Never Trust Appearences Pt.1 - The First Encounter

Story by Fur lover on SoFurry

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#1 of Never Trust Appearances

DISCLAIMER: This story is meant for 18+ adults (21 in some countries) and contains m/m scenes.

Hope you like it!! :)

The bar wasn't empty, but it wasn't full either, as Brent walked in with a few friends. Brent was straight, but a bit curious, he liked to explore new opportunities in life. He had had a sexual relationship with a guy before, but it had never gone past a blow job. He had a medium build, and was quite attractive, so to say. He stood to a height of about 5' 8", which was about the average in height for a pitbull. He was a pale brown all over his body except for his muzzle and a black patch around his left eye, continuing up to his right ear; his lower jaw was also black, but only the tip, linking with his nose.

The bar he had entered was a gay bar, and he came here because he liked the music they played, nothing more. He had come with 2 lovely vixens, obviously a couple, and a young fox whom stood at about 5' 6". They were all good friends from college, and had decided to go out to the bar for a few drinks. They were wondering which bar to hit when Brent made the suggestion as they all agreed.

"Let's go sit in the back, over there." The youthful fox exclaimed in a passive voice. "Looks like a nice place to spot guys." He giggled.

"You're such a horny little fox, John. And I think I see someone checking you out." Said one of the vixens as she sat down, pointing in the direction of a german shepherd stading in a corner with some friends.

"Yeah Cindy, I think you're right." Said the second with a light chuckle as John reddened; thankful of his red fur, which hid most of the blood rushing to his face.

John glimpsed in the direction of the shepherd, whom gave him a wink, which made him blush even more. John had an average build, but was rather cute, thanks to his bushy, white-tipped tail and muzzle.

"Come on John, go say hello to the guy. You never know, he could be nice." Encouraged Brent as he gave John a little push off the seat, which made him almost fall off, and gave the gang a slight choke of laughter.

John sat back down in his seat as he was too shy to go talk to a stranger, which is when he suddenly got a surprise from his side; it was one of the bar tenders, and he had braught alond a drink... It looked like wine; expensive wine. The bar tender pointed to the same guy in the corner, and told John it was from him.

"Wow, that's pretty nice of the guy. You think he wants something?" Said Brent as he glanced at the shepherd. "He's pretty damn hot too." He giggled.

John was just sitting there, his face as red as it could get, it even showed, despite his red fur. He just sat there playing with his keys in his hand; an obvious sign of nervousness. He looked back and saw that the guy was walking towards him.

"Oh god!! He's coming! What am I gonna do? I get so damned nervous when it comes to guys like that." He said, almost sounding afraid and making the other three laugh a bit.

The german shepherd finaly got to the table. He lightly touched the shoulder of the young fox, making him jump, could've sworn he almost even touched the ceiling, and in turn, made the shepherd jump a little.

"H-hey, my name's Rob. You're kinda cute, mind if I take you out in town?" He said, smiling down at the fox.

"Um... Euh... J-J-Jo-John!" He managed to stutter out, trying to hide his red face with no avail.

Rob could only laugh at the nervous fox. "Looks like we have a little problem."

"He'll go with you, he's just a little shy... Go on John, we don't mind you going out." Brent eventually said, patting the young fox on the back. He leaned in close to his ear and whispered. "He's a cute one, don't lose him."

"Are you sure you guys don't mind me leaving?" He said, looking around the table for any objections.

"Go on!!" They said in unison.

John crawled out of his seat, still a bit nervous about leaving with this guy, but he hadn't gone on a date in quite a while, so why not?

Brent could only watch the fox and laugh at how nervous he would get, when something caught his eye. There was a young tiger watching him, and he had quite the build as well... He was wearing a t-shirt that hid nothing, as it was skin tight. Brent only smiled and looked at the lesbian couple.

"Hey... Quit making out for a second... That guy over there, what do you two think I should do?" He said, giving them a wink.

Cindy looked on and smiled. "Gee, he's pretty cute ain't he? I bet he could crush you with a finger, don't you think so Ash?" She said with a slight chuckle escaping her muzzle.

"Hmmm, I bet I could crush your fingers if I tried hard enough." Said Ash with a snicker. "Come on, let's go home, I'm bored, and I think I'm getting a bit tipsy."

Brent looked at them both. "You two go on, I'll stay behind and see what this guy can offer." He said with a wink.

"Alrighty then, we'll see ya later Brent. Hope you have fun!" Cindy laughed lightly.

As the two vixens left the table, Brent remained, and the tiger approached his table, having a seat as he arrived.

"Hope you don't mind me sitting here." He said, smiling as Brent shook his head. "Name's Nate, nice to meet you, mister..." He trailed off.

"You can call me Brent." He said with a smile. "So what brings you to this table in this bar tonight, Nate?"

"You!" He said bluntly.

Brent could only look at him dead in the eyes and laugh. "That's awefully cute of you. So what are your plans for the night?"

"Well that depends on how things go around town... Might go home... Hopefully with some company." He said with a grin.

"Mind if I steal that spot from someone else?" He said, returning the grin Nate first gave him.

Nate got up from the table. "Come on then... I hope you didn't have a car, cause we'll be using mine."

Brent could only smile. "Good, cause I lost my drive staying behind from my friends... Thought I could take my chances with you."

Nate suddenly grabbed his arm. "Well, your chances worked with you, cause you got me now, and it looks like you're stuck with me for the night." He chuckled as he dragged Brent out the door to his car.

Brent took a good look at the car... It was a red ferrari enzo, one of the most expensive cars on earth. Brent almost fell on his ass when he noticed what kind of car it was.

"Holy crap, is that what I think it is?" He said, his expression was priceless, surprised, and almost scared.

Nate looked at him and laughed. "Yep!" Was all he said.

Brent could only stare at the car, and then Nate, and back to the car. "You rich or something?"

"You could say that." He said, giving Brent a grin. "So are you gonna be getting in or what?"

Brent only looked at him, and then snapped out of his trance. "Oh... Euh, y-yeah." He stuttered as the doors opened with hydrolic decompression sounds. Brent could only look on in awe.

The inside of the car was even better, with the F1 inspired gear shifting, the electronic gizmos... And the seats were extremely comfortable.




On the way to Nate's house, Brent could only think of one question that was rolling around in his head... "Why the fuck was a rich guy like him in a bar like that?!?" And then he noticed they came to a stop. Brent looked at Nate puzzled. The house they were at wasn't a mansion as he was expecting, but an average single story house. Nate looked at the house, and then Brent with a smile as he got out of the car.

"I know what you're thinking, 'Why doesn't the guy have a mansion like other rich guys?'" He laughed and then motioned for Brent to follow him inside.

Once inside, Brent finaly saw that the mansion was... underground? Yes, an underground mansion, going down for at least 3 stories.

"Wow, very impressive." Was all Brent could mutter out as he examined the house.

Nate suddenly grabbed Brent's hand, dragging him once again somewhere Nate was eager to show him. "Come on, I have something even better to show you." He said, grinning at Brent.

Brent knew exactly what Nate was going to show, and he could only smile. His hard-on had long since showed itself, and it seemed it was going to be relieved soon enough.

When they got to the bedroom, Nate grabbed Brent and held him close to his body, lunging his tongue down the pitbull's throat. Brent returned the kiss, and wrapped his arms around the large tiger. Nate carefully began removing Brent's shirt, throwing it on the ground harshly as it came off, and in turn, removed his own and pressed their naked chests together. They resumed the kiss as Brent reached down to unzip the feline's pants, when he noticed that his own were already undone. "He's pretty sly isn't he?" Thought Brent as he probed the intruding muzzle. He smiled as he noticed he was pretty turned on by this guy, and he knew this was going to go much farther than just a simple blow job. They slowly moved towards the bed as they felt each other's bodies.

They finaly got to the bed after what seemed like aeons of kissing and rubbing each other's hard cocks against one another. Nate layed the pitbull on the bed lightly on his back and went down slowly, kissing his stomac on the way down, eventualy arriving to Brent's hard canine cock. He placed it in his muzzle, sucking it in slowly, savoring the taste, going all the way to the knot, which he lapped a few times with his rough tongue, which made Brent shiver as he felt the wet member lick his knot. Brent arched his back as he felt the sensations move through his body. "This guy's incredible!" Was all he could think at the moment as he placed a hand on the back of the tiger's head and pushed it all the way down before Nate could get back to the tip.

Nate bobbed his head a few times before removing the cock from his mouth and moving up the body for another kiss.

"Hmmm, you think it's lubed enough to place in a tight hole?" The tiger said, liking at the pitbull's neck as he finished his sentence.

Brent felt around his ass and slipped a finger in the hole. "Yeah, I think it is."

Just as he said that, he suddenly heard a door close.

"FUCK, HE'S EARLY!!!" Was all Brent heard before he noticed he was thrown off the bed in a pile of clothes. "Quick, hide in the closet!!"

Brent quickly picked up his clothes and made his way to the closet... He didn't know why, but he did so regardless. He could suddenly hear a voice... Not Nate's, but another male's... He couldn't quite make out the words.

The closet door suddenly opened and the tiger's face popped in view.

"Ummm, there's something I have to tell you..." He said, looking down.




Well, this is my second story... Unfortunately, the first one was a faillure and I deleted it... Oh well. I might make a series if this one goes well...