Part Two: All Good Things...

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#2 of The Choices of Fate

Hello again, I bring the second installment of The Choices of Fate, All Good Things... For those of you who are reading this section and have not read part one of this story, I recommend starting there.

This story and every character depicted herein are all copyright me and remain my intellectual property.

Please rate and comment when you are done reading, I always appreciate reader feedback, be it positive or negative.

Without further ado...I present to you, The Choices of Fate, Part Two: All Good Things...


"No thank you, Mister Ice-cream Man, I don't want any asphalt cones. Thanks for the offer though." I say to the pogo stick. He drives off in the atom-mobile and takes out a star when taking the corner.

For some reason, I feel really good, Maybe It is because I can move my arms now, or maybe that suction on my member.


I open my eyes to see a sparse room, with one bed, which I was lying in, a blue sofa, and a ruby dragoness giving me head. Needless to say, I was surprised.

"AAAAAAHHH!!" I yell, almost jumping off the bed. "Wha, Where am I?"

"The Blenburg Motel, Room 231, Sweetie. We stayed the night here after the Prom, and after we yiffed each other senseless."

My memories of the previous night came back to me, "Oh, sorry for freaking out like that, but I was having a weird dream, and when I wake up, I'm in a strange new room with you giving me oral. I was disoriented."

"You were scared shitless, I can tell because you went all soft." Emelia said, emphasizing the point by giving me a lick.

She quickly got me hard again (I mean, I only lost my cherry uhh, nine hours ago.). Within a few minutes, I was gasping for breath as I felt my peak approaching. Then she stopped her head bobbing and licking. "Wh-What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

"I want you to do me too, it's no fair that you get to have all the fun, ya know."

"Ah, I guess not. Well, let's get into position."

We move into a head-to-tail position, and I start tending her sex. I remember what I did last night and what she seemed to like. So I start with a few licks to her outer lips. I can tell she was aroused by how wet she was. Every lick elicits a moan from her, which only get louder when I start to go over her nub as well. Recalling a bit of the stories and videos I had seen on the internet, I move a finger into her dripping crack, while closing my lips on her clitoris and suckling gently. I can tell immediately that she liked it, her body starts twitching and she humps on my finger.

She resumes licking me now, since she had stopped so that we would come together. I havw another idea, however, I think I can get her to climax before me, just to see if I can. Set on that goal, I slip my middle finger in her, since my fore-finger is already busy stirring around in her juices. I feel her walls give my fingers a squeeze, and a rush of liquid from her depths. All the while, I have my mouth on the nub that I know will give her pleasure. My tongue starts racing around and over it. Her moans send shivers up and down my spine, since she keeps her mouth on my member the entire time. I think she knows my plan, or came up with it on her own, since she is using every trick that at least I knew. Her tongue keeps lapping at the head, and her hands caress my sack while her head is never still, constantly moving along my six inches of flesh.

I think I might 'lose', but wait, what is this? A part of her vaginal wall feels a bit different than the rest. I wonder why? DUH!! It's her g-spot! Jackpot! I think I just found my ace-in-the-hole. I rub at her spot while lapping furiously at her nub. Her moans turn into a drawn out, low growl. I feel her walls spasm around my fingers and a gush of her femme-cum squirted out around my fingers. It feels so good that come right then and there. Her muzzle takes in every last drop, as she continues to suckle on my member even after I stop coming.

I keep my fingers in her snatch, even though they stop moving. When she lets go of me with her mouth, I draw my fingers out her, licking them clean in front of her. Her juices are the best tasting breakfast I have had in a long time. Wait, breakfast.

"We should get something to eat before we do much more, Emelia. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day." to emphasize, my stomach growls. "And I'm not the only one who thinks so, either."

"I guess you're right. The hotel has a continental breakfast, we should check it out."

"In our birthday suits or tux and dress? I don't think either is appropriate."

"The Hotel room has robes, we can wear those."

"Sounds like a plan."

The two of us walk down to the common room together and find the array of fruit, cereals, and bagels that constitute the continental breakfast. We take a plateful each back to our room, and notice that there are no other furs to be seen in the hallways or common room.

"Kinda scary, almost like some scary B-movie or something." I mention as we arrive at our room.

"Don't say things like that, what if there's a dead body in our room, what then?"

"Simple, we run, and when that doesn't work, we fight back, simple law of B-movies."

"Hah-hah. Very funny."

For a few brief moments I think about acting like I see a dead body in the room, since I am leading the way, but decide not to.

We sit on the couch, eating our breakfast. I start on an apple while Emelia munches on a bagel. "Odd, this is the best morning I have ever had. Normally my parents have to pry me out of bed to get me to do anything before noon unless I have school. But I feel like I can take on the world."

"And that was just with a BJ."

"Heh, yeah. It's kinda sad though."


"Well, we're both seniors, next year we will be a different colleges."

"Well, there are breaks and holidays. Just like high school."

"Yeah, but I don't want to spend a single day without you."

"Please, you just like the sex."

"I do like the sex, but there is more to it than that. You're the only girl I ever felt comfortable around. Even though I had a crush on you. I want to be with you, forever."

"I would like that too, but what can we do about it? College starts in four months. It's too late to change which college we are going to, and my parents would freak if I missed a year."

"Mine too, but I tink I can change schools, I'm top in the class for grades and I have extra-curricula to boot. I think I can get in to State with you."

"I would like that, but what about your plan of making video games? State doesn't teach that."

"I could get gen-ed out of the way and take some programming and math classes. It will take longer to get the degree, but I can wait a few more years if it means I can stay with you."


We finish eating breakfast with some small talk about the rest of the school year and how everyone at school would take the news of us hooking up.

After the discussion faded, and noticing that we both had some food left on the plates, I brought up the idea of checking the news and weather for the day, proposing a picnic if the weather would cooperate. Emelia loved the idea and I turned on the TV. No stations came in, not even the local news channels, they were either static or claimed 'technical difficulties'.I turned the TV off, stunned.

"That is really weird, but I guess they wouldn't go off the air without a reason." I say, trying to break the silence that seemed to choke the life out of the room.

"Yeah, but what reason would be big enough for ALL the stations to go down at the same time?"

"I don't know, but maybe my parents would, and I could ask them about the weather for today, they watch the news every night and read the paper every morning. I never thought it would come in handy, though."

I search through my tux and find my cell phone. I am shocked to find that there is no signal, even when I walk out to the balcony. "I'm not getting a signal on my phone, it's really strange."

Emelia checks her phone after hearing about the signal, "Me neither, the tower must be having problems too."

"I wonder.......this might be a solar flare. A flare strong enough could disrupt microwave transmissions, and could take out some satellites as well. And with our level of technology, there would be no way to know about it until it happened."

"Maybe, but then the land-lines would still work, right?"

"Yeah, they will work unless we got hit with an EMP, and the TV and our phones still work, so that rules out an EMP."

I pick up the handset for the room's phone. I dial 0 for the front desk to make sure the phone worked. It starts ringing, so I guess it works. I dial 9 to get an outside line, and a recorded message greets me, "All lines are currently busy, please hang up and try again later." Stunned, I hang up the phone.

"The lines are clogged. Something is going on, all phone lines are either dead or useless, and the TV is not receiving any useful signals."

"I am really starting to worry, Kevin."

"So am I, I think we should each head home for now."

"NO! I am not leaving your side!"


"I feel safe around you, and I don't want to lose you. We have no idea what is going on and we have not seen anyone else today, I don't want to leave your side."

"Hush, you won't lose me. I just want to get a change of clothing, some money, and maybe a bit of food from my house, and I think you should do the same. We can meet in a few minutes somewhere. We will be apart for fifteen minutes, thirty tops."

"I don't like it, but if you are sure about it, I don't have any other complaints. Where should we meet?"

"Plandon High?"

"Sure, on the roof, right?"

"Of course. See you soon." I say to Emelia, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I then take off from the second-floor balcony and head off to my house.

Flying has always been a calming experience, but not today. I always saw myself as flying over the city, keeping watch over everyfur in the town. Today, however, the roads were empty, the city eerily quiet. "Maybe I should have stayed at the hotel." I say to myself, more to break the silence than anything else.

Fortunately, I only lived a dozen or so blocks from the motel, so the fly home was short. I get home and notice the door unlocked and no cars in the garage. I guess Mom forgot to lock the door, though I have never known her to do so. Of course, she was always home when I came home from school, and it is 10:30 in the morning, she might have just ran to the store.

I go in, and nothing seems out of place, so I head to my room to change out of my tux and get some REAL clothes on. I put on my usual baggy cargo pants and a red t-shirt. I have some money stashed in my room, so I grab twenty bucks and head to the kitchen.

I don't know if I'll be able to get food anywhere else today, so I look for some granola bars - they're easy to store and keep for a while. I find the box in the cupboards when I hear a rumble. Sounds like thunder, but the skies showed no signs of a storm, some clouds but nothing bad. Then there's another rumble, louder than before. I grab some granola bars from the box and stuff them in a pocket in my pants, rushing outside to see what the noise is. I take a look out of a window, and notice that the sky is blotted out by a massive....flying....thing. Looks almost like an arrow head, but larger than a skyscraper, and made from pure metal. The surface looked smooth, except for some parts where what seemed like antennae stuck out. I notice one of the antennae start to move, and it points towards my house. Suddenly afraid, I panic. I race for the door, and as I grab the handle to open the door, my scales erupt in pain and fire.

I wake up to find myself in a strange place. Well, strange hardly seems to cover it, but it works until they come up with a better word. I fell a floor below me, but I don't see a floor, or rather, I don't see a ceiling or walls, since I am still on my back (I think) and have not tried to get up yet. I am fascinated by the view I currently have, though. Everywhere I look, there is a constant yet random swirl of neon colors. I don't remember doing any drugs, but there could have been some in the hotel food. I thought the continental breakfast was a bit too good. I try to get up, and find it a bit disorientating to not see a discernable floor. Also, there is no visible light source, but I can see myself perfectly fine, and I don't notice any shadows, either. I am wearing the clothes I had put on at home, so I didn't imagine that.

After a while of exploring my surroundings, which consisted of walking in what felt like circles but could have been any shape since I have no way of knowing one direction from any other direction, I start to get kind of bored. If I am going to some kind of drug induced hallucination, it should at least be interesting. Then I notice a shape, which is fairly easy to do since there weren't any other shapes around. The shape turned out to be an owl-morph, quietly sleeping. I want to wake him(?) up but I know I would feel guilty about it. Eventually, my curiosity wins out, and I tap the owl on the shoulder, waking him(?).

"Who-Who's there?" I thought it was only a joke that owls did that, but I guess it's true.

"Uh, me, Kevin Splargow."

"Oh! Kevin! Sorry to have kept you waiting! I trust you have been comfortable?"

"Comfortable enough, considering I don't know what happened to me, where I am, who you are, or how you know me."

"Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I am The Sage. I watch over the Continuum."

"The what?

"The Continuum. Some people know it as the multi-verse, or multiple universe. I call it the Continuum. Quite simply, it is all of existence as it ever could be."

"And you watch over this Continue....thing?"

"Yes, I observe all of the happenings in every reality, and make sure nothing goes horribly wrong."

"So, you are kinda like an engineer for the universe."

"For all universes."

"Right, so where are we, then?"

"We are in Slip Space, a place that is nowhere and anywhere."

"It also seems you know me."

"Like I said, I watch all of existence. I know everyone."

I got the feeling that this owl was not telling me everything, but would not tell me anything else right now. "So, if this place is nowhere and anywhere, how did I get here?"

"That's easy, you died."


"To be more precise, you were vaporized when a tetra-watt electro-magnetic beam hit your house, that you happened to be standing in. A quick death, but I imagine it stung a bit."

"Stung a bit? Try hurting like taking a bath in acid."

"Hmm, good point, it is the same effect."

I could not believe this guy was talking about my death so casually. "But if I am dead, then how can we talk? Why do I have a body? Or are we both spirits or something?"

"We are not spirits, and we can talk because you are not dead, you only died to get here."

"Uhh, if I died then I am dead, there is no getting around that."

"In your world, you are dead, though no one really knows that."

"What do you mean?"

"I said your body was vaporized, which means that there was no body to find to know that you died, you are currently listed among the missing."

"Right, so how do I get back?"

"That is what you are here to find out."


"Before you return, you need to know how to fight against those who killed you."

"So I need to get revenge?"

"No, you need to win a war."

"What war?"

"The war to free your world."

"From those, ....aliens?"

"Yes, they're weaponry far exceeds anything that any military on your world has seen, they were decimated."

"How do I fight them, then?"

"Your body already knows, and brought you here. You just need to learn how to listen."

"My body knows? Knows what?"

"Things like this." The owl raised a hand and a blue beam of crackling energy shot out.

"No....way. I can't do that."

"Yes, you can, and more. Your body knows, you just need to listen."

"So you can teach me to listen?"

"No, that is something that cannot be taught, only learned."

"So, how do I learn?"

"LEARN!" The owl yelled, then cackled. The owl then took off, flying away impossibly fast and vanishing before I could follow.

"Great, I need to learn how to listen to myself, and I don't even know what it means, and how will that help me gt back home?" I yell after the owl, but there is no reply. I sit back down on the 'ground'. "Some acid trip."

By my reckoning, two days have passed. Since the swirl of neon colors is the only thing I can see and they don't dim or give off light, I have no grasp of time. I say two days because I slept twice. They felt like full days, so I reckon I've spent two 'days' here. The first day was when I met the owl, after talking with the owl, I was angry, and didn't really do much, since I couldn't vent my anger. After sulking for what felt like a few hours, I started some martial arts exercises. It got my mind off things and felt like a good thing to do. I got pretty tired after my exercises and went to sleep.

When I woke up I was startled at first, but then remembered where I was. I then noticed two things. First, I did not need to use the restroom. Second, I wasn't hungry or thirsty. After wondering for a while, I figured that since my old body got vaporized, I did not actually have any food in my system, which explained not having to use a toilet. As for the hunger or thirst, I just chalked it up to this Slip Space place and left it at that.

The second day passed much like the first, I sulked for a while, then exercised, then slept. I was noticing a routine.

Today, I woke up, sulked, and am about to exercise. If only I knew what the owl was talking about. "Your body knows, learn to listen." I say, trying to imitate the voice of the owl. Hmm, I wonder if it is like my martial arts, I just tell my body to do a punch or kick, and my body just reacts. On a whim, I hold out my arm and think to myself, 'Just shoot out an energy beam.' It worked! Well, no. It just made me feel silly and even angrier. I think about the owl and how I would like to hit him with a beam, then I feel a rush of energy and hear a crackling sound. I open my eyes and see the last flickers of the energy beam. Huh, so that's how to do it. I still do n't get it, but all I have to do is visualize myself using the ability.

The last ten days have been interesting, to say the least. After my realization of how to 'listen' to my body, I started to experiment to find out what I can do. I found out that I can shoot beams of energy from my body, or any given space that I want, I can create solid objects, I can form energy blades and shields, and I can teleport and I also have the ability to remotely view places. All in all, not a bad skill set. I also found that there is little drain on my energy, it takes less out of me to practice my new powers than to train in martial arts. Today I was planning on some more practice, but the owl woke me up.

"Kevin, I have good news."

"Huh? Is that why you woke me up?"

"Well, you woke me up, it is only fair."

"Where have you been?"

"Watching, My job does not end. With you around I would never get it done."

"Right, wouldn't want to get in the way of you watching existence."

"Of course. Now that good news I have - you get to go home."

"Really? That IS good news."

"There are a few caveats though."

"What? Nothing too bad, I hope."

"Nothing serious. First of all, this is a one-time deal, if you die again, you will not come here."

"Where will I go?"

"I do not know, I watch all of existence, but I do not know what happens to people when they die."

"So I take it that my coming here was unusual."

"Very. Secondly, two weeks have passed since you arrived here, and the same amount of time has passed in your world."

"So, I have to deal with having gone missing for two weeks."

"Yes, and there is precious little that is the same as when you left. The Krendall, those who invaded your world, have taken over."

"I know, you told me when we met."

"Oh, right, so I did. I just wanted to make sure you knew."

"Anything else?"

"Be careful."

"Heh, you sound like Emelia. I can't wait to see her again."


"Emelia. You should know her. I spent my last night alive with her."

The owl mumbles something, sounds like "Strange, that is the first time ... maybe this time......"


"Oh, nothing. We should get you back now."

"Okay, What do I do?"

"You remember how to teleport, right?"


"Okay, teleport back to your home."

"But my home was vaporized."

"Yes, but you can still trave there. Just because something is not like you remembered doesn't mean you cannot teleport there."


I close my eyes and visualize myself back in my room, and will myself to be there. When I open my eyes, I no longer see the swirl of neon colors. Instead, I see a bleak, dreary, grey landscape riddle with scorch marks and craters. I see a few areas of rubble, but nothing of much interest. I wonder if I screwed something up?

I take to the skies to get a better view, and move around a bit. I notice a few buildings off in the distance, and it seems to be the right direction to be downtown Blenburg from my house. I guess I got back all right. I fly over to the buildings and land, not seeing any furs around, that is, until I call out, "Anyone here?"

"Silence! On your knees!" Two furs(?) in full body armor step out of an alley with raised...guns, I guess. By the shape of the armor and the helmets, I would have to guess they were canines, but I could be wrong.

"Hold on a minute, I was just seeing if there was anyone here."

"We said be quiet! On you knees, NOW!"

I was starting to get a bit angry."Who are you to order me around?"

"None of your business."

"Then I can't comply." I reply, turning around to walk away.

"STOP!" One of them yells, then fires his gun. A white-hot beam of crackling energy starts to race toward my head, but is stopped a few inches shy of my muzzle.

"Now you've done it, I'm ticked off. I hope you are prepared to die." I say, a low growl coming from my throat. I teleport behind them while summoning a blade of energy in both hands. The two furs in armor were standing close enough together that I stick a blade in both throats. I don't hear any death gurgle that normally comes with a neck wound, but that is because my energy blades cauterize the blood vessels and make for two clean kills.

"I guess the sage was right, things are different." I say to myself.

*beep* "Unit 237-548, Unit 912-843, come in. We are lost your life signs, report."

Great, their suits are monitored. I better leave.

I turn to run and take flight, but just as I am about to take off, a hand grabs my arm.

"You want to find the grey wolves?" A voice that sounded like it belonged to a witch called out.

"Grey wolves?"

"They also fight the suits."

"I take it the suits are like those two corpses over there."


"I suppose I could find these grey wolves."

"Look to the east, along the highway. On a farm a few miles out of town, look for a tree with a yellow kite stuck in the lowest branch. Go to the house and knock three times. When someone answers, tell them, 'the coal said to see ruby.'"

"Thanks, I better be off."

"Farewell, and safe journey."

I fly off, I had recognized a storefront for a bookstore while I was on the ground. I knew where I was and where Emelia's house was from there. I also recognized where the roads were, and found my back to the part of town where her house was. I am relieved to see her house still standing.

I land and go up to the door. I knock. I feel just as nervous as when I was taking Emelia to the prom. My word, that seems like ages ago. It has only been two weeks, yet so much has happened. I hope she is all right.

The door opens, and a large, red dragon stands in the doorway. For some reason, however, he isn't nearly as intimidating.

"Wh-Who's there?"

"It's me, Kevin."

"Kevin? No, couldn't be."


"Why? You have been gone for two weeks, you and Emelia both. Where is she, is she all right?"

"Well, I was going to ask you the same thing. The last time I saw her was the morning after the Prom."

"Come inside, we can talk a bit more."

I go inside and sit at the table. "So, you haven't seen Emelia for two weeks now?"

"Yes, would you like some food or something? We have some extra food in storage, since our rations have been enough."

"Yes, thank you." I fight the urge to tell them that it has been two weeks since I have eaten anything. "Rations? So the Krendall are rationing supplies?"

"No, the Krendall aren't, the government is."

"But I thought the Krendall have taken over the government."

"They have, but they allow the government a fair bit of autonomy. The only thing they asked for is to replace the police and military with their own people and the disarmament of citizens."

"That's still pretty harsh."

"It's better than it could have been."

"I guess." Emelia's mother comes out of the kitchen with a plate of food and a glass of water.

"I heard you saw Emelia the day after the Prom?" She asks as she sets the plate of food in front of me.

I tell them of that morning, how we had spent the night at the Blenburg motel and then noticed the strange events, and then we decided to split up to get clothes, food, and money. I decide to leave out the yiffing, though, and end right after I leave the motel.

"So, you haven't seen her since you left the motel room?" Her father asks.

"No, and I was wondering if she had made it here safely or not."

"So what have you been up to?" enquires Emelia's mother.

I don't want to scare them or look like I'm crazy by telling them that I have been training in an extra-dimensional pocket of space after dying, so I lie."Oh, I have been moving here and there. My home was destroyed during the initial invasion, and I have been trying to find my parents. I haven't found them, and I am taking a break from searching for them by looking for Emelia."

"So sorry to hear that, I hope you find your parents soon. And if you find Emelia, tell her to stop by, okay?" Her mother says.

"Thanks, and no problem." I reply.

"KXXXXT All citizens, be on the watch for a black drake, 6'2", 200 lbs. Wanted for the assault of two officers. KZZZZT"

"What was that?" I ask.

"Oh, that is the Krendall message unit. Every house is required to have one. They let people know about dangerous suspects."

"Oh, well, I should get going, I have a few more leads to check up on."

"Say, how tall are you?"Emelia's father asks, suspiciously.

"Just over six feet, and I weigh 210. Yes, I imagine the Krendall are looking for me. And no, I will not go quietly if you try to detain me." I reply coldly. They may be Emelia parents, but I will not be caught my first day back.

"Thought so. Don't worry. We won't turn you in. In fact, We have seen Emelia." He replied.

"Why tell me this now?"

"We had to make sure you wouldn't turn her in." Emelia's mother explains.


"She is a part of the local rebel team. By extension, so are we. I know you probably don't believe us, but we couldn't say or do anything until we knew you were not in with the Krendall."

"And you trust me now because of the broadcast. What if it was planned?"

"You would have to be a pretty good actor to be that scared when it came on, and it seems like you didn't actually know about it."

"I guess you have me there. So you know where Emelia is?"

"Not exactly. We know she is a part of the Grey Wolves, but we don't actually know how to get a hold of her, She visits every once in a while, and always at great risk. She seems a different person. Ever since you disappeared, she hasn't smiled at all. If you find her, I think she will be very happy." Emelia's mother comments.

"Just one question though, who did you assault to get you announced on the network?" Emelia's father asks.

"Oh, I got rid of two suits."

"Two suits? By yourself? And you don't have a scratch? Impossible!"

"I guess I just got lucky."

"I get the feeling there is something you aren't telling us. But I guess there's no helping it."

"Thanks for the information though, I try looking for the Grey Wolves, then."

"Take care, and good luck."

I walk out the door and fly back towards downtown. I want to get a better look at the armor if I can. I would like to be able to replicate it. On my way back there, however, I see two helicopters and three vehicles in the area. I decide it might be better not to try to find the bodies, if it means that I have to get even more famous. I decide to try the lead the old hag gave me.

I follow the directions I received and arrive at a familiar house. This two story, blue house was where Jason lived. I knock on the door, and a rather tall horse opens the door.

"Well, I'll be. Kevin! Good to see you!" Jason says, holding out his hand to shake.

"Hey Jace! Good to see you too!." I take Jason's hand and shake vigorously.

"Come on in! Have a seat!"

"Thanks. How have you been?"

"Well, as good as I could hope, I guess. My family and house survived the invasion."

"That's good, my home didn't and I haven't seen my parents since."

"Sorry to hear that. So what brings you out here?"

"Well, the coal said to see the ruby."

Jason's face suddenly became very cold. "Where did you hear that?"

"In downtown Blenburg, an old hag told me to say that after I took out a couple of suits."

"You took out a couple of suits? By yourself?"

"Yeah, wasn't that hard."


"Remind me to show you sometime. Now, when do I meet the grey wolves?"

"Soon enough. I just need to check something." Jason sits in front of a computer and hits several keys. On the screen there is a photo of me and a some text that I can't read from where I'm standing. "Looks like everything's legit. You must be telling the truth, they have a sizeable bounty on your head. Second largest they put on any fur."

"Who got the largest?"



"Yeah, she's the alpha wolf. The pack doesn't do anything without her approval."

"Wow, I leave for a couple weeks, and everything changes."

"Everything had to change, or else nothing would be here."

"Tell me about it."

"Anyway, I guess it is time to show you to the pack and make you a cub."