A Dragon and his Daddy part 2

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#3 of Lion Masters

I had this idea to do a continuance of this story, so I don't know if it will live up the standards of its predecessars. Although it is a lot longer. I do have ideas for a continuance if it generates enough interest. Although if you have ideas, let me know.

A Dragon and his Daddy part 2

A new dragon

By Kendo Kawabata

The morning paper lay spread out on the table, still stuck on the first couple of pages as they had been for the last hour. A large mug of black coffee, long since cold, sat beside a bowl of what appeared to once be cornflakes. Long since cold, it was now starting to congeal into some kind of mutant looking blob of pasty crap. The miserable looking scene on the table was exactly how Kent had been feeling for the past month.

The large muscled lion sat in his chair, his arms crossed over his bare chest as he stared at the dismal display in front of him. Clad in just his boxers, he found himself wondering whether he should just remake his breakfast, or go back to bed and attempt sleep again. It was the same decision he had been making almost daily now, and it was starting to become routine.

He sighed a bit as he decided on the latter and slowly stood up, his large body complaining and aching in his joints as he stood up. He moved slowly as he had no real reason to hurry anything. He picked up the bland coffee and bowl of mush and dumped them into the sink, not even minding the fact they were not emptied. They joined the dishes that were already there, the pile steadily growing as he had no desire to clean up after himself.

He picked up the unread paper and tossed it onto the floor on the slowly growing pile next to the garbage bin beside the kitchen door. He sighed a bit as he strode out of the kitchen and headed back to his bedroom.

As he padded his large feet down the carpeted hall, he paused a moment outside an open door. For a moment, he just stood there, unable to face what lay in. But like he had been, he forced himself to look. Every time he had passed that room, he had to look. It was why he didn't shut the door. He needed to remind himself what had happened.

It had been a month since his son, his pet and slave boi Jamie had walked out on him. Kent had not seen it coming. The big dragon had just packed up his things and left, and he hadn't explained why either. It had been so sudden that it had taken a while to sink in, and by the time he had fully realised it was real, it was far too late to do anything about it.

Kent leant against the door frame lightly as he looked on the bare bed, the bed in which many a time he had taken his son. Whether he was awake or sleep, it hadn't mattered. Some of his favourite times was holding his sleeping boy down and pushing himself into him, watching him wake up with his mouth in a perfect 'O' expression.

But now the room was empty and silent. Even the dragons strong male scent had finally filtered through the air conditioning, all trace of the boy was gone. The room felt depressing without his sons personal things in it. Only the bare bed and an empty desk were all that remained in the room.

Kent sighed and pushed himself away from the door frame. Even if he wanted to he couldn't bring himself to shut the door. He knew it was just an empty room, but to shut the door on it meant there was no hope left of his boy returning. He growled slightly as he felt his eyes begin to water and he squeezed them shut, blinking the tears away before opening them slowly.

"Goddammit" he growled to himself as he shook his head before heading to his bedroom. The bedroom was just as sorry a sight as the rest of the house. Piles of clothing had covered the bedroom floor, and his sheets hadn't been changed in weeks. He sat on the edge of his unmade bed and looked at his hands for several minutes, before he just landed on his back, his eyes gazing up at the ceiling again.

Kent had returned home from work like it was any other normal day. There was nothing special that day that indicated anything out of the ordinary to him. His work was going well as it always had, and he had spent a very good night with his son the previous night. He had decided to try a new style of roleplay and had covered the dragon from head to toe in a black rubber casing, complete with a dog hood and gas mask.

He had been somewhat surprised to see how turned on the big muscled dragon had been, almost climaxing after he had forced the boy to walk on his hands and knees and bark. Even the big lion had to stop himself from pawing his thick cock and coating the boy with his seed multiple times that night.

It had been so arousing to himself to see the boy beg like a dog and bark like one. He had even made him eat his meal out of a dogbowl. He had only tried it on a moments whim, but his pig whore of a dragon had chowed down in the bowl like there was no tomorrow. Suffice to say, Kent had intended to do that more often.

He had pulled his car into the garage and got out, already taking his jacket off. He decide to go easy on Jamie that day and not slam him against the wall and pound him hard like he normally did. A good day at the office gave him a good mood. As he strode up to the front door, fishing his keys from his pocket with one hand and holding his briefcase with the other, he thought maybe just a night on the couch watching a movie was in order.

"I'm home boy" Kent said as he opened the door. He didn't close it as he stepped into the hallway. He took the keys from the lock and stood back to shut the door, before his foot stepped against something. Surprised, he looked down and found himself looking at a couple of large luggage bags.

"What the?" he said as he looked at the bags with confusion for a moment. The luggage bags were all packed to bulging, and each one had what looked like an airline or bus tag on the handles. They hadn't been there when he had left that morning, and he wondered slightly who they belonged to. Confusion was written over his face before he looked up to see his son standing next to him.

A deep and brilliant blue colour and packed with large bulging muscles, Jamie stood in just his gym shorts and a white tank top. He looked like he was ready to go out for a night at the gym, which on a normal day Kent would not have minded. For a moment, the confusion grew as Jamie picked up his backpack and one of the large bags.

"Boy, what's going on here?" Kent asked as he dropped his briefcase and jacket beside the door. He stepped around the bags and walked up to his son as the big dragon swung the large back across his shoulder to settle against the backpack. "What's with the bags?"

"I'm leaving" Jamie said flatly, not even looking at his father, and Kent felt the surprise smack him in the face like a hard slap. Did his boy just say he was leaving? How was that possible?

"What?" he asked, not quite registering what he had just said. The fact that Jamie hadn't said either 'daddy' or 'master' to him wasn't the most surprising part.

"I'm leaving" Jamie said without looking at Kent as he picked up the other bag. He swung it up easily and hooked the bag under his arm. The bag looked like it weighed a lot, but the dragon lifted it all too easily.

"What are you talking about?" Kent said as he stood in disbelief. "What do you mean you're leaving?" he demanded, but Jamie didn't answer him. He didn't even look like he was considering answering him at all.

"I'm leaving" Jamie repeated for a third time as he walked forward, shoving his father out of the way. The sudden act caught Kent off guard and he was pushed against the wall as his bulky muscled dragon didn't look back as he walked out.

Kent picked himself up as Jamie just walked straight out of the door, without looking back. He was overcome with a rush of emotions, most of it a torrent of panic and confusion. He was having a hard time registering what was going on, and he pulled himself together enough to follow his son to the door.

"Why?" Kent asked as he watched Jamie walk out down the pathway. He stood in the doorway, watching his bulky boy wander down the path, all his worldly goods packed in those bags. It was the only thing he could ask at that time, the only question that needed to be answered the most.

"There was a time I loved sucking your cock" Jamie said as he stopped momentarily. He didn't look back, nor did he sound sorry in the slightest bit. Kent was used to hearing adoration and lust in his boys voice, as well as submission. To hear him talk to him like he didn't matter, just made it sound all the more horrible. "Not anymore" Jamie said as he continued to walk down the path.

"Jamie" Kent shouted as he ran down the pathway, his son walking past the parked car and into the darkened street. The big dragon didn't even pause to the shouting, and just kept walking as if he didn't hear him. "Jamie come back here" he shouted, but his son didn't look back as he continued to walk.

"Why..." Kent said as he felt his shoulders slump. "Dammit Jamie, tell me why you bitch" he shouted at the dragon, but his words fell on deaf ears as the boy just kept on walking. Kent wanted to run after him, he wanted to grab the boy and drag him back. But somehow, he just knew it would have done no good.

Kent felt his eyes tear up again and he growled as he wiped them with the back of his hand. God, every time he thought of Jamie he just wanted to cry. He looked at the back of his hand and saw the freshly damp patch glisten with his tears, and he just felt a whole lot worse.

He looked up at the ceiling again as he wondered briefly what to do. Jamie had been his son, and his pet. His bitch even. Originally adopted to be Kents fuck toy, Jamie had been brought up to love being dominated by his daddy. Helped to grow to a large muscled stud of a dragon who would bend over for his daddy anytime Kent wanted him too.

And Kent had grown attached to him. The only thing that stopped him from whoring him out or abusing him badly or even treating him like shit was the simple fact that he had cared about his boy.

Kent had known everything Jamie liked when it came to sex. He had always made sure that his was satisfied and cared for. Even if he whipped him and punished him and spanked him or fucked him hard, there had always been a hug at the end of it all. Always a sign of affection to show his boy that he was still loved.

And that had been the problem. For whatever reason Jamie had decided to leave, Kent was torn up about it. He didn't want to be, but he was. And now he couldn't help but cry every time he thought about him. He loved his son, but for his son to just walk out like that....

He didn't want to admit it, but his son must have stopped loving him a long time ago.

"Jamie, why couldn't you just tell me what made you leave?" he said to himself as he rested his hand on his large pecs. He stared up the ceiling, his eyes tracing the familiar tracks in the paintwork. "At least then I'd understand if I could" he said out loud.

For the past month, he just didn't know what to do with himself. He had been single before, if that's what he could call it. Coming home to an empty house, eating by himself, watching tv by himself, and sleeping by himself. Waking up to an empty house every morning, and then repeating the day. The days had just mulled into a daze that he found hard to break out of. It wasn't a lifestyle he had enjoyed.

And then when he had Jamie, he had something worth coming home too. He had someone to greet, someone to hold, someone to enjoy, and most importantly, someone that would love him back. And now that Jamie was gone, he was back to an empty house.

And he felt completely lost because of it. He hadn't smoked in weeks, hadn't done anything around the house, and hadn't even played around with himself. He felt like there was just no drive anymore to do anything. And in a sense, he felt like he was becoming more lost by the day.

Taking annual leave from work helped slightly, but all he had done for the past month was mope around the house getting more and more miserable. He felt like he had fallen from the proud , dominant and happy lion into someone that life seemed to have kicked in the balls.

What he needed, was another reason to come home to at night. He wanted to come home to someone who met him at the door, who moaned to his touches, and who loved him back. Another boy or pet for him to have all to himself, someone to make those lonely night better.

But, he wondered if he should go through the whole process again. What if he did go and adopt another boy and bring him home? Trained him to be a house boi and teach him to look after the place? Then when it was legal enough, he could claim the boy as his completely and teach him to love it?

"And then watch him leave, and I'll be back in the same fucking boat I already am in" Kent sighed as he just let the tears run down his cheeks. He felt tired all of a sudden. Tired of holding them in, tired of failing, tired of everything by now. He just wanted to roll over and fall asleep and not wake ....


"Who the fuck?" he said as he sat himself up in the bed suddenly, hearing the phone ring out of nowhere. He ran a hand over his face and smeared the tears away as best he could before he fumblded on the night stand for the annoying object. It had been ages since anyone called him.

He suddenly realised something as he stared at the phone in his hand. Aside from work, very few people bothered to call him anymore. In the past month, no-one had really missed him enough to really check on him. He had so few people that contacted him that he was confused as to who it would be.

"Yes?" he demanded into his cell phone after he pressed the button and held it against his ear.

"You're rather chirpy this morning" came a rather well mannered and somewhat deep voice on the phone. The voice didn't register right away and he didn't answer back for a few moments as he tried to remember who owned that voice. Kent pulled the phone away from his face and squinted at it for a moment as he read the caller id.

"Oh, its you. Hello Marcus" Kent said as he put the phone back against his ear and then flopped back onto his back. He landed with a rather heavy thump onto the used sheets as she stared back up at the ceiling. "And yes, I feel fucking fantastic, thanks for asking" he added with a sigh. Of course it would be him. The only person who seemed interested in him anymore.

Marcus Langston was an old friend of Kents from way back in high school. They were both the kind of friends who were friends just because. They never did find a reason as to why they were friends with one another, but neither of them needed one. They had each others backs in just about everything throughout their school years.

They did develop similar interests in the same sort of fields as they got old enough to understand what they liked. They both enjoyed being the dominant ones, and enjoyed the feeling of power over someone else. They found more in common with those topics then anything to do with football or cheerleaders.

They stayed in touch after graduation, although they weren't as close as they used to be. They still considered themselves friends,, even if their careers took vastly different paths. While Kent considered himself rather well off, Marcus outshone him. The lion had succeeded further then Kent ever did, but he never forgot his friend from long ago.

The successful lion owed his fortune to being a one of a kind art dealer. Instead of being a trader in the normal arts of the world, the kind found in private collections and museums, Marcus had spread further than that. The lion had cast a web into the world of art, expanding to include one of a kind collections, black markets and illegal trading. After all, the definition of art, was open to vast debate.

If you wanted a piece of art, Marcus delivered. His networks of contacts were found everywhere, and there were rumours there was nothing he could not acquire. He did things both legally and illegally, to obtain what he wanted for his clients, and he was rewarded very handsomely.

"I take it from your joyfull attitude that you're still at home?" Marcus asked over the phone, his voice sounding rather amused as Kent heard a sipping sound against the speaker. "It's been a month. Are you still on leave?"

"I have leave for three months if I want. You know I never really liked taking vacations unless I had a good reason. And you know, some people work for a living" he pointed out. "Not all of us can just sit back, purchase a painting and hack up the prices" he said, which got a chuckle from the other end.

"Has there still been no contact from him?" Marcus asked as he took another sip. Kent would have guessed it was tea or coffee. Probably something very expensive compared to Kents own store brand.

"No" Kent said bluntly. It was true. There had been no contact of any kind from Jamie in the past month. For all Kent knew, he could have been found dead in a ditch by now. "I don't know where he is, or what he's doing. He could be dead in a ditch or finding someone better then me out there" he admitted.

"Kent, as much as I'd like to say it wasn't your fault, you know I can't say that" Marcus said over the phone as Kent heard a door open over the speaker. "On the desk boy. Right there" he heard Marcus say to someone. Probably that new boy he had been bragging about.

"So what, it's my fault he left?" Kent asked as he felt the anger rise above the sadness he was feeling. "Look, if the boy told me it was my fault, then I'll take the blame. But you know he didn't. So how am I supposed to know what was my fault and what wasn't?"

"Yes, I know he didn't tell you. But you have to accept some responsibility over this" Marcus said to him. It was just like Marcus to go straight to the point on something.

"So you called me up to say that it's my fault after all this time? Well thanks. Now I can clear my head and go back to work and blame myself for everything. You sure know how to make me feel better" Kent said in annoyance.

He heard Marcus chuckle on the other end, and he heard him say something to the someone in the room. He heard a chair push back and the sound of something being unzipped. Kent had to roll his eyes on that one.

"Kent, look. We've been friends for a while, and you know that we still are, despite our ...well, different career paths" Marcus said, his words accompanied by a deep purring noise and a long 'mmm'.

"Yes, I know" Kent said, although he felt the corners of his mouth start to twitch into a smirk. He knew that sound all too well.

"Well, then as your friend, I want to see you get back on your feet. I've heard about your home situation and quite frankly, I am worried" Marcus said. From the tone in his voice, he did sound concerned.

"You know my house is a mess even though you haven't seen it? Why am I not surprised" Kent said in disbelief.

"Kent, listen to me. To get back on your feet, the first thing you need to do is admit it's not just your fault, but his as well" Marcus said, as he sighed over the phone. Kent heard a slurping noise followed by someone gagging slightly, but he didn't comment.

"I know it's partly my fault, I just don't know how it's my fault" Kent said as he sighed as well, but for a different reason then Marcus. "If I knew why it was my fault, then I'd feel better. If I knew what was wrong, I could work on getting myself better. But how can I correct my mistakes if no-one tells me what they are?"

"Kent, I know the mistake you made with him, and I'd like to tell you what it was" Marcus said on the phone. "But you may not like it. And I don't intend on lying to you over it just to protect your feelings" he said.

"You loved him. That's why it's your fault" Marcus said as he moaned a little louder this time. "mm, keep going' he said softly before he regained himself. "You loved him too much."

"What?" Kent said as he sat up on the bed. "what's that supposed to mean, I loved him too much?" he demanded. He was starting to get confused, and angry again with his friend.

"Kent, don't get angry at me just because I'm telling you my opinion" Marcus said evenly over the phone. "You loved him too much, and that allowed him to leave too easily."

"I'm not following you" Kent said. In all honesty, he wasn't. He had looked after his boy, and that was apparently a bad thing?

"You wanted a son, a pet and a bitch all rolled into one, right?" Marcus said as he continued to purr as he explained. Kent had to admit, the lion was a master at multitasking. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that. A master has to ensure that his pet is well taken care of, after all. But you got too close to him. You started treating him like a son more than anything, and he could see that."

"Go on" Kent said after several long moments of listening to his friend getting serviced over the phone.

"Kent, you loved him, but that love wasn't enough to stay, was it?" Marcus asked. "You treated him like an equal, and he could see he had no real reason to stay anymore. Unfortunately, being nice to anyone in this world anymore is not enough to keep them in our lives."

"You think so?" Kent asked.

"Yes" Marcus said. "A pet, bitch slave etc, knows they have to stay, because that's what the master wants. I bought my new slave, and he stays here, because that's where I want him to stay. Isn't that right, Blake?" Marcus asked.

"Yes sir" came a small and boyish voice from near the phone, and the sucking noises quickly resumed.

"Blake isn't going anywhere, because he knows what will happen if he leaves. It will not be pleasant for him, and that's just the physical pain he'll receive from the implant in his leg. He will also be punished by me, and he knows it will not be pleasant in the slightest" Marcus said as he continued.

"He will also have to face the consequences after the punishment" Marcus continued as he let out a long and pleasant sight. "I have set the rules, and he has followed them, not because he wants to, but because he has too. Do you follow me?"

"Marcus, you're not saying anything I don't already know" Kent admitted. He had heard this before.

"And yet, your boy has gone" Marcus continued. "Look, the definition of the word master is open to debate, but the basic term means, 'the one in charge'. I'm in charge here, and Blake knows it. Because he knows I'm in charge, and that isn't going to change. He can't make me change my mind about it, and his position isn't open for debate. Why? Because I said it won't be."

"Every master needs to take care of their pet, wether it's a dog, or a slave. The best master makes sure his subordinates needs are met. The worst master takes advantage of everything and abuses them outright. Blake is my property and I will take care of him. Do I care about him? Yes. Do I love him? No, I don't. And that's enough" he said as he let out a deep purr.

"Marcus, I know all this stuff. We talked about this sort of thing all the time" Kent said to him on the phone. "Why do you need to remind me about all this?" he asked.

"You loved him, but you didn't make him stay" Marcus said flatly. "You must have thought he would have stayed out of love for you, am I right? After all the love and care you've shown him?"

"Well...yeah" Kent admitted. "I kind of did. And in all honesty, it looked like it worked."

"And that's where you slipped up" Marcus said. "You didn't make him stay, you just expected him to stay. And he left. Leaving without explanation, and not calling you, or treating you with any measure of respect just proves my point. You loved him, but he didn't love you back enough to stay."

Kent fell silent at those words as Marcus told him what he had apparently been denying himself for a while now. Jamie didn't love him, and if he didn't love him, he wasn't coming back.

"But if you did love him, then why didn't you run after him and drag him back?" Marcus said suddenly, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"What?" he asked, feeling confused.

"They night he left. You didn't follow him. Any master worth his salt, if he had a pet that ran off, he would have chased him. No matter the level of care or love a master has for his poperty, they will chase them down and bring them back" Marcus said as he growled low. "So why didn't you?"

Kent didn't say anything as he gave it some thought. He had to think pretty hard to remember that night.

"I...I was standing there, just watching him leave" Kent said as he ran a hand through his messed up mane. "I ...I just wanted him back...but I couldn't chase him" he said. He had to think carefully on what he was saying. Marcus never did take 'i don't now' or 'um' or 'uhh' as answers. "I guess.... I was just waiting for him to come back on his own."

"Kent, you didn't chase him down, because you never expected him to leave" Marcus said. "I have put into place measures to keep Blake here, but any master would be prepared to chase odwn his boy and bring him back and ensure he doesn't do it again" he said.

"I didn't know how to chase him down, because I didn't expect him to leave" Kent admitted as he hung his head in his hand. God, he felt so stupid. "I'm such an idiot. I don't deserve to be a master if I'm making such stupid mistakes like this."

"Kent, you remember my friend Jeanne, right? The lion with the two leather gimps under him?" Marcus asked. Kent nodded, but then realised Marcus couldn't see him.

"Yeah, I remember him" Marcus said with a nod.

"Well, do you remember what he always says? There is no such thing as a perfect master" Marcus said. "I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. We all make mistakes, and we learn from them. And trust me, you're more experienced than any college horse boy who gets his friend and turns him into a slave just by holding his balls hostage" he said.

"Now, you made a mistake by allowing yourself to get too close to your boy, and loving him like a real person. And he didn't love you back, so he left. Am I right?" Marcus asked as he let out a deep and satisfied purr on the phone. Kent didn't immediately reply.

"Kent, did you hear me?" Marcus asked firmly.

"Yes" Kent said in a small voice.

"I said, did you hear me? Tell me what I just said" Marcus ordered.

"He left, cause he didn't love me" Kent said a little louder.

"Not good enough" Marcus said, starting to sound angry. "I said say it" he ordered again.

"HE DOESN'T FUCKING LOVE ME" Kent practically shouted over the phone. All of the pent up anger and sadness and range of emotions he had held back for the past month just flooded out of him as he stood up in his bedroom and shouted at the phone in his hand. "I gave that bitch all the love and care he could handle, and he just up and left like some ungrateful little fuck. You know what? Fuck him. I don't need him anymore. He wants to be a spoilt brat, then I don't want him. I can find someone else to replace his sorry ass" he shouted as he seethed in anger.

The sound of clapping over the phone brought the lion back to his sense and he suddenly realised that his little outburst had just made a huge weight had fallen from his muscled shoulders.

"Now, how long have you been wanting to say that?" Marcus asked. Kent just stared at the wall opposite him for several long moments as it all sunk in.

"A...a long time, i guess" Kent admitted as he sat back down on his bed. Surprisingly, he didn't feel sorry he had said any of that in the slightest.

"Good" Marcus said with a purr as it sounded like he had his hand on the back of his slaves head and was pushing him slowly up and down. "Oh yes very good. Just like that. Now, back to you Kent. Do you feel better? "

"yeah..a little bit better yes" he admitted. It felt better to just admit that out loud and get it out of his system. "But that still doesn't solve anything" Kent said. "He's still gone and I'm still by myself" he pointed out.

"Well, that being said, I have a proposition for you. Do you want another boy in your life?" Marcus asked. "And answer seriously please" he added.

Kent thought about it for a moment, his ear listening to the soft moaning of both the lion and the flamedramon that was servicing him. He tuned them out as he thought about the answer he wanted to give. It took him several minutes to come up with the right answer and he had to take a few deep breathes to make sure he was about to answer in the right way.

"Marcus.... I don't want another boy" Kent said slowly but surely. "Honestly, if I get another boy, I think I'll end up making the same mistakes I did with Jamie. I don't think I can do that to myself again" he said. "I don't want to take care of someone if they're just going to leave me again like that" he said.

"Good. Good answer. I'm glad to hear that. It is time you thought about yourself; after all you've done for that ungrateful dragon. Now, my second question. What do you want?" he asked. "If you had the option to choose" he added.

"A bitch" Kent said, and he felt a little surprised to how easily he managed to answer. But he felt his mood shift a little in the better direction. "i want a bitch. A proper bitch. One that i can do whatever i want to, and he will let me do it. He will not object, he will not resist. I will turn him into the slut bitch whore I want him to be, and he will accept it and stay here" he said firmly.

"Now there's the friend that I used to know" Marcus said with a nod of approval. "You're starting to sound like your old self. It's pleasing to hear" he added as he grunted, Kent hearing a slight gagging noise on the other end.

"Well, wanting a bitch like that and getting one are two different things. I'm not exactly equipped to abduct someone and train them in isolation" he pointed out. "I'm on the outskirts of a suburb, not an isolated farm. Or a giant manor in the middle of nowhere" he added.

"Well, then you'll be interested to know that the group that got me my new slave boy is meeting tonight, and I can hook you up with an invitation" Marcus said as he growled low. "mm, faster" he ordered.

"Wait, you want me to buy one?" Kent said in surprise. "Marcus, I have money, but I'm not made of money like you. You might have bought your boy with what you consider to be pocket change, but to me, that's a mortgage."

"Actually, I'm offering to buy one for you" Marcus said. "You go, pick out the one you want, and I'll pay for it. No strings attached" he added. "And then you take him home and train him however you like."

"Well..I don't know" Kent admitted. "Buying a slave like that?"

"Kent, its no different then you adopting one. Only difference is, these are the kind of people who won't be missed. Trust me, no-one has come looking for Blake, and I doubt anyone will go looking for the bitch you pick up tonight."

"But Marcus, they're not cheap. You're just willing to let me buy one and give you the bill?" he asked.

"What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help out those I consider friends?" he asked with a deep purr as he started to growl a bit louder. "yeah, faster boy. Keep going" he ordered. "This isn't a loan, this is a handout. I'm not expecting you to pay it off" he added.

"Well, I suppose I can't say no then" Kent admitted. Marcus wasn't exactly a guy who took no for an answer. Whatever he wanted, he got. "Can't think of a reason not to go" he added.

"Excellent. I'll contact Juliet, my contact at the last bidding and give her all the instructions she needs to follow. And I'll send the limo at six. I suggest you shower and get presentable for this" Marcus growled. "Despite how it's done, they do have standards."

"Yeah, sure. And thanks Marcus" Kent said as he heard a roar on the other side of the phone. It was very loud and he had to pull the phone away from his ear slightly. He replaced the phone against his ear as he heard very loud and very hasty swallowing noises.

"Oh yeah, that's a good boy. I think you've earned that new game system you mentioned you wanted. Of course, you'll have to earn the right to open the box" Marcus chuckled as it sounded like he was petting his boy. "Now, clean me up boy" he ordered.

"Also Kent, I do want to ask one last thing before i let you be" Marcus said as he sounded serious again. "Although you declined once before, wanting to see if he came back, I can find Jamie for you" he said. "I'm willing to bet I can find him in the next few hours, and he'll be strung up at the auction tonight. I can see about arranging that, if you like" he said.

Kent went silent for a few minutes as he considered it. He had declined the first time that Marcus offered. As he had said, for the small hope that Jamie would return. Of course, now it was obvious he wasn't going to come back, but now Kent was asking himself, wether he himself wanted the dragon back.

"No" Kent found himself saying. "I don't want him. I want to move on. Besides, even if he came back, what right does he have to ask me of anything?" Kent said. "If he came back expecting forgiveness, the only thing he'll be getting is tied to a truckstop urinal until I can remember the combination to the lock I tied him up with."

"Now that sounds like the Kent I used to know" Marcus said with what sounded like a smile on his face. "Now, don't come back without a bitch tonight. And you make sure you make him know who's boss" Marcus said as he hung up the phone.

Kent put his phone down and stood up slowly, stretching his muscled arms over his body as he unwound the muscles in his body. He looked at the clock and saw that he had a lot of time before six. Hearing his stomach rumble, he realised he hadn't eaten in a good while either.

"Shower, food, clean up" he said to himself as he mentally ticked off what he needed to do to get things ready. "And tonight, I bring home a new bitch. Sorry Jamie, but you just got replaced" he said. He was suddenly feeling a lot better.

He was feeling a lot worse.

The booth he was sitting in was no bigger than the cubicle you would find at one of those underground porn viewing stations. It was big enough to contain a chair, a small table at his side to hold the wine was allowed to drink and a small shelf under the viewing window. Two buttons. One marked 'Bid', the other marked 'Decline'.

The limo had picked him up at 6 exactly. Dressed in his own best suit and feeling ten times better after a scalding hot shower, Kent left the house feeling like a man made of money. And apparently he had a lot to spend that night.

The driver was a friendly cougar in a black and white suit and a rather jaunty looking cap perched on his well brushed hair. He had handed Kent a folder with information about the auction and shown him everything in the well stocked limo, before driving them out of the city.

He had been driven for more then an hour before he was pulled up to what looked like an abandoned warehouse. It was the kind of place that most would drive by and not give a second glance to.The limo pulled into a parking lot filled with more limos and designer cars, proof that his was an auction for the rich and rich alone.

Juliet, a rather prim and proper looking mare who looked like a librarian had greeted him at the doorway and gave him a rundown of the business. The auction was confidential, and he was expressively forbidden to talk of it anywhere else. Everyone there was incognito, as it was technically not a social event.

He was led to one of the booths after following the mare down an empty hallway, and was instructed not to leave unless given permission. He was given a selection of drinks, and was told they would be refreshed after each item in the auction had been bidden off.

So, after the long drive and getting settled in, he had been there since almost seven thirty. And it was currently near midnight. And he was bored shitless.

He had lost count as to how many boys, girls, men, women, transvestites, transgender, or god knows what else had been displayed. All of them were extremely good looking people, and each one was fetching a high price. Apparently they all came in well presented and cared for. People were hardly going to pay for damaged goods.

But the only thing he had understood from the whole thing was that virgins were a higher price. And only a few of them had claimed to be so.

He sighed and rubbed his temples again, feeling another headache starting to come on. And the constant somewhat bland and cheap house wine he was being served wasn't helping either. He was just starting to hope that they weren't getting him drunk so that he'd make a purchase he didn't want.

"Lot 452 has been sold for $45,000. Congratulations to the bidder" came the flat and emotionless female voice that had been droning on constantly. But this was hardly the most expensive slave to be bought. Another wolf, this one pitch black with blue punk style hair looking like some stupid drummer in a band. The highest he had seen so far, had cost almost two hundred k. And that had been a fox that looked severely underage.

He sighed and picked p his glass, draining it in one gulp. It tasted bland and undistinguished, and burned his throat a little He felt it collect in his head and he decided that now was a good idea to stop before he really got smashed.

"Lot 453 will begin bidding in five minutes" came the voice and he sighed.

"I should just leave" he thought to himself. He was grateful that Marcus had decided to foot the bill, but he just hadn't found anything worth purchasing. Maybe he'd have to come back another night. If there was another night to be had. He had no idea when these things actually took place. Apparently, it was invite only.

The door opened and one of the wait staff came in to refresh his glass.

"No thanks" Kent said without even looking at who it was. He heard the staff member apologise and the door shut behind him.

"Well, what's he harm in one more?" Kent thought as he adjusted himself in his chair. If the next lot wasn't in his interest, he was going to leave his cubicle. He could do that by hitting the 'Decline' button twice. Two clicks and he would he out. The minutes ticked by slowly until the door down in the viewing room and the next slave was brought in.

Kent blinked a few times and leant forward in his chair, brining his face closer to the window as he stared at the new stock item. He had to check repeatedly to see what he was really seeing. The two clicks would have to wait. Somethign had just perked his interested.

The lot was brought in on what looked like a gurney trolley that was placed in the middle of the circular room on a revolving platform. They were all brought in by some big hulking looking heavy who looked like they worked down at a fishing dock. The gurney was lifted up and the lot was suspended for all to see.

"A charizard" Kent said to himself as he saw the orange dragon strung up in the central platform. He had to blink a few times to make sure he was really seeing it. But the lot in the distance wasn't changing with each blink, so it must have been the real thing.

Judgind from his height, he had to be almost six feet tall. His hide was a little darker orange in tone then most would think, and he had a very muscled body. The kind that most bodybuilders strived to aim for. His wings were tied back with large leather straps, and his arms were secured over his head, like he was deliberately posing. He was sporting a fire print jockstrap, but the front didn't seem to be holding much.

He had a long Mohawk mane of hair that looked black. Kent eyed the dragon as he began to rotate on the platform. His eyes went wide as he got a good side view of the dragon and he found himself licking his lips slightly.

"Fuck he's got a huge ass" Kent grinned to himself. And the dragon did. The charizards ass looked like it was spilling out of the tightly stretched jock. A damn fine ghetto booty that stuck out from behind him like two beachballs.

The only thing out of the ordinary was that his tail had no flame, but then again, that wasn't possible. Kent wasn't sure, but he thought the charizard had tattoos on his body. He couldn't make them out though. They looked kind of maori, or some kind of tribal print.

"Lot 452. David Jameson. 21 years old. Amatuer bodybuilder. He currently has a criminal record for grand theft auto, and has recently been released on parole" came the flat monotone voice, breaking Kent out of his staring as he snapped back to reality. He sat himself back down in his chair and realised that he was sporting his own huge hardon in his pants.

"Shit, the fucker got me hard just by looking at him" Kent thought to himself as he gave his crotch a squeeze. He found himself grinning a bit as he watched the dragon rotate, and he got a good eyeful of the huge booty under the long thick tail.

Kent saw in the reflection on the window that almost half the lights went off in a matter of moments. He leant forward, ignoring the large lump between his legs as he propped himself up on one arm, his hand on his chin, his finger on his other hand tapping between the buttons for the first time in almost four hours.

"He has a rebellious streak in him, and has proven so far to be physically resistant to authority" the voice said. Kent smirked a little. Nothing like putting a boy in his place.

More lights went off. Now there were only about three. Apparently most were interested in in getting someone more compliant.

"The bidding will start at $30,000. Do we have a starting bid?"

Kent watched, but the other lights went off. Clearly, no-one wanted him. The only light left was Kents. And if he didn't bid....He frowned. He didn't know what happened to them if they weren't bidded on. And he didn't want to know.

His finger slowly traced the 'Bid' button. He couldn't deny the dragon was hot and he was clearly hard for him, but was that enough to bid up to 30 k on him?

"I repeat, do we have a starting bid?" came the flat voice. Kent watched as the charizard, David his name apparently was, struggled in his binds. Kent saw the frame visibly rock from side to side as the dragon struggled.

The boy was clearly a handful, and it would take a lot to break him in and make him compliant. Perhaps a few good spankings and a hard fuck would put the boy in his place. Or maybe he could ask Marcus or maybe Marcus' friend Jeanne for some help. They enjoyed a little discipline.

The thought of abusing that big fat ass of the dragon made Kents cock throb in his pants and he made his decision.

He pressed the button.

" Lot 452 has been purchased for $30,000" the voice said. "Congratulations to the bidder."

Kent found himself somewhat surprised at how suddenly he had managed to purchase the struggling dragon. He had just bought himself a new pet for the price of a smallish car, and it had happened at the press of a button.

"Now what happens?" he wondered to himself as he stood up. He had to stretch a little as he watched through the window as the heavy from earlier walked in. The charizard continued to struggle and kept it up as the gurney was placed back in its rightful position and the newly purchased slave was wheeled out of the room.

"The next bidding will commence in five minutes "said the voice, just as the door behind him opened. He turned to see Juliet standing there with one of the heavies from earlier. She looked dwarfed by the big heavy looking rhino. And he was huge. A literal mound of muscle on legs the size of tree trunks.

"Congratulations on your purchase" Juliet said with a smile to Kent. "If you'll follow me" she said with a smile to him, "we can help you collect your prize and you can be on your way" she added.

"So, what happens now? " Kent asked as he followed her out of the room. He wasn't overly sure on what to do, but he was glad to be out of that small cubicle. He had to stretch his legs a little as he followed them down the hall. The hallway was empty, and he was sure that he wasn't going to run into anyone else.

"Mr Langston has already notified me about how he'll pick up the charge for this transaction, and the money will be laundered so it can't be traced back to either of you" she said as she led him down the hall. He couldn't help but notice how well tailored she was. She looked highly professional.

"However, we can add some additional content to the package for a nominal fee" she added as she took him through the silent halls. "Considering he did specify you were able to purchase up to a certain amount" she added.

"How much did he actually give me to spend?" he queried. It was then he realised that Marcus had not told him how much he had actually given him. For all he knew, it was enough to give him a new house and land package.

"He has allowed you to charge him upto $250,000" Juliet said without batting an eyelid at him. Ok, make that one hell of a house and land package.

"So, what kind of content can I also purchase?" he asked. If he had almost 200k to spend for extras, it did peak his interest.

"We do have custom locking clothing, chastity devices, tracking and location bugs, and optional restraints, all at reasonable prices" she said as she handed him a clipboard. He took it and looked at the pages, seeing a complete catalogue of everything they could give.

"The beginners package to owning a slave" he chuckled.

"Indeed" she said with a nod as she took him to a side room, which appeared to be a converted waiting room, complete with plush chairs and a selection of coffee and wine. "Also, we do have a tattoo and branding artist on standby throughout the evening, in case you wish for any permanent markings done before you take your prize home. And we have a piercing station available."

"How long would such adjustments take?" he asked her. The piercing thing was taking his interest.

"Depending on what you would like to order, the process takes as long as the length of your order" she said to him.

He looked down at the catalogue again as he flicked through the pages. He had what he needed at home, but, since Marcus had gladly footed the bill, he did have extra cash to fling around.

"Have him delivered to my car, but I'd like these put on him firsthand" Kent said as he flipped through the pages in the catalogue. . "I want his hands cuffed behind his back, and a ring gag inserted in his mouth. Plus, I'd like one of these special shock and locator collars on. I'd like to test drive one of these" he said with a smile.

"Of course. It should take around twenty minutes. Slightly longer if he struggles" she said.

"Try not to leave a mark. I'd like to do that" he said.

"Understood" she said with a nod to him. "If you'll just wait here, we'll let you know when he's been delivered."

"Good. Do you mind if I smoke in here" he asked.

"Not at all" she said as she left him alone, the heavy rhino following her. Obviously, David wasn't going to be much of a problem if he struggled. Compared to the rhino, he was positively puny.

With a grateful sigh Kent sat himself down in one of the plush chairs and pulled his cigar box from his jacket pocket. If felt good to stretch his legs in the chair as he removed one of the long brown smokables from the slender box. They were already precut and unwrapped, so he popped it into his mouth. He pulled a box of matches from his other pocket and snapped a matchstick against the side of the box.

He let out a contented sigh as he tilted his head back, exhaling the smoke cloud into the air. It had been far too long since he had been smoking, and he was glad to get back into it. There was something about smoking a cigar and watching through the smoke as you saw your bitch bounce up and down on something big and hard.

He took another deep inhale as he thought on what he would do with his new slave. He wasn't going to make the mistake of caring all that much about him, and he would have to be a lot stricter with him. He had plenty of time to think about things when he had been cooped up in that cubicle, and he mulled over his thoughts as he waited.

Kent had never used a shock collar before, but he would need one now. All the windows in his house were reinforced glass that couldn't be broken easily, and they only opened with a key. Even then they didn't open far. And he'd have to deadbolt the doors so they couldn't be opened from the inside.

And he would be changing the bedroom. Maybe special cuffs on the bed and extra restraints. And deadbolt the door too. He didn't want his boy to have a chance to escape before he had been broken in. And a shock collar would be good to remind him to be a good boy now and then.

"Wow. I have really have been out of the game" he thought to himself as he saw in his mind that his house really was not suitable for a proper bitch. "Maybe I should ask some of those other dominants Marcus knows for advice while I get back into it" he thought.

It was an intriguing idea. Not all masters and dominants were the same, and while there was no real correct way to own a slave or bitch, there was no harm in asking for opinions. Plus, being out of the loop in having a real bitch, he had a lot of room for improvement. Thankfully he wasn't too vain to ask for help.

He exhaled another cloud of smoke as the minutes ticked slowly by. He thought about David and what he had viewd from the window. He watfched teh smoke above him dance in the dim light and he found himself rubbing his tented crotch to the thoughts on what he could do to such a huge phat orange ass.

Kent was closing his eyes as he relaxed himself when he was brought out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. He sat up and coughed a big, having inhaled some smoke the wrong way as he quickly adjusted himself.

"Your boy has been delivered to the car, and he has been restrained as you wished" Juliet said as she walked into the room. If she noticed anything, she didn't say anything to him. "However, I do have to warn you that he did struggle."

"Well, I will apologise for that, and i will punish him firmly" he said as he stood up, the cigar between his fingers. "Anyone get hurt?" he asked.

"No-one got anything serious, and there was no permanent damage done to your purchase" she said to him. "Although he might have some bruises come morning" she admitted. "We can offer a slight refund on his condition, if you wish."

"No, that won't be necessary" Kent said with a nod as he looked at her. "I'm sure it wasn't intentional" he said, although he didn't really care at that point. He intended to punish the boy, and struggling was a good reason to smack him senseless.

"You're welcome to leave at any time" Juliet said as something in her pocket beeped and she pulled a small tablet device out. "Lot 453 has just been bought. You'll have to excuse me" she said after checking it. She didn't look up, already pushing him out of her mind as she focused on her work.

"Of course" he said to her with a nod as he let her walk out. He took another deep inhale before he followed her out. Thankfully the entrance to the building wasn't that far off, and he found it easily after walking down the hall.

The driver was standing outside with several of the other limo drivers, apparently talking with the others to pass the time. Judging by the amount of take away coffee cups and doughnut packets lying around, they had been there a while. Tim noticed Kent walk out and he stood to attention, straightening his jaunty cap on his head.

"I'm sorry i took so long" Kent said to him. " I had no idea how long these things went for. hope you weren't bored" he added.

"Not at all. Mr Langston doesn't mind if I use the television in the back of the limo while he's not using it" the cougar said with a nod. "Besides, I get paid by the hour" he added with a grin. "And your purchase was delivered to the car, although he did struggle a lot. I had to lock him in, I don't think he liked it" he said.

"Well, hopefully he didn't break anything too expensive" Kent said as they walked towards the car together. "Anyway, let's take the back road home. I need to talk to this boy I just bought" Kent said as he took another drag on his cigar.

"Of course sir" said Tim as he walked beside him to the limo. He unlocked the door with the clicker in his pocket, the lights flashing twice momentarily. He opened the door and held it as Kent slid inside, his cigar in his mouth. One he was in, Tim shut the door behind him and headed to the drivers seat.

The charizard was sitting on one of the seats, his hands bound behind his back and a ring gag was lodged in his mouth, keeping his maw open. The new shock collar was snugly around his neck, a thick leather back with a metal plate on the front, the word 'David' engraved on it. Under the plate was a large metal ring.

Up close, Kent was able to see the supposed tattoos on the boy. They weren't real, he could tell because they wwere smudged in places. Obviously, he had been dressed up to look tougher then he was supposed to, perhaps to appeal to the buyers. The fire print jockstrap was still on him, and Kent could see it did nothing to hide the dragons massive ass. But, judging from how little he could see between the dragons thighs, there was little in the front to counterbalance.

The floor was littered with what looked like the book and dvd collection, and the contents of the mini bar. Kent noticed that the door had been kicked open and it was dented badly. He shook his head slightly as he sat himself on the seat, taking a drag on his cigar before he spoke.

"She was right. You did struggle" Kent said as he sat in the back seat. "David, wasn't it?" he asked as he tapped a light cloud of ash into the ashtray on the armrest of the couch.

David just glared at him, looking like he just wanted to reach over and punch him. But all he could do was drool out of the corners of his wide open mouth. The limo started and Kent felt the big machine silently start to pull away.

Kent took a long drag on the cigar and blew the smoke in the boys direction. He flinched and garbled something , which Kent couldn't understand. But he got the gist of it from the eye the charizard was glaring at him. He was glad they couldn't actually breathe fire, otherwise there would be trouble.

"Just in case you don't know your situation, I now own you" Kent said as he held the cigar in his fingers. "And I intend to put you to use" he said. "Whether you want it to happen or not" he added.

David said nothing as he continued to glare at his new owner. Kent could see the boy wasn't happy, and most likely didn't like him. Which was fine with him.

"So, apparently you di a light stint in jail for grand theft auto, I believe" Kent said as he took another drag. "If you think that impresses me, or intimidates me, you're dead wrong" Kent said firmly. "To me, you're no different then every other ghetto gangsta wannabe who thinks he's tough because he's shirtless, got a big necklace and talks like a dumbass. And trust me, six months in jail is not something to brag about and be proud of" he added.

David gurgled something, which was probably an insult, and all the garbled words did was make Kent want to laugh in his face. And he almost did.

"I bet there's something you want to say to me, isn't there?" Kent said as he put the cigar in the ashtray on the hand rest, a few whisps of smoke climbing into the air from the cigar. "Well, before we do anything, I'm going to set down a few rules" he said as he leant forward slightly.

""First, you're going to refer to me as either master, or sir. Nothing else" Kent said. "You call me anything else, I will punish you. Secondly, I own you, and I will take care of you. I will use you to satisfy my sexual desires, but I will not abuse you outright for no reason. But do not make the mistake in thinking that I am soft, and by acting nice I'm going to spoil you" he said firmly.

"Thirdly, I can and I will punish you. And how badly I punish you depends on how well you behave. So, if you piss me off and I punish you, it's your fault, got it? Nod if you understand" he ordered.

David said nothing as he continued to glare at the lion. Kent simply sat back and picked up his cigar again as he watched the dragon. Didn't matter to him if he took an hour to nod. He could wait. Besides, it would take a while to get back to the house.

The minutes seemed to tick by as Kent patiently waited. He kept his eyes on the dragon, seeing him shift in his confines now and then. He could imagine being cuffed up like that wasn't exactly comfortable, but it would only last as long as the new bitch behaved.

He only had to wait a few minutes more before David gave a single nod of his head.

"Good. Now, I'm going to take that ring gag out of your mouth" Kent said. "And we will our little relationship start the moment you can close your mouth. From here on out, how I treat you, depends on your behaviour. So, if you backtalk, swear or scream at me, you will regret it. Understood?" Kent asked.

David nodded once after a few long moments of silence. Kent leant forward and undid the clasp in the back, taking the ring gag out of the boys mouth. He sat back in his seat as he watched David stretched his mouth a little, obviously trying to get the feeling back into it. Then he turned to the big lion .

"Go fuck yourself old man" he practically spat out, his anger on the whole situation suddenly venting in spades. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can own me? Go to hell you old fuck" he shouted. In the small confines of the car it was rather loud.

Kent said nothing as he let the boy shout at him. He merely took a drag on his cigar and tapped the ash into the tray. Oh well, shame it didn't start off on the right foot. Well, he figured, no reason to think it would have. Once the dragon had stopped his little tirade he sat back in his seat, a smirk on his face, obviously thinking he had just put Kent in his place. Kent took a drag on his cigar, then leant forward and shoved the tip into the dragons stomach

"FUCK" the dragon shouted as he felt the burning pain in his stomach as the lion very calmly twisted the tip a few times against the orange hide before he removed it. David gasped and panted as the burning point was removed from his stomach and he looked down to see an angry looking black mark on his abs.

"Let's try again" Kent said as he calmly sat back in his seat and took another drag as he watched the dragon try to hold his hands to his sore stomach. He failed as his arms were still tied back securely, so all he could do was twist his body around.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" David shouted at him as he groaned lightly from the burning sensation in his stomach. He expected an answer, but all that got him was another prod with the cigar against his chest. He snarled as he twisted in his seat, the lion holding the cigar in place till he left another good black mark.

"You goddam asshole, how dare you..." was all he got out when Kent pushed the cigar into the dragons thigh. David cried out loudly, tears of pain starting to form in his eyes as the cigar was twisted in his leg. The scent of burnt hide started to mix in with the thick scent of tobacco.

Kent gave him another prod, this one right above his crotch, just at the waistband of his jockstrap. Thankfully this dragon wasn't the type to have body hair, otherwise he'd be burning a lot of fur/hair right there. He watched as David twisted and tried to struggle to push him off, but Kent didn't seem fazed. David was starting to whimper as Kent removed the cigar from his crotch.

"I'll tell you what the fuck is wrong with me" Kent said as he took another drag. "I had a very good boy, before I bought you tonight. I gave him some of the best years of my life, and he repaid me by walking out on me. So, I decided to start over and get a replacement.

"Now, I bought a boy tonight, and all he's done so far is yell and swear at me, after I told him to behave himself. And obviously, he's not smart enough to understand that" Kent said as he leant forward with the cigar in his hand. He was glad to see David flinch, even if he was glaring at him through his tears. "And let me tell you, there are masters and owners out ther e who are MUCH worse then i am" he said.

"What the fuck you talking about?" David said, but he cried out as the cigar was planted into his shoulder. And Kent did not take it away. He let it sit there as it began to burn into the squirming charizards hide, the skin starting to blister visibly before he took it out.

"You swear at me one more time, and this goes against your face. And trust me, while I would not like to scare you in such a way, I will do it" he said firmly as he waved the cigar in front of the dragons face. "So sit back, and shut up" he ordered.

David fell silent as he heard the lion order him. There was something in his voice that made the tough charizard bite his tongue. He squeezed the tears from his eyes as he straightened his back, trying to get his composure back as he glared as best he could at the suited lion.

"I'm not going to give you the details of what other masters are capable of doing. Some I know of, are capable of some pretty extreme things. Heavy duty bondage, cum control, limb restrictions.. Hell I even knew, briefly, some guy who was into dipping his boys in cement and making them garden ornaments for parties. But trust me, eventually you will be glad I'm the one that bought you tonight" he said firmly as he blew smoke into the dragons face.

David said nothing as he kept his eyes on the cigar as it slowly burned. He wondered briefly why it hadn't burned any lower after getting poked against him. Kent saw where the dragon had his gaze focused and he smirked.

"Oh, and just so you know, this is a Delectato. It's from Columbia. A slow burner, very slow, so it never goes out. So I can cover you in burns from head to toe before this even burns a third of the way down" he said.

David felt a shiver run down his spine as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He whimpered slightly as he squeezed his eyes shut. The burns on his body seemed to throb harder as he was threatened by the cigar.

"It doesn't have to be your face. I can push this on your nipples, your eyelids, your balls. Hell, if you piss me off enough I'll push this against your tail hole" he said, and he saw David visibly shiver and whimper a little at the thought. "I've never done that before, but trust me, I'd like to know for future reference. But like I said, that's not the worst thing I can do to you."

"You...you're a damn sadist" David said loudly to him as he tried to get his bravado up. But he quickly shut up when Kent held the cigar up.

"I'm not a masochist" cent said as he looked square into the charizards eyes. ."I don't enjoy giving pain. There are those out there who do, and I have no beef with them. But personally, I don't enjoy hurting you. But I will do it if you piss me off" he said. "But I will admit, I like giving a spanking."

"You're insane" David said as he tried to get his tough guy back up. "You...you think you can do this to me? You're fucking insane" he shouted, his voice and confidence getting louder with each word. "You're fucking..." he didn't very far before he was slapped across the face.

He hadn't seen it coming and it collided with his face like he was just struck with a brick. The hit was so heavy handed that the big charizard was knocked off of his seat and onto the floor of the limousine. He landed with an oomph amongst the debris of the floor.

"Tim, would you kindly pull the car over? Right beside the road, if you please" Kent said into the speaker right beside the car door. "No need to hide behind anything. Fully exposed is fine" he added calmly.

"Yes sir" the cougar said as the car immediately began to pull over on the side of the road. The car bumped a couple of times as it hit the rough side of the road as it slowed down.

"What the hell?" David asked as he felt the car come to a stop. He was suddenly feeling very afraid. It had only just occurred to him that he had no idea where he was, and no-one had any idea where he was either. And the big lion had said he could do whatever he wanted to him. And he looked pissed off.

Kent said nothing as the cougar opened the door for him. Kent stood up and put his cigar back in the ashtray, before he bent over and grabbed one of David's ankles. The dragon immediately kicked out at him, shouting at him to let him go. But Kent grabbed his other foot before it connected with him as he dragged the boy out of the car.

David was pulled onto the gravel covered ground beside the road, getting yanked out of the car none too carefully. He struggled, but the lion was too strong for the younger guy as he was dragged over the rough gravel.

Kent then grabbed him by his tied up hands and hoisted the boy up, David finding himself lifted up like a sack of potatoes rather easily. He didn't get time to protest as he was slammed chest first onto the hood of the car. The only thing he was able to see was the twin spotlights of the high beams stretched out on the side of the road before him.

"You know, I was going to do this when we got back home, but I'm not going to make it a good thing for you, since you've blown your chance" Kent said as he looked over at the cougar. "Grab the ring gag from the car. Shove it back in his mouth" he ordered.

"Yes sir" Tim said with an obedient nod as he got into the car. Tim was used to following orders around Marcus' house, and being around a master with his bitch was nothing new to him. Plus, he was paid to do his job, not nose into other people's business.

"What the hell? Let me go you fucking asshole" David ordered as he struggled. But his hands were still tied down and Kent had him by the back of his collar. He cried out as his tail was lifted up and out of the way. Kent saw the dragons' huge backside completely exposed to him, like two giant round beach balls pressed together.

"I'm going to break you in you bitch" Kent said as he leant over the bound charizard. "You know, I should have gone with the tattoo option. I bet this ass would look better with a tramp stamp" he grinned. David stopped struggling briefly as he heard that. "Maybe the words 'poke'-slut' in fancy letters" he grinned.

"No fucking way. I'm not your slut" the charizard shouted as the cougar appeared with the gag. "Oh shit, out here?" he cried out as he whined, feeling the lions thick finger rub at his virgin tail hole. "Fuck off, No" he practically screamed. "Not out here, not out here you bastard" he almost screamed.

"Gag him. And make sure its tight" Kent ordered the cougar. David clamped his mouth shut at that as he continued to struggle. "Open your mouth bitch" Kent ordered as he saw the dragon shut his mouth. David shook his head and squirmed his hindquarters as he felt Kent probe against his hole. Kent said nothing but he merely reached forward and grabbed one of the charizards horn like ears and pulled. Hard

David cried out from the sudden yanking pain and he felt the cougar slide the ring into his mouth, hooking in place as the straps were wrapped around his head. He continued to protest, but his words were garbled and all he accomplished was getting drool on the bonnet.

Kent then gave the dragons' ass a good hard smack. The cracking noise echoed in the dark night around them as David cried out from the sudden hit of pain on his backside. He felt the burning sensation on his ass, and he remembered that Kent had said he enjoyed giving a spanking.

"Tim, pick a number" Kent said suddenly as he rubbed his hands on the dragons mammoth ass. David whimpered and struggled again, but all that did was make his huge ass wobble back and forth. Tim blinked at the request, but quickly gave an answer.

"Fifty" Tim suggested. He wasn't sure why Kent suggested it, but he had an inkling.

Kent nodded as he smacked the boys ass again. The crack made David jolt forward as he cried out from the pain. He felt David rub his hand over his huge cheeks again and he felt Kents feet kicked his legs apart as he was spread eagled over the car bonnet.

"Tim, please start counting. And don't miss a number, or we'll have to start over" Kent said to him. "If you get there without making a mistake the first time, I'll let you help me break him in" Kent said. "So, try to be careful as you count" he said as he looked at David. "I'd hate for you to get to forty and then have to start over" he said with a grin.

"Very good sir. That was two" Tim said with a smile as he began counting. David whined as he looked up at the cougar, trying to plead with him. He had kind of hoped that maybe the cougar would oppose the situation, especially since they were in the middle of a public, albeit in the middle of the night. But the cougar seemed quite willing to go along with it, so whatever hopes David had of help were quickly dashed as the counting began.

Each smack on the dragons ass made the big booty cheeks ripple and jiggle about, the bulging butt slowly turning red with each smack. Tim counted each strike carefully as Kent continued to spank the disobedient boy. Every whack was sharp and loud, Kent quite heavy handed as he dealt out the punishment.

By ten David was shouting loudly, still struggling and squirming around, his reddening booty cheeks were wobbling around like jelly. By twenty he was crying out, trying to order Kent to stop as he felt his ass start to sting with each slap. By thirty he was crying loudly and tears were flowing down his cheeks from the pain that was soaking into his huge ass.

By forty he was weeping and blubbering like a big overgrown baby. Kent hadn't slowed down, and Tim was still counting carefully. Amongst teh tears and blubbering, David was starting to hope that they didn't have to start over. If they did, the big lion might even double the number. And by fifty his ass was practically glowing a luminous bright red, and he was crying hoarsely and panting for breath. Kent finally stopped and rolled his arm around a little.

"Very good Tim" Kent said as he stood up, rubbing his arm slowly. Tim smiled and nodded, before he noticed the very big bulge in the lions pants. It seemed Kent had enjoyed the punishment far more then David did.

"Now bitch" kent said as he leant over the dragon and spoke directly into his ear. David flinched a bit as he shut his eyes, obviously wishing to not be there. "I did warn you about being punished. And you continued to act out against me. I'm going to break you in, and the only person you have to blame is yourself. Whether or not you enjoy this it doesn't matter you bitch" he said firmly as he unzipped his pants.

Tim saw the lions cock as it was pulled out. Judging by the size, it had to have been almost ten inches long and thick as his wrist. And it was very hard. He wondered how long it had been since the lion had last gotten off. Judging from how hard it was, he had to guess it was a long time.

"Go on Tim. Put his muzzle to use" Kent said as he pried the boys glowing cheeks apart. "He's going to have to learn to enjoy sucking cock, so you might as well have first dibs" he ordered.

Tim smiled as he unzipped his pants. He wasn't about to say no to one of his employers friends, it could go back to his boss. Davids eyes went wide as he saw the cougars sheath and balls get pulled out, the cougar already half hard. His length was a solid black and he looked about regular size, maybe six inches give or take.

Lights suddenly appeared in the distance and David looked up as he realised a car was coming. He cried out loudly, the sudden noise making the other two look up as they heard the car coming. David almost screamed out through the gag, hoping the car was going to stop.

The car simply drove past, the only indication that the driver had seen them was a sudden and loud burst of his horn as he drove past, not even slowing down. David fell silent as he watched the car speed off. He felt himself slumping down a bit, suddenly aware of just how alone he was.

"What, did you think he was going to stop?" Kent said with a chuckle as he spat onto his fingers. He probed them against Davids tight ring, watching as Tim was stroking himself to hardness. Kent allowed himself to get a look at the cougars backside, seeing it was nice and plump. When Kent pushed his fingers forward, it seemed to wake David up.

David struggled and whined as he cried out, but the cougar grabbed the charizards head and held him in place. Forcing him in place on the bonnet of the car, he pushed his cock through the ring. Ignoring the dragons cries and whimpers he started to thrust, doing exactly as he was ordered.

Kent grinned as he held the boys bright red cheeks apart. The boy was squirming and struggling, showing he did have some life left in him, but Kent would soon fix that as he pushed his fingers in. David cried out, his cries muffled from the penetration as he was probed roughly. He squirmed and tried to pull away, but he was held in place by the bigger lion.

"Yeah, nice and tight" Kent grinned as he wiggled his fingers around in the dragons huge ass. David cried out and squirmed as he was roughly fingered, then he jumped visibly and cried out even louder as Kent pressed a certain spot inside him.

Grinning to himself as he watched Tim face fuck the dragon without mercy or consideration as he probed his fingers around, pressing and mashing the prostate of his new bitch. David jumped and cried out around the cock in his mouth as he was pumped open.

Kent finally withdrew his fingers from the boys fat ass and reached under between his chunky thighs. He grinned as he found that the pushing against his prostate had made the dragon hard, and the front of his jock was good and tight.

"Well well, bitch like this" Kent said as he gave the mound a squeeze. David cried out as he was foundled and he tried to squirm, but he was rapidly losing strength from his useless struggling. Kent squeezed and groped the mound, figuring the dragon was below average in length. "well well, tough guy has a little cock. Who knew?" he said with a grin.

Kent pulled his hands from the boy as he watched the cougars ass thrust back and forth, the plump round cheeks squeezing and clenching with each thrust forward and backwards. Kent grabbed his own fat thick cock and squeezed it, purring loudly as he took the pre leaking from his cock and used it to lube up his shaft.

Once his cock was covered and shined up, he stepped up behind the dragons' huge ass and spreads the cheeks apart again. The now reddened and slightly stretched hole was winking at him as he held the huge cheeks apart and lined his cock up with the orifice. He gave the dragon no warning as he slammed forward.

David screamed as Kent ploughed into him with one solid thrust, the big cock spearing into his insides. He screamed around the cock in his mouth as he struggled on the car hood. He bounced and thrashed and struggled as he felt his insides light up on fire as he was raped wide open. It felt like someone had just rammed a fire poker into him.

Kent ignored the dragon as he started to thrust, pulling his cock out till just the head remained before he slammed back in. The thrust made the dragon scream against teh cock working in his mouth. He pushed and pulled his cock out of the virgin tight hole, hearing the boy scream. The screams fell on deaf ears as he pounded the dragons huge ass, making him feel every inch.

"Go on boy. Scream. Even if someone did hear you, all they'd hear is just a bitch getting fucked" he growled as he slapped the dragons tender ass. David cried out and whimpered as he started to cry again. The lions thrusts were hard and shallow, pumping around half his cock in and out in a steady and firm rhythm, his balls starting to slap against the dragons chunky thighs. The car started to rock on its axels as the force of the thrusts was making him rock as well.

"That's what you are now. You're my bitch. That's all you are to me. And you'll be treated like one, got it you fucking whore?" Kent growled as he plunged his cock deep into the dragons ass. His cock was leaking pre fast and it was quickly lubing up the dragons hole. But that didn't stop him from pounding in and out of his hole.

David cried as he was taken by both ends, the cougar driver filling his mouth and his ass being filled by his new owners huge cock. He had never felt pain like this before, or the humiliation of being such a big tough dragon being used like a common whore. And there was nothing he could do about it.

David let the tears come as he cried on the hood of the car, feeling his ass get spanked by the lions hips. The cougar was purring from the heat of the dragons mouth around his cock, and he continued to thrust into the warm maw.

And his own cock wouldn't go down. It was hard and leaking into his jock and he just didn't have the mental strength to focus on anything else. His prostate was being hammered repeatedly and he started to cry harder as he felt himself start to push back. His cheeks burned with shame as he realised his body was starting to enjoy the rough treatment.

Kent growled as he slammed into the bitchs big ass. His claws were digging into the big meaty cheeks, almost threatening to sink in and mark him for good. But he had just enough self control to not mark the bitch as he plunged into him.

His hips were smacking hard into the boys ass, spanking the already rosey cheeks with a steady slap slap slap. His thrusts were getting longer, the lion now using all of his cock as he pulled it out all the way, only to ram himself back in balls deep over and over.

David felt his body go limp, a surreal feeling clouding his mind. It was like it wasn't happening to him, that strange sense of denial when something absolutely horrible was happening and he didn't want to admit it. He no longer had the energy to fight back, and his body was betraying him with every motion.

He could feel his tough guy resolve break apart with each thrust into him as the two males claimed him from both ends. His body wouldn't respond as he felt unable to do anything but lie there as he was raped.

Or was it rape? It should have been, he didn't ask for this and they didn't ask him, but his cock was hard and it was throbbing harder then it had ever been in his life. He cried and whimpered as he felt confused and humiliated and alone as the cougar hammered his face and Kent pounded into his ass.

"Mm, yeah, going to fill your fuck hole up bitch" Kent growled as he dug his claws into the boys meaty cheeks, making him whimper louder. "You're going to get a whitewash of lion seed up your fuck hole, and then you'll be mine. Everyone will know it, bitch" he growled as he found himself laughing at his weakened bitch.

Kent felt his cock throb harder and hard as he felt himself get closer to release. By the way the cougar was huffing and puffing, he could tell the male was close as well. He didn't bother checking David to see if the boy was anywhere near , since he didn't matter. HE kept pounded for a few minutes more, holding back as best as he was able to, before he slammed himself in to the hilt, his hips flush with the dragons huge ass.

He let out a final roar and empted his balls into the dragons ass as he marked his bitch on the inside. David gasped as he felt the heat flood his insides; a torrent of lion cum whitewashed his insides as he couldn't help but moan. The moan did not go unnoticed by Kent who sniggered loudly.

"See? He likes it already" Kent said with a grin as he kept his cock in the boys ass, making sure that all of his seed stayed inside. "Tim, when you cum, i want you to cum on his face. Mark him as a real slut with your cougar seed" he ordered.

Tim nodded as he held the dragons face down and kept pumping steadily. His round backside clenched and flexed as his hips moved back and forth. Saliva and pre were leaking from the dragons mouth and pooling onto the top of the bonnet as he kept it up.

Just as Kent slid his cock from the boys ass, he heard the cougar cry out loudly and Kent saw a spray of white seed fly from the cougars cock and splash onto the dragons face. David screwed his eyes shut as the hot seed splashed over his eyes and coated him with heated white.

The seed dripped from the dragons face like a wax mask that had yet to set. David was panting and whimpering, unable to move from his position as he was coated. He could feel the cougars seed make slimy trails down his face, just as the first of what would be many rivers of lion seed drool out of his freshly fucked ass.

Kent gave the boys big ass a good hard whack, the dragon jumping a bit and whimpering. It did not go unnoticed how soaked the dragons jock was. The dragon hadn't cum from getting fucked, but Kent was sure he would have if he had been able to keep it up.

"Now bitch, I'm going to walk over there and resume smoking my cigar" Kent said as Tim pulled his pants back up. Tim sighed in satisfaction of his release as he tucked his shirt back into his pants and began to do his belt up. Kent smirked as he noticed the cougar was still pitching a half hard tent. "You can do one of two things" Kent said as he leant in close to Davids ear.

"The first is that you can lie here and cry like some cheap whore until I'm done. And when I'm done, I'm going to put you back in the car and we're going to leave. And when we get home, I'm going to punish you again. "

"The second, is that if you are sorry for being a bad bitch, you are going to crawl on all fours over to me and kiss my feet, and tell me how sorry you are" Kent said as he grabbed the boys cuffed hands. The key was taped to the base of one of the handcuffs, right where the boy would not have thought to look. He pulled the key out and undid the wrist restraints.

" And if, IF I believe you, I'll let you sleep it off when we get back and I just might be nicer to you" Kent said with a smirk. "And don't think of running away either. You will not get far, I promise you that" he said as he watched Davids arms flop to his sides, cum leaking off his face and down the inside of his thighs as he turned his back on the boy and strode away.

He didn't look back as he retrieved his cigar from the limo and walked a few feet away, just enough to where he could easily see the dragon. The charizard was motionless on the bonnet of the car, his huge ass lying exposed as Kent could easily see a river of lion cum trickle down his thighs.

Kent faced away from the car as he took a drag on his cigar and began to stuff his cock back into his pants. He did up the fly as he looked out in the solid darkness of the country side and blew smoke into the air. He took another drag and he let the thick flavoured smoke fill his lungs as he stared into the darkness. He'd give the bitch a few minutes before he walked back.

He heard movement behind him but he didn't turn around. He wasn't done with his cigar and he wasn't going to move if it was just the driver coming to join him. Kent had to smile to himself as he tapped a bit of ash on the ground beside him.

It felt good to dominate another like that. To just take what he wanted from the bitch, and make him know he couldn't do anything about it. And he would make sure that brat of a bitch would know it from here on out. He owned that dragon in every sense.

The movement behind him got closer, and it seemed to be taking its time. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Tim standing beside the open door of the car, waiting patiently for him to come over and get back in.

"Paid by the hour indeed' Kent said with a chuckle to himself. He hope the guy got time and a half for all this. He was just thinking on how to repay his friend Marcus when the movement noised behind him stopped.

He felt something rub up against his leg gently and he looked down to see David on his hands and knees, leaning his side against the lions leg. He was trembling and crying softly, the cum on his face had stopped dripping.

David said nothing as he looked down, but blew a cloud of smoke into the bitches direction. David whimpered as eh smoke swirled around his face and hung around him for a moment before it faded in the darkness. The boy hiccupped once or twice as he got himself under reasonable control.

"I...I'm sorry sir" David whimpered as he moved himself tenderly into a kneeling position. He winced as his huge ass rested on the back of his legs, and he felt the tears flow from the pain on his cheeks. "I'm sorry i misbehaved. I...I promise I'll try harder for you sir" he whimpered as he hung his head and looked down at the ground.

"Will you boy?" Kent asked as he looked down at the dragon. "Cause I'm not taking you home if you're just going to be a pain in my ass' he said firmly. David shook his head slowly from side to side as he took a deep shuddering breath.

"Please sir, I'm sorry. I won't misbehave again" David said as he hiccupped a bit and gulped once or twice. He brought his head slowly upwards and looked up at the bigger lion. Kent saw the submission in his face, as well as the fear and humiliation of what had happened to him. "Please, I'm so ...so sorry' he said before he started to shudder, on the verge of breaking out in unstoppable tears.

Kent reached down and rubbed his hand against the dragons head, letting his head rest against his thigh. The dragon cried and whimpered as he felt the fingers stroke his cheek, smearing the congealing cum across his cheek.

"Alright boy" Kent said with a nod. "I'll accept your apology for now. Since you seem so sincere. Now get in the car. And I don't want to hear another word out of you for the rest of the night" he ordered.

"Yes sir" David whimpered as he slowly pulled himself up. Kent watched as he saw the dragon waddle his way back to the limo, his huge ass jiggling softy and dripping a trail of cum behind him as he pushed his way back to the car. Tim said nothing, nor did he offer help to the dragon as he watched him clamber slowly inwards.

Kent smiled as he took another drag on his cigar, blowing the smoke back into the air. The charizard may not have been Jamie, but by god it was good to be back in the game.