Freshmen Year: Dark Pink

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Freshmen Year

Why Dark Pink? Because within this bright holiday, dark things may come. This is Chapter 8 of the series. Look forward to two more chapters before Junior Year begins. Stay tuned!

Chapter 8




The day had finally come. Furs walked about the halls of Madison High, holding paws, pressed against lockers to make out, and bouquet of flowers being handed out. It was that time of year. Loved filled the air, or in our case, lust.

Today was valentines day, a very bright, and unusual day. The halls were decorated with very bright colors, and to be honest, it looked like a rainbow had vomited -sickening. Hearts hung from the ceilings and decor draped from edges, and to top it off, everyone was in a cheery, happy-go-lucky mood.

What a worthless holiday? Celebrating love for another which probably wouldn't last just seemed pointless, especially in high school. Today you're with Tom, and the next you have the hots for Chad. I would never understand this.

Never have I liked Valentines Day, but I guess that had something to do with not having someone to spend it with. Since a young age of six. I've known I was gay, but just recently came out to the world last year. Growing up gay in a straight world was nerve wrecking, at times it seemed impossible to find another attractive guy that I could enjoy my school days with.

Seeing everyone happy made me jealous. I wanted to have someone to hold paws with, or push me against the locker and rest my face in their paws as we kiss passionately. Like ever teenager I wanted to find someone who made life easier, a fur that gave me hope for the next day, and when we are apart, my heart cries. But that was something out of arms length. Madison High had very few openly gay males, and absolutely zero gay couples -just my luck.

I waited for Samantha at my locker. It was the usual spot we met after class to get in few words in before heading off to another class. That five minute interval was what kids waited forty-five minutes for.

Samantha and I were becoming close friends, along with Colby, and on occasions, Taylor. We were all apart of the GSA, so I guess we felt obligated to form a pack, but how I felt is we were drawn together by our similar goals.

Samantha, Taylor, Colby, and myself were all out to find that special someone. A fur that could make our heart flutter, and someone we could flaunt and show off to the school. It was a dream we always spoke on, but knew in our hearts would take more time and patients to achieve. We kept our heads up.

Samantha finally arrived, and we begun our journey through the hall.

"Look at them..." I gave my attention to a couple, two Cheetahs, standing near a set of lockers, lip locked. "Why can't that happen to me?!"

Samantha giggled before replying, "...because, you're not looking for a hot cheetah chick?"

I rolled my eyes, a little irritated at the sight... The passion... The love. I sighed.

"True...but I wouldn't mind sexy cheetah guy..."

I sounded like a broken record, Samantha probably tired of hearing me whine and stress over not having a male companion. I didn't care, nonetheless, since she is suppose to be the president of GSA, it's her duty to listen to my complaints. Plus she's my friend.

"If you want a guy so bad, why not ask..." Her voice trailed off, I already knew where she was headed.

"...I am not asking Colby out on a date..."

"But whhhyyyyy?" She whined, her shoulders pulled toward the ground.

"H-he's just not my type..."

That was not a lie. Colby, my friend, was attractive. Short, cute face, fit, lean body that probably looked good without any clothes. He is a great guy, but still...not my type.

But what was my type? What made Colby 'not my type'? Of course Colby was small, cute, and lean, but I wanted more. I want a fur that's beyond the expected. Tall, athletic, a great set of abs, and a dominant attitude. A guy who knows what he wants and go gets it. Colby just was not that fur.

"Then who is your type then?" The fox queried.

I paused, not wanting to say the next thing, because just as she asked a specifics fur walked past. A fur with an amazing set of fur, a body sculptured by God himself...


As he walked passed, a blush just stained my cheeks. I wanted to turn around, look at him, catch a glimpse of his beautiful body and handsome face, but I was not able to. That is something I never did -let furs know who I had a crush on.

"Well?" She said, more anxious than usual.

"Uhmm...well... Hey! There's Colby and Taylor." I pointed ahead, distracting the sly fox. The wolf and Dalmatian made their way to us with smiles and greetings.

"Hey guy and gal, what's up?" Taylor said with his usual cheerful attitude.

"Not much, just talking about crushes..." Samantha replied. Her eyes darted over at me, but I pretended not to notice.

Taylor chuckled. "Oh yeah, that reminds me... We should go to the dance tonight? I'm bored out of my mind, and...well...I-I just want to go."

Taylor had something to say, but he shied away. I didn't want to push further into his reasoning, not to mention his suggestion caught my attention.

"But we don't have anyone to go with." I stated, looking at Colby who was acting unusual, his face resembled a red crayon so flushed. He stood there quiet, not even greeting us.

"I-um we... Me and Colby are going together, you know? Just as friends to pass the time tonight..." Now Taylor was blushing, kind of shying away, unlike his usual, outgoing personality.

Hearing the news, Samamtha squealed! "O-M-G! I can not believe you two are going to the dance together!?! Ya'll make a cute couple, hugging, and dancing together!! This is why I wanted to be president of the gay straight alliance, for moments like these!!"

Samanthas outburst made the two blush even more now. Taylor looked one way, and Colby looked the other, both their faces showing more embarrassment than a kid wetting himself.

"It's just as friends..." Colby replied softly, finally speaking with his head still turned away.

"I know!" The fox launched at Colby, throwing her arms around him. "But it's a step closer than me! I'm dateless!"

"How about you and Dozer go?" Taylor suggested.

I froze at the words. Me, take Samamtha out? I liked her as a friend, but there was no way I could date her.

"Umm... Does the term 'gay' mean anything to you all?" I said, forming a small blush.

Colby spoke again. "Yeah...but we were thinking we could all go, so you two maybe...can go with each friends?"

"Sounds good to me." Samantha said before turning to me, followed by Taylor and Colby doing the same, waiting on an answer.

Deep down I really wanted to go to the dance. I had never been to one before, yet I always imagined my first dance being with my dream guy. Stealing the floor as I melt into his strong arms. It felt weird imagining myself sharing this experience with a girl.

"O-ok..." I said, forced. It was really hard saying no to all of my friends faces.

Everyone smiled, excited about our plans. We told each other what time and where to meet up. Pure happiness could be sensed in their voices as they talked away about how fun it would be, but I stayed in the back, silent, lost in thoughts and feelings.

Everyone soon departed for class, not wanting to be late, leaving me confuses and hurt. I did not mind going to the dance with Samantha, because I honestly thought it would be fun. Something else bothered me, and that was the thought of Colby and Taylor accompanying each other to the dance. A part of me felt lonely, because I wouldn't have a handsome guy to be with tonight. The other part was jealousy. Those two were going together, living out my dream, something I've waited for for eight years. I was jealous... But that also wasnt the worse part.

Who was I jealous of? Colby or Taylor...?




Everything I ever believed was now thrown away. One day you know something is wrong, and the next you're in deep thought because for some reason it feels -so right. Like when you're a cub. Your parents tell you not to steal a cookie from the jar, but you do it, because that taste is amazing, but the deed is wrong.

That is how I felt, laying in my bed, beside my best friend -my world. Even though I believed at one point of my life that doing what I did now was disgusting, it felt amazing. Everything about sharing this bed with this guy, now felt right.

My eyes darted over a nicely built body, covered in beautiful grey fur with black streaks. It fascinated me, how I could watch something and be so amazed. A chest that pushed up and down so many times with no flaw in its pattern had just caught my eye, not letting it go.

I ran a paw over the chest, felling a gentle heart beat below. I felt in tune with it, a perfect harmony that sang the most beautiful song, with the most perfect beat. As I felt the careful thumping under my paw, my body synced in, pulling my own heart beat into it. This must be what drugs feels like.

It's easy to care for yourself in this screwed up world. Only looking out for you doesn't take any effort, just easy selfishness. Loving someone? Giving a person your all, and keeping them first above all things, well that takes work, more than anyone is willing to put forth.

But it is all worth it. The things you do for someone you love makes it all worthwhile. Because that certain person takes away that fe of loneliness, and implants a will to live, wake up each morning to push through the day, if not just to see them.


I laid next to the fur I felt so much for -Drake. Our bodies connected with just a mere arm as he held me to his side. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body, sinking into mine. It felt great. Just being beside him sent chills down my spine.

Tonight was valentines day, but instead of going to a fancy dance, or see a movie, even a simple dinner, Drake and I laid in my bed, motionless, to enjoy each others company, even if a word was not spoken.

Since it was Valentines Day, my parents were out having dinner, and Shaun was gone out with a few friends. That left the house empty, giving Drake and I the perfect chance to just be in each others presence. It was not often we found the chance to be alone.

The movie 300 had just ended. Afterward we made our way upstairs to do a little cuddling. Little did I know we would be laying together in nothing but our underwear.

This was our first time together, and the closest to being nude. I thought I would be nervous, but just being next to that hybrid eased all worries. I was lost in a sea of emotions, but one I could distinguish, and that drowned me was love.

Drake turned on his side and gazed into my eyes, almost melting into his stare. His eyes were amazing, a light hazel blending perfectly with his fur, almost grey. They were magnificent.

"What are you thinking about?" He said in a whisper.

I gave a light smile. "You..."

Drake returned the smile and closed his eyes, letting out a low sigh, his breaths becoming lighter and lighter.

"I am really happy we spent the night like this... You know, instead of going to the dance..."

"Yeah," I said, inching closer. "I prefer having a nice calm evening, just the two of us...really..."

Drake advanced forward as well and pressed his nose to mine, causing me to blush lightly.

"Yeah?" He whispered.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah..."

I felt his lips curl into a smile before he pressed them against mine. A wave of warmth shot though me. I felt weak and excited at the same time, a rush of every emotion except pain ran through my thoughts. This really was a drug.

I wrapped my arms around the hybrids midsection, feeling the kiss, pulling into him wanting our bodies to become one. The thought of having my friend so close just made me that much more excited! In the past I would never have imagined being in this position, laying next to Drake, and even more surprising, having my lips pressed against his. The thought of this happening was fiction in my opinion, but it is very real now.

As the kiss continued, our paws explored the others body, starting with a light stroke of the arm, to tickling the waistline, until they made their way to the groin area. It began to feel awkward when our paws went down further, and even more weird when they grazed over...more private parts.

I broke the kiss. This was a new feeling, a feeling of fear.


"...yeah...we should..."

Drake and I both turned on our sides, looking away from each other, and breaking all contact. A silence fell over the room, no longer did I feel that uncontrollable desire to be one with him.

Drake was the first to speak, breaking the silence. "Tyran... Sorry, I guess we just got carried away, it won't happen again..."

To be honest, deep down, I did not want it to end. The thought often crossed my mind. How would it feel to do other things? What was expected of me? Will it hurt? I guess sex with two guys was a lot different from it would be between a guy and a girl. I knew how that worked. Porn was very accessible, nowadays.

"D-don't apologize... Trust me, you aren't the only one that's curious..."

Drake stroked my cheek and smiled, flaunting those pearly white canines.

"...I want you so bad...but I don't know how any of this work... I'm still so new to the whole dating a guy thing. I mean, I've been so anxious, and curious to be with you intimately, but I'm clueless to how we will do anything." He explained, continuing to let his paw fall down my cheek.

"it would be easier to talk to someone about it, but I am to embarrassed to look for help in this department... True enough most boys go to their father for support, but you know I haven't seen him in ages, and even I had the relationship with him I wouldn't do so.." He paused. " I resorted to gay porn, but that wasn't interesting at all. Before I can get five minutes in the video I'd get freaked."

I tilt my head, a little confused. "What do you mean? I thought you liked guys?"

Drake's smile faded into a frown.

"I'm only into you..." He nuzzled into my neck. "You are the fur I had my eye on. The one I worked so hard to protect and keep out of harms way. The same fur I spent nights praying I could see the next day... When we are away, I look for only you...

"When I first felt this way about you I noticed something weird about you... Your scent." Drake began to blush, and I grabbed his paw, also blushing from the words spoken. "When you were around me my senses went wild. I wanted to touch you, explore you, mate with you... Of course I thought it was just my hormones, but I knew how a girl scent was, and other guys barely have a scent at all. Yours forced me into a state of confusion..."

Before I could comprehend, my body leaned in and planted a deep, passionate, yet short kiss, onto the hybrid's lips. Everything he felt was mutual!

"I know exactly what you mean!" The hybrid's ears perked up. "I'm not attracted to guys... I thought it was just my head screwed up or something, because the way I feel with you is... Dammit! I can't even find the words! I am not gay, I am just crazy in love with you!"

Suddenly, I was pushed on my back, Drake stationed over me, his lips curling into a sly smile. I could feel his light breaths, the grey muzzle just inches from mine.

"You love me?"

I blushed under his larger body, not able to escape, and embarrassed.

"M-maybe..." I squeezed out.

Drake's tongue gently slid over my nose. "I love you too... That is why I want to try something with you... Not sex, but at least share an experience..."

"Like what?"

Drake removed himself from over me and sat Indian style. I mimicked his action, sitting directly in front of him, gazing at his sculpted body. Compared to him, I was tiny.

" drastic..." Drake paws reach out and rubbed over my crotch, fondling my clothed sheath.

My body froze at the touch, not knowing what to do, or if I should be getting the tingly sensation in my sheath. I leaned back, his paws continued to caress the lower region of my body, slight moans escaped my muzzle. He rubbed against my boxers harder and harder until my body couldn't resist anymore! My sheath slowly released my cock, growing until it was at full length, and begging to be torn from its captivity.

Once fully erect, Drake pulled the waistband down, and his mouth hung agape. I looked down at him, grinning, with a blush staining my cheeks. I knew what the cause of this.

"Damn...damn dude! You're pretty BIG!"

True enough, despite the size of my body, I was pretty big in the manhood department. Standing at a good 7.5 inches, my cock bounced with excitement, looking Drake dead in the eye. The world had screwed me over when dealing with my height and weight deficiency, but made up for it down there. Most guys our age wouldn't even be that big, and I still had a lot of growing to do.

Drake grabbed my member in his paw, starting with a slow jerk motion, causing my grin to fade away, and one to form on his face. I let out a few moans, not able to control the noises escaping my body. The feeling was new, I had never had someone else handle me, so the helping hand helped a lot more than it known.

As I leaned back onto my paws, Drake continued to work his magic, now going a little faster. Each stroke consisted of a tight grip at the base of my cock, but eased up coming to the head. My body did not know how to react to the pleasure, unfamiliar with how it was being handled. I twisted and turned, my toes curled, body jerked -it felt amazing!

"Come here!"

Drake pulled my body closer and leaned down, still sitting with his legs crossed. In just a moment I was washed over with utter pleasure. Drake had taken the tip of my cock and started to suckle it, causing me to let out louder moans. I couldn't handle the warmth around me, my claws dug deep into my bed, my body clenched up, and I felt something in my chest that felt a little odd, something powerful. I cocked my head back, fused my paws with the bed, abs tightened, and let out an incredibly loud roar as I shot my load into Drakes muzzle.

Drake's head popped back, not expecting me to finish so early, or shoot in his maw. He wiped the contents away from his muzzle, cum dripping fr the corner of his mouth. I could tell he didn't like it, but he faked a satisfaction. The hybrid began laughing.

"Haha! You didn't last long at ALL!"

Blushing, I turned to the side, embarrassed of the lack of control I possessed.

"...fuck you... I've never done this before."

Drake laid down and pulled me down with him, latching onto my named body, and holding me in a tight embrace. He nuzzled into my neck and have a light chuckle.

"Guess we shared our first 'gay' encounter with each other." He said jokingly.

"The kiss didn't count?" I said, relaxing into the hybrid's chest.

"Forgot about that..."

I wiggled around to get more comfortable, accidentally bumping against a boxer covered sheath. It hit me! I had to return the favor. It wouldn't be right to be the only one to her off!

"Hey... So now it's your turn, right?"

Drake chuckled, one arm around my waist, and his head rested on my shoulder. "Next time... Don't ask why, but I want to experience it another time... Let's just say you owe me."

I rolled my eyes and relaxed into him, obeying his request. We laid there, motionless. The feel of his lungs inhaling and exhaling felt amazing, I could melt within this grasp. Again, I was taken over by just a mere touch, and weird enough, this felt greater than any sexual act.

My eyes closed, feeling the same conform I always felt around Drake. The engulfing love that wanted to keep me in arms length and out of harm. It smothered me in bliss, and I slowly drowned within it, drifting off into a content slumber with only one thing on my mind...





Darkness filled my vision, moving slowly in the presence of a small figure. I moved slowly, side to side, making sure I did not stumble, or compromise the steady movement.

I felt something. A feeling of uneasiness, like unwanted eyes were all beaming in my direction. The back of my head felt like someone was drilling a hole in it.

My vision focused, a small Dalmatian pressed against my body, and I could hear the sound of soft music playing in the background. Pink decor hung from above, occupied by dim lights, and nicely dressed furs. I could finally make out my surrounding as I drifted with the music.

Tonight was a night filled with love, acknowledgment of the one you felt such a strong connection to. A night where you could freely express the way you felt about a person, and let the world see how magnificent the love you shared truly is. Yet, a couple furs did not appreciate my display of feelings.

As the Dalmatian, Colby, and I danced, holding one another close, a few eyes beamed in our direction. The stares were cold, and showed pure disgust, though some were filled with hope and happiness, from a few girls as they giggled amongst one another.

I knew most furs would react in an immature way, this was a risk I was willing to take coming to the dance with another male. I knew I was not gay, and being the guy I am, I could not abandon a friend on such an important night. These stares did not scare me at all.

The constant looks and guffaws may not have put fear in me, but they did cause me to get angry. Who were they to say who a fur can come to this dance with. I was surrounded by judgmental idiots. The lack of respect got under my skin, giving off low growls every time I would catch someone looking in our direction. I wanted to show them just how scared I was.

"Don't worry about them..."

A soft voice spoke below me. Colby pressed his head against my chest as we continued to dance. He lightly nuzzled his cheek into my fur, instantly causing me to relax, but only a little.

"These stares...they don't bother you?" I asked, a little shocked how strong the little Dalmatian portrayed himself.

Colby came to an halt and looked up.

"Since I was a little pup, furs looked at me differently, always commenting on my size, and how I am voice, and the lack of athletic ability. Before I even came out to my family and friends, it felt like everyone knew.

"I had all of these secrets about myself, and little did I know that it wasn't a secret at all. No matter how much I wanted to seem straight and live a normal life, someone would always bring me down, insult me as I walk by, and throw in the occasional 'fag'. After a while...I figured that living a lie and being treated like I was out anyway was no way to live... So these stares we are getting... What they are mumbling under their breath... It doesn't matter to me... Their words can't hurt me... I'm no longer scared."

Colby just stared up at me and gave a bright smile, but even with the smile I felt a sense of pain for my friend. I did not know it was that bad, to force someone out, and torment them for trying to be the very thing they want you to be.

I wanted to cry, and hug him, to feel his pain, because a fur should not have to deal with this by himself. If my heart had eyes, it would probably be crying itself. My emotions got the best of me. I wrapped an arm around Colby's waist, leaned down, and pressed my lips to his, feeling his body melt within my grasp.

The kiss

Having my lips on his felt -amazingly weird. This was my first kiss, not realizing how big of an impact it would have on someone's life. A surge of comfort rushed through me, and the sadness I felt for Colby had vanished, from just a kiss.

"Hey! This shit is disgusting!" Someone voice boomed from behind, causing Colby and I to break away, his face stained with a blush. I turned around to find a Bull Dog named rock. I did not know him, but he supposedly gave Colby, Dozer, and Samantha a hard time last year.

"I didn't know they let fags into the dance." He spat with a smirk on his muzzle. I had a bad feeling about this, especially seeing two other furs behind him, a Doberman and German Shepard.

I stepped up, looking the wall of muscle directly in the eye, showing no fear, even of he was years older, and probably two hundred pounds bigger.

"Fuck off! We're not bothering you!" I said, fist clenched.

Rock turned to his friend and gave off a loud laugh, then back at me. "This fucking freshmen?" He placed a paw on my shoulder and pushed, causing me to stumble, having to regain my balance. "You see, your kissing, holding paws, and faggotness is bothering me. So take that shit out of here and to the street where it belongs."

I growled, even more angry, and launched forward, but was intersected by two bodies. The two blocking my path to ripping the bull dog apart were Brandon and Max. Max looked at me and gave off a smile.

"Calm down, bud. He's half a ton bigger than you." Max turned to Rock. A crowd begun to form, teenagers sniffed out action anywhere they went.

Brandon stepped forward, facing the giant. "Hey man, let's not start anything... You know how coach is, you start trouble and he'll have your ass, and mine too for allowing it."

The Bull Dog guffawed. "So you're allowing these faggots to dance with all of us?"

Brandon tilt his head. "They can dance with whoever they want... I can't stop that, and neither can you, so do the smart thing and back off."

"Fuck that, these fags are going to leave, EVEN IF I HAVE TO BEAT THEIR ASS UNTIL THEY D-"

As Rock yelled, a fist came out of nowhere and landed, casting him to the ground, out cold. Everyone stared in awe at the fur standing over him, and Max just stated back.

"Punk ass bitch... Trying to start shit..." Max stared at the two friends that came with Rock, a lot more fight remained in his eyes. "You two next?"

The Doberman and German Shepard's eyes went to their friend, up at Max, and back to their friend, mouth agape. The answer to that question was obvious.

"I thought so..." Max said.

A group of teachers ran up to see what was going on, and found the Bull Dog sprawled out on the dance floor. They looked up at Max and grabbed him, escorting the Husky out of the dance, leaving the crowd in silence, as they all stared at the body in shock. Brandon looked back at me and gave a nod before shooting off after Max and the teachers, and I did the same. I caught up with him in the schools hallway, dressed in pink, alone.

"Dude! That wasn't even necessary... I could have handled that guy myself!" I said, walking up to Brandon. He turned around, giving off a light smile.

"It was..." He replied. "That canine has been giving us trouble for a while, so we had to jump in. Plus you're part of the pack now, so we had your back... Not wise of you to fight someone like him anyway."

I tilt my head in confusion, not understanding the last of his words. "What do you mean by that?"

"Heh-" Brandon scratched the back of his head, continuing to smile. "It's no secret dude... I mean, we all know you're in love with three furs. I observe you, and I've known your sexuality for quite some time. The way you look at to Dozer... Or when you touch Colby... It's there... You care about them, more than you let off."

As much as I hate to admit it, Brandon was undeniably correct. I loved all three of my friends, in a way you should love only one. Around Dozer I could be myself, talk with him for hours on end, without the fear of feeling like an idiot. Samantha is a beautiful, delicate flower in my eyes. Her attitude and leadership makes the fox attractive, in more ways than you could possibly imagine.

Colby, on the other paw, could ease my soul. Whenever we are in the halls of Madison High, the little Dalmatian would run up and rap his arms around my waist, erasing all troubles. With just the tiny embrace, my body would feel a warm, tingly sensation.

"'re right..." I mumbled.

"I know I am... And that is why we stood up for you. Having a giant after all three of them at school will only keep you in trouble, and out of school." Brandon turned around, but paused before making any other movement. "Just... Just make sure you decide which one of them you want... Prolonging that decision could lead to a nasty ending..."

I gulped, swallowing all the fear he just presented me with. "Thanks man... But before you leave, tell me why are you helping? Why aren't you like the other football jerks, trying to make our lives a living hell?"

The bear shrugged and began walking away. "Taylor....... We're a lot more alike than you think..."








What was the point of all of this? Why do people to through the trouble to find someone for this one night, then end up leaving them a few weeks later. It was pointless to make memories, only to shove them down the garbage disposer in a weeks time.

Valentines day was just for people who wanted false happiness, even of it is for a moment. It was the time of year that made the couples happy, and reminded those people who are alone just how lonely they really are.

It made me sick.

With a bottle of vodka in my paw, I stumbled down the street, my back slumped over and head facing the ground. As I walked, light poles kept me from falling face first into the concrete. I was a total wreck, and completely alone.

While everyone was out with their significant others, I swerved, and staggered on the streets by myself. It was clear at that moment. I was alone and no one wanted to be with me. But it was fine. The only thing that mattered was the vodka I had, and the hangover I would be having he next day.

Life is a bitch with no feelings. A whore with no standards. A maniac with no medicine. For some reason, life kept pushing me into a deeper hole. First, I was made a fool of at a party, my first high school party. Then I lost all of the friends I made after getting them beaten by Drake and his crew. Finally, to top it all off, I was alone on this night. Life hated me.

No doubt I was lonely. The friends I made left me. Drake and the crew thought I was a pot head, someone who only hung around them because they had pot to smoke. Even my brother did not want to deal with me... Could I blame him?

Tyran is my foster brother, and from the very first day he entered our home, I felt threatened. Even though we are the same age, our parents treated him like the baby, but at the same time thought he was more mature than I am. He got good grades, won awards, and stayed out of trouble. Overtime -hate formed.

But now, in my drunken state, I felt the need to talk to my foster brother; to apologize for making his life hell: picking on him, calling him a fag, tormenting every chance presented. I knew it was the liquor talking, but I just did not want to be alone.

Luckily, I made it home safely. It was surprising, seeing that I could barely walk without the support of street polls. I guess life felt the need to give me a break.

Once inside, I kicked my shoes off, and stashed the bottle of vodka in a closet, deep enough so my parents would never find it. The house seemed empty, but I knew Tyran was here. The Lion had no where else to go tonight, so I made my way up the stairs to his room.

The only thing I could think about was apologizing. Maybe that would make me feel better? If not about how I treated him, but about how my life has gone the past year. Madison High was suppose to be life changing. I would meet a cool girl, smoke weed, and chill with a massive amount of new friends. Instead, I didn't find a girl, and lost all the friends I had. What a turn of events.

I walked upstairs, quietly, hoping Tyran hadn't fell asleep. Just a quick chat would do for me. I was never the type to hold a good conversation, especially not with my brother. I became nervous as I neared his room. The light was on, so I knew he was still awake. Slowly, I placed a paw on the knob and turned it, opening the door, and peeking in... What I saw, with my own eyes, left me with no words. Glancing in, I spotted something so disturbing... So disgusting... So juicy!

In Tyran's bed was not only a named lion, but also a half named hybrid with his arms around my brother, his arms wrapped so tight that their bodies were fused. Tyran's tail was wrapped around the Hybrid's leg, going down spirally.

I backed out of the room slowly, closing the door as I exited. This couldn't be real. Tyran, the golden child, was laying in bed next to another guy. The same guy that made straight A's, perfect attitude, and was popular around the girls was in bed with a guy.

The corners of my mouth curled into a smile, noticing what happened. In the room behind me where two furs who made my life a living hell. These two had killed my Freshmen Year, and now I held their fate in my paws...

"What an odd... Turn of events..."

Freshmen Year: A Feeling Never Felt

_Chapter 7_ \*\*\* Amber \*\*\* February 10th came, the day our school had been waiting for. The day our school would fight for state champions. It was the first game all over again, furs pumped up and excited to see their team to...

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Freshmen Year: Gay, Bi, or Straight?

_ **Chapter 6** _ \*\*\* Jakob \*\*\* The holidays were right around the corner. December 15th came along, just another school day filled with the same boring activities. Luckily it was seventh period, closing in on football...

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Freshmen Year: Troubles Before The Holidays

**Chapter 5** \*\*\* Drake \*\*\* Was this some sort of dream? I mean, here I am with the crew, and Tyran pops up. I have a lot of problems in my life, all balanced on the crazy side, and the cause of all of my misery stood before...

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