jay’s training/threw julia's eyes

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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My name is jay... I'm a pokemon breeder... At least I was, there are some things they don't tell you when they give you your pokedex, like it keeps track of not only the pokemon you come in contact with but reports the information directly back to the indigo plateau, or that there are certain evolutions that are forbidden... Let's start my story at the beginning...

It was summer when I got my first pokemon I was 16 at the time my parents got her from a local breeder... At that time I didn't care about contests or battles I just wanted a pet. Some small dumb animal I can talk to and pet... Much later, and to my surprised, I found out my Julia was more than some dumb animal... We were walking around noon time I had had her less than a month. The days were still hot as hell but my cute little fire pokemon rather enjoyed the brisk runs in the heat... I must admit I did to. Though as any teenage boy I wanted to be fit so that I might have a chance to get into the pants of some teenage girl... My eyes drifted to the tail end of my little Julia. She must have noticed my thoughts as she laid her tails down and tilted her head stopping a moment to look at me as if chiding me for peeping... But suddenly a stray eevee came running out of the grass to tackle her. She regained her footing quickly though as I found a stone and started to rear back and toss it at the intruder...

I heard a soft voice in my head... It startled me to tell you the truth it was that of a younger girl saying my name as if far away "Jay... JAY... what are you doing put the rock down and tell me what to do!" Julia was giving me a questioning look glancing between me and the eevee. I blinked and started looking about for the girl and just as I started to say something to ask her, I heard it again this time stronger "fine I will do it myself..." followed be an exasperated "males." my little Julia then leapt up to tackle the eevee whom dove to the side so that her attack missed. Then leapt up again to tackle her... I could do nothing, but watch the spectacle unfold... My vulpix suddenly vanished. Tackling the eevee from the side, she then landed standing on it. Julia grew white hot and I heard the startled yelp of pain from the eevee and watched as my Julia vanished into the tall grass. Coming back with a poke ball in her mouth that same chiding voice in my head "catch it you twit... Toss the ball before it comes back around and I have to fight it" Julia dropped the ball at my feet and then exasperatedly 'spoke' "again!" I reached down and took the ball at my feet tossed it at the eevee and caught my second pokemon... Julia jumped into my arms suddenly speaking into my head once more "stop thinking about my rear and let's go get my sister healed up... Twit"

I blinked I stared at her in astonished "Julia... Is that you?"

Julia nodded her head "yes twit it's me, the pokemon centers that way." she turn her head to the south "I can smell sugar cookies, nurse joy is baking, hurry up or we'll miss out!"

my face turned red "don't call me a twit I'm your owner, your master, and you should respect me." She laughed again it's an indescribable sound the laughter of my vulpix sort of a cute barking sound...

"Stop acting like a twit." she said "and I will stop calling you one... As for my master you don't even know how to battle... If that eevee was as strong as me I could have been killed... If you're my master you have a lot to learn about pokemon."

Speechless I did as I was bidden to and walk to the center... Nurse Joy greeted us with a plate of cookies as I handed her the balled eevee to be taken care of. I and Julia ate quietly, I myself deep in thought Julia blissful leaving my thoughts to myself or at least I think... It's hard to tell about pokemon that can mind speech... I stood up and walked over to the counter "Miss Joy.. Can I ask you a question?"

She looked at me in that cute nurse Joy way and said "sure thing... What do you need?"

I swallowed hard "I want to learn about pokemon... I guess I want to train or breed them" Julia looked back at me as if to say something instead she nodded and returned to licking the sugar flakes off the plate.

Nurse Joy looked me over once then smiled and reached under her counter top "you'll need one of these then" as she handed me a pokedex "oh and one of these" she handed me a hand held radio and continued, "the instructions are in your pokedex be sure to read them as well as the information for your pokemon... Oh and speaking of that" she moves into the back returned with my eevee "she's all healed... I can register its name if you want?"

I blinked "err a name... her... Oh umm" I thought a moment "Narnra" recalling the name from a book I had read she handed me back the ball after a moment then I left...

that night as I lay in bed at the edge of sleep I watched as both my Julia and Narnra snuggle close to my lap I thought about the days advents... And what I learned from the pokedex... I was 16 so I can take the exit exam from school and start a pokemon journey as long as when I turn 18 I enlisted my talents either to the local police or the military... I nodded my head and decided I was going to tell my parents in the morning of my plans...

In the middle of the night I woke up as I felt something strange, looking down at my lap I stared in surprise as I watched my pokemon both vulpix and eevee slowly liking at my hard shaft... sensing I was wake my vulpix shift around splaying out her tails to block my view so that the only thing I could see was her lessening female slit... Then she took my entire shaft into her muzzle as Narnra lapped at my ball sack I blinked unable believe what I was seeing... I felt my wad start building as did Julia. She must have as suddenly she stop sucking and stepped forward hovering her dripping wet love tunnel over my stiff rod and slowly bringing herself down on the stiff rod... Just as my alarm clock went off I opened my eyes looking as the light streams through the window my pokemon looking at the wet spot threw my boxers and my bed curiously...

I groaned "It... was only a dream"... I grumbled as I got out a clean change of clothing striping my soiled boxers off then as an afterthought looking at my two girls... Then laughing at myself thinking "jay there pokemon they don't care about your little Willy..." with that I got cleaned up and ready for my day...

3 weeks later we were off on our journey...

From Julia's eyes.

Hi I'm Julia as you can see I am a pokemon, a vulpix to be exact... I belong to a trainer named Jay, a very nice human, but a little bit of a pervert... I remember one time just before we were attacked by my now sister Narnra, she was an eevee then... I caught him staring at my pussy... We're not even the same species and we had known each other only a few weeks and he wanted to mate with me... I was flattered at first but instinctively put my tails down I mean if he wanted it he was going to have to work for it... Then Narnra attacked, when I asked him for help he started looking for the person talking to him... males always thinking of only one thing... Anyway after I won the fight I said he didn't have any balls at all... I mean poke balls you pervert... So I had to dash into the grass and find one then steer him to the center.. You tell me, was he a twit or what?

When we got to the center I enjoyed some delicious sugar cookies made by the nurse, Joy. As I ate I nudged his mind to think on the events of the day until he decided to start being my master instead of some twit... I like that word its fun to say... Teasingly as he talked with the nurse I raised my tails to him to show off what he was looking at before the attack mind you not offering or even promising anything but letting him finish looking...

That night me and Narnra settled down to sleep she looked at me over the bed clothing Jay was wearing "I am sorry sister I did not want to hurt you I was just so hungry"

I laughed to myself at the eevee "we are pokemon, fighting is what we do.. You didn't hurt me any way and if our master here wasn't occupied then you might not have been hurt as badly as you were." We laid our heads down over jays lap looking at each other our poke balls laying forgotten nearby I licked her nose suddenly "your forgiven now get some rest you silly eevee"

Just after sunrise I woke up after the strangest dream about mating with master and Narnra, to a strange smell it was salty and musty sweet at the same time, she must have smelled it too as she was awake and looking at the quickly growing wet spot... Just about the time I brought my head down for a taste... His wake up thing went off, it makes the horrible sound that hurts my ears... the twit woke up complaining about a dream then got undressed... I didn't mean to stare but his man hood was long and vary hard I almost wet myself looking at it and so did Narnra we kept quite as he gathered his clothing and went to bath... When we heard the shower start up we hoped off the bed and down to his boxers as he said... It was full of this white cream like slime I looked at Narnra then took a taste... It tasted so good, Narnra also took a taste then put her head up to look at me... We shared what was left lapping greedily at the fabric until it was clean after our meal I felt really weird like I wanted to mate something... But there was nothing here except Narnra I smiled to myself and lead the way under jay bed...

she must have been curious as she fallowed right along, once out of sight I tackled her onto her stomach to show her I was in charge then turned ways from her and pressing my pussy down to her muzzle telling her "lick" which she did sending a wave of pleasure threw my body as I knelt my head down to her female parts to return the affection running my rough tongue against her swelling love buds bringing a sigh from her lips... I pushed my long tongue deep into her getting a muffle yip before she did the same, soon though, in our bliss our lust subsides and as I hear the water stop I look from under the bed letting Narnra up to see as well as master Jay walking out of the bath room drying off his hair...

His large man hood seeming limp but just as interesting as ever I thought about staying right where I could see it as he called me to my pokeball but I would get my chance soon enough...