Reunion Ch2 Rewards

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Hey everyone enjoy the next chapter

The hooded girl twirled around, her white dress spun with her. Tyson had his back facing her, trying to open the door, to turn the handle, but his hands were too slippery. Why were they slippery? He thought. The girl put her hand on his shoulder and turned him around to face her. She was now dressed school uniform, a hoody and jeans. Tyson could see her grin, devilishly and unnatural, under her hood. She whispered something he couldn't understand into his ear. She put a finger on his lips and began to reach down Tyson's boxers. He tried to back up but he couldn't. She slowly knelt down and began to tug down his boxers. It wasn't cold despite Tyson being almost nude. The hooded hesitated a second, before putting her mouth around his dick and began sucking passionately. He shivered. Tyson didn't know what to do with his hands. He was too afraid to touch her. She kept sucking, moaning. He started to puff. The girl let out a stifled giggle in anticipation and sucked faster. She then girl flicked back her head and her hood flipped back .Tyson looked in horror when he found the face of his sister looking looking up at him, licking the tip of his penis and grinning. He couldn't hold back his orgasm and his penis throbbed as he shot cum into her mouth. His sister giggled and licked her lips. She looked up at him, semen on her face. To his horror, her teeth grew into fangs and her grin turned into maniacal laughter. Her face turned white and she lunged towards his face.

Tyson eyes flicked open to pitch black. He rubbed his face. He groaned. He felt something damp and slimy in his boxers. He reached his hands down his pants, and confirmed his dread. He took off his boxers and threw them on the floor, before falling back to a dreamless sleep.

The next day, Tyson shuffled uncomfortably on the bus, Lucy taking up too much space on the seat next to him. She dropped her bag, puffing, barely making the bus in time again.

'I know Brad's going to say yes. I just know it. C'mon you're one of his best friends aren't you, will he?' She said through breaths too quickly for Tyson's tired mind to keep up with.

Tyson shook his head. 'You're going to ask out Brad?' he asked.

Lucy looked at him pettily. 'Durr. I thought it was kinda obivious. Oh well I hope he says yes, I mean, I just know he's the type of guy who likes girls like me'. Lucy said.

Tyson looked at her confused. 'Girls like you? He likes rabbits?' He questioned.

Lucy leaned backed and turned to look at him. 'No, dumbass. You really don't know?' She asked.

'Don't know what?' He replied.

'You really don't know what I meant by girls like me?' She continued.

'No?' He confusingly asked.

Lucy laughed. 'You boys suck at girls. Oh C'mon how can you not?... Never mind I'm not telling you. It's a secret.' The rabbit girl poked out her tongue.


'Hmmf.' She exhaled. 'Well you're no fun'. Lucy replied. Shortly after, the bus rolled up to the school.

Tyson settled down for homeroom, taking his usual spot near the back. Ellie plumped her bag next to him and sat down. 'How's my lil pup today?' She asked playfully, teasing him.

'Yeh good.' He replied dully. He didn't reply with anything else.

Ellie frowned. She put her elbow on her desk and leant towards him, whispering in his ear. 'C'mon why have you being so boring lately?' She asked,

Visions of his late night dream flashed in his mind. He didn't reply again, doodling on his paper. He was saved by the teacher starting class unwelcomingly loudly.

'Well well, guess what we have today?' The teacher began his class. He waited for the students to settle. 'What do hairy men and girls leaving their school-shirts unbuttoned have in common!? ... Rachel'. The teacher glared at Rachel, forcing her to do up her top button before continuing. He peered at the other students. 'That's right! Secondary Sex Ed! I bet you just love hearing about all the diseases you can contract from unprotected sex don't you. Shall I explain them all? The teacher joked.

The students let out a predictable groan to the teachers comment. He continued.

'We introduced this program last year to further educate students after realising that sex ed taught in lower grades doesn't cover enough for when you guys got a little bit older. And a little bit more, well, frisky. Now keep in mind it's still a few more years before being of legal age, but we can't help that you're bodies are beginning to mature on their own.' The teacher lectured on. 'Today we'll be discussing various topics, drawn from a hat. You are allowed to ask any questions related to the topics free of judgement.' He finished.

One of the first topics was hermaphrodites. As usual, the females were more intrigued with the topic then guys. Except for Brad.

'I think that's just too freaky. Man do they have balls as well? Brad asked to his friends.

'Yeh dude'. The antelope, Kyle replied.

'No way! He exclaimed. 'You'll never find me close to a herm! Can you imagine going to touch it and -

'Brad! Please keep the discussion appropriate!' Yelled the teacher. Brad leaned back, scowling.

The second topic was wet dreams. Tyson stopped doodling and tried to hide himself as much as possible in his seat. Fortunately for him the discussion was over quick as the teacher interrupted.

'I'm just popping to get the roll from the office.' He said, leaving the class. The students took up the opportunity immediately.

'Hey Brad!' Rachel, at the front of the class, shouted. The rest of the class turned around to see what she had to say.

'Yeah?' he replied, still leaning back.

'Lucy's got something to ask you' Rachel said in a teasing tone. The group of girls looked at Lucy in expectation.

'..Here?' Lucy asked her friends.

'Go on!' Caitlyn urged her.

'But.. But..' Lucy tried to get out of it. She was not like her usual confident, flamboyant self.

'Hey Brad. Lucy wants to go out with you.' Rachel told him.

Brad laughed while Matt next to him fist pumped the air. 'Yeh dude go for it!' He Yelled.

Brad said yes, laughing. The rest of the class cheered as the teacher walked in frowning at the class.


That night, after school Tyson and Ellie were doing homework. Ellie rolled over on Tyson's bed. 'Tyson what's bothering you? Even you're friends said you weren't talking as much as you used to.' She said, worried.

'Look, okay. Haven't we been going out for long enough? I mean...' Tyson asked from his deckchair without turning away from his schoolbook.

'Oh c'mon it's only been... Three months.' Ellie said.

'You said it would be temporary!' Tyson angrily replied.

'Just a bit longer okay?' Ellie asked. 'Tyson...?' She made Tyson look at her as she blinked her puppy eyes like she used to when she was a child. 'Cheer up please. It's not like I'm stopping you from having a relationship with the other girls since they are all taken anyway. Well... Also I think I know why you've been so upset lately.' She told him.

'Yeh.. Why? He demanded.

'Well.. Rachel..' She said tauntingly.

'What about her?' He exclaimed.

'Oh! You are so jealous of Jack! You're angry at me because she got taken and you didn't have the chance. I know how much you loovveee vixens.' She said tauntingly.

What are you talking about! I don't like foxes!' He replied anxiously.

She was unconvinced. 'She told me on the bus you were staring at her boobs. Tyson. Besides I've seen your browsing history.' She laughed.

'What!?' He twirled around on the seat he was on, dropping his homework on the clustered floor.

She giggled. 'Don't worry. I think you have good tastes.'

Tyson leant back down. 'Jesus'. He said picking his stuff back up,.

'Ok look, just stick with me until she breaks up with him. I know she will soon, they don't suit each other, unlike Brad and Lucy. And besides, I've noticed a change in you Tyson. I mean hanging out with me, which you are very privileged to be able to'. She said smugly. 'You are way more confident than you were before. I mean, some of the other girls thought you were a freak when they first saw you.' She grinned at him tauntingly.

Tyson laughed. 'Yeh okay whatever. Thanks for respecting my privacy'. He gave his sister the finger while she burst out laughing.


The gang of kids leant back against the school lookers and dug into their lunches, save for Jack and Rachel who took off hand in hand around the corner.

'Jeez when those two are together they are so antisocial' said Caitlyn the dragon-girl, leaning against her boyfriend Kyle, while munching away on a bag of crisps.

'Well it's not like their antisocial to each other, if you know what I mean. Bonnie, the tigress replied jokingly, sharing her stir-fry with Matt.

Lucy laughed. Not as much as me and Brad! I wish he could get out from detention. She replied sulking.

'What the hell was he thinking, not even I would do something like leaving a fake love note in that poor girl's locker. Such a bad thing to do.' Ellie retorted.

'Coming from you, Ellie.' Caitlyn said, rolling her eyes at her.

'Hey guys..' Ellie butted in. She leant in closer and whispered to her friends. 'Take a look at what Jack and Rachels' doing. SHH! Don't let them see us' Ellie whispered.

The group poked their heads around the corner. Tyson blushed at what he saw. Jack was pashing Rachel while one hand caressed her waist. The other hand.. Was up her skirt. Jack was sliding two fingers in and out of Rachel, her panties slightly down and her skirt lifted up, revealing her fox vulva. Rachel passionately responded with kissing. The group watched in enthusiasm, finding their lack of privacy humorous. Rachel eye's opened as she looked up. She blushed immediately and pushed Jack's hand away and slowly broke the kiss.

'Jack..' She said timidly to her boyfriend. Jack looked up and gulped.

'Eh hey guys... Do you mind? He asked, one hand scratching behind his head, smiling nervously. The group burst out in laughter.

'Nope!' Caitlyn said, jokingly.

'You're the one who needs to give US privacy.. Geeze' Ellie replied to Jack before dragging her friends back around the corner. 'Eugh fox and doberman do not mix' She stated, shaking her head.

'Well it's only been a week and they've been going at it like crazy!' replied Bonnie.

Wait how come we never hear you guys do anything? Caitlin asked looking at Tyson and Ellie. You guys are the cutest couple but have you guys even like.. passed 1st base?' She asked.

Ellie nervously replied, 'Oh yeh, of course. Tyson's just... shy about it. But when we are alone.. Rarwr! Tyson can't keep his hands to himself! Ellie said, flaunting.

'Yeh boy!' shouted Matt, punching Tyson on the shoulder.

Tyson rubbed his arm, frowning in anxiety.

'So is he better than me?' Jack questioned tauntingly, coming around the corner.

'Jack!' Shouted Rachel, in displeasure of her boyfriend's comment.

Yeh you tell us you guys do so much but we've never seen you two do anything but kiss.. and that was only once! Lucy said.

'Yes, Tyson's rather shy, that's all. Unlike Jack' Ellie shot him a glare.

'Hmm Whatever. I'll believe it when I see it.' Caitlyn smugly replied.

'Yeh. I bet me and Brad's even done more then you two even considering I'm a...' Lucy stopped in her tracks. 'Even though we're completely opposing species in the wild.' She carried on.

Ellie laughed at her. 'Since when did you take biology class?' She mocked. Lucy poked out her tongue. The lunch bell rang and they stalled their time before heading back to class.


One week later, Tyson yawned and stretched out his feet out on the pool chair. Ellie jumped in the pool hand in hand with some children she had decided to look after. The heat coming off of the deck of the cruise ship was making Tyson sleepy and comfy, the sun against his skinny brown fur chest.

Ellie's foster parents came around the corner with refreshments. Ellie pulled herself out of the pool in delight and hurried to the poolside table. Tyson's eyes were peeled towards her wet body, the sun reflecting off her curvy form, her light brown stomach stretching. Tyson looked away ashamed of himself. He slowly made his way up to join them.

'So how long until the cruise ship sets sail mom?' Ellie asked, sipping away at the punch.

'In less than an hour sweetie. I hope you and Tyson have set up your room already' She replied in her posh accent.

'I can do that later. I wanna have some fun first!' she replied.

'Hmmf' Her mom replied in disapproval. Tyson sipped his cool drink.

'How long till my dad is showing up?' He asked.

'Just about any minute now, I should hope' She said.

'Cool.' he replied.

A short time later, they spotted Tyson's dad making his way up the staircase.

'Hey Daddy! Ellie bounced off the chair and hugged her biological dad. The two different families were on good terms with each other despite being foster parents. Tyson's father nodded at Ellie's foster dad, eternally thankful for raising his daughter.

'Haha hey my little pup. I see you guys are enjoying the sun'. He shook hands with the foster mom.

'Tyson, and Everyone. I have a huge surprise. I have someone special I would like you to meet' He said. The others sat up in their chairs. 'Her name is Maranda'.

A women in red bikini made her way up the stairs. She was a white leopard fox, with a long white head fur and a fluffy tail. Tyson's jaw dropped. Her breasts pushed against her bikini, which was already poking out from her chest fur. Her wide hips rested on a pair of long legs. Ellie caught Tyson staring and gave him a glare of disgust. The woman adjusted her sunglasses and swayed over.

'This is my date for the trip.. and hopefully for much longer...' He introduced her.

'Hi. Nice to meet you.' She said in a pleasantly husky voice. Tyson almost whimpered.

'Nice to meet you too. I hope this is a pleasant trip for you two, reminding you of course it's all expenses free.'

'I'm very grateful. Thank you'. She replied said, before turning to her date.

'How about we get some refreshments? I'm thirsty.' She said hanging off him.

Tyson's dad gladly agreed and the two went off, her arm around him.

'Tyson, come downstairs, lets unpack our things' Ellie said a short while.

'Uhh, Okay'. Tyson replied. He was a bit sunburnt already.

Ellie got up and headed downstairs. Tyson followed casually.

He walked into his unit and dumped his towel. 'I'm not in the mood for this' He stated referring to the pile of bags.

'That's okay. Because that's not what I want to do either.' Ellie replied, turning to facing him.

'So why are we here for?' He replied.

'Do you have a phone? Mine is confiscated. I just want to borrow it.'

'What for?' He questioned.

'Do you really want to know?' She asked crossing her arms.

'Well yeh.' He stated.

'It's for our relationship. You heard the other guys and they don't think we are very intimate. It will make all of this for nothing if we don't think of something to trick them.' She explained.

'Yeh... And?' Tyson asked.

'If you give me your phone, I'll take some nude pictures of myself on your phone. You'll show my friends.. MY friends only! I don't want your horny school buddies looking at my body. They'll think you took them. Sound okay?' She asked.

'You want to use my phone to take pictures of you naked!' He asked demandingly.

'Yes, stupid. And don't you look at them too pervert.'

'I won't look at them!' He exclaimed.

'Good. So then hand me your phone!' She replied in the same tone.

'No way!' He shouted.

She snatched his phone off him and stormed into the bathroom before he had a chance to react. He crossed his arms and sat on his bed angrily.

A moment later she came out, defeated.

'There's no mirror in the bathroom and this phone doesn't have a front camera.' She complained.

'Well tough luck' He said.

'No stupid. That means you'll have to take the pictures.'

'What!' He said.

'Oh cmon, I'm your sister. It's like looking at your own body anyway. You only need to take some topless pictures.' She added.

'I don't want to see your boobs!' He loudly replied.

She frowned. 'So?' You've seen tits before.' She said, unfazed.

'Yeh but!! Oh c'mon! No!' He stammered.

'Just do it.' I'll think of something I can do to reward you. What do you want? Xbox?

'Don't! Argh.' He groaned as she handed him the phone, and she began to take the straps off her bikini. He turned his head.

'Just take two pictures, that's it' She said.

'Just two pictures... No more.' He slowly turned around lifting the phone, squinting to try and avoid the inevitable. His sister was standing, hips slanted, one arm over her head, the other on her waist. His mouth uncontrollably dropped. Her breasts where light brown, lighter then the colour of her floppy ears resting by the sides of her head. Her breasts were poking out of her small chest. He was surprised at their size. Her nipples were small and poking out.

'Why are you staring?' She asked. Are you going to take the pictures?'

He gulped.' I'm trying!' He said.

He hastily lifted the phone and took two blurry pictures. She frowned.

'C'mon... Take more for god sakes' She said, resting her arms.

'No thanks!' He said.

'If you'll take two more proper ones this time, I'll unpack all your stuff for you.' She offered.

'C'mon!' He whined.

'Nope. Do it.' She demanded.

He began to lift the phone.

'Wait' Ellie said. She turned around, before bending over, her arms resting on the bed, and spread

her legs. 'Take one like this'.

He gulped. Her sister's bikinis were thin and in between her butt cheeks, leaving her round, light brown ass in full view. Tyson could see her sister's pelvis region, unwillingly been able to make out the shape of her mound on the outsides of the bikini.

'Ellie!' He shouted. 'NO! I WON'T'. He stated.

Ellie laughed at him and shook her butt 'The faster you do it, the faster it will be over with.'

Tyson gulped again and tried to peel his eyes away, but they were inevitably drawn to her female body. He lifted the phone and quickly took two photos. 'THERE!' He shouted, throwing his phone onto his bed. He went to get back up but quickly sat back down again as he realised his dick was poking up his board shorts. Luckily his sister didn't notice. She turned around and did back up her hair.

'Well thank you! She said. 'Finally. I'll pack your stuff up later.' She picked up her bikini top next to Tyson. She stopped mid motion.

'Tyson.' She said plainly.

'What is it now?' He asked.

Ellie grinned and laughed. She squeezed Tyson's groin. Tyson gasped.

'Just what I thought. I think you need a girlfriend, a real one instead of me that is' She taunted him.

'Ellie!?' He exclaimed.

Ellie grinned. She squeezed his balls. Tyson involuntarily jumped slightly.

'My.. So big. Gee Tyson. Haven't emptied them in a while have you? She questioned.

'Ellie what the f'

'Shhh.' She cut him off, putting her finger on his lips.

'I told you I would think of something.' Ellie slowly moved her hands down Tyson's stomach.

'Ellie.. Ellie what are yo-'

'Shut up for god's sake! I'm rewarding you. You need it, you need it desperately, I can tell' Ellie replied.

Using her other hand she grabbed his boardshorts and yanked them down, his penis springing up.

'ELLIE!' He shouted.

She didn't reply, slowly wrapping her hand around his dick. It was light brown, uncircumcised, and with a pinkish tip poking out his foreskin. She laughed.

'I've had good practice. You'll enjoy this' She said, sliding her hands up and down with his foreskin.

She leant forward, her breasts pushing up towards him, almost touching his penis. She began to get faster as he squirmed.

'Have you ever had a girl's tongue on your cock before? She taunted.

'Ellie, No I've never even had a girl do this -'He tried to say in complete worry.

She cut him off by licking the tip of his penis with her tongue.

Tyson moaned. She giggled, smiling as she flicked it with her tongue and stroked faster. She snickered at him.

'Wow Tyson. Geeze boy, calm down' She said, referring to his reactions.

'Ellie. I'm about to..'

'Go on then' She laughed, bending her head further back down, now licking his shaft. She stroked fast.


His cock spurted and cum flew onto his sister face. She grinned, most of it landing on her check.

'There we go.' She said childishly.

Tyson puffed, lifting his shorts back up frantically, before slumping back down on his bed.

Ellie wiped the semen off, wiping her tongue on her arm. Eww some of it got in my m-

'Ellie, please tell me you'll never do that again.'

Ellie laughed and lied down on the bed next to him.

'Haha, Oh god what did I just do.' She laughed casually.

'You have me a handjob, Ellie. My sister. Jesus. Oh God Ellie.'

Ellie laughed, tying her bikini top back on. She turned over and lied on her stomach, resting on her arms.

'How was it?' She asked playfully, teasing.

'Ellie... don't.' He complained.

'C'mon you can tell me.' She said. 'After all, we've just done more than any other brother and sister out there.'

Tyson shook his head and shut his eyes tight in frustration. 'Ellie, that was the best thing I've ever felt in my life' I mean.. ARGH I can't believe that just happened! Ellie you little -

Ellie burst out laughing. 'I enjoyed that too, Tyson.'

'Huh?' He replied.

'Ty' she said, using his childhood nickname. ' I have something to tell you.'

'Well Jesus Ellie'. What?'

'Ty. I love you.'

Tyson eyes flicked open.