get you when the house was set on fire, and they told me to run out here in the woods and keep you safe until they could meet up with us again."

The younger hair sniffled, and whipped his eyes on the back of his arm. "Okay..." He said, his voice still a little shaky.

Peter stroked down his brother's back, down to his undies, the only bit of clothing he'd been wearing when they fled. He ran his paw over his brother's long ears, watching as they sprang back up as soon as his paw left them. "What do you say we get some sleep, and go out and look for them in the morning?" The cub nodded, and cuddled into his brother's bare chest fur. His legs curling up on Peter's lap, and his long ears laying down his back. Peter softly stroked his brothers back, until he fell asleep, joining him soon after.


The two of them spent most of the next day foraging for food, they found a few wild carrots, onions, and cabbage. But it was barely enough to feed even one of them. Peter gave it to his little brother, deciding he could just go hungry for now. The two of them wondered deeper into the forest, moving into darker, thicker brush.

Peter's ears twitched as he heard something... it was like someone talking. He put his paw on his brother's shoulder, and he pressed a finger to his lips, signaling for his brother to be quiet. He had Pepper hide in a nearby hollow tree, as he crept closer to the sound of voices. He came to a strange clearing in the forest, it was about 7x7 feet, with a large mushroom the size of a small table in the center, with a hooded figure sitting on one side. He had a tea cup in front of him, and was sitting on an old stump. He was talking as if someone was there, there was even there was a tea cup set up across from him. Peter listened closely, and the words coming from the hooded figure's mouth sounded strange, it was clearly another tongue he'd never heard before.

The tea cup across from the hooded figure jiggled, and then the hooded man lifted up his tea to take a sip. His long canine tail lashed out from behind him. "You know." The hooded figure said loudly. "If you're trying to sneak up on me, you're not doing a very good job at it." Peter turned to run, and his became entangled in a set of vines. Ones that had not been there just moments before. "Are you really going to run before you even say hello? How rude." The creatures said as he turned around, his dark purple hood pulled down so Peter could only see his black nose. Peter looked the creature up and down; he had an athletic build, and other than the extravagant cape he was dressed in simple clothes -brown pants, and a white shirt.   

The rabbit's whiskers twitched, something about who ever this person was, it just gave him this strange feeling. "My apologies, I'm in a hurry to get to an appointment, and I can't be late." Peter fibbed as he struggled to get the vines off of his ankles, but every time he would get them loose they'd seem to tighten right back up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't you parents ever teach you not to lie?" The creature asked. "We both know you don't have anywhere to be or anyone to see. I've watched you and your brother scrounge around my forest all day, and judging from the soot still in your fur you're from the village that burned to the ground last night."

Peter gave up on the vines, "You've been watching us?" He asked, the hair on the back of his neck beginning to rise.

"Well, not me per se, but I do have eyes and ears in this forest, and they've been telling me a lot about you." He stood up from his stump, and walked over to the bunny. "Like you need a place to stay." He reached down to Peter's ankles, and he was able to remove the vines with one quick yank. "And I just so happen to have a place where the two of you could stay dry, keep warm, and have all the greens you can eat." He reached out a black paw to help Peter up.

"Why should I trust you?" Peter asked questioningly.

"Well... you can deal with little old me or the pack of blood thirsty savage wolves trying to hunt you down and skin you and your brother alive. " He shrugged. "Your choice."

Peter thought about it for a moment, his belly rumbling, reminding him that he can't keep up foraging forever. He didn't know enough about the plants in the forest. He shook the creature's glove covered paw. "Alright..."

"Excellent!"   Said the creature as he gripped the rabbit's paw tightly. He pulled his hood back, reviling his pointed black ears, his large sharp white teeth, locked inside his ear splitting grin, and his hungry eyes. "This will be so fun."

Peter gulped as he looked at the wolf in front of him, he looked at him from his shaggy black air that had streaks of frost blue, the strange necklace around his neck made of a worn out brown pouch with a stick of some brown dried meat next to it, all the way to his strong looking paws. "Yeah..." Peter said, forcing a smile, wondering if he'd made a mistake.

"My name is Aiden by the way."

"I'm Peter." He said.

"Oh, I know." The wolf said with a grin before the two of them walked through the forest, picking up Pepper along the way. The younger rabbit stayed behind his older brother, clinging to the white buck's pants. He'd stick his head out from behind his brother to peak at the wolf, and then cowering every time the wolf would smile back at him.

After about an hour the three of them came to a small cabin built on the side of a large mountain. There was a stream that ran along its side, to a little water wheel that dropped water into a trough that fed the rather large garden surrounding the house. The cabin had brightly colored mushrooms growing from the logs on its sides, and the roof was thatched with moss, and there were a few mudrooms poking out from it as well. The door was made from willow limbs that had been weaved together, and then painted a dark chalky red. The windows were made from old bits of colored bottles that had been incased in a thick coat of clear glass. There was a thick canopy of trees that covered the whole place, letting just enough light through for the garden, giving it an almost magical look.

"What do you say we get cleaned up? There's a hot spring I've managed to tap into, and that warm water will do wonders to get the soot off your fur." The two rabbits followed the wolf as they walked into his little cabin. Inside the furniture was made from more twisted willow branches or carved from old stumps, with more brightly colored mushrooms growing form them. "Wait here for a moment." Said the wolf, before he slid off into his kitchen for a moment, coming back out holding a frost blue earthen jar. He opened the lid and the smell of sweet butterscotch rolled over the two rabbit's noses. "Why don't you two have a piece of candy?"

The two bunny's looked in the jar, and inside were a pile of butterscotch candies. Peter reached in, and pulled out two of them. He looked at them in his paw, before handing one to his little brother. The two rabbits popped them into their mouths, and as soon as that sweet taste rolled across Peter's tongue, he felt strange. It was as if all the tension in his body began to melt away, all his worries and cares melting away as that candy dissolved in his mouth.

Pepper slid out from behind his brother, giggling as he smiled for the first time since the other night. He almost seemed to beam with joy, as he walked up to the wolf and tugged on his robe. "Hey mister, can I have another one of those?"

"Sure... but call me Aiden, "mister" is a little too formal." He reached into the jar and gave another candy to the small bunny.

The cub took it, and happily sucked down on it. "Alright, now I need both of you to take off your clothes."

Normally Peter would have protested this, but he was feeling too good to say no. As he began stripping off his pants, his younger brother had already slid his undies off, and was standing next to him waiting. He looked over his brother's smaller, slightly pudgy body. He saw the dark grey that ran along his back, speckled with white splotches, the same patter that'd given him his name. It seemed odd that a bunny with two white furred parents would come out like he did, with that grey patch on his back, and the black splotch around his eye.

The two brother's watched as the wolf began to strip, his gloves and boots were the first to come off, showing the bright frost blue tips on his fingers and toes. He undid the clasp for his cloak, letting it fall into a crumpled pile, along with his pants and shirt. The wolf took great care as he removed the necklace from his neck, hanging it up on a nearby nail. Soon the two brothers could see the light patch of grey fur that moved across his chest, belly, and inner thighs, as well as the set of thick grey orbs that laid between his legs. Aiden walked behind the two brothers, and placed his hands on their shoulders. "Right this way boys." He said softly, as he gently pushed both of the boys forward, leading them to a small door that lead into a cave.

Peter had to duck down a little to get inside, but the rest of the cave opened up into a large cavern, with three pools of hot water tiered together so that each pool would feed the next, before it drained through a small channel that had been carved into the floor, and out of the cave. Aiden grabbed a set of wash clothes, and soap from a shelf that had been carved into the cave wall, and he ushered the two boys into the largest pool at the bottom.

Peter and Pepper murred as the hot water began seeped into their fur, taking away the soot, dirt, and grim they'd collected over the past day.  Aiden grabbed a wash cloth, and scrubbed in some of the soap. He moved across the small pool of water, and took a seat next to Peter. "Why don't you let me wash you." Aiden said.

Peter thought about it for a second, something in the back of his mind was screaming no. But for some reason he just didn't care, he was tired and dirty, why not let the wolf help? "Sure."

Aiden grinned, first running the cloth over the bunny's shoulders, rubbing them at first, but then it seemed as if he was checking for something, sizing him up. Then he moved down to his chest, the cloth rubbing over his toned pecs, squeezing them through the cloth, before moving over his toned belly, and finally to the bulge between his legs. Peter gasped as he felt that paw touch him where no man had before. His paws twitched as he thought about pushing Aiden away, but again, something stopped him. All he could do is sit there as the wolf rubbed the cloth into his sheath, scrubbing his balls clean, making him yelp and squeak as he pressed in a little bit too hard. Then he reached over, and pulled back the rabbits sheath. "I bet you don't want me to leave any dirt or crud behind in here, do you?"

Peter squirmed, his mind still scratching away, telling him this was all wrong, but not stopping any of it. "Uh, I guess not."

The wolf grinned, his pearly white teeth showing as he began to scrub the younger rabbits cock, letting it harden under his finger tips. Soon he let the cloth go, and he let his soapy fingers run along the rabbits flesh. Peter gave out a little whine as a small drop of pre rolled over the tip of his shaft and into the warm water beneath him. Aiden splashed some water over Peter's pecker to get some of the soap off, before he leaned down, and wrapped his lips around the head of peter's shaft.

Peter gulped as he felt the tongue of that wolf's tongue slide over the side of his shaft, he felt those soft lips squeeze the sides of his shaft as the wolf sank deeper on the bunny's pink member. Aiden reached up and fondled those white fuzzy orbs, inhaling the rabbit's soft sweet musk. "What are you doing?" Pepper asked, as he cocked his head to the side, his ears dangling down as he did.

The wolf flicked his ears, and he slid off the older rabbit's member with a lewd pop. "Mmm just helping your brother feel good. You liked it, didn't you, Peter?"

The older rabbit nodded as he leaned against the back of the pool. His head tilted back, and he let out a soft groan as Aiden's paw kept stroking at his flesh even after his muzzle was taken away. Pepper watched as the wolf played with his brother, and he straightened up and asked, "Can I try?"

Aiden smiled, "Sure thing little bun-bun. Let's just get on the floor first." Aiden got out of the pool, water dripping from his wet fur as he walked over to the shelf he's carved into the stone wall. He grabbed a soft towel and he laid it down on the stone floor next to the first bathing pool. He ushered the two bunny's from the hot water, and he had Peter get down on his knees, and Pepper lay on his back on the towel. The wolf ran a paw over the smaller bunny's chest, and to his long ears. He rubbed one of them as he leaned down to whisper to Pepper, "All you have to do is slide your lips over your teeth, suck. Your brother will help you do the rest."

Pepper looked up at his older brother, a blush spreading across his face. Something felt so naughty about this, but as he swallowed what was left of his second butterscotch candy all his worries melted away. He looked at his brother's shaft as it throbbed and bobbed in front of his pink nose. His whiskers twitched as he leaned up, and licked the underside of his brother's shaft. He groaned as he tasted it, savoring the salty musky flesh. After a few more good licks, and his brother's paw came down to rest upon his chest. The rabbit glanced up at his brother one more time, before he slide his lips over his teeth, and slid down along his brother's length. The older hare's balls resting on his nose as Peter's pecker throbbed in his muzzle. He took a deep breath in, inhaling his brother's musky smell that came from those potent orbs.  

"That's it." Aiden praised as he slide between the younger rabbit's legs.

Aiden grabbed the bunny's legs, and pressed his legs up to his chest. He licked his lips as he looked down at that perky young speckled rear laying just inches in front of his needy shaft. The wolf reached down, gingerly running a claw through that velvety soft fur underneath that cut stubby tail. He ran his claw up along the bunny's leg, up to those cute little paws on the end of the bunny's legs. He ran a claw over the sensitive pink pad on the underside, making little Pepper squeak beneath him. He leaned down, and nuzzled those soft paws, letting their smooth skin rub against the soft fuzz that covered his muzzle. Aiden shoved his nose into those cute little toes, inhaling their soft clean scent. So young, so tender. It made his cock throb, beg for the release it knew was still a little ways off.

The wolf gave a soft little growl as he licks over those little cubby toes as the bunny wiggled them, giggling around his brother's dick as the wolf played with him. Aiden lapped up that sweet taste of that tender young flesh, his stomach growling as he tasted the rabbit, getting to know those tender pads better. He did the same to the other side, before he pressed those feet together, and took one big sniff, inhaling their scent one last time, before he moved onto his other prize for the night.   

He ran his paw down the rabbit's rump, and gave it a soft squeeze. "What a nice little bum you have, Pepper." He said with a growl as he sank down behind him, his paws spreading those two chubby cubby cheeks. His finger traced around that virgin orifice, making the little bunny moan around his older brother's cock. Aiden slide a finger into the little bun's bum, he spent a few minutes slowly stretching out that little bunny's hole, getting him ready for what was about to come.

Aiden brought Pepper's feet down to this throbbing length, wrapping those soft wet pads around the length of his cock, before he pushed his hips forward, the head of his cock pressing into that rabbit's sweet young hole as those soft warm pads wrapped around his flesh. He gave a soft woof as he pushed forward, letting the head of his cock pop into that bunny's sweet hole, taking that virgin orifice. He held Pepper's slick paws held tightly around his shaft as he began to thrust in and out of the bunny, moaning as the soft velvety fur and pink flesh tickled his cock as he began to fuck that little bunny, taking his smaller body, like the hungry predator he was.

The three of them spent the next few hours playing around on the floor, before long Pepper's body was covered in cum by the two older males, his hole open and leaking, his muzzle covered with a few thick loads of Aiden and Peter's cum. The little bunny had a content smile on his face as his feet slowly rubbed his brother's cock and Aiden's, their shafts gripped between his toes, as his soft cum covered pads slowly moved over their sensitive flesh. Aiden he smiled at the younger bunnies. "Alright, let's get cleaned up and head to bed, you two have had a long day."      


The next few days were filled with laughing, playing, and fucking each other until even the bunnies were having a hard time keeping anything in their balls but air. By the end of the 4th day Pepper could take both Aiden's knot, and Peter's cock at the same time, letting them fuck him into a blissful sleep as they squeezed the smaller bun between their two warm bodies.

The food was the greatest part, there was something strange about it, but Peter could never figure out what, and Pepper could care less, all he really cared about was riding Aiden or his big brother's lap as they ate. Peter noticed every time he'd eat anything the wolf prepared for them, all his worries and concerns would fade away, along with any thoughts of leaving. In fact, after every meal all he wanted to do is get down on his knees and suck the wolf's dick as his brother's little pecker slid into his ass, and pounded away at his hole. Eventually, he decided to skip a meal, taking it with him to his bedroom, and not eating it to see what would happen.

That night as he went to sleep he laid in bed and just stared up at the ceiling. As the night went on, he realized everything he'd done, everything he'd been feeling, was wrong. Tears began to streak down his cheeks as he sat in bed, and realized that he'd fucked his own little brother. That sweet innocent boy, the only person he had left in the world. And he'd treated him like a cock warmer, draining his balls into him every chance he'd gotten.

Why? Why had he done such horrible things, and why hadn't he realized it until just now. His stomach rumbled, and he looked at the pile of steamed veggies still on the plate next to his bed. Aiden must have done something to the food... but what could make him be so loose? Just play into his primal urges like that?

For the first time Peter began to really look at the cabin around him. He'd always just assumed it was made from logs someone had stacked on top of each other, he'd never had the chance to really look closely at the walls. He stood up, and walked over to them, and ran his hand over them. They were all facing the wrong direction; they went straight up and down instead of laying on their side. He looked down at the floor and saw that there were roots growing into the dirt floor beneath them as if they'd grown into a house. He wondered how this could have happened, what would make plants grow this why? How was this even possible... as he asked himself that last question, things began to click in his mind. That first day he'd met the wolf, he was talking to someone who wasn't there... or at least he couldn't see. And then there were the vines that seemed to keep him held down against the ground, that Aiden managed to pull away so easily. Only one kind of creature could do these things.

The fea.

His heart began to thump in his chest, he'd made a grave mistake. He'd brought his brother into the clutches of a fairy. They'd eaten his food and been put under his spell... but, all the fairy tales say that once your eat the food, even a nibble traps you under their spell forever, why had he broken it so easily? He shook those thoughts away, there was no time for that now, he needed to get Pepper and get out of here.

Peter pulled his pants and shirt from underneath the bed, and threw them on. He quietly opened the door that lead into the hallway. He walked gingerly to his brother's room, slowly opening the door, and walking over to the lump on the bed under the covers. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and he went to go shake his brother awake. But when he grabbed him, his hand sank in. He pulled the covers back, and all he found was a lump of pillows where his brother should be. He didn't see the dark figure walking up behind him, but he did feel it as the wooden club slammed into the side of his head.

Peter awoke sometime later strapped down on a large wooden stump. The cold night air washed over his bare fur, as the light from a fire flickered next to him. He heard soft crying, and he looked over to where it was coming from. Strung up to a tree, his wrists tied together, and hanging like a hunk of meat was his little brother. Peter struggled against his bounds but he couldn't break the leather straps no matter how hard he tried.

"Shame on you Peter." Said a familiar voice. "I can't believe you were going to leave without saying good bye. After everything I've done for you. I guess your folks never did teach you your manners." Aiden comes from out of the shadows, his throbbing hard wolfhood sticking straight up from between his thighs, it's thick pointed red length throbbing in the dim light.

"Why would I say good bye? You trapped us under your evil spell, fairy." The bunny almost growled, as he twisted his wrists against his leather bonds, trying to squeeze out of them.

"Heh, you're almost right. I did trap you, but I'm not a fairy... a full one anyway. I just have some of their blood in me." The wolf said as he licked his lips. "In fact, that's the reason you're here with me tonight. You see my relatives like to attack me whenever I head out into the forest, and I need you and your brothers help to stop that from happening."

"And how can we do that, you bastard?!" The rabbit yelled.

Aiden laughed. "By giving me a new set of charms to protect me from them. You see, I need a very special talisman to keep them away, the one I have is starting to fail. And this talisman can only come from your brother. I will be able to make weaker ones to protect my cabin, but none will be as strong as the one your brother will give me."  Aiden took off the old worn necklace from around his neck. "You see, this? It belonged to a little wolf that stumbled into my home one day, I fed him, made him feel safe, and then, I brought him outside, and took what I needed. His cock and balls."

"You monster!" Peter roared.

Aiden flicked his wrist, and a vine flew up and wrapped itself tightly around the rabbit's muzzle. "First though, I have you to deal with." Aiden picked up a small hand axe, and walked over to the bound rabbit. He gingerly ran the tip of the axe's sharp blade along Peter's fur, along his leg, and until the blade stopped just at his ankle. He set the blade down, and got down on his knees in front of them. He wrapped his paws around one of Peter's feet, and he began to rub the sole with his thumbs. "These are so sexy... they're going to look great as charms hanging from my windows." He nuzzled at the soles of Peter's feet as the rabbit thrashed, and screamed into his tightly closed muzzle.

Aiden grinned as he ran his tongue over the bottom of that paw, making the rabbit whimper above him. He picked up his axe, and in one quick motion let the blade come down right above Peter's ankle. Blood splashed back, covering the wolf as it pumped over the wooden stump. Tears ran down Peter's face as the pain rocked through him, making him cry out in pain at even the slightest movement.

"Please stop!" Pepper cried as he watched his brother's blood begin to spill.

Aiden laughed, and threw the foot onto the ground next to the stump. "Oh I'll stop... when your brother's heart stops beating." Aiden brought back up the axe, and with a loud crack and thunk, he severed the rabbit's foot from his body. He put it with the other, and then he walked over to Peter's hands. The rabbit seemed to plead through his muzzle, his eyes begging for the wolf to stop, as he brought the axe up, and let it drop onto the rabbit's wrists, letting them each fall to the ground next to the stump.

"I'll have to make a nice stew from some of these extra parts." The rabbit said as he picked up both the bunny's hands and threw them into a separate pile. "Almost there." The wolf grinned as he laid the axe down, and pulled a knife from his belt. He got up onto the stump, and grabbed the rabbit's fluffy white sheath, his fingers staining the white fur with blood. He rubbed it until that rabbit's shaft was pulsing, and throbbing. He leaned in, putting his own cock against the rabbits, wrapping his paw around them both and slowly stroking, as he brought up the knife, showing it to the trapped bunny, making his sobs grow louder, as he traced the tip of the blade along his stomach. He traced it around the bunny's sheath, before he held on tight, his fingers dipping down to grab the bunny's fat white nuts in his grip, as he began to slice through the rabbit's junk.

Peter felt every slice as the blade slowly took away his manhood. He felt it sliding through the root of his cock, through the skin of his sac, and finally he felt it touch the cords that kept his balls connected to his body. He cried as he felt that knife slice through them, and the wolf yank his junk away, tearing off the last bit of flesh just to cause him some extra pain. The wolf took the rabbit's package, holding it up for him to see, before he dropped it on his chest, letting him look at his former manhood.

The wolf took the knife, and he thrust the tip of the knife in where he'd just cut off the bunny's balls, and he slide it up Peter's stomach, cutting him open from crotch to just under his rib cage. The bunny coughed, blood shooting through his nose and lips as the vines kept his muzzle closed tightly. The wolf let the bunny's organs hang out in the open air, as he picked up the axe, and grinned down at him. The wolf brought up the axe, the blood covered metal sparkling in the dim fire light. The rabbits eyes went wide as the axe began to come down, making its first hit into the rabbit's neck, making blood spray across the stump and Aiden's chest.

The rabbit mouthed some words as his neck still clung to his body, blood pouring from his open wound. The wolf brought the axe up again, and this time, with a mighty crack he slammed the sharp blade through the bunny's spine. He grabbed the rabbits head, put his foot on what was left of his neck, and pulled and twisted.  He growled as he finally managed to rip the bunny's head from his body.

Peter's eyes began to gloss over as he looked at the wolf that had killed him. His mind trying to pull everything in that it could, if his mouth hadn't of been bound tightly with the vines, his lips would have been silently cursing the wolf. But his eyes gave one last twitch, and then it went still. Aiden kissed between the older rabbit's ears, and placed his head on the ground next to his feet. He jumped up onto the stump, and began to gut the rabbit's body, piling his organs into a pile, before he began to strip off that pretty white fur, his blade made quick work of the rabbit's carcass, even managed to take his tail along with the cape of flesh he'd pulled from the body of meat now residing on the stump. Aiden took the body of meat he'd gathered from the rabbit, and strung it up by its legs to let some of the blood drain while he took care of his main prize.

Pepper began to kick and screamed as the blood covered wolf walked over to him. Aiden smiled as he flicked his wrists, and vines shoot out, pulling the rabbit up, and throwing him onto the bloody stump where his brother had been. They held him down as Aiden walked over, picking back up his knife and getting between the rabbit's legs. Pepper looked to his left, at his brothers severed head, his cold dead eyes staring at him, as the wolf grabbed his thighs. He took the knife, and pressed it into his flesh, cutting loose a flap of skin, that he pulled out of the way, before doing the same to the other side.

Pepper cried, his little cock throbbing from the pain mixing with the wolf's magic. He could feel as the wolf began to slice through the flesh of his thigh, cutting as much as he could away from the bone before he took the axe, and chopped through the bone with a loud crack. He did the same thing to the other side, and then he sowed up the flaps of skin over the rabbit's new stumps. He grabbed the rabbit's arms and repeated the process he'd used on the bunny's legs, sealing them up, leaving the bunny an armless and legless torso. The wolf picked up the axe again, spin it in his paw so that the flat side was facing towards the bunny. He grabbed the little bunny's muzzle, and held it, as he growled as he slammed the axe down, knocking out a few of the rabbit's teeth, and making the bunny cry harder, blood and teeth filling his muzzle.

The wolf howled as he took the axe, and slammed it into the bunny's muzzle over and over again, until he was swollen and bloody, what was left of his teeth spat out in a bloody pile next to his head. Aiden took his knife, and held it to Pepper's throat as he screamed, taking great care to slide his knife in to just the right spot, puncturing his voice box, and stopping any nose he'd make forever. Aiden took the knife again, and grabbed onto the bunny's ears, he held them back as he took the tip of his knife and slid it into the bunny's ear, poking the rabbit's ear drum on each side, sending him into silence. All Pepper could do is watch as the wolf grabbed the side of his head, almost looking like he was laughing, as the wolf moved his thumbs over the cub's eyes, and pressed down.

The bunny squirmed as he silently screamed, the bunny felt a pop as his eyes burst in his sockets, forever casting him into darkness. The only sense he had left was touch, and his body was nothing but pain. He sobbed silently as he felt the wolf's knife trace over his belly, finally a paw wrapping around his junk, and a knife begin to slide through it, severing the only thing he ever had to make him a real boy.


A few weeks later Aiden smiled as he looked at the new necklace around his neck, the furry white pouch, right next to the dried bunny cub dick, hanging rightly from his neck. He looked around his cabin, at the new rabbit throw pillows on his couch, the rabbit foot charms hanging from his windows, and the rabbit skull, turned flower pot, sitting on his kitchen table. He looked down at the soft white bunny fur jock strap he was wearing, and he grabbed his crotch, loving the feeling of that soft fur against his thick sheath, reminding him of the ass that used to be attached to it.

He gave a little lustful growl as he felt his shaft start to thicken, and he headed towards his bedroom. There laying on his bed, was the bunny formally known as Pepper. His eyes had been replaced with green glass ones, his wounds had all healed nicely thanks to the wolf's magic, and his face was pulled up into a smile from the metal sutures the wolf had implanted in his jaws.

The happy looking bunny, just laid there until Aiden climbed onto the bed, the bunny began to squirm, as if he was trying to get away. Aiden ran his paw through his new body pillow's fur, still sticky from the night before. He gave the bunny's lips a quick kiss, before he laid down beside it, and pulled it close to his chest, he pulled his rabbit fur jock to the side, and he let his hard cock thrust against the spot where the bunny's package used to be. Before he pulled the rabbit's stumps up, and let his cock find that still slick hole. He growled as he slowly fucked his toy, taking it slow at first, just enjoying the feeling, until his knot began to form.

Then he slowly pulled out, flipping the bunny on his stomach as he climbed on top of him, the head of his cock finding that well opened hole, and slamming home into that speckled ass. Popping his knot in and out of that rabbits tight hole, making the rabbit squirm, and make what were probably sobs under the wolf. The wolfs fat grey nuts patted against the bunny's rump as his knot kept swelling, until finally he slammed home inside of the bunny, his shaft pumping his hot wolf seed into that much younger hole. He laid there for a second panting, before he rolled them both back onto their sides. He squeezed the little bunny tightly to his chest, and laid his head on the rabbit's shoulders. He yawned, and drifted to sleep, holding his new toy and pillow.