The Nightmare Begins

Story by Darkwolf1 on SoFurry

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#1 of Experiment Triple Zero

Ok I came up with the idea for this story series originally but since I lacked the writing skills I have gone into business with another author. I hope you all enjoy this series its still in the making so please be patient as like the rest of you I have to wait for each new chapter to be finished too.

Written by: The_GreatCorncob

Thought up and created by: Darkwolf1

If your underage or you don't like the stuff in this series then don't read it. Lilo and Stitch are owned and copy write to Disney Corp. The only character I own is Legion experiment 000.

Experiment Triple Zero: The Nightmare Begins

Ah Hawaii, a tropical paradise where people come to surf, hula, and tour. But on one particular island of Hawaii, some extra attraction takes place, aliens. 626 aliens to be exact.

Young girl Lilo, a part time 7 year old agent of the government and her illegal genetic experiment friend who poses as her dog, had managed to capture 625 evil genetic experiments and turn them all good to work on the island each serving various duties in which their specific powers and abilities were perfect for their work.

But unbeknownst to these two experiment catchers, a new and more powerful experiment was about to awaken. One that would take a great deal of effort to defeat, one that they had no knowledge even having existed.

Currently in space...

"Warning, approaching planet, current destination is being altered due to gravitational pull. Please initiate thruster engines to maintain course..." said the computer pilot trying to warn the actual pilot to steer away from the planet Earth and continue on it's course to destruction inside a black hole.

But sadly there was no pilot, the current' ship's course was destined for a black hole in which to dump it's cargo, yet the pilot had been killed several months ago. The gruesome remains of the fish like alien still lay slumped on the seat with a metal pipe jammed through it's shoulder, nailing it to the seat. Located next to the cock pit was an experiment container where inside was a rather furious blob of slime with glowing red orbs for eyes. It knew nobody was coming, it had already slaughtered nearly everybody before they finally managed to seal it up with their last breaths, that is what the pilot had done shortly before bleeding to death. The Pilot looking very similar to a certain purple evil scientist except that he was a few feet taller and more bulky in size.

The ship was C class, a rather medium class cruiser big enough for a pilot, a small handful of passengers, and a cargo hold. The planet's gravity caught hold of the shuttle and began to pull it down, leaving the passenger who was restrained inside a container to watch as it went hurdling down for the very island in which the experiments lived in Hawaii. The passenger was seemingly frightened as it twitched and wiggled inside the container, but with it being a blob with eyes, it had difficulty expressing actual emotion, having no face to do so. It struggled to break free as the ship began to rock violently with the G-force as the ship buckled and creaked under entering the atmosphere


Lilo grunted as Stitch helped her onto the roof of the house while holding a plate of sandwiches as he steadied her. The roof was always fun to eat on, so high up and relatively easy to relax on. Lilo giggled as she saw Stitch helping her up with his lower arms while using his upper arms to hold the sandwiches and hold him onto the roof.

"Thanks Stitch!" called Lilo as they finally got up onto the house and began to grab sandwiches off the plate to eat. The house was located up a hill, giving them a rather nice view of the forest around it and the trail leading into town. Suddenly in the middle of their second sandwich, Stitch saw a flash of light in the sky and pointed at it with a yelp. Lilo looked up and gasped.

"Wow, a shooting star, and it's day time!" she shouted as the two of them watched the light streak across the sky, "Make a wish!" she added as they continued to watch.

"Meega wish for more adventure. Like when Gantu attack cousins." said Stitch with a laugh. But as he finished saying it, a drop of rain fell from the sky and landed on his head, making the experiment growl as more rain slowly plopped down.

"oh no, it's raining!" whined Lilo as Stitch helped her off the roof, not wanting to be near water, especially not the rain, he grabbed the plate of sandwiches but not before scarffing down the rest of them in one massive gulp

Back with the ship...

The cock pit of the ship practically exploded into shrapnel, sending data disks and circuits sprawling across the landing area, a five foot deep hole in the ground. The impact had shattered the container the passenger was in and leaving a smoking wreck of the ship as the slime oozed up out of the wreckage. It did so with difficulty, raising a slimy tentacle up which quickly slapped down to the ground and melted into a puddle as if exhausted before it formed back into a tentacle again and tried once more to raise up only to drag itself a few inches and slam back down.

The rain plopping down around it began to grow heavier and as the rain connected with the slime, it seemed to gain more strength

Lightning began to flash around the forest, lightning up the clouded sky, within moments, a bolt of lightning crashed down and struck the ship dead on, in that instant, the blob shifted from being a simple blob, into a complete replicate of Stitch, shortly before the ship began to malfunction from the surge of electricity. It looked in the direction of the city and chuckled.

"Time to have some fun!" it laughed before it began to head for the city streets.

As it left the wreckage, a damaged computer terminal in the ship tried to speak.

"Wa-war-warning-ing-ing. Exper-er-eriment Legion-Legion- activated...." it stuttered before going dim and deactivating as the experiment continued on it's way into the city.

After a few minutes of continuous walking, the rain seemed to let up enough for the sun to shine through the clouds, but still continued to sprinkle. The experiment frowned at this, he had no idea what this strange light was as he had spent nearly his whole existence in a space ship up till now. Fearing that it was hazardous, he tried to seek shelter in the shade of some nearby trees as he watched the sun fall down around the land.

Legion ,as he was known, tried his best to stay out of the sun by sticking to the shadows until eventually coming to a small clearing where he had no choice but to enter the sunlight. As he did so, he realized that the sunlight was relatively harmless. Although it did feel warm to the touch, it didn't seem to have any negative effects on his body, much to his relief as he stopped trying to hide in the shade and continue the normal and quick way through the forest without all the ducking and weaving through bushes. It took a good while but eventually, he reached the outskirts of the city, a small forest edge along the city street. He smiled as he knew the fun that he could have, but at the moment he hadn't seen anybody to play with. He hastily ran into the streets and ducked behind a building to keep out of view of any enemies who might be about, the building seemed to be a house as he was in the back yard under a tree.

Looking inside the house from a window, he noticed that nobody was home, he sighed as he would just have to search for more playmates and quickly dashed to the next house over to find that although this one was inhabited, they appeared to be having some sort of party and there were far too many people to sneak in. Growing frustrated, he continue don't to three more houses, finally coming to the house of a girl named Myrtle as he peaked inside and saw Myrtle with three friends just talking while her mother was on the phone.

"Screw it, I'm going for this house..." he growled as he liquefied himself and slipped into the cracks on the windows, accidentally landing inside the kitchen sink as he fell down the drain. Using his molding powers, he expanded himself to be too large to fit down the sink but instead was stuck inside it as he listened.

Myrtle's mother got off the phone apparently distressed and told the girls she had to go close a business deal with one of their clients so they would be at the house alone while she was gone. Legion smiled to himself at this news as he heard her grab her purse and keys before leaving.

"Hey, what should we do now?" asked one of Myrtle's friends as Legion listened, he wasn't quite sure who had said it but shortly after, some rather commanding voice answered.

"Lets go to my room and listen to my new music CD, it's the latest album and it's autographed!" said the voice as the girls squealed in delight before rushing off. Legion didn't know why he was hiding, he would have easily been able to take on the 4 girls as he slithered out of the drain and took on his Stitch shape again. Looking around, he didn't seem to see anyone around until he heard a shrill bark and whipped around to see Gigi barking at him. He instantly fired a burst of goo at the alien dog and sent it flying against the wall where it lay stuck in an almost cocoon like state, still able to breathe but not talk.

Suddenly, the barking had attracted one of the girls and the commanding voice was heard as it opened the door to Myrtle's room.

"Hold on girls, I'm gona go see what's up with Gigi..." said the voice as she closed the door behind her and headed for the kitchen where legion and Gigi were at. Legion smiled to himself, this was perfect for his needs, he looked back to the dog like alien and gave a slight nod of thanks as the experiment growled at him in response.

Legion hid around the corner as Myrtle came into the kitchen to see what was causing gigi to bark and the moment she saw her dog stuck to the wall in slime, she almost let out a loud yelp before a fur covered hand clasped her moth shut while another grabbed the inside of her left thigh.

Legion was a bit disappointed, the girl was pretty chubby, but that didn't matter, he had 3 other lovely girls in which to play with later on.

"Time to have some fun..." he said flatly as his hand on her thigh began to rub her gently before using a claw to slice away the fabric of her shirt until she was completely topless which caused her to moan into his hand in fear.

"You're going to be my first of my legion, then I'll use you to get the other girls to come out here one by one..." said the experiment as it began to play with her small nipples, unwillingly for her growing erect and stiff before two lower sets of arms ripped away her pants and panties to leave her naked in the kitchen. Legion shot a tentacle out to wrap around her wrists and hold them up in the air while using another tentacle to gag her mouth shut, thus allowing all four of his arms to access her body.

Using his lower arms, he gripped her ankles and forces them apart to reveal her bald slit while using his upper arms to hold her hips steady before releasing two more tentacles to her buttocks and her virgin slit.

"Lets have some fun!" he cheered before the tentacles shot forward...