Chudoku's mistake

Story by Little Creeper on SoFurry

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I write a new story, again. I know, that grammar is horrible, but I hope somebody would understand it.

Sorry for a creepy like this story again...

Chudoku is a normal 14 years old girl, but there in Chudoku's hometown was a really bad nuclear danger. When she is going to school, she has just to use a gas mask, because the danger.

  • Sister, can I now go to school? Chudoku asks from her older sister, Doku.

Doku nods, and Chudoku puts her gas mask on, gets her bag and goes out from the door. Doku were so sad, because she has a poisoning because that nuclear.

  • Mom, please bring me some water, Doku said so quietly. After that she coughs, and moans.

  • Here is coming, my dear, their mother, Sutekina, said. She comes to the room with a water-glass.

  • Thank you, Doku said and drinked the water. Then se fell into sleep. Sutekina strokes her head and went to the kitchen.

~ In the school ~

  • Good morning, Chudoku said to her friends at the schoolyard.

  • Good morning to you, too, her best friend, Ai, said. They were talking about earthquakes, when they went into the school.

  • It's biology now, said a girl called Mizuka. Chudoku and Ai get their books on the desks and start studying. Teacher was talking so boring, and Chudoku was bored and tired.

Chudoku raised her hand.

  • Can I go to the toilet? she asked. Teacher nodded, and Chudoku ran into the girls' toilets. She took a breath, and sit on the floor.

It's so boring in here... Maybe I go to outside, just for a minute, she thought in her head. She stand up and walked quietly in front of the door. She opened it and went outside.

  • Crap, I forgot the mask, she said a bit scared. She smacks a hand on her mouth and started to walk around the yard.

There is something like purple putty, she thought. She get more closer, and saw so much purple, glowing goo around corner of the yard.

  • Looks interesting, she said and touched that goo heap. She smelled it, and it smelled like a tasty sweet.

Smells sweetly like a candy, maybe I just can to taste it... she thought. After that she licks her finger, and tastes the goo. It tasted disqusting, and she spit it out and vomits. Then her eyes go blank, and she collapsed on the goo heap.

~ In home ~

Doku was feeling strange.

  • Mom, please call Chudoku's teacher, I think something is happened to her, Doku said scared.

  • Sweetie, I think nothing can happen in there, it's so safe place to be, her mom said and chuckled.

  • But PLEASE! I feel strange, Doku cried. Sutekina takes a phone and get Chudoku's teacher's, Anzena's, number, and calls for it.

  • Hello, how I can help you? Anzena answered to the phone, and Sutekina hears her helpful voice.

  • Hello, Doku said that she feels strange, and thinks something is happened to her sister, Chudoku. Is she in the class? Sutekina asked.

  • She is not in the class, she's in the toilet. But maybe I just go to bring her back here, she's have been a long time in that toilet. Bye, Anzena said and closed the phone.

  • I think everything's okay. Chudoku is only in the toilet, nothing is happened, said Sutekina and she smiled friendly.

  • Hmm, but I feel so weird, still, Doku said.

  • Maybe you just need to sleep, Sutekina said and put her to sleep.

  • Maybe, Doku said and get sleep.

~ In the school ~

  • Chudoku-dear, are you here? Anzena shouted from girls' toilet's door. She haven't got answered.

  • Hmm, she's not here, she said and closed the door. She went outside, and gets a gas mask for herself and for Chudoku, if she's in the yard.

  • Chudoku, come here and get a gas mask! You'll choke without it, Anzena shouted and gets the gas mask on. She walks around the yard, and saws a horrible thing; Chudoku is lying on the ground, and she was wholly black.

  • Chudoku...? Anzena said anxious, but quietly. She gets closer to Chudoku's face, and strokes her head. She snapped, when felt something furry and soft on both sides on her head. They were furry cat's ears.

Anzena was so scared, and puts a gas mask for Chudoku.

  • Chudoku, what's happened to you, you feel dead, Anzena whispered and tears were coming down from her face.

  • Anzeeeenaaa... heelp mmeee! Chudoku said monstrous. Anzena get Chudoku and ran inside the warm school. Chudoku was waking up, and open her eyes. That was a horrible sight, because Chudoku's eyes were white, and unnaturally round. They were glowing its own white light. Chudoku's mouth was really horrible, too; it was a monstrous smile, and all white and glowing also. Anzena stared her round eyes scared.

  • Chudoku-dear, tell me, what's happened, Anzena cried quietly.

Chudoku raises her another hand.

  • Anzeeennaaa, I don't dooo nothhhhing to yoouuu, but looook... she moaned and shows her hand. That was a hand, but she has only three fingers, and there was three long and sharp claws coming out of them.

  • Chudoku... Tell me... Anzena cried, and stroked Chudoku's head softly, but really scared.

  • Anzzeennaaa... Theerree waasss a barrrrrel fuuulll oooof sooommeeething puuurrpple putttty... and I eeeeaated ittt a litttle... she moaned sadly, and Anzena saw some purple tears coming out of those round, white eyes.

  • Oh my god... that could just be really dangerous! Anzena shouted loudly, and Chudoku snapped.

  • Sorry, but I'm worried about you, Anzena said. Chudoku cried and hugged her teacher.

  • Heeelllpp meeeee, Chudoku cried loudly and hugged her so tight.

  • Yeah, of course I do, I'll call for your mother, Anzena said and started walking up from the stairs.

In the class Anzena shouted:

  • Chudoku is poisoned, keep away from her, if you don't want to get a disease! Then she grabbed a phone and called to Sutekina.

  • Sutekina, something so bad is happened to Chudoku, she's poisoned by nuclear waste! Anzena shouted worried to the phone.

Sutekina snapped, and answered:

  • Oh my, I'll come there as fast I can. Then she closed the phone.

  • Sweetie, I'll go to the school, don't worry. I'll come back soon, bye! Sutekina said fast for Doku, and ran to her car. She launched it, and drove a car quickly to the schoolyard. Sutekina ran inside the school, and ran the stairs to Anzena's class.

  • Chudoku, I'm here, sweetie, look at me, Sutekina said to Chudoku and wiped Chudoku's purple tears.

  • Mom...? Chudoku moaned and cried.

  • Chudoku-dear... Everything will be alright, I have some medicine for you.

  • Oh yeah, it's the antidote for nuclear poisoning, Anzena said fast and takes the medicine.

  • Drink this, dear, Anzena said and gave the medicine for Chudoku's claws.

  • It will improve you, Sutekina said, and smiled sadly. Chudoku nods slowly, and opened her mouth, and tried to swallow it.

  • I diiid swwallooww ittt... Chudoku moaned and shivered hard. Sutekina smiled and hugged Chudoku.

  • Uhhh... Chudoku said, but started to smile a little. She was feeling a bit good.

~ In home ~

  • Oh, Chudoku... I knew something was happened to you, Doku said for herself, and was worried.

  • Please come back soon...

Then someone knocked the door. Doku snapped and ran so fast to open the door. There was Sutekina and Chudoku behind the door. Doku was relieved, and fell on to her knees.

  • You're back! I were so worried! ...Chudoku? she said, and then saw Chudoku's face. She screamed.

  • Shoosh, she's asleep. We'll better to let her sleep a little nap. But don't worry, she'll be alright. Doku nodded, and looked more relieved.

  • Oh, and here for you, too, it's an antidote for your poisoning, drink it, and you'll get well, too, Sutekina said and gave a little glass full of medicine.

  • Thanks, Doku said and swallowed the antidote.

~ In the following day ~

  • Mom, I feel so well now! Thank you so much for that medicine, Doku said happily.

  • But how's Chudoku? she asked.

  • She'll be alright, she's awake now. You can now talk to her.

Doku walked to Chudoku, and smiled to her.

  • Doku! I'm so happy to see you healthy, sis, Chudoku said and chuckled friendly.

  • Me too, and you have only those claws, ears and tail anymore. You'll be alright, soon! she said to her sister, and patted Chudoku's head. Chudoku smiled, and looked happy.

~ In the night ~

  • Doku, look, my claws and tail are gone, Chudoku said to her sister in the midnight.

  • Oh, very good! You'll be well very soon, so, let me sleep now, I think tomorrow you're more better, now, good night, Doku said and smiled to Chudoku.

  • Okay. Good night to you, too, she answered and went back to sleep.

~ In the morning ~

Sutekina was awake first. Then Chudoku woke up, and walked to the kitchen.

  • Mom, look, my ears are gone! Chudoku shouted happily, and looked more happy than years.

  • Oh, really good, dear! Sutekina said happily, and hugged her.

  • But mom, look what I can still do, she said. Sutekina nodded, and Chudoku shows a trick. All people of that house, heard a big explode, and see again Chudoku's poisoned form. Sutekina opened her mouth from astonishment.

  • So... great, but can you get you back to normal? she asked.

Chudoku nodded, and shows a veil of dark dust.

  • Ta-Da! She chuckled. Sutekina laughed friendly, and said:

  • You can keep that power, if you don't use it when you're in the school!

Chudoku chuckles, and says:

  • I swear.

And then that family's life was normal, again.

The story of little Snapper

Husky's diary So, today's day were so fucking annoying. Snapper just was biting my tail. That hurts, don't he understand? But, I'll tell you a little story of my loved friend, Snapper. - Snapper, stop that! I shouted him because he was biting my tail...

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