Chapter 1 - The beginings of a changing life

Story by lonelywolvenuk on SoFurry

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#1 of Loneliness, my darkest hour,an ancient and long forgotten power

OK...this is chapter 1. If this is liked and gets feedback i will write more chapters. I already have ideas for the next chapters but i'm not going to write them if people don't want them....

Also if under 18/21 don't read blah blah blah...


*BANG* The shot rang out piercing the near silence, the other sounds being his panicked breathing and racing heart. The tree he was crouched behind splintered as the hunter just missed his mark. "FUCK!" cried out the werewolf as he ran on again. His once white fur was now a brownish shade smeared with mud and other such things from running for his life through the Scottish country-side. His amber eyes once filled with joy and glee where now full of fear and terror. He ran on as fast his hind legs would carry him trying with all his might to avoid his hunter. He still kept running over the fields and down a hill, through a river and into the forest. No matter what he tried the hunter just wouldn't let him escape. As he turned sharply he slipped and fell. The hunter caught up to him and raised his gun. Their eyes met the hunters full of hate and the wolfs full of fear and wondering why the hunter felt he should die. The hunter pulled the trigger and time seemed to stand still...

+++ Six Months Ago+++

An average teenage boy began to stir. It was a day just like the others. He awoke as usual and got up for school. He stood there in the dim morning light looking at himself in the mirror. He sighed to himself as he studied his reflection as he mentally noted his bad points he reminded himself of how alone and depressed he was and why he felt sure no-one would want him. 17 years old, a bit over-weight, brownish/black hair with ginger in his facial hair if left long enough, green/blueish eyes, medium build, nearly 6 foot tall and average kid in every way. Well...almost. Unlike most of his peers he was Bisexual. He was content about it but his religious, oppressive parents had caused him many problems. Due to the beliefs they had given him he hated himself for most of his life, but a few months prior he had met some people online and they helped him to question his beliefs. That in turn lead to him leaving his parents faith and finally listening to the voice he had long since ignored and he had accepted himself as Bi a few weeks ago. His parents still thought he followed their faith as he didn't have it in him to tell them what he truly thought and felt. "JONATHAN HURRY UP!!" echoed through the house as he dad waited impatiently at the front door. His name was Jonathan...well that was what his parents had called him. He preferred to be called Jon. He felt Jonathan was too long and also as it meant "The Lord has given...Thank you" and he had left the faith it just didn't feel right. Jon quickly finished getting dressed and ran out to his dad's car.

The ride to school was dull and boring as usual. Jon listened to his ipod to drown out his dad's choice of radio station...BBC Radio 4, and of course it was an excuse to not talk to his dad. School it self was a drag. Classes where long and dull and the teachers just seemed not to care. Most of the others in his classes preferred to leave him alone and in all honesty he was quite happy with that as that was how it had always been. There where a few people he would talk to but not many. Most didn't share his interests and as he was a bit of a geek most thought him dull and a bore. He had one decent friend though, a girl in his English class. She had become a good friend since they had met in the summer and they trusted one another...she was one of only a handful in the school who knew Jon was Bi. As the day drew to a close Jon got another lift home from his dad. Once home he followed his nightly routine. He would go for a shower when he got home. A recent habit he had picked up was to explore himself more while showering. It had become a part of the routine, leaning against the wall moaning lightly as he slowly slid a finger slick with spit in and out of his anus. He often wondered why he didn't start doing this years just felt so damn good. After his shower he'd login to his computer and eat an hour later. From then until he went to bed he'd be online. He would stay on messenger and wait...after 2200 his parents would be settled down and watching the 'God Channel' and he would begin to relax. He'd hunt around and find the latest Yiff on his favorite site. After watching some yiff he'd go to bed. His bed was a double which felt so empty and amplified his loneliness. For a reason Jon didn't know he would shuffle over to the wall his bed was against and sleep with his back against it or his front pressed up against it as far as he could, odd as it was it was the only way he felt comfortable enough to sleep. Once he was comfy he would reach down slowly and begin to paw. Jon always cursed his father under his breath, just after Jon was born he was circumcised. His father claimed it was for 'medical reasons' but Jon still had a grudge about it, after sports in the showers he got unwanted comments over it hence the grudge. As his hand came in contact with the sensitive flesh he moaned lightly feeling his troubles become small as he began to loose himself in the pleasure this was producing. After a while of pleasuring himself he'd silently motion a moan...the first two years of high school he lived in a caravan with his dad Monday to Friday and had learned to be silent when he came and this habit stayed with him ever since...except on the RARE occasion he managed to please himself better than usual in that case he would grunt lightly...but that was rare. After he'd finished he'd wipe his hands on his boxers and not care about the mess or smell...He didn't care if his mum knew what he did or not. Jon would then roll on his side and be hit with the feeling and reality of how lonely he was...then on the verge of tears he'd fall asleep. That was his life and at the weekends he worked all day in a local supermarket. It was all he could do save telling his parents what he thought of their faith and ruining the remainder of his time at home. So he 'bit the bullet' and let his dull life carry on in the hopes one day it would change and get better. Finally things would change...for the better?...perhaps...

It was a stormy Thursday night when Jon's life would change. Thursday was a good day for Jon. His parents had a church prayer meeting each week and so he was home alone for a few hours which allowed him to surf the Internet in peace, with enough time to clean up properly afterwards. Tonight however things would change. Jon needed to get a CD rack down from the attic so he grabbed a torch and went up to look for it. He found some thing else instead...the family chest. Now Jon's family was an odd mix. His dad was Scottish and his mother South African. He was born in South Africa and moved to Scotland when he was 3 years old. His accent was a bit mixed up because of this. On his dads side there was a family legend. The legend said that a long time ago there was a member of the family who had great power and magic and could do many things with it. The family member was put to death for his powers but he had a child before that happened. Jon was a descendant of that child. The possessions of the child's father where placed in a chest that was cursed that if it left the family then the person who got rid of it would die. Once it had happened and the person died a mysterious and nasty death so no-one dared to get rid of it since. Most members of the family where too afraid to even open it, but Jon would be the one change it all. Ever since he was a kid he had been fascinated by magic even though his parents had taught him to stay away from it. Jon carried the chest down from the attic and to his room. Slowly he opened the chest and had a look inside. There where a few books and strange objects with odd symbols on them. Jon took out the contents and placed them in the drawer under his bed and put the chest back in the attic. Just as he closed the trap-door to the attic he heard his parents return. He carried on as normal and would wait until the following week to have a better look at the books he had now acquired.


OK i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing it. Please comment honestly and if the replies are good i will write more.