A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 10)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#10 of -A Name, Not A Number-

The husky squinted and blinked several times after exposing his eyes to the bright light that flooded into the room. After getting used to the light, a sudden feeling of panic rushed over him as he felt that he was late for school. He panicked and tried to get up, but only succeeded in falling off the bed and hitting the floor with an "umph".

"What the-... What is going on? Tobias?" said the startled wolf, groggily.

Ky peered over to the edge of the bed looking for the familiar face of his lover, but it wasn't there. After a few seconds he saw a pair of lustrous eyes peek up over the edge of the bed.


The lupine burst out in laughter at the sight of the cute husky peeking at him after his clumsy fall and said, "Did you fall out of bed again?"

Tobias counterfeited a sad face and nodded his head quickly.

"Aw, I am sorry." said the laughing lupine sarcastically.

"Sure." Tobias said as he crossed his arms, turned away, and acted like he was pouting.

"No, I really am," Ky said, crawling across the bed and wrapping his arms around his mate's neck, "You know I would never want you to get hurt."

"Yeah," said the husky as he turned his head and rubbed his cheek against his love's, "Well, you better get used to seeing me hurt, cause I seem to get injuries whenever I do fun things."

"Wha? What kind of fun things?" asked the wolf as inhaled through his nostrils and took in the sweet smell of his mate's fur.

"Hmm," thought the husky, looking up, as if he was scanning his brain, "The most recent one was when I rode a bike off a bridge. That little stunt caused a sprain in my wrist."

The wolf jumped at the thought and spun his boyfriend around to see a chuckling husky before exclaiming, "WHAT?! You rode a bike off a bridge?"

"Yeah." said the grinning canine, "It was AWESOME! Though the bike didn't come out of it in the best shape."

"Wha-... I-... You ca- I forb-" stuttered the wolf.

"Anytime you want to start speaking English, I am here waiting." laughed Tobias.

"Why do you do those things?!" questioned the lupine.

"Cause, it is so much fun." giggled the husky, "My motto is... I am not going to let minor injuries stop me from enjoying life."

"That is a cool motto, but you still shouldn't hurt yourself." Ky said giving his love a quick kiss on the on the cheek.

"No," said the canine, chuckling, "It's totally worth it. You're going to do something like that with me sometime."

"We'll have to see about that." said the giggling wolf before crawling off the bed and straddling his lover's waist, with his back against the bed.

Tobias then wrapped his arms around his mate's torso and squeezed him close. He pressed his face Ky's chest and neck, murring lightly at the warmth that was radiated from the soft body and that penetrated his skin. The wolf then moved his paw to the bottom of his love's chin, lifting it so that they could stare into each other's enchanting eyes. Tobias leaned forward a bit and licked the cute wolf's nose. The lupine smiled before leaning in and kissing his mate.

The husky pushed his muzzle against the one that belonged to his only love. He then pressed his tongue into the warm maw, feeling the soft, wetness surrounding it. He completely loved the feeling of wrestling Ky's tongue with his in the sensual, loving act of kissing. He loved knowing that his mate could feel some of the enormous amount of love that he had inside him just from the simple act of kissing. The thought of this expression of love made Tobias want to show more, so he became more aggressive and pressed himself harder against the warm mass of fur and flesh that made up his lover. His cock started poking out of his sheath and precum started staining his boxers. He soon felt Ky's own member pressing against his stomach.

The distracted couple was suddenly brought back to reality as they heard a loud knock at the door and the booming voice that followed, "Are you guys getting ready?"

"Uh- Yeah Dad," said the startled husky as his mate jumped off him, "we, uh- we are."

"Good," said the loud canine, "I don't want to miss the bus... again."

"Holy shit!" whispered Tobias, "That scared me!"

"I know!" the lupine whispered back, "Let's go shower before we get caught up in another amazing kiss."

"Good idea." giggled the husky as he got up and picked out some clothes for the day.

After randomly grabbing a light whitish gray shirt with black grunge art, a pair of tight, dark jeans, and a pair of black and white boxers, Tobias offered his boyfriend a pair, "Umm, do you want to wear of my boxers so you don't have to wear dirty ones?"

"Of course I would," said Ky as he walked over and grabbed the piece of cloth from the canine's paw, "and I think I will just wear my other clothes, cause I don't think they got that dirty."

"Yeah, I would do the same." Tobias said as he opened his door, went down the hall, and walked into the bathroom, with the wolf following him.

"Umm, do you think we will get in trouble for showering together?" asked the lupine as his mate closed and locked the door.

"Nah," the canine said, walking over to the shower, "If we do get caught, we'll just say you needed to go to the bathroom while I was showering."

"Ah..." said Ky as he looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed his eyes, "You are a smarty."

"You finally realize the truth." laughed the husky. "Now, if only everyone could realize the same thing."

"Yeah." said the wolf as he laughed with his mate, "If only."

Tobias gave his love a spare toothbrush and they brushed their teeth as they waited for the shower to warm up. After the shower obtained the preferred temperature, they stepped in and immediately embraced each other in another deep kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other as their fur became matted from the water raining down on them. The canine squeezed his partner close to him, their hardening members pressing against each other.

Ky said, after shuddering and murring as one of his mate's paws wrapped around his dick, "I- uhhg... We're never going to ge- nggh get ready if we keep this up- Mmh."

"Yeah, I guess." the husky said in a disappointed tone, "But I was looking forward to fucking this hot wolf in front of me."

"I was too, cutie," said the lupine, "but I think we should get ready. I don't want to make your dad mad, or suspicious."

"I guess." Tobias said as removed his paw from the wolf's tantalizing member. "But I get to continue this soon."

"Definitely." said the lupine before grabbing the body wash from the rack that was hanging from the shower head. He poured some of the thick liquid in his paw and started rubbing it into the fur on his lover's chest before saying, "Man, I will never get over how gorgeous you are. I am so lucky to have you"

"You're lucky?" the husky chuckled, "Look at yourself. I am the one who is lucky."

"Nah." Ky said as he lathered the wash all over his boyfriends body.

The couple lathered the body wash into each other's fur and rinsed it all out. They then got out and dried each other off. After getting their fur completely dry, the two put on their clothes and sprayed on some cologne.

"I wish I had time to straighten my hair," Tobias said as he tried to make his hair satisfactory, "I hate it when it's not straightened."

"Aw, you look cute when your hair isn't straightened," said the lupine as he grabbed the paws that were messing with the hair on top of the husky's head and brought them to his chest, "And anyways, your hair is already straight."

"Yeah, but it looks way better when it is artificially straight." the canine said, caressing his mate's chest.

"I do have to admit that you look extremely sexy with your hair straightened," Ky said as a look of lust consumed his face. "But you still look gorgeous with or without it."

"Aw... Thanks," said the husky, blushing, "but you are definitely the sexy one in this relationship."

"Whatever you say," laughed the lupine sarcastically.

Tobias opened the bathroom door, and snuck back to his room with his mate, trying not to get caught by his dad. After getting into the room, Tobias heard the door shut. He turned around to see a grey wolf looking hungrily at him. Before he could say anything, the canine was tackled onto the bed and had a muzzle pressed against his. After getting over the short period of shock, the husky returned the gift. Tobias felt a tongue pushing at his lips, then opened his muzzle, allowing access to his maw. The kiss became more passionate as the couple explored each other's maws. The husky could taste the familiar flavor of his mint toothpaste. He ran his tongue along the lupine's smooth gum line and teeth. He felt the soft, wet, warm tongue of his mate doing the same with his maw. Tobias though about how kissing was such a sensual act. It was amazing.

The loving couple was suddenly interrupted with the sound of Tobias's door opening.


Thoughts of a husky filled his mind as Josh stood lifelessly under the shower of water. He stared at the floor of the shower and watched the water flow down the drain in a torrent of swirls. The white tiger thought about his best friend and started to fantasize.

The feline's paw moved from the shower wall down to his bulging sheath. He flinched as his paw came in contact with his sensitive dick. He squeezed his soft sheath, feeling the hardening member hidden beneath the thin layer of fur and flesh. A short murr escaped his muzzle as pink shaft started to emerge from his sheathe. He gently pushed the thin layer of flesh down the slender object, revealing more of his cock. The tiger lightly teased the tip of his sensitive member with his padded fingers.

Once Josh's member was fully emerged from its protecting sheathe, he wrapped his paw completely around it and slowly started pumping it. As the pleasure started intensifying, he quickened his pace. The feline closed his eyes and put the top of his head against the wall of the shower. Streams of water rushed down his head and ran over his eyelids, giving the feline a strange pleasure along with the wonderful surges of pleasure coming from his hard piece of flesh.

After several minutes, he started breathing heavily and moaning slightly between his deep breaths as the pleasure increased. Josh thought about his friend and thought about the forbidden things that he would do to him. The tiger felt that familiar, yet amazing feeling in his stomach and balls as he flexed his entire body. As loads of cum were released from his member, waves of pleasure were released, which made their way up and down every nerve that could feel pleasure. Clear and white liquid flew through the air, nearly hitting the drops of water from above, and splattered against the wall.

Josh stood there, breathing heavily, and waited for his strength to return to his legs. Subsequent to his afterglow, the tiger wiped his cum from the shower wall and squeezed any out of his cock that remained. He finished his shower, got out, and started drying off.

"Why am I having these thoughts?" whispered the feline to himself as he finished drying off, "Why am I so hot for my best friend?"

The cat then shook his head and tried to think about something else, fearing that someone was listening to his thoughts. He then walked over to his mirror and looked into the reflective glass. It was like a window that let him see his life from a different perspective. Josh closed his eyes and rubbed his face with his paws. He then took a deep breath through his nose and sighed.


Time stopped from Tobias's point of view. He felt that familiar, terrible feeling of sickness and heat come over him as he panicked to think of an excuse for his dad. The husky was about to sputter out a bunch of pointless excuses when he was suddenly flung to the floor. He saw his love's face looking down at him with a smile and noticed him give a quick wink. Ky then started to pretend to wrestle with his boyfriend, and once the canine figured out what his mate was doing, he too started to play along.

"Guys, quit your wrestling and grab your bags." said the large husky, "We are going to be late."

"Oh, ok." Ky said, "Sorry... Your son started it."

"No I didn't!" said the canine, playfully shoving his secret love, "Liar!"

"Enough guys." Tobias's dad said, chuckling, "Just get up and let's go."

"Kk." both said in unison before getting up.

After his dad left the room, the young husky sighed the biggest of sigh anyone has ever heard.

"Ohhh Myyy Goshhh!" said the relieved lupine.

"You can say that again." Tobias said as he pressed his paws against his forehead, "That was going to be the worst interaction in my life! Thank you for being so smart!"

"Anytime," Ky said as he grabbed his bag, "I am just so glad we didn't get caught... for the second time!"

"Yeah, it would have been bad." said the husky, "I am still shaking from the adrenaline rush."

"Yeah, me too." the lupine said handing his mate's bag to him, "Let's just not get caught again."

"Agreed." laughed the canine.


Josh arrived at school after a long morning of getting ready. Today, he wasn't his normal, perky self. He was feeling nauseas because of the stress of his situation. He needed to talk to someone. A good friend; he needed to talk to Kayla. He had known the Labrador for a long time, and even had a small crush on her. She was the only fur that Josh could think of that would understand. Understand, meaning not killing him for being attracted to another guy. He planned on telling her at lunch.

He sat through his classes and he waited for the lunch period to come. After a couple of hours of boring note taking, the bell that sent the students of to the first period of lunch finally rang. The tiger grabbed his bag, stuffed his textbook in, and ran out of the classroom. He carried his heavy bag down the hall, and then turned into the lunchroom as a wave of heat and the smell of bad food hit him. He looked around the sea of furs, looking for the familiar yellow Labrador. After spotting her in line, he walked up and greeted her.

"Hi Joshy!" said the perky canine, with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey Kayla." said the less enthusiastic tiger.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked as she took a couple of steps forward in the lunch line.

"Ummm..." said the uncomfortable feline, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, "Can I talk with you about something after you get your food?"

"Of course you can." laughed the perky lab, "You are like my best "guy-friend" and you should know you can talk to me about anything."

"Yeah, I know that." Josh said, "And what I am going to talk to you about is going to test the word "anything". I am going to wait at that empty table. Come over once you get your food, k?"

"Kk." Kayla said as her face developed a concerned look.

The tiger walked over to the empty table and sat down as he thought about how he was going to tell Kayla about his situation. He arranged the words and sentences in his head in many different ways and was in the process of arranging them in a different way when his train of thought was derailed by the sound of a plastic tray hitting the table next to him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" asked the Labrador.

"Oh... Ummm," Josh stammered as he tried to come up with the words. "Well, first off, I would really hope that what I say is just between us good friends."

"Of course." Kayla said as she wrapped some school spaghetti on her plastic fork.

"Well, I guess I will start with Tobias." said the feline as he played with the strap of his bag, "Ummm... It all started when he told me that he was dating Ky."

Pieces of spaghetti shot out of the mouth of the lab before her paw could contain them. "What?! Tobias is dating that new kid?"

"Shhh!" shushed the tiger, "Yeah. I was surprised too."

"Tobias is gay?" questioned canine.

"I guess so." Josh said, flicking a piece of the Italian dish off his arm, "But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh... Sorry," Kayla said as she tried to clean up the mess she made. "But I can't believe it. I have been his friend for so long. Why didn't he tell me?"

"He was probably scared." said the feline, "Anyways..."

"Oh yeah... Please continue." said the yellow lab apologetically.

"Well, when he told me that he was dating Ky, I kinda freaked out and it hurt him." the white tiger said as he sadness came over him from the thought of hurting his friend, "It took me several hours before I calmed down and I finally called him and apologized."

"That's good." said the canine.

"Yeah, and well after I got used to the fact that my best friend liked guys, I became more comfortable seeing him and Ky show their love for each other." Josh said as his friend nodded in understanding with him, "Anyway, a couple of nights ago, they were getting pretty affectionate on my couch, so I told them to go into the other room."

"That makes sense." Kayla said, "I would probably do the same."

"Yeah, well... Here's the weird part." said the tiger, looking down at his fiddling paws, "After they left the room, I could hear them messing around, and- and I..."

"And you what?" asked the concerned friend.

"And I kinda was jealous." said the nervous feline.

"What? What were you jealous of?" Kayla asked, even though she already knew.

"I was kinda jealous of... of Ky. I was and am jealous that Toby got to mess around with Ky and not me" Josh said before looking up to see his friend's reaction. He saw shock, but also concern and care.

"Oh," said the lab, "wow... This is a lot of stuff."

"Yeah." said the tiger, looking back down at his bag on the table.

"Well, why do you think you were jealous?" asked the friend.

"That's the thing. I don't know." Josh explained, "I have never been attracted to him, I just started once I found out he had a boyfriend."

"I see..." said the understanding canine, "Well; do you want to know what I think?"

"Yes please." said the feline, looking up in anticipation.

"Well, I think that you are a horny, yet sexually deprived teenage tiger, so finding out that your friend is ok with doing things with other guys opened thoughts that you never had." Kayla explained, "And the thought of doing things with your friend is attractive to you. I wouldn't start thinking you are gay just because you have thoughts of doing things with guys. I am pretty sure most guys go through a stage like this."

"Wow," said the feline, "That makes a lot of sense."

"Yeah, I know." chuckled the yellow lab, "You want to know something funny?"

"Yeah." Josh said as a small grin started to form on his face from the relief.

"Well, I have kinda had a huge crush on you for a long time." Kayla said as the skin on her face under her fur started to turn red. "So I don't want you to go and start thinking you are gay, cause that leaves no chance for me."

The tiger raised one eyebrow and grinned at his friend, "Really?"

"Yeah." said the canine, her face completely red.

"Well do you want to know something funny?" asked Josh.

"Sure." said the lab as she took a drink of milk, trying to get rid of her red face.

"I kinda have really liked you for a long time too." chuckled the white tiger.

Milk shot out of Kayla's nose and maw as she tried to cover her muzzle with her paw. This caused the feline to burst out into laughter.

"Heeey!" said the cute canine as she cleaned herself up, "You are making me lose too much of what goes into my mouth!"

"Sorry." said the tiger as his laughter subsided, "So, you have liked me for long time?"

"Ummm... Yeah." Kayla said as she started to blush again.

"Do you still like me?" asked the grinning tiger.

"Would it be a bad thing if I did?" asked the curious lab.

"Not at all," Josh said, "In fact, some might consider it a good thing. Maybe even a really good thing."

"Would you be in that group of "some"?" Kayla asked.

"Maybe..." said the feline as the smile on his face grew.


"Ohhh maaan," said canine after jumping from the startling bell, "Ummm, well you can call me tonight if you want to continue our conversation."

"I would like that." said Josh as he grabbed the female lab's tray for her.

"Well thanks." Kayla said as she followed the tiger to the trash cans, "You have my number right?"

"Yes I do." said the feline, dumping the remaining contents of the tray into the barrel full of discarded food.

"Good," said the canine, "Well I better get to class. I will be expecting that call tonight."

"Ok." the tiger said, "see ya."

"Bye." Kayla said before waving and walking out the door and walking down the hall.

Josh watched the beautiful canine walk away and smiled. He felt so good. The conversation had explained so much to him and even rekindled a small spark he had for a good friend. The relieved feline put the tray on the stack of other used trays and smiled as he grabbed his bag and walked towards his next class. It was funny how one conversation had suddenly changed his mood from skepticism to optimism.


Phew!... I finally got this chapter out... Sorry about the wait...

Hope you enjoy it and please comment and tell me what you think.