Freshmen Year: All Good Things

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Freshmen Year

It all comes out in the open.

_ Chapter 9 _




The weekend crept up, leaving me in shock and excited to have a few days off. School was becoming more and more of a pain. With the summer right around the corner, teachers and students, alike, were preparing themselves for every kids favorite two month break. Homework, makeup work, test, extra credit, and exam prep all had the school in a complete uproar.

Even though all of that was happening at school, I did not care, not in the slightest. Today was Saturday morning, and that meant no school, so I should not be worrying about school. Today and tomorrow was about me, relaxing. Keeping that in mind kept me in a content state.

But that was not the only thing that aided in my happiness. A deep sigh, light moan, and a arm snake around my waist caught my attention. There I was, laying in a large bed, sheets only covering half my body, leaving my naked torso visible, being held by a strong set of arms. Behind me was my reason for serenity. The very being of my existence -Ace.

Ace laid behind me, half exposed as well. He was slumped over me in a spooning type hold, his body gently slipping next to me -like two pieces of a puzzle. The wolf laid behind me breathing lightly, warm, soft breathes beat against my neck, and I could only melt. Not from the warmth, but by emotions felt at that time.

No doubt that I loved Ace. No one exactly knew, but that was because of the entire issue... You know, our age gap. It was not like he was some old pervert or anything. He was early twenties, and as far as the pervert part, I came onto him. He was so sweet, hot, and very charming, getting what he wanted just from sheer words... The way he did that was hot, and it gets me going.

As we lay there, bathed in the early rays of the sun that escaped into the room, Ace nuzzled my neck. The same breathes that heated me up so nicely seconds ago could still be felt, but that's not the only warm spot. Under the covers something was sticking out a little, and being the lucky gay bear I am, it also jabbed me between two furry cheeks, making a cozy spot for itself to rest in.

"Mmmmmmmm..... Morning pup...." Ace said with a drowsy voice, but sexy all at the same time. The feel of his member placed in a comfortable place brought a few moans out of him.

"Mornin'.... And I'm not a pup, those are canines, I'm clearly a bear. We bears don't associate with mutts." I said jokingly. That caused the wolf to grind a little into me and chuckle.

"Funny, this coming from the bear that's always been beneath me." I gave a playful wiggle of the tail, and he let out a soft moan, strengthening his grip around my waist, our bodies left with no space between them. "Anyway, I was so busy ripping away your clothes last night, I didn't get to ask you how your day went."

The comment brought me to blush, and I laid there. Ace let go of my body and turned over and turned on a lamp, illuminating a dark room, with shadowy interior that gave off a cave feel. The room was huge and contained a king size bed and the 70" tv that hung on the wall. He shuffled around, grabbing a joint and lighter from the nightstand beside his bed.

"I've had at your tail, so now tell me what's on your mind." He says as he lights the joint, inhaling it's content and blowing smoke into the air. "Debrief."

I turned into my back and began, "Not much really. Football season is over with, and now all that's needed to be done is keep my grades up."

Ace continued to take in the illegal substance. "I said debrief... Tell me what you've noticed around your school... Around your 'friends'." He handed me the joint. "Open your mind a bit."

I took the joint and took a few hits, letting the effects of my buzz set in. I could feel my body get lazy, even though I was well rested. The room felt like it was moving, yet not fast at all. My mind began to feel like static, and then Ace's words ran through my head, like a tape recorder. "Debrief." "What's on your mind." Usually, the wolf wasn't interested in my life. True he attended all of my games, but his absence in my personal life showed the lack of care. This wasn't like Ace, so it was obvious there was a mind game of some sort that was being played on me. I just had to think carefully.

I laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality only five minutes, taking hit after hit of the rolled-up substance. With each passing turn I felt my kind open -expand. My thought process became smoother, and to my dismay, my mind still couldn't grasp the concept of Ace's words. The wolf was great at mind games, and would indulge me into one without consent. He believed that by challenging the brain everyday, the mind would become stronger. So far, that theory has been as reliable as any other proven theory.

Thoughts ran through my mind, every word he said, but no matter how hard I concentrated, the answer never came. I was beginning to give up, this surely was not worth blowing a high over. At the verge of giving up, something hit me. "Around your school... Around your 'friends'. Ace narrowed it down himself. Something was going on at school, yet it was dealing with my friends. I didn't know exactly where this game was headed, but I was more than happy with myself to figure out a piece to this puzzle.

"Do you know something about my friends that I don't know?" I asked, passing him the rolled paper.

It was obvious I had gotten that part. Ace smiled, showing how proud I was to be able to catch on. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But if you tell me, I won't deny."

I layer back, arms crossed behind my head as I looked up at the ceiling. What could I be. Ace always came up with mysteries, but usually it was used as a reward system for... 'dirty play'. Even though that was exciting (all of the time), this thing dealing with my friends intrigued me, so. I felt the slightest bit embarrassed of the fact he knew something about MY friend that I hadn't noticed.


Was it Max? Lately, my old friend has been working nonstop. With getting his transcript completed, and preparing for summer school, nothing really exciting could be going on in his life. Maybe Ace found out about the secret feelings I had for Max... But on the other paw, he always known I kept a special place for the husky in my heart.

The new addition to the group, Taylor, recently showed feelings for three furs at our school. Two of them being guys. Even though that was juicy, Ace would never really break down a fur we barely knew. Then again, this was Ace. He loved picking around in furs head. If the wolf hated anything it was to not know what someone is thinking.

"Is it Taylor and his love square...thingy?" I asked, taking a shot in the dark, and missing. Ace shook his head and passed the MJ, allowing me to suck it a few times before going back into deep thought.

Everyone's favorite stoner, Caleb, seemed to be doing well. All of his grades stayed above C's, shockingly. He mostly smoked most of his life away, yet I say that in a good way. Every time we see the kid he's rolling up a joint, mixing something, or popping the top on a bottle, but he knew how to have a good time, stay out of trouble, and keep his grades and friends up.

That only left Drake and Tyran. It was hard to think of them separately. After winter break, the two has spent every waking moment together. You could find them laughing in a corner, or skipping off, secluding themselves from the rest of us. None of this behavior was strange. I guess they missed one another. The situation worked out fine; seeing Drake happy made the crew happy. Although, something didn't feel right. Drake was happy, but why? Why did we not see any beef between the two. After all the pain Drake has been through, how could he just forgive someone who has caused so much dread in his life. Unless there was something I missed... A simple thing that we may have looked over. But... What... Could... That...

"OH MY GOD! DRAKE AND TYRAN ARE YIFFING!" I blurted out, all of the puzzle pieces falling into place now.

"Haha! Yes, finally!" The wolf found this hilarious. It could have been the shocked expression on my face. "But just because two guys show interest doesn't mean they fuck... Watch the stereotype, mister."

I picked up my maw, turned in my side, and grinned at the wolf. "We did."

Ace remained in his back, still looking at the ceiling and laughing. He grabbed my muzzle and pushed me off the bed.

"No, I was raped, big difference." We laughed and I pounced on top of him, trying my best to pin him down, but in the end I ended up on my back, helplessly forced into the bed.

I looked up into his pitch black eyes, losing myself. He could have me at that moment if he liked... I would have liked...

"How the hell did you know that?" I asked, panting lightly from our horseplay. "I mean, do you just sit around and look at teenage boys, picking their head? Cause if you do there is a term for that."

He growled and nipped at my neck, and I lay under him, giggling, and squirming within his grasp. The strong body holding me down pressed against my lower region, my arms flung, and held in place over my head.

"I've known since...well...last October, it think. Had a talk with Tyran, and seems like the two had something going on. I never told you because it wasn't my business, but...but it was taking those two way to long to tell you. Can't blame them though, you haven't even told them you're gay."

"Who needs to know?" I asked, smirking. "Who fucks me is my business, and I'll come out to everyone when a certain fur makes me his boyfriend."

Ace rolled his eyes and grinned. "Being my bitch isn't enough these days?"

I growled and pushed him off me, a little pissed from the comment, but at the same time smiling. Ace may not have given me the love that I needed, but he was here, through everything. I trusted him more than anything. No matter what he did, something else he does would make it better. Like now, how he came up from behind and held me into his chest. I gave out a silent sigh as my soul smiled. The warmth embrace was all I needed to know that somewhere in his soul he wanted me here... And I wanted to be here...

He leaned in my ear. Soft, moist breathes could be felt gently brushing the inside of my ear, causing me to shudder. He whispered, so sexually, so lustfully, "Ready for a little mornin' sex?"

I grinned and he pulled me back in bed, throwing the sheets over us and pressing our bodies together. He knew exactly how to get inside my head.




Months passed, and now Madison High was in the beginning stages of the end. May came around, one of the months everyone longed for since the first day of school. Teachers were winding down, giving less homework, and more class work. They were making sure everyone was ready for their finals.

I, myself, was excited about the Summer break. Who wouldn't be? There would be parties, girls, my friends...weed. I could finally relax, hangout, smoke good, and get laid without thinking about some dumb test I had the next day.

My life seemed like a movie at times. It felt as it I was just acting about a role, watching others go along, and love happy lives, even it their life was reeled with misfortune at first. Obviously, the reason I felt this way was because of an unusual reunion between Drake and Tyran.

Over the past few months I have watched Drake and Tyran grow closer, with each passing day they became more attached at the hip than the next. My cousin seemed happy, a lot happier than usual. It was like Tyran gave breath to a lifeless fur, because the Drake I knew was reformed.

I secretly hated how everyone accepted that little feline back. Where they not there to witness what he had done to Drake? How he sent the fur who was like a 'brother' to me deeper and deeper into the pits of depression? What happened was beyond me -supernatural almost. I watched my hybrid cousin change again: no drugs, no alcohol, just Tyran. I barely saw Drake, and that made me resent Tyran more. He was not just going to slither back onto my good side.

Today was a relatively good day. The teachers backed down on the homework, and that just left me with one real reason to be in school -basketball.

Yes, I was on the basketball ball team, and to my surprise, the starting point guard for next year. You'd think all of the drugs and alcohol would slow me down, but I often thought of it as way to make me better.

Coach made us do a few drills, passing drills, suicides, and then reversed some plays. The process took an hour and a half, and once he blew his whistle for the last time, I almost felt like dying. It was good two weeks remained in this school year. I wouldn't miss these sly attempts of murder from my coach.

After taking a shower, I made my way from the team, going to do what yours truly does best -blow a big one. I had ten minutes before my next class, so I decided to duck off into one of my common spots near the gym. It wasn't much. A small room that held all of the old supplies no one use anymore, leaving it abandoned.

When I got there, opened the door, I found someone else sitting in the small, closet-sized, room. The sight of this fur caused me to let out a low growl. There in the room, rolling up a joint of his own sat Shaun, everyone's favorite pit bull. Once he saw me his eyes widened, but they adjusted after he confirmed it was me and not a teacher.

Shaun looked at me then turned away, mumbling, "What the hell are you doing here?"

A low growl escaped again, my hatred for this guy burning deep within the audible sounds escaping. "I could ask you the same thing, but I won't." I walked in and closed the door. I took a seat not far from him and began emptying my pockets of the supplies I needed. "This is my closest time to look for another, so just sit there and be quiet until I leave."

Shaun rolled his eyes, continuing to work on his project at hand. I did the same, not giving him any of my attention. When I finally had the contents rolled nicely, I sat back, took out a lighter, and enjoyed inhaling my joint. The substance entered, and immediately I felt the world just fade away, as if nothing mattered, or ever did. Everything I felt like I cared about just stopped.

Shaun had finally finished his joint as well, and was casting clouds in the air. We didn't talk, just glanced at one another from time to time. I made sure we wouldn't hold a gaze for more than two seconds, because I really didn't want to talk to him... Did I?

Marijuana alway put me in this mood. The people I didn't like or don't know could easily be tolerated, and since I was the type of fur that didn't like anyone, except my friends, the substance helped my social contact. Even had a girlfriend.

The silence was killing me. I hated silence when I smoked. I took out my phone to see if I could listen to music, but sadly I forgot to charge it last night, so I was left with twenty percent. I sighed and shook my head, knowing that the inevitable would soon happen, so I made it so I talked, but hatred was still present.

"Ey, what's that shit?" I pointed at the joint.

Shaun gave me a puzzled look. He knew I didn't like him, and vice versa, but he just shrugged and said, "OG Kush, somethin a pal dropped off... Shit smokin decent... Give you an all body high... And that?" He pointed at the joint in my paw. I twisted it around, smelled it, took a hit, and smiled. This nit it of marijuana was the real deal.

"It's some stuff called G-13; one of the strongest strains out on the market." I continued to explain, taking another hit. "They say it was created in a government lab, so the high you get is altered. Good shit indeed, and it better be, thirty bucks a gram!"

"Wow man!" Shaun said with exciting bouncing off of him. "Dude, that shit sounds dope! Can I hit it... Ummm... Once?"

For some odd reason, when Shaun asked it something clicked inside of me, a little angry that he would ask for my stuff! I didn't like him, and vice VERSA.

"Dude... I don't like yo ass." I spat, the rude edge cutting at his ears as they splayed on the surface of his skull.

The pit bull seemed a little hurt by my words. He turned around, faced another direction, and mumbled "Whatever," just light enough for me to hear.

After that, the sad look just remained on his face. The guilt wanted me to reach out, say something, just to make him feel better, because at that moment.. I think he wanted to cry. My hard exterior, and 'don't give a fuck' attitude kept me from comforting him. Why would I? I didn't like him, and I don't really care for furs.

We sat there for a few minutes, quiet. I sat their and finished my session, and he did the same, not once did we make eye contact, and I was completely ok with it. I soon looked at my phone, it now had nineteen percent left. I checked the time and decided it was time to leave for class. Last thing I needed was to beg coach for a pass. I stood up and grabbed my things. The moment my law touched the nob, Shaun spoke again.

"You know..." His voice was only a whisper, "Me and you... We're not that different... You have Drake, and I 'had' Tyran, and well, soon you're going to be as alone as me. Just wait."

The pit bull now wore a grin on his muzzle, as of his words were going to hurt me. I did not care for what he said. Drake and I were like brothers, always have been, unlike Tyran and Shaun. They hated one another. I don't think I have ever seen them two have a full conversation with one another.

I rolled my eyes, and said, "Whatever." before turning back around.

"It's true." He spoke again. "Over the last six months, you know...since 'Tyran' came into the group, where has Drake been? Not with you, huh?" I clenched a paw, feeling a little bit of his twisted mind becoming reality. "Heh... Drake is leaving you in the dust..."

"Shut up!" I growled, ready to turn around and punch him square in the muzzle. Shaun was about my size, and a pit bull, but that didn't scare me. If I fought Shaun it would be an easy win.

He laughed. At first it was a chuckle, becoming the giggles, and finally full blown laughter, feeling the tiny room. I looked over my shoulder and glared at him.

Another hit of the joint was hit by the Pit. He looked me straight in the eye and grinned. "Drake...Drake is leaving you in the dust, and you wanna know why?"

I turned around to hear his sad truth. If he was to say something out of hand, or stupid, I was going to knock his teeth down his throat and out of his asshole. But deep down, I wanted to know... I needed to know why Drake was slipping away. Our bond; friendship; relationship was fading softly into the past, and I wanted to know why!

"Because..." Shaun burst out laughing again, but this time it only lasted about five seconds. "Drake and my brother," He took another hit of his joint and blew t right into my face. "...they're lovers"

My eyes widened, teeth grind, and paw clenched. The accusation of my cousin being in love with a guy...being..a fag! That Pit had done it, the nerve of him saying such filth, how dare he taint Drake's name in such a way. Anger boiled over and before I knew it Shaun's collar was in my paw and he was forced against the wall.

"HOW DARE YOU MUTHAFUCKA!" I yelled, my teeth at his neck ready to rip his spine out. "My cousin isn't like that you sonofabitch, he fucked more girls than you ever could, and I ever hear you spread that lie around school, I-I-I'll..."

He started chuckling lightly in my grasp, cutting me off. I wanted to make good on that promise right there, but he began to speak, "I swear to you that I will never let it leave my lips again... But you have to do something for me first..."

"Fuck you!" I growled.

He smiled at me and said, calmly, "It's something simple, k? All you have to do is ask Drake yourself if it's true. If its not, then I will never say anything about Drake for as long as I live...but you do have to ask him."

My grip on him lightened, but my anger was still dominant. What I this was a mind trick, something that would ruin my relationship with Drake. With such an accusation, I can't just push it off. The look in the pit bulls eyes were so sure. It made me feel like he knew the outcome, and was just waiting to shove it all down my throat when time came to past.

Slowly, my grip on him lessened, until I completely let him go. I turned around, quiet, not knowing what to say. The anger was still there, but now it was occupied by something a little different -doubt. I didn't know what to expect, the thought of this being true made my knees weak.

I grabbed ahold of my things and turned to the door, my eyes watering a little. There was no way possible Drake could be... Gay. The thought of it disgusted me, I felt nauseated. One question played in my head, over, and over, and over, even after I left Shaun in the small closet space.

'What if it's true...'




Thunder clouds formed over the small town of Madison. A light drizzle cast a few drops of water on the window of my 6th period class as I stared out into the storm. Usually, a storm brewing in the midst relaxed me, calmed my troubled mind, but today... For some reason it seemed like a disaster was approaching.

I pushed that to the back of my head, not wanting to think negative, so my thoughts raced to the only thing that brought comfort -Tyran. Images of the small lion ran through my thoughts. His tiny body that was lean and curved perfectly. I though of how much I loved putting my paws on his waist, just to fit perfectly into those curves. The way he looked into my eyes, like my soul was at his mercy, because I often became weak in the knees when we made eye contact.

Tyran and I had been together for five months now, and without the weird stuff like sex, I think everything was going pretty well. We kissed, a lot. We hugged, a lot. We touched... A LOT! I loved the way he wrapped around me after a long day of no physical contact, or the way he'd let me run a law over his body that often made him twitch from anticipation.

Not much longer until school would release us, and finally, after a day of waiting, I could get Tyran alone. No one had any idea what it felt like to be away from him. It was like each second apart was an eternity. Sometimes being away from him hurt, but the pain just made everything real.

I sat in class, watching the storm and pushing away the feeling of something had lurking around the corner. As much as I tried to shake that annoying feeling off, it seemed to be stuck. The only way to deal with it is wait and let today play out. Whatever out there could never destroy my happiness -not along as I have Tyran. With him, I had the strength to move mountains -no worlds.

The bell rang, causing me to snap out of my trance. The weather and gloomy sky held my attention. In a way, storms fascinated me. The feeling it gave off, like a mellow high that leaves you defenseless, but at the same time you could care less. Just bathing in the moment and enjoying life for what it was could make me forget about everything.

I grabbed my backpack, ready to leave class. The faster I got out of this class, and into the next, the better. I could feel the time push closer to releasing me into my happy place. All I had to do is to wait patiently.

As I was walking to my next class, a voice called out to me. I turned around to find Shaun, the evil brother, wave me over. He stood in an area that lead to the basement of the school. Of course, being the fur that I am, suspicion grew. I had a bad feeling about today, but whatever it was did not scare me... So I walked over, curious of my summoning.

"What?" I mumbled, grabbing the strap on my backpack, readjusting it.

He turned away and opened a door. This door lead to the basement. "I have to talk to you... In private."

Any normal fur would have declined his offer, but not me. I held my arms open wide for danger, never fearing anything. In the end, I will live at the end of the day, and that is all that counted. Without query, I followed the pit bull into the basement. We walked down a set of stairs, descending under the school, darkness falling as we made our way down. Light was becoming scarce. Once off the stairs, we took a few more steps, and he stopped, holding his back to me.

"So... What the hell do you want?" Shaun began to laugh. It started out as a chuckle, but a full blown laugh burst throughout the basement, echoing. To be honest, the laugh made me feel uncomfortable, but I still wasn't scared. Never show fear... Never!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. My defenses were now up, ready for something... Anything. He just continued laughing. "Dude, something is seriously wrong with're a fuckin freak..."

"FREAK?" The laughter came to an halt, yet a giggle slipped out. "How dare YOU call ME a freak!" Shaun turned around, a smile, no, smirk plastered on his face. He took a few steps toward me, my fist balled and readied. "You see...this is going to be even more fun than I anticipated... Can't believe I waited this long... Guess Caleb just caused me to snap this morning. He really can be a dick..."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked as I lowered my fist. "Tell me what's fun and what Caleb did?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FAGGOT!" I flinched a bit, his words booming thought the silent area. At a point, it felt like my tail wanted to retreat between my legs. Shaun smiled. "For a long time...I've been in the shadow of your infamous gang, just being taken along for the ride. Always wondering why your group would pick Tyran instead of me? He wasn't cool. He wasn't about the street life, partying, breaking the rules... But I was... I was the one ready to put my life down." He shook his head, like he really couldn't comprehend why we weren't interested in him. "Instead, you chose the weak little bitch!"

My teeth clenched and I launched at the Pit, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him into a near wall. The fact the he insulted Tyran caused me to go into rage mode. He wasn't allowed to talk down on his brother -no one is!

He laughed, again. Even though I had him within my grasp, with such a strong killing intent, he found the courage to laugh. Something was off. This laugh, it felt like he intended on my actions.

"Hahaha! But dude... Let me finish. I understand why you guys picked him... I now understand why you wanted him protected, and no one could mess with little Tyran without the big bad hybrid jumping to his rescue. It's all clear."

I loosened the grip on the mut. Something had struck me as odd, and now I was having a full out reaction to an ominous ending. Something about how he said what he said made my knees weak. I didn't understand how, but I finally felt fear... "W-what?"

He looked down at me with his pitch black eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I figured out why he received special privileges... I mean, he's fucking the leader of your little group, why wouldn't he?"

Those words cut through me like a sword. I froze and let him to completely, my knees finally giving up as I fell to the ground. How could he know about this. There was no way to find out, Tyran and I were always careful -cautious. I wanted to look up and deny it, but the way he presented himself showed that even if he did, I couldn't convince him. He had seen something valuable, and it would certainly be used against me. At that moment, my life felt like it had came to an end.

"," I whispered, voice becoming shaky. "What do you want from"

He kneeled down, noses inches apart, as his dark pupils glared at me. He spoke, a sinister edge present, "I want you and him to feel every bit of pain and humiliation as I did..."

Those were his last words before getting up and leaving. I was left on the floor, lost, confused. For the first time in a long time I could feel fear clawing its way out of me. The feeling was not something I familiarized myself with, so when it began to become present, I just felt even more afraid.

Shaun now held the key to my relationship with Tyran. He knew the secret that could end me for ever. What if he tells the school? Caleb would find out, then soon my family. What about the other relationships I have formed? Would they fall apart as well?


How can this affect Tyran. Shaun is a dirty fur, and selfish to top it off. If things didn't go his way, then he would make it. A spoiled kid who thinks he deserves the world. Ever since we were young had hated the attention his parents and Caleb and crew showed Tyran, so it was obvious what the first attack will be directed to.

I sat there, lost in the depths of my own mind, trying find a way to get out of this, but as hard as I tried nothing came to mind. I hated myself for all of this. Soon my life, and as well as Tyran's would change --forever.

Freshmen Year: Dark Pink

**_Chapter 8_** \*\*\* Dozer \*\*\* The day had finally come. Furs walked about the halls of Madison High, holding paws, pressed against lockers to make out, and bouquet of flowers being handed out. It was that time of year. Loved...

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Freshmen Year: A Feeling Never Felt

_Chapter 7_ \*\*\* Amber \*\*\* February 10th came, the day our school had been waiting for. The day our school would fight for state champions. It was the first game all over again, furs pumped up and excited to see their team to...

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Freshmen Year: Gay, Bi, or Straight?

_ **Chapter 6** _ \*\*\* Jakob \*\*\* The holidays were right around the corner. December 15th came along, just another school day filled with the same boring activities. Luckily it was seventh period, closing in on football...

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