The Hearts Of Dragons

Story by Larynkir on SoFurry

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The Hearts Of Dragons. By Pyroxene K.--A story for a friend. Edited by him.-Inspired by a dragoness very dear to me. A pair of golden eyes gazed over Arein's snout as she woke, those beautiful, golden eyes she had seen many times before, and over the years came to love with such burning affection. It was the eyes of a feral dragoness, simply named Storm. Storm was a young adult, a few years beyond her maturity point and was a good 20 foot long in length. This dragoness wore proud scales of dark blue, with strange golden ornate lines running from her nose, adorning her entire body in lightning shaped streaks. Her head wore two, slight backward curving long horns, as dark as the blackest of nights. she was no doubt a most beautiful creature.Storm gazed across to her beloved mate, Arein, from where she lay nestled against her side, she much admired Arein for her gentle voice, but not only that, to Storm, Arein's personality was unmatched by any being for what she thought was an endless space, filled of stars - other life. She was kind beyond all words Storm could express, and her love knew no boundary, she enjoyed life as much as Storm did - To the dark blue dragoness, Arein was one in an infinite number..Arein gave a soft yawn, her pair of medium blue eyes now looking directly into Storm's "mmh morning love" The lithe golden dragoness sleepily yawned to her beloved Storm, reaching up to place a paw under her left eye, giving a soft rub to clear her hazy morning vision.Storm smiled with gentle care, reaching over to place her warm scaled snout tip to Arein's cheek, pecking a kiss on the smooth gold scales "morning.. mmh.. I love how you look in the mornings.. it's.. cute to say the least.. well more like adoringly cute.." she took the time to glance over Arein's body, taking in the slender, beautiful body of her beloved. Arein too, like storm was a feral dragoness, a young adult, who was hatched a few months after Storm was. Arein's body was slightly bigger at 22 foot long, her body covered with golden shimmering scales, with horns much like Storms own, however they were Pearl white, as were her claws.Storm looked back up to Arein, a soft smile shone on her scaled snout as she looked her so tenderly in her blue eyes "Arry, what should we do today? Storm blew her words out as gentle as the breeze of her own personality, to which Arein replied in her own gentle, yet somewhat croaky-morning laden voice"hmmrr.." the golden dragoness began to purr in a light tone, rolling onto her side from where she lay, to face Storm. Slowly she tilted her head, opening her maw, her snout parting as Arein slipped her moist lips, still coated slightly with the drool formed in her sleep, over Storm's snout tip, pressing down slightly with care as she kissed her wondrous mate, holding a few seconds to savor the moment she had just created, only to break it reluctantly after with an answer to Storms previous question. "you know, I think I just want to lay with you.. enjoy this moment, I know we do this a lot.. but I love you so much, it really hurts" Arein struggled to hold a tear of love back to the words she just said, and she knew she meant every last bit of it.The blue dragoness let out a breath filled sigh to those words, they went straight to her heart, she knew what Arein felt for her, because it's what she felt for Arein, love only told from the legends of old, the dragons and dragonesses who would wait years till stars grew dim for their other halves, who had become tragically separated. Only when Storm thought of this, it took her heart in a vice, only to make her cling tighter to Aerin with a flame that even the hottest of suns couldn't wish for. Storm kissed her mate back on the lips with a gentle peck, kissing the golden, small scales. "you know, all words I have are never enough to truly say how much i admire and love you.. I am so lucky to have such an affectionate, kind mate"The two dragons lay in a gentle embrace, together held by each others gentle grasp in the morning light, shining on both dragons scales. Morning soon melted away into afternoon as the suns rays became a deeper yellow, and soon a light orange, shining in the clear, somewhat cloudless horizon that was cast above the vast green plain-land where the two dragons lived.Storm gave a soft yawn, looking up from where she lay, looking into the dome which was the sky. It seemed late afternoon, as she saw the sun off to the west, Slowly she looked back down to Arein, giving a warm smile as she spoke "wow.. we've been cuddling for a long time.""yes.. and I loved every moment" Arein's soft voice was caught by Storm as the golden dragoness looked to her loved one. Storm wiggled her three long toes on her left hind paw as she smiled looking over Arein's lithe golden draconic form, taking the sight of each little gold plate into her mind, but a spark of realization made her slip a soft meep from her maw. She closed her eyes to hide the embarrassment "Arry.. I'm sorry. I need to get up for a bit.. I haven't had a chance to pee all day."Arein knew why storm was blushing. It wasn't because she had to break the embrace at all, or ruin the moment, it was because, for both of them, they enjoyed urine. The two dragons both loved it, even since they were young and weren't sure about the various feelings they had. Back in their young lives, Storm had wandered in on Arein, who had left Storm suddenly while playing tag in one of the many parts of endless green plains. Storm accidentally pounced Arein whilst she was about to pee, which for Storm, would have been slightly unlucky, as she ended up with a somewhat wet snout and underside. (Storm and Arein were childhood friends, their families very close to one another. Over time the young dragonesses would become mates, as they shared many, many years of close friendship and admiration for one another)She looked over at storm, into her eyes once again, giving a slight smile "It's okay love. I know" Arein laughed softly as she curled her long, elegant golden tail "I've been holding it in too, I didn't want to ruin the moment but it's really starting to hurt my butt!" She giggled playfully, reaching up to flick her warm pink oral flesh under Storm's eye, licking her tenderly."hey.." Storm grinned slightly, showing her rows of teeth as she gazed along Arein's snout "you wouldn't mind if we just did it here. you know.. hehehe.." Storm curled and uncurled her hind toes, smiling with slight happiness, She was looking over at Arein's large golden wings as her mind wandered for a second, getting an image of the past. She remembered the time as young dragons. Arein had been teasing her playfully by batting at her tail, Storm was already distracted trying to chip a piece of green gemstone from a rock she had found, and wasn't focusing too much on Arein. For some reason, Storm who really just wanted to chip that gem out, thought it would be a good way to get rid of Arein for a minute by lifting her rear. Arein swung a paw at it, which she was soon found blinking mindlessly at Storm's flood as it water-blasted her muzzle. Arein was slightly surprised herself when she started to murr, pushing her snout to the Stream, soon after looking to Storm, to her surprise, murring happily as anything as she watched Arein get doused in her yellow flood. It was that moment when they both realized just how much they enjoyed urine.Arein smiled wide and looked to Storm, nodding slowly "mmh that sounds nice, love.. anything special you'd like to do?" Arein was really trying hard to keep her liquid inside her, which made her grunt softly at the pressure, never the less she still held Storm in her arms, caressing her mates warm, dark blue scales with affection for the wonderful dragoness.Storm just shook her head slowly, flicking her tail tip in the moment, loving Arein's stroking, the brushing feeling quite relaxing. "not that I can think of, lets just have fun" she said enthusiastically to Arein as she rolled onto her back, spreading her large, soft leathery wings out in the grass below them both. Arein smiled wide as she looked over Storm's neck and snout. Taking the invitation, the golden dragoness lifted her long elegant tail in the air, spreading her legs as she moved up Storm a little way.Arein closed her eyes, thankful that she had the chance, finally, to relieve the pressure inside her. She let go, almost instantly the golden dragons urine came jetting out of her pipe like a hose, she had managed to position herself before so that it landed where she wanted. Arelin looked around at Storms hind for a moment, grinning as she urinated, squirting he hot, musky draconic urine over her mates female slit. Splattering the dark blue scales around the slit and over Storms tail exit.Storm gave a soft moan to the feeling as she lay under Arein, letting her loved golden dragoness coat her in the wonderful, strong smelling liquid she had been saving all day. Storm curled her toes, finding the warmth of the urine to be quite arousing, not to mention the strong smell of it as the liquid splattered over her vent and tail exit.Arein gave a soft sigh of relief, with was quickly replaced with a gentle toned murr of excitement. She felt her parts react as she emptied herself onto storm. She loved it, and as she looked around she could see Storm enjoy it as much as her. As Arein urinated on Storm, the dark blue and gold dragoness had her paw in her vent, pushing deep into herself with two digits, while her hand and tailhole were still receiving a strong stream of Areins hot piss, which trickled down Storm's tail and hind, creating a puddle of the warm, reeking dragon urine.Arein felt her stream die down to a trickle. With one hard squeeze, she felt one last jet of urine squirt out, her last bit of liquid splattering on Storm as she lay there, playing with her vent.Storm looked up at Arein with her glinting olden eyes half closed, panting softly. The blue dragoness still rubbing inside her own soft, wet walls, getting even wetter as she pushed and pulled her long scaly digits enter the soft walls of her slit.Arein murred softly, she herself felt quite aroused, and it was noticeable because her own vent was dripping, and it wasn't her urine. The drops fell down onto Storm's lower belly as she gazed at her, from snout tip to tail tip. "mmurrr.. that was nice.. keep rubbing.." Arein sniffed the air, smelling the strong scent, making her even more horny as she looked down, dripping on, and watching Storm as she played with herself.Storm's wings twitched, she felt in a state of complete bliss, the piss form her mate, smelling so strong along with her own playing making her extremely aroused. She closes her eyes, murowling softly, her large blue wings twitching as she pushed her fingers into her wet, warm slit, rubbing herself inside up and down quickly. Arein was watching, loving it. Her maw open as she panted softly, wishing Storm would flick her tail around to play, but she knew Storm was almost done anyway, by the way she was murring and tweaking occasionally in the grass. Soon it would be her turn to enjoy what Storm had been saving for her.The blue dragoness let out a load moan, her paw digging quickly and deep for a moment, before she quickly pulled it out. It seemed as though she had stopped breathing as Storm looked up into her mates soft blue eyes, staring almost paralyzed for a millisecond before Arein felt something. Storm moaned as hot, musky fluid splattered up onto Arein's belly, Storm came hard, splatting her mate with her vent's hot, wet musky cum.Arein let out a loud moan, loving the feeling of Storm's climax as it splashed up onto her golden belly scales, the warmth quite inviting to her, she loved the smell too! It was a strong, musky dragon scent, you couldn't get it from anything other than a female, but this musk was special, she'd grown to love it, for it was Storm's, she loved every bit of that dragoness with her life.Storm meeped as feelings returned to her after her blissful release. A strong pressure in her rear. "Arry, I really really really need to pee!" She wiggles out from under Arein, getting up on her feet, flicking her tail up quickly. Seeing this Arein meeped softly and rushed under her just in time to have her mid back be greeted by the feeling of quite hot urine.Storm squeezed, letting out a loud sigh of relief as she squirted out, closing her eyes, knowing Arein was under her rear, because neither of the two would have given up that chance to be under one another when they had a moment like this. She let herself empty. Her own urine was a good deal hotter than Arein's own, as she had been just pleasing herself. It splattered on Arein's back, the hot urine splashing over the golden dragons scales, leaking down around her wings, down her lower belly and tail, dripping into a puddle which was growing larger as the dragoness emptied herself.Arein clenched her teeth, she was feeling like she was in heat, only the worst burning heat a dragoness could experience. She sniffed the smell of Storm's piss, the smell was really quite strong in her nose. Feeling a few drops leaking down her arm, she reached up, licking at the yellow drops, tasting the salty musk in her mouth.It wasn't the first or last she did, she did tend to sneak a few sips of Storm's urine when she relieved herself, in fact they both did on occasion.Arein heard Storm give another soft sigh, her stream quickly turned into a drip. By this time Arein's slit was burning her scaly behind off. The gold dragoness quickly backed out and padded around in front of Storm, and at once getting her front low to he ground, flicking her rear up and tail over her back.Storm was hit with the powerful scent from Arein. The smell of one very aroused dragoness. Usually this would have been quite attractive to males, but it is a scent, and she had smelt it a lot of times really, and did grow to love it as much, if not more than any other male or female musk alike.She softly pressed her nose to the glinting edges of her mates' slit, which was extremely warm and glinting wet from the fluid Arein was leaking from her excitement. Storm slid her pointed, warm tongue up into Arein's vent, tasting that musky liquid, her nostrils filling with each breath with the strong female dragon pheromone, loving it. Storm was getting slightly aroused as she played with her mate, but was doing it more in return for her, to please her as Arein had done with her.Arein gave a soft moan, already the tingle from her sensitive parts being touched growing. She thought to herself how much she wanted to just let it out as Storm tongued inside her warm, soft vent. She loved how good Storm was with her tongue, and how she had kept it all those years just for her, knowing she always would do as she without question would do for Storm.Storm smiles as she slid her tongue back, moving up to Arein's tailhole, she gave a soft lick to the warm rim, and flicked the pointed tip to the edges, and quickly pushed inside for a second or two before going back down to Arein's burning hot slit, ready to finish what she was doing. She softly pushed her snout tip in, opening her maw to lick up the plentiful wet liquid. admiring the deep musk of her beloved mate's slit.She couldn't take much more of Storm's wondrous tongue work, with that, Arein suddenly let her front collapse, her legs shaking a bit as her slit rubbed up against Storm's snout. Suddenly hot jets of cum flowed out, spraying into storms open mouth, filling it with her wondrous release.Arein moaned out as Storm took in as much musky, liquid cum as she could. Storm still flicking her pointed pink oral flesh inside her parts, massaging walls and sensitive places with gentle care until Arein was unable to give any more hot draconic cum. She pulled her snout out, swallowing the mouthful of her mate's hot cum.Arein panted softly, getting up as the heat and intense feeling dissipated from her rear, with a soft, gentle sigh she lay back in the puddles of urine that had been made earlier, outstretching her beautiful golden wings, laying her front paws pad down on her chest and legs flat in the soft, warm and wet grass.Storm soon joined her, laying on top of her beautiful mate once again, joining her beloved mate in gentle rest. Arein opened her eyes, welcoming Storm with more than intense love. Arein flicked her wings around her, holding the deep blue and gold dragoness to her warm golden scaled body. "Storm.. you're so good to me, beyond anything I have ever known. It truly is a blessing to be your mate, let alone know you"Storm simply smiled softly, closing her eyes as she wrapped her limbs around her darling Arry."You're the only one that makes life worth living"The dragonesses lay once again, held in each other's care until they fell asleep. The childhood friends, and burning lovers comforted by each other, dragon holding dragon, heart in heart and soul in soul, waiting for another day with each other, each one a gift of the gods.