My Furry Valentine Ch. 7
#15 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
-Well, this is it. The final chapter; the one where all will be revealed. Hope you enjoy it!- Ch. 7 (Valentine Surprises) The next day had flown by with all the excitement. Edwardia and Luna had introduced all of us to Mike and Taka and we spent the day together, getting to know each other. Edwardia and Luna also announced that they were going out on a date with them the next night. Also, Mike and Taka had asked to join our team, and seeing that we could use all the help we could get against the digimon, we were more than happy to accept their offer. - Finally, it was February 14th, Valentine's Day. The morning sun's rays glimmered through my bedroom windows as they shown down on us, awaking us from our blissful slumber. "Morning, Silver. Happy Valentine's Day." I smiled lovingly at her. "And to you as well." she returned the smile. We gazed into each other's eyes as we kissed each other gently. At that moment, there was a knock on the door. "Lisa, Silver; are you two awake in there?" I turned to my side. "Yeah..." Mom, Maliha and Tayla came in. "Happy Valentine's Day!" they said happily. Then, Maliha and Tayla walked over to the bed, carrying two trays of breakfasts for us. The breakfast consisted of homemade pancakes, eggs over-easy and bacon; the pancakes were shaped in hearts to celebrate the occasion. Silver and I looked up at them in surprise. " guys; you didn't have to go through all this trouble!" I replied as we sat up in the bed. "It was no trouble at all." Mom beamed. "You wouldn't believe how much of a help Maliha and Tayla are in the kitchen." "And besides, you guys deserve it after the things you've been through for the past few days." Maliha said with a grin. "Thank you." Silver bowed. "Yeah; thanks." I smiled. - After breakfast, Silver and I decided it was time to exchange our gifts to each other. I looked at her. "Silver...I thought long and hard about your Valentine...and I hope you like it." I finished blushing. Not knowing what else to say, I gestured towards Maliha and Tayla, who then conjured up Silver's gift. She gasped when they brought it over to her. It was a gift basket filled with all of Silver's favorite things; including: citrus perfume, lavender bubble bath, chocolate bon-bons and a dozen red roses which were delicately placed behind the items in a beautiful bouquet. "Lisa...I never would've expected something like this from you..." she finally said, admiring the items in the basket. I placed my hand behind my neck "Yeah...well I had a little bit of trouble deciding what to get you, so I decided to put all your favorite things together." She hugged me. "I love my gift; thank you." "You're welcome." I replied, returning the hug; my face now a pure crimson. (Though I was secretly relieved). After breaking the embrace, Silver cleared her throat. "Lisa, I too have also thought about your Valentine; but what I am about to give you isn't the only thing you'll be getting today." She then waved her paw and conjured a small blue box. I slowly took the box, opened it...and almost cried for what was inside; a pair of white gold, heart-shaped earrings, with a layer of rich, red rubies all around them. And a layer of beautifully set diamonds was right in the middle. "Wow; Silver...these are amazing!" I gushed happily. "Thank you so much!" I hugged her warmly. She laughed to herself. "I thought you'd like them, but now remember; this isn't your only present. You'll get the other half tonight." she whispered softly. Mom overheard this and smiled mischievously. I noticed this and my eyes bulged. "Mom! It's not that!" I gasped angrily, glaring back at her. Maliha and Tayla laughed out loud, knowing what that meant. "Not what? I don't understand?" Silver asked, confused. I blushed, half for embarrassment, and the other half for not believing what Silver just asked me. "Well...uh," I hesitated; then whispered in her ear. When I finished, Silver's face was beet red. "I can assure all of you that is certainly not the thing I was referring to...!" she said, embarrassed. Mom, Maliha and Tayla, continued laughing, despite that fact. "We know...we're just teasing." they reassured us. Silver and I fell over anime-style. 'Now they tell us...' we both thought sweatdropping. - The rest of the day was pretty great after that, although I had yet to see the other half of Silver's surprise, but I knew it would come all in good time. Unfortunately, today was the last day Maliha and Tayla could spend with us, since they had to return to Foxwood Village. Later that day, all of us were outside in my backyard getting ready to send them off. "Are you sure you can't stay with us one more day?" Mom asked them. "No; but thank you for the offer." Tayla said bowing. "Yeah; thanks but, Tayla and I don't want to overstay our welcome." "You guys wouldn't do that; besides you helped me put together Silver's Valentine, and that qualifies for a lot." I grinned at them. "Maybe we'll come back to visit soon." Everyone nodded eagerly. 'That would be very nice.' Silver mused happily. "All right then; shall we go, Tayla?" Maliha smiled. Tayla smiled back and gently held Maliha's paw. "Goodbye, everyone." They waved to us. We all said our goodbyes as they phased out of the area. Luna and Edwardia turned to us. "We'd better go too, guys; Mike and Taka said they'd meet us at 7:00." "Why don't you guys come with us?" Edwardia asked. "Sorry, but we have our own plans for tonight." Silver told them, winking at Luna. She winked back. "Tell us all about it tomorrow?" "Sure thing, Lisa. Bye!" They left the yard. "See ya!" Luna digivolved to Angewomon and flew Edwardia out of the area. - ooo Silver's POV ooo That evening, while Lisa was getting ready for our date, I was waiting in the living room with her mother. I was wearing a special set of rose-colored armguards I only wore on special occasions; I also wore the silver heart-shaped pendant Lisa gave me for Christmas. I was sitting down on the couch, my tail nervously twitching the whole time. Anna (Lisa's Mother) noticed this. "Silver; there's no need to be so nervous." she said, putting the roses Lisa gave me in a vase. "I know, but I just want things to be memorable for us tonight." I replied. "It already is." she then joined me on the couch, digital camera in hand. "After all, you worked hard putting the surprise together, and I just know Lisa will love it." "You're right." I said, new confidence shining through. Just then, Lisa walked into the room wearing a spaghetti-strap dress and black heals. The dress was she was wearing was amethyst-colored, she was wearing the earrings I gave her this morning as well as the white gold charm bracelet I gave her for our anniversary. We looked at her, smiling in awe. "Lisa, you look marvelous." I said complementarily She blushed. "Thanks. You, too." Now it was my turn to blush. "Oh, you two are so cute together." Anna happily said, holding her digital camera. " you have to take pictures every time we go out?" Lisa said laughing. "Lisa, it's for the scrapbook we started..." I looked pleadingly at her, flashing my emerald eyes. She shook her head, smiling at me. "You know...I can never resist that look of yours." she then nodded towards Anna. She grinned. "All right, close together, you two." She said as she got the camera ready. We stood close together in front of the doorway, as Anna snapped three pictures for our scrapbook. "Well, we'd better go." I grinned flirtatiously at Lisa, who smirked back. "C'mon, Silv; you've gotta tell me...where are we going?" she asked as we walked out the door. I winked at her. "Sorry; I can't..." She frowned playfully at me. "Aww...please?" "Let me think first. Ah, nope..." I smirked. "Have fun you two!" Anna called out. "We will!" we called back as I carried Lisa out of the area. - ooo Normal POV ooo We were now in the woods behind my house, Silver was now feeling excited about reaching our destination, while I on the other hand, was growing a bit impatient... "Silver, why'd you lead us here? I've practically seen everything in these woods..." She stared lovingly at me. "Patience, my'll see soon enough." she purred softly. I smiled dreamily at her. ' this rate, she's gonna have a puddle for a girlfriend...!' - After a few more minutes of walking, Silver finally stopped. We were in the middle of nowhere. "What's wrong; why'd we stop?" I asked curiously, looking around. "Why?" Silver said with a grin. "Because we're here." "Huh?" But, before I get out anything else, something amazing happened... Silver closed her eyes and a large aura of light formed around her. It wasn't the light of digivolution...but instead, something entirely different. 'W...what's going on?' I thought in shock. The light shot out at a clearing, then to my surprise...formed into a large portal! The portal was a swirling vortex of aquamarine and golden lights. "Woah..." was the only thing I could say; my eyes were now larger than my head. Silver could obviously see that my face was full of awe. She giggled at my expression. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she inquired playfully. "Go on in!" "Wha-?" my mind snapped back to reality. "You there...?" I pointed at the portal. She giggled again. "Of course. Don't you want to see your surprise?" I slowly stepped forward. "Well, yeah..." Silver then gently took my hand and we went through. - At first, we were bathed amongst a bright white light, and after we fully passed though the eyes were met with a most magnificent sight... Silver had led us to a glade. The glade was full of lush greenery as well as beautiful flowers of every season, color and exquisite fragrance imaginable as far as the eye could see. There were also trees with every kind of fruit you could think of. A stream with crystal clear waters snaked throughout the entire glade as waters from a gorgeous waterfall crashed above them. The moon reflected its light into the river, adding a gentle touch. It was truly a spectacle to behold. My eyes took in every inch of the scenery. "Oh my God...Silver, this place is incredible...! Where are we?" She gave a soft chuckle. "Why...we're in the digital world." My eyes bulged in surprise. "No way..." "Way. And you know the best part about all this?" I slowly shook my head. She smiled. "No one else knows about this place." "Really? How'd you find it?" "I discovered it when I was a Viximon. We're actually on the outskirts of Foxwood Village." "And you've kept it a secret for this long...?" I asked wondrously. Silver nodded. "That's why I've been so secretive around you lately. I was thinking about the best way to surprise you; and that's when I thought of this place... I wanted to share it with you." "This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me." She then gently wrapped her tail around my waist brought me closer to her. "There's actually more." She said softly as we phased out of the area. - We reappeared in a different part of the glade. It was just as gorgeous; the only new differences were that there were cherry blossom trees all around. And in the middle was a gazebo. Bright pink lanterns strung from the branches, their light adding even more beauty to the area. "Wow..." needless to say, I was completely taken aback. As we came closer, I noticed there were candles right in the middle of the table, as well as a romantic dinner just for two. We sat down together. "Silver...I-I don't know what to say..." "I figured you would say that." "It's just...for the first time in my life...I'm actually celebrating Valentine's Day." I said as a single tear of happiness ran down my face. Silver smiled poured some champagne, and then lifted her glass. "I propose a toast." I followed suit, lifting mine. "To us...may we cherish many more moments of happiness and love for the rest of our lives." "Cheers." Our glasses gently clinked and we enjoyed the rest of the night it should always be. * * *
THE END (A/N: Thank you all for reading this story, and if you liked this and the 1st two of Silver's stories, be sure to put me on your watch list so you can be the first to read another of her chapter series coming up on March 3rd, which happens to be my birthday! Until then, See ya!)