Vale Chapter 1

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#1 of Vale

Vale Chapter 1

I do not own pokmon. It is owned by Nintendo/GameFreak

The sounds of lewd sex can be heard coming form the cave that is covered by moss and vines that cover its entrance. A houndoom humps a a pale and very thin looking vaporeon. Her skin looks faded in many spots on it's body as it hang limply suspended by vines. Her forelegs hang high over her head as on vine is wrap around her body it self. Allowing the houndoom pound at her weak body. A mightyena face fucks her growling in pleasure as tears come from her eyes. As muffed whimpers can be heard from her.

"You better not bite down like that flaffy the other day you don't want what they did to her happen to you." The mightyena grunts as shoves his meat into her muzzle making her gag a bit as the houndoom pulls out and cums over her body and some of his cum splashes over the yena. Causing him to pull out an growling a his partner. "Hey you fucking ass what the hell did you do that for I am not into males. I don't want your scent on me. You fucking ass!" The yena growls at the houndoom.

The houndoom chuckles a bit. " Sorry I just didn't want to knot her she is a tight one they did train her good unlike that flaffy who was a bit newer. Fucking cunt. " He growls a bit. " She may have been a bit loose but she still was a good fuck. Last time I knotted this bitch I had to wait till my know went down until I could pull out. Also use those berries on you and it hides the scent anyway. I do it so my mate don't know I do this crap."

The yena laughs that sounds a bark as he wipes his dripping cock over the vaproeons face as she just whimpers but does little else. " They trained this one right she loves my cum don't you bitch." He growls close to her face as it drips of his cum.

She does little but nod. He smacks her with his fore paw making her cry out as a flame scorches the side of the yena's face "Hey what the fuck was that for!" Hey growls loudly at the houndoom.

"You ass you know full well what happens to those who breaks his toys you know full well he don't like those break his toys." The houndoom shudders a bit.

"But she is suppose to say she likes it. I don't feel that great when she don't say that. Isn't that right bitch you like drinking my cum?" He ignores the pain from the attack he just received as he waits for an answer.

Her body hangs there for a bit a she finally opens her mouth a bit and mumbles something . The yena gets close and bares his fangs. " WHAT WAS THAT ?!?!"

She speaks again with a weak voice. "Yes I en.*hic*..njoy your cum in my mouth.....your bitch likes it." She cries a bit a the houndoom wipes her face a bit.

"Do you want me to save you from all this take you away from all of this I will take you home and be my second mate. I will take care of you and you will never be treated like this ever again. Would you like me to do that?" She looks at the houndoom for a second has a glimmer of hope in her eyes but it fades as she looks into his eyes and sees the malice and the laughter coming form him as his partner n this fall over laughter.

" Man you are wrong. At least I don't lie to her and she knows her place. You bring her up and crush her." He begins to walk off along side the houndoom as they leave the crying vaporeon hanging in the cave.


A luxray lays lazy by the edge of a pond in a lovely grove. A few golduck , buizels and various other water type play in the water as he just ignore them all sleeping the day away until he is hit by a water gun by a laughing buizel. He gets up with a start and growls at the buizel. " For the last time would you stop that before I use you as a damn pillow." The luxray growls with sparks crackling over his body as if ready to attack. The buizel just laughs more as he knows he wont do anything.

"You know full well dad will kick you ass if you do that." The buizel sticks his tongue out at the luxray. "Bui you're such an ass. You know you have to come out and when you do I am going to make sure your fur stands on end for the next few days." The luxray grumbles. " Any way you always go cry to dad anyway about this . None of the others do."

"That's because you scare them Kain. They all know your dad's favorite son. They know better than to say anything."

"Bui you're the damn crybaby on everything. Out of all of us you always go cry to your mother about everything even when you cause the problems. I do wonder why I can call you my brother?" Kain sighs wearily . As he shakes the water off his fur. As soon as he is done he is shoved hard into the water from behind. He crashes into the water with a loud splash as he comes up spiting water, as he wade towards the edges of the water looking pisses as hell as any one near him swims away from him seeing the electricity coming from his body as he bares his teeth growling loudly. " WHO HAS A DEATH WISH!!!??"

At the edge of the water stands a large Arcanine. " You always pick on Bui. You should know better."

" Well Arc I am sorry to mess with your fuck toy." He makes it to land and laughs at the blushing arcanines face.

" Don't say it like that." He looks away until he flinches a bit from the water being shaken off Kain's damp fur.

" You deserve more than that for pushing me in like that and there you go running to your boy toy. Or is it the other way around?" As Bui runs out of the water and hugs the large arcanine.

Arc pats Bui's head a bit. " You should stop teasing your brother like that . You know full well he would shock you."

Bui huffs a bit as he snuggles up to the arcanince. " I know but he don't have to be such an ass about it." He sticks his tongue out at Kain.

"Oh please better me then Saber, You know full well you would be fighting the entire pack he has following him. He has such delusion of being pack leader of everyone here."

Bui climbs on top of arc riding him as a poynta. "And you wonder why dad wants you to be alpha when he steps aside. He sees you as his successor. I don't care much for it. Though my mother keeps pushing me to go for it. Also our little sister would never fight any of us and also she is to young for anything. Though many are trying to take her as their own. I bet she wishes she was born a shinx instead of eevee she loves her big brother Kain. Instead of her arrogant brother Saber" Bui smiles

Arc gives a gruff laugh "Yes she really loves you Kain I don't think she cares to much for Saber as a brother. He is an ass he keeps trying to get my pack to follow him. They would rather follow this orange water weasel instead of him."

"I know but I don't care for much because have to have a mate after you take the spot. I know almost every female wants that spot as the alpha's prime mate. I don't care for any of the females here. All they care about is power, and the one I do care about ...." He goes silent as Arc shakes his head.

"She is gone her and her kind left saying they didn't need us any more. I know you miss her she was born about the same time you were but she had to go despite both of you being close. You are going to have to stop living in the past and move forward. Also stop being picky and take your sister as your mate I am sure she would be will.." He is cut off by a large electric attack that hits next to him. Leaving a large blacken charred spot where it hit next to Arc.

"Ever speak about her like that again I will make sure you are female for Bui and he will be straight because of that." Kain walks off.

Bui looks at the burnt ground next to Arc. " Don't ever mention Lin like that to him. He loves her enough to kill her brother and her mother if it meant that she would be safe."

Arc nods "I can see that." As both of them watch Kain storm off.


Kain wanders for a while as he is still thinking about the up coming battle for leadership. It was some time away as it was set for the coming time of season change. Yet it would be here before he knew it. You could challenge the leader of the pack if you wish but if you lose if would mean death or banishment. Not many would do that seeing as many had it easy here. There were so many types that lived here together in peace. Because of that not many tired to invade the territory of the packs land. Some didn't care much for leading the large pack as it meant that they had to be the one that everyone followed. Yet their was another way to become pack leader. If the leader had step down. Then a tournament in a sense would be held. Most of the leaders children would fight of course. Yet anyone would be allowed to fight. This is when some would fight for pride sometimes. It was a free for all. The last one standing would become alpha. Also meant that it was less of a chance of being killed or banished as you could surrender if your opponent would let you. Most would kill the other if they wanted to, just to get rid of the upstart. Though many didn't unless it got really intense as Kain had heard from his father.

This is where in lies Kain dilemma. He didn't care for any of it. He didn't see himself as leader. The pack was so big. It meant that he had to over look so much. Also he had to take a mate. Not to say that there were not so many willing to give themselves to him. Yet most only wanted the power that came with it. Yes they did not control the pack yet no one could do anything to the his prime mate. It also meant that she had an easy life as they had little to do as others would hunt for her if needed. His mother had to have that she was a proud one she would hunt for herself and others saying it was her duty to do that. Though they did hunt they didn't have to live off meat of the stantlers or deerlings They had plenty of berries in the area. One of the reason they allowed so many plant pokemon like grovyle ivysaur and other grass type pokemon to do as they want as long as they took care of the berry bushes. The only time the pack really hunt for meat was for winter. Where most of the bushes would give off some winter berries but many didn't produce much so they ha to make sure many of the bushes stayed healthy in the area.

The pack was getting bigger than when he was a young shinx. He knew it only to have a a few dozen pokemon in it now there were packs among the larger pack. Many just seeking shelter to stay safe from being picked on by larger and more dangerous pokemon. He had heard from many of then over the few seasons that many of the more dangerous pokemon were killing and raping the weaker ones. One of the main reasons why the eveevoutions wanted to be part of the pack. They were slowly being taken and killed off by the others. Most because they were weak with out evolving. It was a shame for that to happen. It was a small wonder why they were so fast to join and his step mom, Cara the espoen, was so willing to submit to his father and be his second mate. She wanted the remains of her pack to live. Her last mate was killed protecting his pack from fire types. It was then he realizes the area he was walking was out of the pack territory. He notices that he is closer to the mountains than he should be many of the rock types and fire types lived out here, also so did many packs who didn't care much for the pack he was with. Mostly because they took in many of the prey they hunted. Still he didn't want to start a fight with out cause.

As he is about to head back he hears the cries of someone in pain as he hears someone yelling at

something. He heads towards the sounds. He sees a cave covered by vines and foliage. He pokes his head in and sees a vaporeon on the ground some vines on her body as she is weakly trying to get away from a bayleaf and a mightyena The bayleef looks mad at the mightyena.

" I told you to wait until I set the vines up you know they only last so long. But no you want to hump her right away. Now you got to hold her in place until I can get some more vines to hang her up and you know he hates it when she isn't ready for him." The bayleef grumbles at the mightyena who makes a mocking face

"Not my fault she is such a tight fuck after all this time. Hell look at her I wonder how long she has until they replace her." The canine licks his chops. "I hope he tosses her to me when he replaces her. I love to fuck her all the time." The mightyena moves closer then is blasted from behind by an electric attack. The bayleef looks to see who it is.

Kain is there smiling at them. "I think I'll take her home with me. You losers can stay here and hump each other."

The mightyena struggles to get back up as the bayleef smiles at Kain. "You're outclass here fool your attacks are worthle...ahhh " Kain had pounced the over confident grass type and sinks his sharp teeth into the plant and claws at him. The one lesson he always took to heart that his father taught him was. If one attack don't work try another. Unless your fighting a rock teeth and claws still can pierce most mons skin. His only though was thanks dad as he rip a chunk of flesh from the plant pokemon as he cried out in pain. The bayleef still tires it's best to fight off Kain. As Kain avoids the vines that lash out as he still is hit by them but still fights on. Yet all the fighting causes the bayleef to lose more blood as he tries to recover his strength by using synthesis trying to recover from his grievous wounds. Kain was not having that as he charge at him and slashed at him savagely. Slashing at the vines that the bayleef was trying to use as a shield to protect him from Kain's attack as he tries to heal himself.

"You really believe that my electric attacks are my only weapon?" As he watches the bayleef struggle to do something Kain sees the mightyena Finally get up from the initial attack. Kain realizes that he is not going to do good if this continues. He lunges at the bayleef before any other attack is launched. He is not going to let him do anything else as he bites into the bayleef's neck. Sinking his sharp teeth into it's neck ripping it juggler out as blood spews fourth the wound the bayleef cries out in pain as it tries to stop the bleeding with it's vines as the mightyena is a bit more afraid to take on such violent opponent. He runs off leaving his companion to his fate. As the bayleef gurgles his last breath and the blood slowly seeps from the wound.

Kain spats the blood form his mouth . He sees the vaporeon shiver on the ground as he walks over to her and nudges her. "You're free now little one. Come on I'll take you home. I just hope it's not far." Kain walks outside a bit to make sure that no one else is coming. He is expecting the vaporeon to be next to him by now and looks around for a second and sees she is still shivering badly in the same place she was in the first place. He sighs as he walks back to her and nudges her again. " I said you're free come on we have to go. If they have friends I don't want to meet them. Come one we have to leave."

The vaporeon still shaking in fear at Kain. The fear in her eyes are nothing he has ever seen before. "I can not leave the cave master. I am told not to leave unless told to, I will be punished. I do not want to be punished." She whimpers as tears come from her eyes.

"We have to go now I don't want to leave you here to be raped again come on. Your family is most likely worried about you."

She shakes her head. " Slut has not family master told me so. I am a fuck toy for their pleasure. Bitch is to only do as told nothing more." Kain looks at her body as she seems to be under feed and some nasty bruises across her body with many other cuts. "Does master want to use me also is that why he wants me outside. Then Slut will do as told and go outside." She stumbles outside her legs looking weak as they barley hold her up. This is breaking Kain's heart as he sees this. How could anyone do this to someone like this? Yes he has killed others or injured them to live, but not to break someone like this. What she does next really shocks him, she raises her tail and lowers the front of he body and raises her ass a bit more as she looks back at him waiting for him to take her. "Slut is waiting to be fucked master."

Kain walks over and pulls her up by her scruff of her neck and pushes her tail back down. " I am not going to fuck you. I just saved you. Now come on we are leaving."

The vaporeon is shocked by this " But I am not allowed to leave I am to stay and be used as a fuck toy by all. Does master want me to suck him off instead?" She moves a bit wobbley between his legs as he feels her near his sheath nuzzling it. He backs off fast as the vaopreon falls forward as she was not expecting him to move as he did. " I told you I am not here to fuck you I am here to save you from doing that. What the hell did they do to you?" He looks around hoping that no one is coming. That mightyena could have gone for help. He had enough of this and moves towards the vaporeon and moves under her making her slide onto his back. " Okay stay there don't move we are leaving and that is all to it."

She is surprised by this, a master that didn't want to fuck her like the rest. Why? Did she do something wrong? He was different than the rest. He seem to care about her not as a fuck toy but as something else. This was different feeling she was experiencing. In an instant they were off. She did her best not to fall off yet he also seem to make sure he didn't go to fast to make her fall.

{sometime later at the cave}

The mightyena is thrown into the wall hard as his body breaks some of the wall with the force he was thrown into with A nidoking is standing over his body as it slide to the ground" I am telling you he was here and he kill..*cough cough* please sir you have to believe me." The mightyena cries out some blood comes form his mouth he has seen his wraith before the nidoking ripped apart another of his kind when they broke a toy. "He killed the Eric you go hurts." He coughs up some more blood. "please I did all I could to stop that luxray." He is blubbering now as he doesn't want to die.

The nidoking is silent during the plea of the mightyena. As he looks at where the vaporeon once hang. " I am sure you did all you could that is why you ran away. You left after you were told to make sure she was ready for me later. I come here ready to fuck her and you left her here and let I assume a luxray leave with my favorite fuck toy. DO you know how long it took me to break her in?" He turns to look at the mightyena his eyes ablaze "I need something to fuck and I guess you have to do I need to let off some stress." The mightyena flinches at this as he began to back away from the towering nidoking. In a blink of an eye the nidoking grabs the mightyena by his scruff of his neck and holds him in place. "You will do. I need a new bitch and you will be it." The yena flails a bit."NO NO I AM A MALE NOT SOME BITCH FOR YOU TO RUT!!" He fires off a shadowball at the nidoking as he just flinches from the attack.

The nidoking laughs "You really think that is going to stop me bitch. It makes me hornier when they fight back until I break them as I am going to break you." The yena fires off a few more shadowballs some connect others miss as they hit the wall causing the walls to shake a bit. The nidoking laughs as he punches the yena in his muzzle breaking it in the first hit as the yena cries out in pain. He is pinned to the ground as the nidoking's red nine inch cock is fully erect as it throbs in anticipation on entering the yena, it drips with precum already. " I am going to fuck you hard my new little bitch. You can scream if you want it will make it so much better." He growls lust fully. As he rams his cock into the whining yena. No warning as her pierces the tight virgin tailhole of the yena. The yena cries out in pain as he is taken hard. The cave echoes with the pitiful howls and whines of the yena being taken it carries though the trees near by as some tailow and sperows fly off from the lustful moans of the nidoking and the crying of the yena


Kain is getting a bit tired from carrying the dead weight on his back. The vaproeon barely moves on him. They must have really done a number on her and man does she smell. He knows it's not her fault but smelling other males and their dried up cum on others is not a pleasant smell. Also he could feel her stomach growling as he knows he is also getting hungry just from hearing her stomach growl. He sees a stream up ahead the border of the packs territory the small river bend. As it extends towards where all the water types of the village play. He sighs in relief as he moves towards the small running water. AT least he can get some of the blood off of his fur and mouth and get her to clean her self off and hopefully find a nearby berry bush.

As he steps into the water he feels her clutching tighter to him. "Look I am going to drop you here. You can clean up while I look for some berries for us." He moves his body to the side to let her slide off but she refuses to let go as she clutches tighter. "No I don't want to go in." She whimpers loudly.

He looks back at her with a confuse face. " Look you need to get that damn scent off of you and I'll get some food ok?"

She shakes her head again as she still refuses to let go. " I'll drown!" she begins to cry. As he actually feels her claws dig into his fur. Kain begins to grit his teeth trying not to yell out but soon she would reach his flesh under his fur and he didn't want to have to shock her to make her let go. He shook his body a bit more taking her by surprised and loses her grip some his fur is pulled off because of this as he cries out a bit and a small thud of dead weight hitting the water is hear next to him. She begins to panic and splashes about. " I am drowning !!!!! HELP!" This was the saddest sight seeing a water type freak out in the water. Hell even pups or cubs who were not of water type could swim and here was a vaporeon thrashing about. He sighs as he leans forward and grabs the scruff of her neck near her neck fin and pulls her rightside up and plants her on her butt where she just was at the water barely reaches half way up her body. She looks around in surprised and confused.

" I'll be back ok don't go any where or drown." The last part makes him worry as he just saw her almost drown. He wonders if he can have someone to look after her. He saved her but it was not his responsibility to look after her, Was it? He finds a bush and rips a branch off and drags it back to the stream and sees her still sitting in the stream looking around as if a child trying to understand the world around her. Despite her being evolved she seem much as a young child. He hits a pebble near the stream making her jump and curl up into a ball her long tail fin covering her shaking body. No he couldn't leave her alone not with her kind. Many would try to abuse her in this state. No it was his problem. He found her and he had to fix her up so she can be her own mon. Yet could he take care of her. He drops the branch and walks over to her and nudges her.

" Come on you have to eat and stop hiding I am not going to hurt you." She still is shivering as she seems afraid of being hit. He nudges her once more. "Look you either eat or I'll....please could you please eat. I don't want you to starve." She still doesn't move and shivers in fright. He gets mad as he walks back to the branch. He begins to eat some of them "Man these taste so good. Be a shame if I have to eat them all. Might make me fat." He eats a few more as he hears her walk over to him and is shaking before him. He pushes the branch towards her as she backs away from it. "Eat you are starving and you need it badly."

She moves towards the branch hesitatingly, she looks at Kain unsure what to do as he pushes the branch towards her once more . She began to munch on some berries as he watch her eat. He smiled at her eating yet in her he saw someone like that a small eevee his sister. Lin had the same fear of him when he was still a luxio. When he first saw her she was so small. Also seem to always wander around wanting to explore the world around her but yet still afraid of it. She would always try and follow him everywhere he went. She would try with her brother but he would always shove her away, or drag her back to her mother he never wanted to be with her. Neither did her mother. Kain took it upon himself to look after her. Now he had someone else to look after. He took it upon himself to rescue her. Now he had to take care of her. Yet he was not going to call her vaporeon and it seem she didn't go by a actually name.

"What is your name and not what they called you. "

She stops as she looks up at him a bit fearful by his question. " I am slut master, I.. name besides what they gave me master." He looks at her and sees that she is lying as she looks away not wanting to look at him.

" I am not going to call you that or another name but your name that was given by your parents. Please look at me. " His voice was clam as his mother was when she talk to him when she tried to Kain to tell the truth. When she knew that he was lying. Yelling as his father did never got him to open up yet with his mother a kind luxray she was. Her voice carried no threat yet it carried such a tone that she knew the truth yet she always said the right things to say to him tell her what she had already knew yet wanted him to say it anyway. He hope he could do the same with her.

He moves in front of her as she still turns her head not wanting to look at him. "Please tell me what your name is?"

She begins to cry more. " I can no.." Kain places his forepaw on her face to make her face him with tears still in her eyes her blue eyes carrying such sadness that breaks his heart looking at them.

"My name is Kain not master. I want you to call me by my name as I will call you by your name. Slut is not your name. You have a name your mother and father gave you. Please I would love to hear it."

His smile is warm and inviting she looks at Kain. Her body shakes as she sniffs a bit as tears still come from her eyes. " is .....Vale....master Kain..."

Kain sighs it was going to be a long road to help her break the chains that she was wrap in but one step at a time he guessed as he smile down at the vaporeon who was now eating before him.