A RedQuest Tale - Chapter 3 (Extreme)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#3 of A RedQuest Tale

A RedQuest Tale

Chapter 3 - Nightfalls on the Bloodcrave. (Where evil deeds are done)

Author's Note : This was my first attempt at writing a novel of sorts, taken from ideas I had of Redwall at the time but wanted to try something new but in the same aspect, a new world, lands but with hints of Redwall'ish from within it. Unfortunately the story wasn't completed but after long thoughts I decided to post it up nonetheless. This was written during the month of November back in 2005.

If anyone likes to add keywords to this, please do.


Bloodstripe slowly walked the main deck; the night was clear as he looked up to the stars that shone down from the sky above. Stopping for a moment, the large tiger leant over the side of the boat and looked into the black sea, white flume coming from the wake of the ship as it moved along in the night breeze, most of the oars had been put up for the night as the slaves got some sleep for a few hours. Slowly moving his head up a bit, the tiger stared at the moon that was nearly gone. "Soon be a new moon, I wonder if her birthday will fall on a new moon day." Standing back up, the tiger spat over the side of the ship and turned around. Looking down at his paws, the tiger smiled at his sharp claws and then headed to the door near to the front of the ship. Placing a paw on the handle the tiger smiled and gave one last look to the moon. "You gave me something to think about, my dear. We see each over again, don't worry." Slowly he slipped inside and closed the door behind him.

Bloodstripe stood in the wooden corridor, several lamps kept the room in a candle glow that flickered within the glass containers. Looking around him, he bent down and picked up a small hand held one and opened it up. Taking out the candle, he placed it back down to the floor again and opened up one of the lamps, that was already alight. Sticking the candle in, he slowly aimed for the wick to light up, watching the white string begin to burn as it turned black.

Bending back down, the tiger slowly and carefully moved his paw to placing the candle back inside again carefully. Makinjg sure that it was secure in place, Bloodstripe pushed it down onto the spike and then pulled his paw away and closed the lamp. Getting back up, he stood still for a moment and just listened to what was going on around him. Sounds of snoring could be heard from some of the crew bunks, loud snores from those who had drank that night and fell into a drunken state.

Slowly moving his way down the corridor slowly as to not make any noise, he stopped at one door and listened to some crew talking, a few moments until the captain realised that they were having some fun, drinking and playing games. Ignoring them, he continued on his way down the corridor and turned around the corner. Blinking, he saw a fat rat sitting down on the stool who was dozing slightly.

Making his way slowly to where the rat was, the captain slowly lowered his head and paused. The smell of booze came to the tiger's nose as he looked about and spotted a bottle hanging loosely in the rat's paw. Giving off a slight frown, he stood very still as he watched the rat continue to doze without knowing that he was next to him. Backing off slightly, he lowered the lamp to the floor of the hallway and got back up again.

Putting his paw into a pocket, Bloodstripe pulled out a small blade, it shone slightly under the glow and flicker of the candle light as he pulled it up to where his face was and slowly licked the edge, tasting the metal as well as feeling how sharp it was. Moving closer to the rat now, the tiger grinned showing his sharp teeth as he put the blade to the rat's neck and then paused. Still the rat guard didn't move as the grin slowly changed from the tiger's face to one of utter anger. Grabbing hold of one of the rat's ears hard, he yanked as he pressed the blade into the rat's neck.

The rat woke up instantly, feeling the blade against his throat and the foul look of his captain looking at him. Swallowing with the blade against his throat the rat spoke, all drunkenness slipping from his body as fear overwhelmed him. "Captain sir. What are you doing down here?"

Bloodstripe growled as he replied back. "That is my business, but I want to know is why one of my crew is on duty is asleep? Especially with one of the slaves down there who could've escaped, got about the rest of the ship and freed the rest of the slaves or killed me while I slept? Was that your plan after all?"

The rat shook his head or tried to but stopped when he felt the blade cut slightly into his throat, allowing some blood to seep out, running downwards through his fur, leaving a thin line of crimson on his grey neck. "N-no, sir, captain, sir." The rat felt his fear welling up inside him now as his pupils went smaller.

Bloodstripe hissed at the rat as he pressed the blade even harder against the rat's throat. "Then what? Come on, why were you drunk on duty?!" The tiger could hear a few doors opening as he roared and hissed with his anger that he couldn't get down there without bothering anyone else. "Right, that's it." He turned to face some heads that were poking around the corner and nodded his head. "Who gave this rat here a drink while he was supposed to be on duty?" He looked at the faces and gave a stern look. "Get round this corner right now, the lot of you." He watched as several other crew members came around the corner and pulled up the rat from his stool and moved around to the back before placing the blade against the neck again. Looking to each and every one of them, he spoke. "What does your captain ask of my crew?"

He grinned as he heard the response from the crewmembers that answered in unison. "We serve the captain and the ship and always do our duty as we have been told to. IF we do, then we get rewarded. If we don't, we face the consequences of annoying our captain."

Blackstripe nodded his head at the crew looking at him as he kept the rat in his grasp. "Who here are this rat's friend? Come on, speak up?" He looked at them all as he growled. "I want an answer you lot. Who is this rat's friend here?"

One rat came forward slightly. "I am captain, sir. His name is Blubbersnout." He coughed and cleared his throat before continuing on. "My name is Bloodcreed. I knew he was on duty tonight but didn't think he would drink on duty sir." He looked at his friend who was pleading with him by his stare to help him out.

Bloodstripe nodded his head. "Has he always been this fat?" He looked at Bloodcreed all the time now as all eyes fell on the rat that had spoken as he replied back to the captain. "Sir, he has always been like this, ever since I knew him on when we first met on another pirate ship." He looked at Blubbersnout and swallowed. "He has always been faithful captain, I ask for you to spare his life this one time. I make sure that he won't do it again."

Bloodstripe didn't reply but slowly let his grip go and moved the blade away from Blubbersnout's throat as he pushed the rat down onto the floor of the corridor. "Very well but you don't get everything for nothing. You will guard with him tonight and do your duties during the day, Bloodcreed and if I see you sleeping while you should be working I will kill you both." He placed a paw on Blubbersnout's back and growled. "If he falls asleep again I will kill you along with him. You are both looking after each other as friends do. Make sure not one of you two fall asleep." He looked at the others. "And spread the word. I will not have anyone on duty anymore fall asleep on my ship again when they shouldn't. If you do, you're no use to me. As if I don't get you, think of if those slaves get loose and what they would do to you."

Lifting his paw off from the back of the rat on the floor, he looked at Bloodcreed and nodded his head. "Get him up." Moving back to where his lantern was, the tiger picked it up and turned his head to the crew that were about. "Now, the rest of you, get some sleep and leave these two alone. You should be all asleep now anyways if you are on duty tomorrow. Now go." He watched as the rest went away quickly, doors shutting over as he made his way to the two rats and licked his blade clean from Blubbersnout's blood.

Blubbersnout was still a bit uneven on his paws as he shuddered to seeing the tiger lick the blood from the blade and nodded his head slowly as he twitched his ears as he heard the captain speak to them both. "Now listen here, both of you. I do not want anyone to get past this point, no matter what, not even you two. The only way you have to come down to me if the ship is on fire or the slaves have escaped, you got me?"

Both rats nodded their head as Bloodcreed spoke back to the captain. "Yes sir, we understand fully captain." The rat gave a slight dig of his shoulder as Blubbersnout blurted out an answer while giving his friend a hard stare. "Yes captain, you can rely on us fully." He nodded his head at the captain as he shuffled his paw about on the floor. "I won't do anything like that again sir."

Bloodstripe nodded his head and turned around. "Make sure that you two don't." The tiger didn't say anything as he opened the door and closed it behind him, the sound of the captain going down some more stairs slowly vanished as Bloodcreed turned around to his friend and frowned. "What the fuck was you thinking of? I gave you that bottle to keep you warm on night duty and you." He paused and bent down to pick up the bottle and tipped it upside down. "You drank the whole lot. You could've died right now, you know you big stupid fat oaf."

Blubbersnout rolled his eyes as he placed a paw on the side of his head and sat down. "Oh shut the fuck up, I have a headache and your bitching isn't helping any either." He took the bottle from his friend and placed it on the floor. "Look, so I drank it all. You know how boring it is to go and sit about here on my own all night long while everyone else is sleeping or in pairs on deck."

Bloodcreed leant against the wall and turned his head towards the door, before wrinkling his snout a bit. "Here we go again." He turned his head back towards the other rat. "Moaning all the time, that is all I get from you, you know. Just you bitching about this, that or the other and trying to put something or someone else to blame when you get caught." Crossing his arms about his chest the rat sneered. "Fine, but thanks to you I can't say I screw it and not help you out anymore. You made a fucking good job of that, didn't you? Well, no more drink for you anymore. Just water for you from now on, I am afraid."

Blubbersnout gasped and started to get up again but was pushed back down again by Bloodcreed. "No arguing. I can't afford to have you fall asleep on duty again and find myself at the bottom of the sea like the slaves we saw go down earlier. I won't have it, you hear me. I kill you myself before I allowed that to happen. Now shut, up, keep alert and make damn sure the captain doesn't get disturbed."

Leaning against the door on the other side, Bloodstripe shook his head as he listened to the conversation, creeping back up silently. He had heard every single word that was spoken and knew now that it was Bloodcreed that had given him that bottle. Noting that in his head, the tiger slowly turned around again and silently crept down the stairs without making a sound.

Now in the dark section of the ship, the captain moved away from the crew deck as he made his way past doorways. The captain having closed this part of the ship from his crew a long time ago for his own personal reasons, of which everyone knew about but were clever to not ask. Watching the soft flickering glow of the candle play shapes all over the walls, Bloodstripe stopped as he opened up one of the doors and stepped inside.

Closing the door behind him, the tiger was in one of the now vacant crew quarters, noting that one of the bunks was taken out to double up on room on the deck above him. Moving over to the table, the tiger placed the lantern on the table that remained in the middle of the room and started to undress.


Bloodstripe had just left as Blackthorn sighed as he looked at Skiprudder who was looking back at him with terrified eyes. "Y-you can't be serious. That's what he is doing right now?" The otter gripped his paws on the black panther's thighs a bit tighter as he looked at the naked cat sitting on the edge of the bed. "What should I do, sir?"

Blackthorn replied back softly. "Do what he wants you to do and never ever anger him." Looking down at the otter now, he sighed. "I am sorry that you have to spend time with him from now on. But he would've heard word of what you told me about the castle from someone else and I wouldn't be around to help you out." Giving the otter a gently pat on the head he smiled. "As long as I am where I am I can help you."

Skiprudder blinked at Blackthorn and churred back softly. "Why? You keep my kind as slaves. Follow his orders and kill my friends on command. How is that keeping me safe? Why can't you keep my friends safe as well?"

Blackthorn pulled Skiprudder up and made the otter sit down on his lap as he replied back with a soft purr. "It's a long tale but I will tell you it. Long ago even my kind were seen as nothing but slaves for the other cat species. I already told you we come from a very hot country, much further down south than were we are now." The panther slowly rubbed the otter's belly with his paw as he spoke. "There were two very powerful families back then. The lions and the tigers, each owned land and waged war with each other, they still do really to be honest. You don't know this but Bloodstripe used to own a lot of land from what I could gather."

Skiprudder churred softly to the belly rubs and leant into them as he listened. He turned his head around slightly as he spoke softly. "What happened?" He asked, leaning into the black panther gently while listening to the tale of what the panther had to tell him, placing his paw around to stroke at his former owner's tail.

Blackthorn smiled. "He lost a war with the lions, that's what happened. It was me who finally made him see sense and run away or we would all be killed. You see, I was a servant in his palace. We aren't that well received in the country where I come from. I was taken away when I was only a small kit and put into slavery for whoever bought me and it was Bloodstripe that bought my services." He shook his head slowly. "You think I like what I see what is going on here? I don't."

Skiprudder frowned. "Then why do you let him do all the things that he does now? And why has he allowed you to become his first mate on this ship?"

Blackthorn paused in his belly rubs to the otter and bit his lip. "Have you ever heard of the expression? 'Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer?' Well, that's what he had done. He knew I was his slave and that since we took a lot of rats with us which were his guards. He needed to keep me from turning any of the rats against him and thus he kept me very close."

Skiprudder made a face and shook his head. "That doesn't make any sense. Your land must be very strange to what I know though so who am I to say which is right or wrong?" He looked at Blackthorn for a moment. "But I think I can see why you can't show us what you really think. From what you had said already I know he would kill you but I wish to be free."

Blackthorn smiled. "Then you understand fully. I have to protect myself as well. I can't do anything if I am not alive. Besides I hope that one day I can get back to my home country and free my own people from those that oppress us." The panther looked into the otter's eyes and both for the first time saw what was felt deeply within them.

Skiprudder smiled and churred. "You know you could've told me this from the start, it would've made things a lot better between us." Placing a paw on the panther's chest, the otter gently scritched. Blackthorn nodded. "I know but I couldn't take the risk at the beginning. But since things have changed I thought it was worth the risk if only to warn you of what he is capable of."

The otter nodded his head. "You must let me tell the others about you. In case anything ever happens to you?" He was cut off by a finger pressing onto his lips. "No, it's too risky to let anymore know about this than just you and I want you to make sure that this remains so as well. The captain may have lost a war and had to slowly rebuild his strength and he has and this castle is very important to him as he probably wants to rule the land again and regain what he lost elsewhere. I cannot allow you to tell anyone."

Skiprudder cried. "But if anyone kills you?" He felt the panther pull the otter to him and cradled him. "Then I will die for the crimes that I have had to do in the name of Bloodstripe. Many slaves would've thought that would be a good end for me, my friend. I never thought of you as a slave but someone who I turned to love and it hurts me so much to see him have you now, knowing that he will only use you after he had got what he wanted. Most slaves wouldn't understand, thinking I should've died than work for someone that evil." Closing his eyes, the panther cried softly with the otter, while cradling him in his arms, the truth finally out as a wave of relief washed over the big cat.


Bloodstripe stood in the room, completely naked now as his clothes lay crumbled on top of the table. Picking up the lantern again, he slowly made his way to the door and opened it. There were several noises coming from the ship, to the wood cooling down and making creaking noises, the sound of the waves hitting the ship from the outside as the whole boat continued to rock about gently. Looking down, the tiger felt his hunger come from deep inside and he smiled more, closing the door behind him.

Looking back to where he came, he saw nothing but darkness after the glow from his lantern died away. Nodding his head in approval, the tiger moved his way down the corridor to where another door lay and he pulled out a key from his pocket as he approached silently. Placing the key into the lock, he turned it with a squeak and slowly placed the key back into his pocket before opening up the door and stepping in.

Closing the door behind him, the tiger turned around and hung the lantern to the wall and turned around again to the sleeping mouse which lay naked on the floor. Leaning on the door, the tiger looked at the form, definitely looking well fed and fat. Taking a slow deep breath, the tiger held his breath for a few moments and then let it go slowly.

Crossing his arms about his chest, he coughed loudly, watching as the mouse slowly began to stir and rubbing his eyes with his pink furless paws. "I see that you are awake. Tell me, what is your name?" Bloodstripe spoke softly as he watched the mouse slowly sat up and leaning against the wall.

"My name, why would you want to know that for?" Finil said with a hint of sleep in his voice, which he cleared by coughing, then spitting to the floor. "Finil is my name, not slave or mouse but Finil." He paused slightly. "So what do I have the privilege of having the captain see me then?"

Bloodstripe slowly lowered himself down so that he was sitting with his back against the door as he looked at the mouse on the opposite end of the room, shielding his eyes from the soft candle light. "I heard that you had attacked my head slaver a while back? Have you enjoyed yourself down here, all by yourself and not seeing any light at all?" He grinned toothily. "You think I was going to allow you to get away with that?" The tiger placed his paws onto his knees and spoke as though to a friend. "You see, Finil. From where I come from, us big cats do something that I have found that around in these parts is frowned upon by all, apart from the occasional sea rat that I have as for my crew but some of them are all for it as they have come from my part of the world yet those from this part don't do it. Why do you suppose that is?"

Bloodstripe grinned at the confused look and continued on. "No, I don't think you do know but I will explain anyways." The tiger moved his paw to look at his sharp claws, admiring them before turning his attention back to where the mouse was. "I had other plans for you to be honest. Hence you never were pulled up to the main deck to join your friends at the bottom of the sea. You see, I don't like those that think that they can attack my crew or to get those slaves to think that they can either. Why do you think I had them fatten you up, for example?" Bloodstripe went silent as he continued to look at the mouse with his cat eyes.

Finil looked back at Bloodstripe as the look on his face slowly changed as the mouse realised what had been said to him and fear slowly went to grip into the mouse as he started to whimper. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to go and hurt him. He just kept on whipping me for no reason. I lashed out when I shouldn't. Please, don't do this."

Bloodstripe shook his head. "It's a bit too late now, isn't it to fain innocence at my feet. You knew exactly what you were doing and had to be restrained. That and well." The tiger licked his nose. "I have certain needs and you just happened to have done something wrong at the right time. You see, I had earlier that day, asked my crew to put the next slave that did something wrong down here so that they could fatten you up and I can then get my fill of my blood lust. It's been so long having not eaten fresh meat, but I mean to do this with or without your help and I so hope that you will resist. It makes for it all the better." Bloodstripe got up again and stretched. "It's your turn to do something but whatever you do." The tiger said, buffing his claws on his chest while idly looking at them again. "You better make sure your move is the right one as if it isn't, you're dead."

Finil stayed where he was and thought things out in his head quickly while trying to stop his body from shaking. Forcing his eyes away from the hypnotic stare that Bloodstripe was giving him, the mouse took a deep breath, holding it in as he let it out again when he failed to do so.

Bloodstripe smiled and leant against the door again. "Come on, you wanted to do something to your captives and what better than having the opportunity to go and kill the captain of this hell hole you hate." Placing his paws behind his back, the tiger just smiled. "I am letting you have the first move; do you really want to waste it? Okay, I remind you on some points to make you make a decision."

Slowly, he began to count on his fingers, pushing the backwards a bit as Bloodstripe talked slowly. "One, I had enslaved all of your lives. And killed all of your wives and children." He smiled on that one. "Why? Well, I suppose I do not like females at all, you see. My ex wife betrayed me to someone once but she never managed to get anywhere. But I am getting off the point here."

Finil just frowned at Bloodstripe as he remembered his wife and children. The pink paws started to clench over as the tiger smiled and continued on. "Two, did I mention on how I killed them? Well, not me really but you know how my crew get so uptight while on sea so I told them to just enjoy themselves. I think one had their way with your wife before they slowly drowned her in the river." Bloodstripe stopped and smiled. "Still not that angry yet to attack, hmmm, okay."

Bloodstripe thought for a moment and then grinned evilly. "And you know what? Thirdly I didn't have to attack your place at all. I had all the slaves that I needed but well, you just had to have some mindless fun sometimes that's all, so I suppose they died of a worthless death."

Finil roared with anger as he ran across the room towards the large tiger, the mouse eyes was full of hatred, burning with murderous intentions. Leaping into the air, the mouse aimed his paws straight for the neck, but he turned in horror as he saw the tiger quickly move to the side as only the hard wooden door was in the mouse's way as he slammed into it with a thud.

Moving back against the other wall, Bloodstripe chuckled softly before it turned into a full belly laugh. "Oh no wonder it was so easy to catch you all, you can't even catch me. You want to know what? We always been on top of your rodents, just that some of you don't know when to quit."

Finil groaned as he got back up slightly, holding a paw to his head as he felt some blood coming out from a large lump that was forming. Shaking his head, he spat to the ground as a small patch of blood landed onto the floor. "Shove it cat. I'll kill you for what you did." The mouse began to stand back up again.

Bloodstripe wasn't having any of it as he ran forward and with a swift kick, the big cat's footpaw slammed into the muzzle of the mouse, sending the mouse back against the door with a huge bang. Growling as he stood over Finil. "Fuck you; you're just a fucking mouse who is below me on the food chain. I can do what I want with you!"

Finil felt pain in his head; bright white flashes came to his eyes as he felt something drop onto his tongue inside his mouth. Placing a paw to the front slightly, the mouse spat out his front teeth, broken with a huge pile of blood surrounding the white specs on his pink palm. Slowly he moved his paw to the side and dropped his teeth to the floor and with every single aching throb in his head; the mouse leapt up again and slammed his body right into the tiger, knocking him down.

Bloodstripe was shocked and surprised as he felt himself hit the back of the wall hard. Feeling the mouse wrap his paws about his neck, the tiger gasped and fell to the side, hitting the floor hard as he heard Finil speak loudly. "You fucking bastard. Die, die and go to hell you fucking bastard!"

Bloodstripe looked into the eyes of the mouse staring closely to him and fear began to well up within the big cat. The grasp about his neck continued to get stronger as slowly the tiger began to fade . Finil grinned as he spoke into the cat ear with a hiss. "Fancy a big cat like you getting killed by a mouse like me, scum."

The words rang loud and clear in Bloodstripe's head as the thought of being killed by a mouse and a slave of that made him snap inside. Finil saw the cat eyes which the pupils had practically closed, flared open fully. Finil gasped as he felt two large paws reach up, digging their claws in deeply into the flesh of the mouse paws, blood beginning to drip blood from where the claws where dug in deep. Trying all of his best to try and keep his grip about the throbbing neck of the tiger which started to suck in air again.

Bloodstripe began to frown even more as he pulled the hands of the mouse from his neck and took in a deep breath, his fingers squeezing tightly against the skin as he dug his claws in deeper, making Finil squeal in pain. Moving his back up, the tiger sat up again and growled, free from being strangled a few moments before and pulled the mouse right up to his face. "My turn, mouse." Pushing Finil off from him, the tiger got up from the ground and roared loudly.

Finil scrambled away from Bloodstripe as all of his anger had vanished from that moment on, the loud roar sent shivers all the way up his spine as he made for the corner and pressed his back against it, cradling his legs in his paws, blood seeping down to stain the mouse shins white fur to turn pink. Slowly he shook his eyes as pain came back again from where his head had hit the door a few minutes ago, blood still seeping out from the wound as it flowed slowly over the red stained matted fur.

Bloodstripe smelt the air and he could detect the smell of fresh blood in the air, the sight of the mouse now cowering in the corner, sent new pride into the tiger as he slowly checked his body by moving his limbs about, flexing his muscles. Moving a step forward, the tiger felt new energy flowing through his veins, his sheath thickened out slightly from the excitement of the hunt. Growling softly he looked at the mouse again and spoke. "Come on, get up. You can't have finished already." Making his way over to where Finil was, the tiger roughly grabbed the mouse by the neck as he bent down and pulled him up until Finil was pressed up against the wall, feet dangling into thin air as he looked down to see that the mouse was peeing against the tiger.

Watching at the yellow liquid splash against his belly, made Bloodstripe murr in pleasure as he looked back up to where Finil face was and grinned. "Ah, no fight left in you anymore I take it. Can't beat body language can you?" The tiger just stood there, grinning with his large white teeth as his tongue came out to lick over his dark black lips. "Good, now I can my fun with you before I kill you."

The mouse shook in fear as he felt his bladder empty completely; the tiger's paw was over his fat neck, fingers pressing into the skin as he felt the wall leave his body as Bloodstripe turned around and threw the fat mouse across the room and making the body slam into the other wall. Crying out in pain, Finil lay on the floor on his side, his fat belly moving in and out as he groaned loudly.

Moving over across the room again, Bloodstripe grinned as he knelt down next to the mouse and pressed his paw down onto the fat belly, pushing Finil onto his back who groaned in pain. Looking down at the mouse, the tiger smiled. "I don't want you to do anything anymore, so it's time to put you out of action." Running his fingers over the plump belly, the tiger murred softly as he moved his paw across the fat sheath, feeling over the length of it as the inside twitched slightly.

Moving his paw downwards onto the fat legs, the tiger smiled as he lifted one of the up and looked at the mouse for a moment as he held the leg by the ankle, turning his head around, the tiger slowly licked along the length of the leg, feeling the skin move about as he felt the soft smooth fat underneath jiggle. Moving the leg a bit further back, he felt the leg stiffen up slightly but still continued to move the leg back more to the sound of Finil coming back around again moan in pain.

Bloodstripe ignored the mouse moaning and pulled the right leg back further until he could get at the feet. Looking at the plum pink flesh, the tiger sniffed and began to lick at the sole, tasting the mouse sweaty feet against his warm rough tongue. Seeing the toes twitch, he slowly moved his tongue to licking at the toes, feeling the taste being more stronger in this are as he slipped his tongue between the toes as he heard the mouse moan again but in a more pleasured tone.

Looking at the mouse, the tiger reached over with his other paw and grabbing Finil by the muzzle, lifting his head up before smashing it back down onto the floor again hard. Seeing the mouse twitch slightly, no other noise came from the mouse apart from some breathing as his chest moved up and down slowly. Nodding his head, Bloodstripe returned back to licking at the right mouse paw again.

Slowly, Bloodstripe began to nibble on the toes with his teeth, biting as he sucked on the toes while keeping the leg pushed back as far as it could go. Slowly he began to de-claw the mouse feet as he bit off the claws, spitting them out onto the floor away from him. Moving a paw down, the tiger pressed his fingers onto the fat rump of the mouse and began to squeeze it gently, his arousal growing as he felt his cock back out again, dripping pre. Letting the foot come out of his mouth, the tiger smiled as he pushed the leg back and felt it pop out of its socket from the hip. Continuing to push down, he felt the tendons rip from the muscle and he smiled as he dropped the leg, watching it fall back down. Reaching over to the left leg, the tiger lifted that up and followed the same way as he felt the leg stiffen up more and more as he pushed it towards the mouse's head before hearing that popping sound followed by the sound of the tendon's rip again. Dropping the leg onto the floor, he purred happily. Looking at the de-clawed feet of the mouse, the tiger began to move his attention to other areas.

Finil continued to lay unconscious still, his eyes closed and un-moving. Bloodstriped picked up the nearest hand that was to him and held it in his paw. Slowly he grinned and began to slap Finil on the side of the face. "Come on, wake up." He looked at the paw and began to nibble on the fingers as he waited to see if the mouse would wake up and began to bite off the claws from the fingers one by one. Feeling the blood ooze into his muzzle, the tiger suckled onto the fingers until the bleeding stopped and pulled the hand from his mouth. Placing the mouse paw down onto his upper thigh as the tiger continued to stay kneeling down; he leant over and picked up the other paw, slipping each finger into his muzzle while biting off the claws on that one.

Looking at the pile of claws on the floor, the tiger smiled softly as he returned his attention to the mouse overall. Lifting up the head of the mouse, the tiger felt a damp patch behind there but ignored it. He looked at him and began to slap him on the cheek again. "Come on, wakey, wakey mousie." He purred as he used a thumb to open up one of the eyes. Slowly he felt the mouse wake up again but no movement came from the mouse at all. Bloodstripe moved Finil to sit up against the wall. Looking at the legs, the tiger pushed them to the side so that the feet were pressing against the wall on either side of the mouse as he looked at the blank look of Finil. "Good, do you know who you are?"

Finil shook his head slowly as the mouse looked at Bloodstripe while opening his mouth slowly. Trying to speak, the mouse found that he couldn't and only managed a squeak instead. Bloodstripe smiled as he nodded his head. "I see, well I am about to let you know okay." He saw the mouse nod his head and that made Bloodstripe feel his heart jump for joy, knowing that the bang on the head from the door and on the floor had made the mouse dumb. Moving a paw to pat the mouse on the side of the head, the tiger grinned toothily. "Right, you're a mouse, I am a cat. I was chasing you and now that I have caught you, you have to do everything that I want you to do, understand?"

Finil nodded his head dumbly at Bloodstripe and squeaked again, not even taking any notice of the way that his legs were in, the mouse continued to lean against the wall of the cabin with the tiger kneeling down in front of him who was purring. "Good." Bloodstripe took up one of Finil's paw again, watching the arm move up with it with some of the fat lean down swaying about slightly. Placing the paw near to his mouth, the tiger began to lick on the thick flabby pink fingers of the mouse again. His eyes always continued to watch on the look of Finil which continued to remain emotionless, the tiger smiled more as he began to nibble on one of the fingers, swirling his tongue about the digit and enjoying the taste of the blood that he was getting out in a small trickle from the place where the claw used to be.

Finil sat there motionless as he felt the rough tongue against his finger but didn't move. Slight dribble came out from the side of his mouth, pink in colour from the broken teeth from inside of his mouth; the mouse flicked his tail about randomly. Bloodstripe pulled out the finger and licked his black lips hungrily, but moving the paw down, he slowly places the mouse paw against his hard cock and smiles softly as he slowly curves the mouse fingers around his shaft. Expecting to see the mouse let go as he moved his paw away from the pink hand, he smiled when he still felt the warm skin wrapped around his shaft and leant closer, nuzzling the mouse neck and mouth, licking at the blood fill dribble that was slowly coming out from the side of the mouth. Leaning up so that he was near to the mouse ear and slowly whispered. "I am going to have some fun with my prey before I eat you." Moving the opposite paw to touch the mouse paw around his shaft he began to show the mouse on what he wanted. After a few strokes, he let go and felt Finil continue to paw him off gently. Smiling more, Bloodstripe purred. "Good mouse, you are lucky that you are in this state. Not for me as I like my prey to suffer but I can live with this anyways."

Finil didn't reply apart from continuing to move his hand up and down the tiger's shaft while feeling the cock throb in his paw. Opening his mouth open, the mouse squeaked again in response as he felt the tiger lean forward and began to kiss the mouse on the lips. Slipping his tongue in, the tiger began to kiss the mouse deeply now as he felt the paw continue to rub it's warm pink fingers over the shaft, pre dripping out all over the mouse's paw as his cock began to get more slick. His ears twitched to the sound of skin slapping against skin, the tiger's belly tensing up as he sucked on the blood coming out from the mouse's gums, swallowing the warm sweet taste as he began to hump a bit in the mouse's paw, growling happily.

Finil kissed back but it was more of instinct than anything else, the mouse continued to run his paw up and down the tiger's shaft, feeling the spikes on the head of the big cat's cock as pre continued to soak his pink fingers, messing with some of the holes that began to bleed again to turn it pink. With a loud grunt, the tiger bit down onto the mouse's tongue as he arched his back as he spurted his cum all over the mouse, each spurt slamming into the white chest and belly fur. All the while, he suckled on the spurt of blood oozing out as he swallowed down mouthfuls of the red life giving blood. Pulling out from the kiss, the tiger's chin was dripping with blood as he looked at the dumb mouse, bleeding from the mouth as he felt the paw on his cock still rubbing it after the climax. He shuddered, the tiger groaned loudly before grabbing hold of Finil and throwing him to the ground, his legs landing in an un-natural position as the tiger leaned over the form, dripping some of the mouse's blood onto his white chest fur.

Running his paws over the limp body, the tiger growled as he felt his blood lust continue to rise, his nose flaring to the scent as he watched the mouse spit out more blood from his mouth and leant down to lap up on the blood drenched mouth and chin. Each time, more blood came out as the tiger leant his whole body down on top of the comfortable fat mouse and wrapped his paws around the fat form as he kissed the mouse deeply again, sucking on the blood that was coming out from the tongue. Pulling it into his mouth the tiger began to bite down on the fleshy organ again and ripped it out, lifting his head up with blood spurting organ flopping down in his mouth as he began to pull it in, chewing it.

Bloodstripe continued to chew as he leaned back up to a standing position again. Shifting back down, the tiger slowly slipped his lips around the mouse's fat cock and began to suckle on it, feeling it pulsate in his mouth, the pre starting to ooze out into his muzzle as he rubbed his rough tongue over the shaft, flicking it over the tip as he grabbed the mouse's sides and lifted him up. Bloodstripe moved his body so that he was leaning against the wall as he propped up Finil to sitting down on top of his knees as he continued to suck on the fat mouse cock that was leaking pre. Finil's head flopped forwards as he left his mouth open slightly allowing his blood to drip from his lips and to fall on top of Bloodstripe's head, slowly moving down in small rivers through the thick head fur of the tiger as it rolled down gradually dripping onto the shoulders or onto the mouse cock to be licked up by a ready rough cat tongue.

Bloodstripe murred as he felt the warm trickle of blood dripping onto his head from the mouse above as he continued to suck on the throbbing cock in his mouth that suddenly began to spurt out its load, the belly suddenly falling down onto his nose as he slurped around the pulsating cock, swallowing down each and every drop of cum that spurted out. Closing his teeth around the shaft, Bloodstripe dug his claws into the mouse's rear as he pulled out so that only the tip of the cock was in his mouth and bit down on the tip, sinking his teeth into the blood filled flesh. Opening his mouth again, he began to suckle on the mouse's cock as it continued to spurt out blood and cum before the climax stopped and it was only the blood that was spurting from the cock tip.

Bloodstripe opened his legs as he allowed Finil to fall backwards, the mouse hitting his head hard to the sound of a crack came to the tiger's ears, the mouse shuddered and then laid still with a large pool of blood coming from behind his head. Shifting his body to follow suit as he leant down to continue to slurp around the slowly softening mouse cock. Letting go, he watched as dark red crimson blood shot out from the limp cock now and he knew it was time to end things. Moving his paw over to where he felt the soft belly, the tiger moved his fingers over the soft fur and slowly began to scritch the fur with his fingers. Pulling up his paw, he licked at one of his sharp claws and slowly using a finger, the tiger began to press his sharp claw against the belly and felt it dig in, the skin breaking as he smiled, moving his claw along to the sound of skin ripping as blood began to pool up from where the cut was made.

Bloodstripe smiled as he thought back to the time when he did this a lot back home for when it was a daily thing. He hated eating just fruit and wanted real meat, the time when he would hunt and kill one of those horses or zebra. This mouse was nothing but a small meal for him as he slipped his paw into the belly, feeling the warmth inside as his paw squelched about, before pulling out Finil's large intestine. Looking at the mouse, he saw the pool of blood and purred knowing that the slave would be dead soon as he bit down onto the long string of flesh that he was pulling out and then tugged it, ripping it out of the body. Looking at it, he shrugs throwing it behind him as he reached back in again, his blood stained paw began to pull out soft flesh, the tiger sat back and began to stuff the red meat into his mouth, his whole chest getting stained from blood as he heard the mouse give one last breath and purred. Speaking quietly with a smile, he chewed as he talked. "Tiger won, mouse lost. As it should be, don't you forget that either." The tiger looked at the dead mouse with a grin. The captain was going to eat well tonight.