My Furry Valentine Ch. 3

Story by Renaki on SoFurry

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#11 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)

Ch. 3 (Dreams and Making Plans)

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon (that goes for all chapters!!) or the song Crush by Solange Knowles.

A special thanx for Natsuke from FA for letting me use his characters, Maliha and Tayla in this story!

(A/N: And just to let you know, there will be some POV swapping in this chapter!!)


That night, everyone in the house was sound asleep...except for one.

Silver was wide awake next to me. Now matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fall asleep. She slowly turned over to her right side and looked at my alarm clock. It was one 'o clock in the morning. She let out a sigh of discouragement and phased onto the roof of the house.

'What am I going to do? If I don't come up with something for Lisa...I'll never forgive myself...' she thought sadly. She looked up towards the night sky and saw the stars she loved so much. Then she saw one travel across the sky.

She smiled. "I will find the perfect Valentine for matter what the cost..." she whispered as she made a silent prayer for her wish to come true.


Inside the house, my eyes flew open, the thought of Silver back on my mind. 'Aw man; if I don't get Silver a gift for Valentine's Day, I'm sunk!' I glanced at my clock. One thirty in the morning... I turned to my left side and noticed Silver wasn't there.

"She's probably taking a walk or something...I never can tell with her..." I thought aloud as I slowly got out of bed. I turned on the lamp and started looking around for my CD player.

'Maybe some music will help me go back to sleep...' I finally found it, put in my earphones and turned off the light. I already had a CD inside, so I only had to press play. I closed my eyes as the music started. It was a slow song; and I slowly drifted off...

(Start of Dream)

The next thing I knew, I was in darkness. Suddenly, candlelight filtered the entire room; not enough to be blinded, but just enough to set a romantic mood.

"What the-?" I said silently. I looked around; red rose petals were floating all around me. I then heard the familiar sound of a digimon materializing. I looked up and saw Silver in front of me, a gentle aura surrounding her, adding more beauty to the vixen.

Her smile put me into a trance as she came towards me, with an added slinkiness to her walk. Then slow music started playing as Silver started to sing.

"Come here stranger

Come and dance with me

Listen life changer

don't fret take a chance with me

when you move like that, I can just fall

in love with you..."

'I never realized what a beautiful voice she has...' I thought. I was put under her spell and I danced forward as she continued.


"You think I'm speeding

that's until you see

I wasn't I was leading the future for you and me

and when you move like that I can just fall

In love with you..."

As we moved closer, we gently caressed each other as we danced.

"Close your eyes and move

please don't think, just groove

Please, do that for me

let them know, you're my baby..."


The rest of the world just seemed to drift away as the blissful melody continued.

"Speechless, enchanted, when I see you baby

reachless romantic, just keep dancing baby

When you move like that, I could just fall in love you

Ooo keep climbing, make your mark in here

Your eyes keep shining though it's dark in here

And when you move like that I can just fall

In love with you..."

I closed my eyes, just to capture the moment...


"Close your eyes and move

please don't think, just groove

Please, do that for me

let them know, you're my baby..."

As we danced, we actually began to walk on air. And being trapped by Silver's hypnotic spell, I began to sing along.


"It's weird I know but somehow I know

I've been handed you, you've been handed me

It's like some fantasy

I like you, I want you

Dance with me, forever and ever..."

'I wish we could stay like this, just the two of us...' I thought happily as Silver's graceful movements made me fall even deeper as I joined her for the final verse.


"You're undecided you wanna mingle more

Your face just brightens when you think of me it's yours

And when you smile like that I can just fall, in love with you

Seems like the world suspects something baby

And they should pinch themselves cause they ain't dreaming baby

And when we get like that the whole world would just fall in love too..."


And as the music went into the final chorus, time seemed to slow down. The stars danced around us as we smiled, looking deep into each other's eyes as our lips prepared to meet for a kiss.

However, before they even got the chance to do so...

(End of Dream)


My alarm clock zapped me back to reality.

"YAAH!!" I jolted awake, panting heavily. Sweat was all across my brow as I frantically looked around, noticing I was back in my bedroom. I looked down and saw that my CD player was still on repeat, and the battery was almost dead... I turned it off.

'Man...what a dream...' I thought as I hit the snooze button. I looked at the clock. Eight thirty in the morning. I sighed.

"Too bad it ended so fast..." I mumbled as I made my way to the bathroom.


After I was dressed, I headed towards the kitchen. Then I was surprised to hear singing again.

"What? There isn't a radio in the kitchen..." I slowly crept towards the door and gasped. Silver was singing to herself while washing the breakfast dishes, completely unaware that I was listening.

'Just like in my dream...' I thought as I quietly made my way towards her. She was singing the exact same song, in the same beautiful voice...only this time, it was real... 'So romantic...'

However it didn't last long, as Silver turned her head, and noticed me standing near the countertop next to her. She nearly dropped the plate she was washing in surprise.

She gasped. "Lisa...I-I didn't know you were there...was I too loud?"

"It's okay, Silv. No harm done." I said as she brought some breakfast for us. "By the way," I smiled warmly at her. "How come you never told me you could sing like that?"

Silver blushed as she sat down. "Oh...I was, uh...going to get around to that..." she replied, her tail nervously twitching.

There was an uncomfortable silence as we ate our meal. Then, afterwards, I decided to break it.

"Hey; since I don't have any classes today, I was just thinking maybe we could go out know, just the two of us..." I asked, hopefully.

"Actually..." Silver started, noticing my tone of voice. "I have something to do today..."

"Really? Like what?" I asked, curiously.

" know...maybe do some myself." she replied, trying not to stutter.

"Oh." I said, slightly crestfallen. Lately, on days like today, I had been training with Silver to keep in shape. (Since I had gained some extra pounds after Christmas and New Year's; I actually lost ten after that). I enjoy that special time with her, so I was feeling a little disappointed.

But I didn't let the feeling show. "Okay. Just don't come in too late."

She smiled at me. "All right. If you need me, just call." and with that, she phased out of the house.

I sighed as I headed towards the telephone. "Maybe Edwardia wants to go out today..." I said as I dialed her number.


ooo Silver's POVooo

I reappeared in the park downtown in a secluded area where I usually do my training. The sun's rays peered through the trees as a gentle breeze whipped across my mane. I looked around, searching for any signs of humans. There were none.

Sighing, I sat down Indian-style on the ground. The morning dew still glistened on the grass around me. I noticed some of the flowers had started to return. I gently picked one of them and sniffed it.

'The scent is as sweet as Lisa herself.' I thought. The flowers actually reminded me of a special place that I had discovered in the digital world. Then, a smile slowly crept across my face, as my wish was secretly granted.


Suddenly, a familiar fog started to appear. Instantly, I whipped out my sword and got into my fighting stance. "I know you're out there. Show yourself!" I snarled.

Two shadows slowly started to appear out of the mist.

"It's all right, Silver." said one.

"We come in peace." joked the other.

My mind and heart raced simultaneously. I recognized the voices from my past...but I couldn't believe it.


Two Renamons revealed themselves as the digital field started clearing. They both had yellow fur, along with purple markings and armguards. And their furs were ruffled, but in different places. However there were key differences: one of them bore a yin-yang necklace around her neck, and a sword similar to my own; while the other only had one real arm; the right was made of metal. (She lost it in a battle with an evil Renamon).

"M-Maliha...Tayla...?" I finally managed to get out.

"Well, I'm glad you finally remember us." said Tayla.

"Yeah; we were a little worried about you back there." Maliha chimed in.

I quickly re-sheathed my sword, and then we happily embraced each other. "This is absolutely amazing! How'd you guys find me?" I asked after we broke the embrace.

"News had spread that you left the digital world in search for a Tamer. We finally got here two days ago."

"Well, you'll be happy to know that I have found one, Maliha. And we've been together for almost six months now."

"We know..." Tayla replied.

I blinked. "What? How did-?"

"We saw you two battle that Ogremon last night; along with her friend and her Gatomon."

"Yeah; you two look great together."

A light blush spread under my fur. "'s kind of you to say that."

Tayla and Maliha smiled warmly at each other.

'I had almost forgotten how good it feels to have them around.' I mused to myself. 'I have been away from my home in the digital world for quite some time now...'

Maliha suddenly broke my thoughts. "Hey Silver; since we're new around here, how about you show us around?"

Tayla nodded eagerly. "Yes; we'd love to see some of the sights."

I grinned. "Of course. It would be my pleasure." We all laughed as we held paws and phased out of the area.

ooo Change in POVooo

Edwardia and I were making our way down the busy sidewalks, with Luna in tow. She was casually perched on Edwardia's back with straps attached under her arms. She held her CD player in her paws and had earphones in her ears. Her tail happily swished to the beat of the music.

As we passed the department stores, the people were abuzz with thoughts of Valentine's Day...and that brought me back to Silver. I sighed sadly.

Edwardia noticed this. "What's wrong, Lisa? You don't seem like yourself today..."

"Huh?" my mind refocused. "Oh, it's nothing." I lied. However, she saw right through it.

"I doubt're probably thinking about what to get Silver for Valentine's Day." she said as an all-knowing smirk appeared on her face.

I blushed. "My it that obvious?" She nodded, giggling to herself. I blushed even harder.

"Oh, come on...Lisa, I didn't mean anything by that. And besides, you know Silver would love anything you gave her; it's the thought that counts, after all."

A new ray of hope shown through after that. " always know what to say."

She smiled. "Why don't we check things out around here; maybe you'll get some ideas."

"All right." As we quickened our pace, Luna's tail lashed out at me. I turned to Edwardia.

"What is she listening to anyway?" I asked, brushing it out of my face.

"Dunno. I think it's...some DJ from the Netherlands or somethin'..." she replied as we rounded a corner.


ooo Silver's POVooo (A/N: I hope you don't mind the POV swapping!)

Three hours later. I had finished giving Maliha and Tayla a tour of the city. We now were resting on a rooftop not too far from Lisa's home.

"This is a great place, Silver."

"Yeah; it's even better than in the books." Tayla admitted.

"Yes; it's taken some time to get used to, but I've been able to manage." I shrugged.

"So," Maliha started. "Has your tamer told you about Valentine's Day yet?"

"Yes..." I said nervously.

"Well; what are you going to do for her?"

I paused. "You won't have a problem with her?"

They gasped. "What? Of course not!"

"I mean; it's great you've found someone, even if it isn't a male...digimon or human." Maliha reassured me. Tayla gently placed a paw on my shoulder and nodded.

I smiled. "Thanks you guys." There was a brief pause.

"So," Tayla replied. "Don't keep us in suspense!"

I laughed to myself. Then motioned them to come close, and whispered my plan in their ears.

"Wow; that's a great idea!"

"Yeah...Lisa'll love that."

"You think so?"

Maliha beamed. "Totally."

"It's very romantic." Tayla added.

A smirk came across my face. "I think so, too. Anyway, I have a favor to ask. Can you guys can help me out?"

They nodded. "Sure!"

"Wonderful! Oh, but first; I need to run this by Lisa's mother...I'm sure she'll want to know about this..."

They looked at me confused. "Her mother? She knows about you?"

"It's a long story." I said. We leapt off the building and hurried towards Lisa's house.

End of Chapter 3

My Furry Valentine Ch. 4

A/N: Since the POV swapping was a nice change in Ch. 3, I'm gonna to try to use it throughout the rest of the fic, k? Now on to... Ch. 4 (New Friends and...Unexpected Changes?) It was late afternoon when Edwardia and I left downtown. After...

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 2

Ch. 2 (Ogremon Troubles) Later that evening, mom had returned home from work. Now she and Silver were putting the finishing touches on dinner. "Lisa! Time for dinner!" Mom called out, putting a plate of fried catfish on the table. I came out,...

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My Furry Valentine

My Furry Valentine Disclaimer: I don't own or ever will own digimon... ‾ Silver: (looks at the title; sweatdrops) Uh, Lisa...doesn't the title sound a little...corny to you? I know, but I couldn't resist. Silver: (smiles) Well, since...
