My Furry Valentine Ch. 4

Story by Renaki on SoFurry

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#12 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)

A/N: Since the POV swapping was a nice change in Ch. 3, I'm gonna to try to use it throughout the rest of the fic, k? Now on to... Ch. 4 (New Friends and...Unexpected Changes?) It was late afternoon when Edwardia and I left downtown. After lunch, I headed for home. Mom was already there, watching soap operas when I walked through the door. "Mom, I'm home!" "Lisa; how was your day?" "Good. Hey, have you seen Silver? She went out after breakfast and I haven't seen her since." "As a matter of fact, she came in just a little while ago with two friends of hers. They're waiting for you." "'K thanks." I smiled as I headed towards my room. 'Wait...since when does Silver have friends...?' I thought as I opened the door. I soon found out. - Silver quickly looked up. "Oh, Lisa; you're home." "Yeah; and so are you-." I paused when I saw her friends. They were sitting next to Silver on the floor, enjoying some sugar cookies mom had brought. They smiled at me. "Hello." "I hope we're not putting you out." I joined them. "No; I'm just surprised, that's all." Silver chuckled to herself. "Well, they have been known to do that." They glared at her. "Hey!" "I see." I said sarcastically. "And do they have names?" The three vixens blinked at each other, then turned back to me, sweatdropping. "Oops. Sorry." I laughed to myself. "That's okay." "I'm Maliha." said one. "And I'm Tayla." said the other. "We're Silver's friends from the digital world." "Nice to meet you guys." "You know; Silver's told us a lot about you, Lisa." "Yeah; and from what she mentioned, you two have been through a lot together." I nodded. "Yeah, she's right about that." "Well, c'mon!" Maliha said ecstatically. "You've gotta tell us everything you've experienced!!" Tayla gently nudged her with her metal shoulder. "Maliha...!" Silver and I grinned at each other. - The rest of the day actually turned out nice after that. Silver and I told them about our past battles, giving Maliha and Tayla some laughs and surprises along the way. Afterwards, they told me their favorite memories with Silver. As it turned out, all three vixens grew up together in a place called Foxwood Village, a remote area that's home to all Renamon and Ronomon (the male counterpart) in the digital world. And they've had quite a few experiences. Including...going to school. I gasped. "No guys went to school?" Silver smiled and nodded. "From the time we were ReRemon until we digivolved to Viximon, and finally, Renamon." "ReRemon and Viximon?" I asked, confused. "Those are our Fresh and In-training forms." Maliha explained. Closing her eyes, she waved her paw, and conjured a medium-sized emerald book out of thin air. My jaw dropped in shock. "H-How did you..." I stuttered, completely at a loss for words. She giggled. "All Renamon and Ronomon can do that trick!" she opened the book and flipped through the pages. I leaned over to Silver and whispered "What book is that, anyway?" "Our school yearbook." She answered with a grin. "Ah, here it is." Maliha showed me a specific page in the book, which happened to be a photograph of her, Silver, and Tayla in their in-training forms. But they weren't alone. There was a whole class of Viximon, all in different colored fur, along with quite a few digimon that weren't Viximon. Their teacher, which was a Taomon, was standing near them on the right. 'Wow...and I thought our class was big...' I thought. "Say, Maliha..." "Yes?" she answered. "What about those other digimon besides the Viximon? What are they?" "Oh, those? Those are Kitsumon. They're the male counterpart." "Wow..." I noticed on the opposite page that all the digimon had digivolved to Renamon and Ronomon. They were all wearing Samurai uniforms and holding different weapons, including Katana and Wakizashi swords in their paws. Their teacher, this time a sapphire blue fox, standing proudly with folded arms, was in the middle. "And, in case you're wondering, that's Sensei MageRonomon." Tayla explained. "MageRonomon?" I inquired. "The highest digivolution of Ronomon." she said with a musing grin. "And as I recall, I was the best student in his class." That's were things went a bit downhill... Maliha's eyes bulged out of their sockets as she gaped at her. "YOU?" she nearly screamed. Silver slapped her forehead in frustration. "Ugh. Not this again." I only watched on in confusion. "Of course, I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in our Samurai Defense class. Don't you remember, MALIHA!?" Tayla sharply retorted. Maliha snarled in response. I looked at Silver, who had rolled her eyes. "Now you see; that's why I'm glad I'm an only child..." I mumbled under my breath as the twosome continued their argument. "So, you wanna fight, huh?" Tayla exclaimed, getting into her fighting stance. Maliha sneered. "Now you're talkin'." she quickly followed suit. '' Silver thought inwardly. However, I quickly noticed the panic in her eyes... as well as the consequences that would come out of this. I got in between the two samurais. "Woah! C'mon you guys! Don't fight!" I pleaded. They stood down almost immediately. "You're right, Lisa. We shouldn't be fighting over trivial things like that." Maliha replied. "I'm sorry." she bowed to her. "Apology accepted." Tayla said calmly. At that moment, Mom came into the room. "Is everything all right in here?" she asked sternly. "Yeah, mom. Maliha and Tayla were just...uh," I quickly glanced at the book. "showing me their old school yearbook." I laughed nervously. She gave us a small smile. "Okay...just don't cause any trouble. I don't want anything broken. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." We said together. After she left the room, we all breathed sighs of relief.

ooo Silver's POVooo Soon it was nighttime. Since Maliha and Tayla had nowhere to go, Lisa's mother offered them to stay with us. At first they were questionable, but eventually they accepted her offer. As Lisa went in the bathroom to take a shower, she let us glance through her high school yearbook. "Is that Lisa?" Maliha questioned me, pointing at a picture of Lisa. She was standing amongst a large group of humans and they were all wearing sky blue caps and gowns. "Yes." I smiled. "She was also voted 'Most Friendly Person' in her class." Tayla chuckled. "I can see why." She smirked back. Then a sudden thought popped into my head. "Listen you guys, we must come up with a way to bypass Lisa to prepare her surprise for Valentine's Day." Two broad smirks then appeared on their faces. "We know, Silver. We know..." We all thought for a few moments, then Tayla smiled. "Hey...why don't we set things up when she's asleep at night, so that way we shouldn't run into any problems." "It's a good idea, Tayla. But wouldn't she get suspicious of us going out at night?" Maliha inquired. "Nah, I go out on a walk sometimes to patrol the city." I reassured them. "So it's agreed then?" We both nodded eagerly. Then, we all placed our paws on top of each other, sealing the deal. - ooo Change in POV ooo Over the next few days, I had noticed a change in Silver. Every time I asked if she wanted to do something or go anywhere with me, she always said she had something to do, whether it was going for a walk to patrol the city, or take Maliha and Tayla out for a night on the town. Of course, I could understand, since she hadn't seen them in ages, and it gave me more time to put together her Valentine, seemed like she was neglecting me...almost completely. In fact, the only time we got together was for training, and even that didn't last long. And I was starting to feel left out. All I knew was...something was definitely up with Silver...

Maliha: Uh-oh! I hope things haven't turned for the worst! To find out, read Chapter 5 of My Furry Valentine! End of Chapter 4

My Furry Valentine Ch. 5

Ch. 5 (Arousing Suspicions and Keeping Secrets) One morning, three days before Valentine's Day, I was outside looking for Silver. "Hey, Silver! Where are you?" I called for the umpteenth time. I almost gave up until... "You called, Lisa?" I...

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 3

Ch. 3 (Dreams and Making Plans) Disclaimer: I don't own digimon (that goes for all chapters!!) or the song Crush by Solange Knowles. A special thanx for Natsuke from FA for letting me use his characters, Maliha and Tayla in this story! (A/N:...

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 2

Ch. 2 (Ogremon Troubles) Later that evening, mom had returned home from work. Now she and Silver were putting the finishing touches on dinner. "Lisa! Time for dinner!" Mom called out, putting a plate of fried catfish on the table. I came out,...

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