The Shepherds Wife 02 Trick in the trade

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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"Shepherds wife 02 trick in the trade"

Ronnie- human male

Sandy (freckles)-border collie female

Andy-rough collie male.

Thanks Luca, for the helpful advice in the male part of the story. It's more of a plot builder than anything really. Oh now don't get me wrong, it's chalk full of yiff too.

I hope this story is a good follow up. Let me know what ya think, rant or rave. There was really no way of following the previous storys' twists. This story is not ment to do anything but further a plot along. If you like what I'm doing, let me know. If you would like to see something. I can make it happen. As you will see. There are things that can be deeper than the sea, and as shallow as a grave. Or perhaps your just here for the pr0n. in wich case your lucky because it's near the beginning ^.^

PC morality nazis can polish my brassy knob and give me a rim job. Aww did that offend you ,.. Good. However if you are convenced that this is a good idea or a perk,.. by all means I'm for it ^.^

As usual. Your kid, your problem. Watch the littl fucker and you can keep your scocaly deprived lackey with no life but you forever Awww,.. Norman.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ronnie sighed and shook his head at sandy. Sandy looked sadly up to the human. He was her lover, her savior, master and now, teacher. "okay" the human explained to the collie femme with patiance. " 'c' here is a kay sound, it's ku at, cat." He said pointing at the word. Sandy nodded and began again in a soft and stuttering voice.

"th ee, Ku at, en, th ee, hu at" she stammered and looked up at her master curiously, like a unsure daughter. She watched him nod. "Now read it faster" he emplored

"thee kat en thee hat" she furrowed her brow "the cat in the hat?" She looked up to ronnie with a confused look on her muzzle. "The cat in the hat? That's odd"

"It's just a childs book, you have been doing really well learning the alphabet and hoped you could read, and comprehend, and maybe see how your imagination would work."

Sandy shrugged and looked back at the book. Then she grinned and shot a look up to her master. "I'm reading, I'm reading words!" Ronnie could not help but laugh and hug her from behind. "That's right, lets see how well you do, keep going."

Sandy looked on the next page " it, whas a rr ah, er rrain, rainy,.." ronnie grinned at how dillegently she attacked the consept of reading. She flew thrugh the cat in the hat and streighet into the little engine that could, both before a rough collie came in, he pulled a harness off his thick orange and white coat and shook a bit, earning a scolding look from the border collie. Andy looked guilty and offered a small appology before slinking out the kitchen and into a bathroom. Sandy sighed putting her book down and getting the broom and dustpan to clean up the shaken off mess the other collie left while ronnie was making their supper.

Andy showed back up almost dry form a shower and thick fur brushed. He sat at the table listening to sandy read, stumbling and then flowing quickly before hitting another long word. He took the childs book from her and looked at it, shook his head and handed it back to her.

"You know ronnie can teach you to read too." Sandy told him as she took her book back

Andy shook his head "nah, What would I do if I could read? I'm a ranch dog, not a scholar, what can a dog do reading?"

Ronnie looked over to the collie shrugged, making sure he saw it and turned back around to serve out food.

Sandy told Andy about the small stories she had read and her opinion of each. Andy smiled and listened, as did Ronnie.

Sandy flew thrugh washing the dishes to get back to reading simple stories from small childrens books. Ronnie had gone on a spree buying all the old first reader books he could find for the collie to absorb. He had accually converted his mother's old room into a small library for her. He had taken a lot of pride in stripping the last remnants of his mother from the house.

Months had past sence their near escape from the law. Ronnie had made plans to expand production on the ranch after the winter, that way he had almost a full year before wool went back up. And he would be there to collect. He watched sandy and andy as she read to him. He had grown close to them both. Andy was a hard worker. He was happy to have the dog at his farm.

Andy stood as sandy finished the short book. He leaned over to sandy talking to her softly, far below the hearing of Ronnie. Sandy nodded and smiled reasuringly. Ronnie paid them no attention as he turned the telivision on.

He paid little attention to Sandy as she nuzzled to his side. He wenced and looked to her as she stuck her fingers under his nose. The sweet scent tinged with iron overwhelmed his nose.

He looked to the collie scowling, before his body and mind registered the familiar scent. It had been months, and then he had no intrest in her in that way.

Sandy smiled as she licked her own heat scented fingers and wrapped her arms about him. She straddled over his hips, a small wet spot forming on his jeans as she planted her tongue in his mouth. Ronnie gasped letting her tongue thrugh with no resistance. He felt lightheaded as the collie's tongue lapped inside his mouth, playing at the backs of his molars. Blissfully he wrapped his arms about the passionate collie and held her as they kissed.

Ronnie's touch sated her primal need. Quieted her soul as his simple caresses of tongue and palm played her sences. She shifted sliglty up and watched as her master lifted his hips toward her stripping them of his pants before sitting back down. Sandy sat on her masters' lap. Ronnie could not belive how soft her velvety folds were against him. Sandy took the hem of his shirt and lifted the garment over his head to land in some uncared place.

Sandy sighed looking at the body of her human lover as her furred form pressed against it. She felt his arousal and ground her hips to his. She gasped as she felt her swollen folds take him.

Ronnie could not belive the hot confines of the collie, her silken feel was like nothing he had ever imagined. He took ragged breaths as her body moved against his, her fur to his flesh, but still he held her tighter. Sandy whimpered and growled her pleasure then took on a murr that only grew in pitch and then peaked to a howel.

Ronnie breathed hevily into the collis's bousom as he filled her with his useless seed. But still she sat on him holding him as their fluids mingled. She laid on him contently after he had left her body. He stroked her coat and nuzzled her. It was a pitty humans and genomes could not breed, not without manipulation on his part. There was no way he could afford to have it done. He had accepted the realisation that Sandy would more than likely is the only female in his life now.

He squeezed Sandy to him a moment "I love you freckles."

Sandy nuzzled him her soft pawpad on his chest with the rest of her upper body. She scritched the fine hairs on his chest and looked up to him. "and that means all the world to me Ronnie."

Her human lover stroked between her ears and kissed her nosepad. "So I take it Andy knew you were in heat long before this."

Sandy nodded "I wanted to have you first." She said cuddling her muzzle under his chin to his neck.

Ronnie nibbled on a felt ear as his collie pet his chest softly.

The hour grew later when the two got up and headed to the bedroom. There Andy sat on the floor watching a small telivision. He leapt up and flipped it off and smiled.

Sandy nuzzled Ronnie and in an almost appologetic tone "Andy agreed to let me have you first, but now we're tieing for a litter."

Ronnie kissed her and smiled. "I hope so, you will be a fine mother, freckles"

Sandy grinned and licked his chin.

"I'll just let you two have a bit of privacy."


the volume and intencity of the vocalisation made both Ronnie and Sandy jump and stare at a somewhat self concious looking collie male.

"It's okay. I would accually like it if you did stay if you want."

Sandy looked up to ronnie, " Andy likes to have an audience." The femme looked to the male collie "He prefers it."

Ronnie shrugged, a few months ago he would have never concidered bestiality, but now it was common place to him as sheereing sheep. Now he would watch two dogs hump. But it was nothing like that. The care and intencity Andy put to culling the border collie made him hot. Andy's tongue slithered over a perfect little triangilar fold, the reddish pink was purely erotic just to look at as the collie's tongue passed over the soft flesh. He watched sandy squirm with a tinge of jelousy under the collie males' menstrations. The excitement mounted as Andy mounted Sandy like a pair of dogs do. Ronnie stroked himself unconcious of the action as the male collie entered the femme. The pitch of her howls and the animal power of the dog thrusting into the bitch. Her body shuddered and she pulled foreward a bit as Andy leaned back and pulled his left leg over her back and they sat tail to tail, panting their tails twined as one.

Ronnie felt mixed about the situation. He tried to explaint it away as simple christion morals of monogamy. Wich probably did not apply to dogs, but he still felt angry and turned on and jelious. Ronnie tried to cap an envious torrent of other emotions as he watched the two dogs locked together until their break. They licked eachother clean. He felt inadaquit to equil the passion of the canines. That was before the both of them looked up at Ronnie.

"You know Andy, our human is all dirty." The femme collie grinned coyly at Ronnie. The human looked like he suddenly felt, like running. He never had a chance. Sandy reached him first, Andy assisting her in hearding the human to the bed. Sandy strattled Ronie's hips, lying over his body as her tongue began to lap over his upper chest. Ronnie moaned lifting his chin for her. The soft firm feel of her tongue over his throat and along his ears, her very arousing body pressed to him, then surrounding him as he felt another tongue on his foot. Tiny teeth nibbling with a toungue running behind. The mans' brain could not comprehend most things as the extacy coursed thrugh his body.

Sandy shifted up over his chest with her hips. He could see the pink seperating the dark canine mound. The sweet fragrance of her aroused sex in his brain. He lifted his hands to her rump, his fingers to her tail and pulled her over his face.

The collie gripped the headboard tightly as the humans' tongue delved into her. Ronnie wiggled as a furred body covered his legs a tongue lapping over his hard shaft. Ronnie squeeded the collies' rump to him as he felt the warm tongue press to the bace of his shaft, then enveloped in the warm confines of a muzzle, a very talented muzzle. As the lips pressed to the bace of his shaft, the tongue pressed farther to lap between his balls and then trailed behind on the upstroke countering the canines' rough edge on the roof of the mouth.

Sandy whimpered under the lapping, Ronnie's tongue exploring the walls where Andy and he had taken her as mate. Ronnie gasped as the coolness of the air surrounded his member then was emerced in a hot tight organic oven. Ronnie pressed Sandy off of his face as his hands reached the hips that held him inside. The rough collie looked surpprised and scared, both things that didn't register in Ronnie, all he could think about was how hot and tight and needy he was. Sandy's scent still filled his lungs as her body pressed to his back, her paws teasing his nipples with subtle grace. One of her paw traced around ronnies' rear and between his legs to cup and fondle his sac.

Ronnie panted like the dog he was inside. The sound of copious spurts of liquid form the dogs arousal hitting the sheets was lost to them all as the extacy took on its own life. Muzzles met eachother and a mouth. Fingers and paws touched and caressed until the rough collie felt the pulce of the shaft inside him.

The world seemed to stop for Ronnie. He looked down at where he was what he had done. He knew what he was doing when he humped into the male collie's tail. But he didn't want to stop, didn't care. But now he no longer had lust clouding his mind. He pulled out of Andy and looked at Sandy confused. Without a word he sliped from the bed and to the bathroom.

Both canines looked to eachother, Sandy looked extreamly scared to Andy's look of overbearing guilt.

What do you think he will,.. " Sandy finally managed to squeek

"I don't know." Andy cut her off " Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should have asked. Or better yet, just not have mentioned it at all. Just kept on going as before." Andy sighed and let his tail droop "maybe my pleasure was not worth it."

Sandy put her paw on his shoulder, he looked to her and shrugged it off as he stood and headed to the bathroom door.

* * * * *

Ronnie sat at the edge of the bathtub. He didn't know what to think. He just fucked his male dog in the ass! The worst part was he knew what he was doing. He remembered everything. He couldn't come up with a reliable thought as to why. What was he to do? The dog? Then it hit him. Andy was a dog, a genome. What he did with a genome didn't really count. But then that would negate Sandy. He remained sitting staring blank as his mind when suddenly a light tap came at the door. The door opened lacking any locks, and Andy poked his head around the corner. Ronnie just looked blankly at him. Andy shut the door behind him and went to his haunches, sitting very doglike.

"Ronnie, Sir, I'm sorry, If you want me to go,..." the collie really didn't want to go. He liked it here with his new family, no matter how strange they were. But in order to keep Sandy safe and cared for, he would leave. Maybe for the better the collie thought. Andy stood and left the bathroom.

Andy just shrugged and looked down to Sandys' anxious look. "I don't kow, he didn't say a thing. I,.." Andy just shook his head and went downstairs. Sandy followed him trying to figure a way out of this, she got away with murder, well self defence as it was, but still, she had to get out of this.

Just then she heard a call for both of them from upstairs. The collie's streaked upstairs and into Ronnie's presence. Ronnie looked at both of them with a haughtly stare. "Sandy!" she jumped as he pointed her out "I can't but believe you were in on this."

The guilty femme looked down, but her eyes still on him. "yes" she meeped confession.

But already Ronnies' attention focused on Andy. The normaly proud and flamboyant collie shrank under the scruteny. "Maybe I took you from something more important that I did not know about. And your willingness to impose on me your wants." The collies really shrank at this. Both wanted to explain, but what was there really to argue?

Ronnie sighed and looked at the collies shaking his head. As he paced around the two deciding their fates. "I'm highly dissappointed in both of you. No one more than the other because you are both at fault for deciving me and then using pheremones to seduce me. All you had to do was ask., but you chose another rout. One I have to say I'm not happy you took at all."

The collies looked shamedly with whipped dog postures as the speaking continued.

"I respected you both, gave you protection and care and thought of your needs and you never were totally honest to me. And I don't know what to do about that."

Sandy's legs were trembling in fear as the bare footfalls of their master circled them. You two obviously had sex with me of your own free wills, meaning you chose to be with me. The both of you" Ronnie put a hand on each canine shoulder and waited for them to look up at him. " I never realised I was such an icon of canine desire. But you showed me your free wills and that you can act on your own desires." He sighed deeply and looked down a moment "I love you both, I had no idea, Andy, you wanted to take it further, but if Sandy takes me and loves me, I think you can be entitled to that same. After all, you told me of Sandy's love for me" the border collie looked momentarily surpprised at learing of her secret's betrayal." I'll be more attentive to both of you in the future.

Andy looked to his master confused. He wanted to smile, perhaps he had heard wrong. He kept himself as impassive as possible.

Ronnie smiled and purpusfully took both of Andy's paws in his hands and looked at the dog until Andy looked up to his eyes. "I know who you are Andy. I Am not going to send you away, or try to punish you. You should have told me" But ronnie knew he would have probably balked at the idea. But he could not deny the dog was skillfull and a want of a future endevor. "You deserve your place with us, and as fucked up as my life continues to become out the boundries of normal. I say to hell with the system." He looked severly at the both of them. "But nothing goes beyond the confines of we three. Understood?"

Two collie heads bobbed with the still drooped look of beaten curs. Ronnie ruffed both the dogs' heads. "Now it's cleanup time" and he smiled taking them both by the paw to the bathroom. I think we'll try it doggie style before we do it the human way." The canines chuckled softly at their fortune. And scurried up to their master, lover, or mate?

* * * * * * *

Eight months. It sounds like a long time, almost a year, but it comes sooner than one would imagine. Sandy thought it would last forever after the fifth month of her belly growing. She slowed little and kept up on her reading and had graduated to novelettes by the time she sat up and soaked the bed in her urine. But it didn't smell like urine.

She suddenly yelped earpiercingly and rolled out of the bed, taking to all fours, squatting as the fluid flowed from her sex matting the fur that ronnie had left after he shaved the back of her haunches for just this occasion. She had seen the ewes birth lambs before, they made it seem so easy. But this hurt. She was frightened to the core, stark terror of the unknown. This was nothing like the lambing. The femme collie tried to yelp again as another wave of pain took her but could only whimper as she pushed instinctively. Before she could loll her tongue out panting from the exertion she felt hands at her back and paws at her tail.

The terrified femme looked over to Ronnie. He smiled nerviously to her and reassured her she was fine. She was about to protest when the sharp pain and the need to push came again to her.

She gripped Ronnie by the shoulders and shook him severly. "You!" she snarled then in almost the same breath she mewed "Help me, I'm scared. I don't know if this is right." She panted and laid her head against his midsection.

Ronnie looked over to Andy "Everything looks fine here, Sandy" he said her name as an afterthought as he reported to Ronnie.

Ronnie petted her and took the pain of her claws gouging the flesh form his shoulders as she pushed again. Andy smiled and watched as a veiny mucus sack finally fell form the bitchs' body. He ripped the sack open and pulled out the pup. Instinctivley he licked it.

Ronnie took great reliefe when Sandy relented her grip on his shoulders. He thought she would slump down and pant or be otherwise debilitated after such a strain. To his surpprise she turned around to meet Andy already chewing off the umbilical of the mewling pup. Sandy looked motherly, not a crease of pain as testamant to the blood and fluids on the floor as she silenced the pups mewing with her nipple. She smiled at Ronnie and presented a better look to the whelp. It was the spitting image of Sandy. A perfect little border collie.

He touched the pups' head and her mother's cheek. "you do make beautiful puppies" in his gut his heart sank. He had a life where he had love and support beyond his wildest dreams. A family no matter how strange, that had been thrugh hell and back. But children would not be one of those things, not in the sence of being fathered by him. He sighed both in joy for Sandy and regret for himself.

"Well you had a half in the making." Sandy jested to him and he laughed.

"Well Andy would have more than I really, but thanks for including me"

Sandy looked up to him in her new motherly fasion as she watched Ronnie strip the sheets off the bed.

He shook his head and motioned for Andy to help pick her up.

"You know that you sired the pup Ronnie." The male collie told factually as they helped the sore new mother to a clean bed in a guestroom.

Ronnie smiled and shook his head. "It's not possible without specal surgery to the testicals for a human to impregnate a Genome." They helped Sandy into the bed and brought her pillows to lean on as the pup suckled.

"Look at the paws." Andy showed his paw and then had sandy show hers. "See how we both have kinda bent fingers, the pads are still thick where our claws are, we have more extended paws than a hand really." He then took the pups hand from the grip on her mothers snowy fur and showed the stricken looking human. "See the fingers, how streight they are? And look at the pads, they're there, but smoother. More like your own hand." The male collie looked to Ronnie.

Ronnie was shaken. Genomes were not widespread enoough and not a lot of eccentric rich folks had bought into the alterations enough for Sandy to have come from one of their lines. There was no way to explain what he saw there befor him now. He reached to the puppies' paw. His heart nearly leapet form his chest as the all too human fingers gripped in an infants' fasion to his didgit. Ronnie was torn between the possability that he had fathered the pup and the world rending ramifications it would present. But maybe it was a fluke.

Ronnie sat on the bed beside the collie. He only then realised that there were no other colors than her mothers'. She was all black and white. Not a touch or hint of orange. Was this truly his daughter? Maybe Sandys' genes were just stornger than Andys'. But that could not explain the fingers, or the feet on further inspection. The puppy had digigrade legs and paws, only the toes were longer and the pad wider than both parents. Unless he was one of the parents. But then that would mean that Genomes were not just pets. Beasts of burden to be used and discarded as humans oft did.

Ronnie looked to the pup and her mother. He could not help but smile thinking about the prospect that the little girl in Sandy's arms was indeed fathered by him. His child, his puppy nurcing and fidgeting in the first hours of life. He let the dark things pass to just hold to that image. The glowing canine smile from Sandy gave him resolve. He would find out, and if this was his daughter, he would fight hard for her. He had to be sure, but now was the time to watch after the new mother.

* * * * * * * * *

Porn and taxes. That's all the internet meant to him. Now it was a tool of infinate importance as he searched out for Genome sexuality. It did lead to some porn sites and to private and Gentechs' studies saying that there was no human cloning used in the creation of genomes. They were incapable of breeding outside the altered Genome pool. Ronnie was half relieved and half dissapointed at the news and reports. Until he found some off the wall sites on Genomes and human women birthing genome pups. He thought they were all tabloid rumors until he saw vidio. Even then there were editing techniques to account for the realism.

Still unsure he plodded on into the night. Refusing meals and a prompt to go to bed form Andy. Ronnie felt there was something big. The answer that he sought. And indeed he found it. phone numbers and addresses and photos. Photos with genome children with definate human hands, just like the pup Sandy birthed. Only these pictures were as up in age as nine years old. It was in dutch (as zoophilia was not illeagal there) but the photos showed Genomes with green eyes. Breeds with blue eyes where there was no gene specifications for it.

Ronnie took down the international numbers and their American contacts thrugh them and instantly got offline and took up the telephone.

"Hello?" came a soft voice

"Hello is this Rebecca Pheffer?" Ronnie asked past a lump in his throat

"Hold on please." Came the soft voice then a calling of mom off the line. "there is a man on the phone,.. No, I don't know."

"Who is this?" asked what he knew as a childs voice.

"Ronald Shaw."

The child relayed the message as he heard the phone taken. "hello" came a female voice "this is Rebecca."

Ronald suddenly found his voice creaky as his mouth went dry. "I'm sorry for calling you like this, but I heard on a website that you and a Genome,. Er that you had a genome child." Ronnie felt like shooting himself. He expected her to just hang up and was happy at the angry sounding voice on the other end.

"Yea, what's it to you?" came the answer filled with scorn. I love Bandit very much and I'm proud to have his pups."

"No, no no Ronnie cut her off. I'm calling because I need to know if it's possible that I fathered a puppy on my border collie."

The voice on the other side was quiet. Ronnie felt a shiver pass him. Then a soft consoling voice came back. "I'm sorry. I get a lot of bad phone calls. So you have a collie huh?"

Ronnie sighed "Yes. I didn't think that I could get her pregnant."

The woman giggled on the other side "Yea, well that makes two of us." She giggled "But yes, it is possible you are her puppies father. Did you have sex when she was in heat?"

"Yes" ronnie replied wanting to trust her. needed to trust her, someone.

"It is more than likely possible that she did have your pup. Does it look like the fingers are more human.

The comparisons and questions went on. Nothing truly confirming until she agreed to meet him. She lived only two hours away. He would let her and her family come to his house.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sandy and Andy stared at their human like parents wondering what to do with a bad child.

"Just between us three only." Sandy sneered

Ronnie looked streight faced at the two. " Funny. Seriously though. I have to figure out if she" he emphasised the puppy. "Is my daughter for real or if she is just a mutation from you two."

Sandy honestly looked hurt at Ronnie. "If she is yours, from your sireing? What then?"

"Then we will raise our daughter on this farm and make sure she is well loved and educated to run this ranch when she inherits it." Ronnie snapped with nervious agitation.

He sighed and put his hands to his face resting like a sad sculpture. "I'm sorry," he spoke past his palms. "I know our family will be safe, but if this is wide spread. Well,.. shit could hit the fan."

Ronnie sighed. His collies could be in more danger if people decided that they were a threat to the human race. Much less a threat to breeding humans. Hopefully Rebecca could shed light on some answers.

* * * * * * * *

The collies watched the small malamute child wander the house with his paws away form the things in the house. He looked like a normal genome. Only his fingers and brauder ball of his feet gave any hint to a genetic alteration. His mother and father sat on the couch across from Ronnie. A small woman in all aspects exept a swollen belly, obviously carrying another child. She was very athletic, held the paw of a large malmute with an almost raccoon like mask over his eyes.

"I was only seventeen when I found my feelings for Bandit." She said leaning on the dog. "My parents were parents. After all no mother or father wants their little girl to get knocked up so young. The only thing was, I was a virgin until bandit and I,.. " she cut herself off, then continued. "I didn't have any other lovers and I was pregnant. When an ultrasound late in the third trimester showed a muzzle and tail. I was suddenly approched by Gentech and all my bills were paid off. They tried to take my little Serge until I threatened to sue. So they settled as long as I signed a gag order.

The woman smiled and drank a little of the offered tea. "I was quiet until I thought of others who had genome pups." She leaned foreward. "I'm always glad to help those as confused and scared as I was when I learned I was having a puppy." She looked to her canine lover. The malamute smiled canine back to her.

"Her parents tossed her out, as well as me. I guess the only thing worse than finding your kid knocked up, was finding out the family dog did it." The malamute took up the conversation. "I took care of her on the street until she was able to take on a waitressing job and we got a cheep appartment."

We still manage and I home school Serge. He is quite smart. We were found by a support group that hacked Gentech's mainfraim. The hackers are still in prison but the reports were out. It's just very hushed. I'm sure you realise what could happen if it was found out that genomes can overbreed humans. Knowing this, it has been in both our best intrests to keep on the down."

Ronnie nodded. "That's exacly why I called you. I wasn't sure." He looked over to Sandy as she watched the young malimute playing with Andy, the pup in her arms. He then turned back to Rebecca. "And that is the second,.." he thought for a moment. "pup?"

The woman smiled patting her extended abdoman. "Yea, I think I can do it at home. I had one, I don't want the adninistrative attention. It is possible for the government to get us all on indecent acts." She looked to Ronnie sternly. There are those who would shoot us all, Genomes and those who support them, much less hybrids. It's also in the governments. Few governments would welcome us or Genomes if a threat to human existance is even suspected." She took another swallow of tea. "But for now we even have government protection because of the govenrmrnt fundings and support for their creation. And the problems that would be any polatitions nightmare. Try to get reelected with the planet on fire."

Again he replied with a nod. "what can we do? Are we okay?"

The woman shrugged. "well there have been no gestapo raids or anything. But honestly, I don't know. As long as we support eachother and stay out of the mainstream media. We should be allright."

She sighed deeply.

Ronnie looked back to the pup in Sandies' arms. He felt like a weight was balanced on him. A heavy weight of possabilities, lifted by the knowlage, that he had a daughter. He rose form the chair, walking toward the border collie. She caught his movement and wagged her tail a bit as she stpped closer to him. He took his daughter form her arms and held her close. Things could go so very wrong. But right now. Just now. Everything was allright, as he held his daughter close.


Remember to leave me a note. It's the nice thing to do.