My new Life

Story by viper7388 on SoFurry

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#1 of The way my Life should be

Alright I hope you people reading this have a little patience and read this through. I've been reading stories here on Yiffstar for a little over 2 years now and I feel its my turn to donate something. Its my first post here and my first story as well so criticism and praise is appreciated. So please comment and I hope you enjoy.

Also this story contains some acts of a sexual nature and is not intended for people under the age of 18, if you are and are still here Its not my fault...I swear... anyways here's the story. ^_^

The way my life should be...

The sun slowly rose from the horizon trying to wake me up to another day, and it would have if I wasn't still sleeping soundly in my bed with the black out curtain hiding me in darkness. In the small town of Farrek there wasn't anything of interest going on for any one anyways, especially me. It was just after my graduating year that I realized that there was no point in waking up early, to greet the day as my family would say. Nope, I was the one who stayed up till four and five in the morning and got up at noon or so. My family never understood it, and frankly, I liked it that way.

But of course when u live a life like mine there's no point in waking up at all, at least in my opinion. Having one of those lives in school where you're the runt that everyone likes to pick on nearly on a daily basis, making yourself think you have no way out. Then you get to high school and then you add alcohol and drugs in the mix with the crowd that doesn't like you and things just get worse. After graduation you trade the physical pain for mental pain, doing the same thing over and over again, wake up, go to work, come home, stay up late and sleep.

As usual that's what was happening today, same old thing as always. Oh forgive me I haven't introduced myself, my name is Jimmy Hendow. I'm just an average joe, well maybe a little taller. I'm six foot four with ice blue eyes framed in some prescription glasses and dark brown hair in a style described by many as emo hair. Although I guess I fit the profile, my closet is filled with nothing but black baggy clothes and my room is painted dark colors with black lights for when I need more light. Sounds more gothic to most any ways, but I like it.

I have few friends to speak of and I think life sucks no matter how shiny the sun is. I have an average build with enough muscles for some heavy lifting but nothing for show nor any extra weight to speak of. So I'm pretty much a string bean, as my household nickname would be. My room is filled with all the latest game systems with an old TV that has a magnet mark on the one side but what do you expect from a pawn shop buy. Any ways enough about me, cause that's not why you're here. You're here because you want to hear some epic tale of an adventure or something, and so I give you one. I just didn't know that I was going to have it yet.

As usual the sun was high in the sky before I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing somewhere in the house and having to rush out of bed to get it. "Hello? No I'm sorry you have the wrong number. Yes you have a good day too ma'am." I hung up the phone and slowly walked back to my room to grab my clothes making a pit stop to turn on the computer so it could start up while I got dressed. After I got my clothes on I went to the washroom to relive myself and took a look in the mirror, as I went past I notice that I needed to shave again. Afterwards heading back to the computer room to surf the web for a few hours, playing some random game on the net or looking up the updates on my comics. Being as I was I'm always looking at the internet adds to see if there were any good deals out there for my card to snatch up.

After a few hours and many mini games later I came across a strange add that seemed to pulse every once in a while that match me perfectly. 'Feel like your living a pointless life? Like there should be more to it than just going to work and sleeping? Well this is your lucky day, simply fill out the form to spice up your life.' Knowing the worst that could happen was a virus clashing swords with my anti-virus I clicked it and it brought up a page with the usual, name, birthday, address, e-mail and all that other info u have to put down. After filling out the extreme amount of personal info it threw out a pop-up that simply said 'congratulations you are exactly what we are looking for.' Soon after I felt a jolt and then my vision went black.

I awoke to the unfamiliar sound of crashing water on rocks and slowly opened my eyes to see I was on a cliff edge with water right below me. I slowly stood up just to stagger there from the sight I saw, looking the other way was a beautiful beach, with sand so white it seemed like snow. Past that was a picturesque tree line and a large lush forest past that. "Ok, I've been playing too much World of Warcraft or something cause there's no way this is real." I said to myself. "This must be a dream... a very vivid dream."

I started walking forward into the trees to take a look around and strangely enough found a small cabin with smoke coming out of a chimney on one side. As I walked closer towards it I heard soft music through the wall being played quite well by an instrument of some sort. I walked up to the door and knocked a few times, and after the music stopped I heard soft footsteps coming towards the door and backed up slightly. What I saw I will never forget, standing in the doorway was a tiger, but not a pretty kitty tiger, this one stood on its hind legs and looked as human as I except with fur and a few extra features.

He looked at me like he'd seen plenty of people before, like I was just another guy. Smiling he said "Come in and have a seat." I was still staring at him till I realized he had to repeat himself and wave a hand in front of my face to get my attention. He laughed a kind of half amused half annoyed laugh and said "What you've never seen a Tigryn before?" He asked still half laughing.

"Uhh no." I replied still slightly dazed. "At least not in the flesh, only in pictures on the net or in video games."

"Ahh, another one of you people." With a smile he introduced himself. "My name is Zackros."

"Jimmy." I replied extending my hand to his. He shook it firmly and released.

I moved slowly through the door frame ,without having to duck, and took a seat in a chair positioned in the middle of the room. I looked at him still half dazed and stuttered a few attempts of questions, but he got the idea and filled me in. . "No you're not the first one to come past my cabin, and yes they all had the same experience you had with the... advertisement I believe they called them." "Ya" was all I could make out. "Do you want to know what I did for those others?" he asked. I managed a nod and he responded with "I helped them unlock their true form."

"How?" I asked still slightly stuttering.

"May I?" he asked as he positioned a hand over my head. I nodded and he lowered his hand and started mumbling something too quietly for me to hear.

After a short time he removed his hand and went over to a counter on the other side of the cabin. I saw him put some leaves and things into a bowl and crush them up, placing it in a cup which he filled with what looked like it was probably water from a pot that had been by the fire since before I walked in, pouring it into the one with the stuff he crushed up and another that he pulled out of the cupboard type thing he had. He stirred it up slightly and then handed me the one with the plants, "Here, drink this." As he motioned the cup towards me.

"What's in it?" I asked, not to sure whether I should trust him or not.

"I know you probably don't trust me, but drink it, it will help with the pain." Come to think of it I had been feeling a little tingly since he had placed his hand on my head.

"Alright" I said, taking the cup from his furry hand and taking a moment to examine it before he pulled away.

I took a small sip of the liquid and found it to be a nice temperature and actually quite a deliciously sweet taste, so I slowly took bigger gulps. "It will help somewhat but it still won't feel pleasant." Not long after I finished my drink and he had finished saying a few things I seized my right arm like it had been stabbed, or at least that's what it felt like.

"What did you do to me!" I shouted. Immediately afterwards my whole body start to feel the same pain, like I was encased in an inferno. Soon after I heard the sickening sound of bones grinding and expanding all over my body aching as my arm did. As my teeth ground naturally trying to cope with the pain, i doubled over and shortly after blacked out again.

Waking with a start I sat upright clutching my right arm where the pain started, as I looked around I saw I was back in my bed. "It was all a felt so real, but I thought it wasn't possible to feel pain in a dream." I sighed as I laid back down slowly relaxing... thinking. 'Dang it why couldn't that have been felt like it was supposed to be right.' Just after my train of though had left I glanced to the side of the room where there seemed to be a feint orange glow on the floor and climbing up the walls. Then it hit me, fire, there was a fire in my room. No sooner did I get out of the bed and it enveloped me in the same inferno I felt, now visually saw.

Only to wake up again in the same pain but lighter and back in the cabin in a bed with the Tigryn fellow standing over me matting me down with a cold cloth on my skin, except I felt...different. "Oh thank god." I breathed slowly trying to get up only to feel a sharp pain and an arm slowly lower me back down to the soft sheets.

"Take it easy now, you've been out for a few hours" he said looking down at me still patting the cloth on my skin.

"What did u do to me?" I asked in a hushed tone for fear of more pain.

"I told you, I released your true form." he calmly stated.

"Ya well all it feels like you did was kill me then resurrect me so I could feel the pain of death" I laughed, causing a wave of pain to flow from my mid-section.

"You'll feel better in a day or so, in the mean time you should rest." He said patting the cool cloth on my forehead.

"Sounds good to me." I managed to mutter before I lost consciousness again.

I awoke some time later of what seemed like the next day, I groaned a little as I rolled off my stomach to my side to see him sitting nearby in his chair quietly playing a pleasant tune on his instrument. "Hey, about time you woke up, you've been sleeping for two days now." he explained.

"Two days huh?" noticing my voice had gotten deeper than before, but I shrugged it off thinking I lost a bit of my voice or something.

"Yes, you must have needed the sleep"

"Ok now you're sounding like my mother." he had a short chuckle over that then asked

"So how do you feel?"

"Much better , and thank you."

"For?" he asked with a confused expression.

"Keeping me comfortable when I was out."

"Don't go thanking me just yet." He looked at me with a slightly worried look.

"Why's that?" i asked tilting my head slightly for no appearant reason

It wasn't till then that I noticed this large black thing taking up the inner lower part of my vision, reaching up to feel it I saw my hand and noticed it wasn't mine. Well it was mine but not the hand I went to sleep with. It had turned to a black color and it wasn't till I brought it closer that I realized they were scales on my arm and not skin. " So what does the rest of me look like?"

"See for yourself" as he motioned to a mirror on the wall with a tilt of his head. As I slowly got up and he started saying "Oh and by the way you are much..." *WHACK* as I hit my head on the ceiling of his cabin "...taller." he finished. As I was rubbing my head he slowly walked over stifling laughs on the way. "Sorry should have said something sooner."

"No biggie, I'm used to hitting my head on things."

After having a good little laugh together I made my way over to the mirror to see a tall muscular black humanoid featured dragon staring back at me through my piercing ice blue eyes, only they were silted now and i could see clearly without glasses. I had to have grown to about eight foot seven or so with sharp claws on my hands and feet with a build that made my old body look like a toothpick. My elbows had what looked like double blades coming out of them, which remined me of a guyver from my favorite anime series. I had wings on my back that were folded nicely behind me and a tail that seemed to just hang there limply.

Right afterwards I noticed something, I wasn't wearing any clothes. "So uh, can I get a pair of pants or something?" I asked trying to sound as serious as I could in the situation.

"Yes they're laying right next to the bed you were on." I then looked to where my member should have been to see nothing but a bulge, thinking back to something I read that dragons had all their equipment on the inside, which brought a sigh of relief from my mouth.

"So?" he asked kind of edgy.

"I wish you had done this a long time ago." I said quite obviously pleased with the results as I walked over to grab the pants.

He breathed a sigh of relief and mentioned, "Well that's good to hear, cause the last one I 'helped' didn't appreciate it at all."

"Really, why what was wrong with him?" I asked nearly falling over trying to put the pants on.

"Her" he corrected. "She was the school student council president and apparently she left a boyfriend behind along with her friends. She kept going on about how popular she was and how many people she was going to miss. She also just happened to turn into the most beautiful feline I had ever seen come through here. She was apparently very attractive for her species before and found this 'form' to be hideous. If she hadn't been so angry with me I would have asked her to stay. She was a jaguar with the most fine features you ever saw, a perfect face leading down a body to drool over with fine luxurious fur and curves in all the right places."

Watching him drifting into space and hearing him murr to himself I thought it best to snap him out of it. "Hello, Earth to Zackros." Waving a hand in front of his face he snapped his eyes to me.

"Huh, what's earth?"

I looked at him a moment with a dumb look on my face. "It's the place I'm from, what no-one else told you where they were from before me." I asked slightly tilting my head again.

"No the topic has never come up before." he said sounding kind of embarrassed for not asking such a common question.

"So what's this place called then?" I asked.

"We really don't have a name for it, we just live here and accept that we're here for a reason. That seems enough for us. How about you?" he asked motioning a paw towards me for emphasis.

"Makes no difference if the place I'm at has a name or not, to me this place is near heaven with what I've seen so far."

"Sounds like you'll be just fine here then." he smiled.

"So... any idea how I use these?" As I motioned to my wings and tail.

"I don't know, I was born with what i have. I never had to really learn to use it, it just came naturally."

"Well, that's helpful. So any arguments if I go outside and try and figure things out. Cause I'm pretty sure if I tried in here I'd defiantly knock something over."

"Yes, no problem, just don't fall off the cliff" he teased.

"Oh ha ha Zackros." Still, I couldn't help but smile a little at the mention of it, I had always been a bit of a cluts. As I made my way outside I noticed him gathering up a few things from his place and carrying them outside. "What's all that for?" I asked.

"Two things, one I have to go get some food for today and two watching you people try and figure things out the first time is always entertaining."

"Well glad I can be of some help to you for what you have done for me." Smiling slightly as I peered back at him. Once near enough to the water he unfolded his makeshift lawn chair near the cliffs edge and threw out a line. He then simply placed the rod between his thighs and turned his head to see me flexing my shoulder muscles trying to get the wings to move.

After about forty-five minutes of working at them I got the basic movement down for my tail and wings, which to my surprise took a lot less time then I thought it would. While I was working my muscles Zackros caught a few fish in between laughs from me looking like a child of my resembled race that just hatched, trying to figuring out how my new body worked. A few hours later and I had made a lot of progress, so much in fact that I nearly lifted myself off the ground.

"Well." Zackros said. "Ready to call it a day? I have plenty of fish for the both of us to eat and your looking kind of tired." "Ya." I sighed. "I'm beat, even my tail is sore, which is something I never thought I'd say" He let out a small chuckle and started heading back to the cabin motioning for me to follow.

Once we got back to I finally realized that I had been taking up the only bed while I was out, leaving no comfy place for him to sleep. "Where have you been sleeping while I was taking up your bed?"

Pointing with his fishing rod he said "Over there, on the chair."

"Well you can have it back now, cause I think I'm good."

"Then where are you going to sleep?"

"On the floor like I did some times back where I was from. Either that or I could go find a tree to sleep in."

He stared at me blankly for a moment "You know you can use my chair instead of the floor if you want."

"Never found chairs that comfortable myself." I stated remembering when I tried to go shopping for a good chair a long while back.

"Just give mine a shot and see how you like it, if not then u can go sleep in your tree."

I agreed to try it out after a quick laugh and our meal, setting it to the reclining position I managed to mumble, "This is actually quite comfy, really com..." before passing out mid sentence.

I awoke in the middle of the night from a loud noise coming from outside the cabin, just before I said something Zackros placed a hand in front of my mouth. "Shhh" he said in a hushed tone. Soon after he said that something burst through the door of the cabin, slamming the door onto me, leaving my vision blurry for a moment while I slowly got up. After I regained focus I looked over to where the creature had him pinned against the wall and was mercilessly hitting him. I quickly regained my balance and moved with speed I didn't know I had over to where the thing was and slammed it on the side of the head.

I looked over to Zackros who was still against the wall to see if he was ok, which he saw and gave a slight nod. "Lets see who this is shall we." Zackros said holding his jaw. He went over to the drawer he had in his counter and pulled out a candle and waved his paw over the wick, lighting it and illuminating the cabins interior with a soft glow. Also revealing a female jaguar laying on the floor.

"Oh god." I cried. "I didn't kill her did I?" Looking up to Zackros who just stood there stunned. "Zackros you ok?"

"That's the girl...the one I was telling you about just this morning." He put a paw to her throat checking for a pulse. "She's alive, you just knocked her cold. Course if she hit me like you hit her I'd be out too."

I breathed a sigh of relief after hearing those words while suppressing a small chuckle from the last part. "Got any rope to tie her up? I asked.

"Ya gimme a moment to go get it."

"You gonna be ok?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder as he walked by.

"Ya I'm fine. More surprised then hurt though, she was the last person I expected to have bursting through my door at night."

"Who was the first?"

"No-one really just using the expression."

"Oh, ok. So where do you want her?"

"Stick her on the floor over here." He said still holding his jaw in one hand with the rope in the other.

After tying her up securely I walked back over to the chair with her in my arms and placed her back to it, fastened a piece to one of the chair legs. "Alright I got a couple of questions for you. One, why would she want to do this to you? Just because you changed her or what? Second, how did you light that candle with no match or whatever and three, what's her name so when she wakes up, the hulking brute that hasn't gone goo goo over her can talk to her."

"Ok ok, well for the first answer, when she left I had nothing to help her deal with her 'issue' and she swore she would come back someday and kill me for doing what I did to her. For your second question I can tap into the elements as you can, harnessing them through the planet we live on. Lastly her name is Jessica, and I haven't fallen for her. Besides, I hardly even know her, plus she's far too young."

"Right... well either way I'll keep her with me at all times to watch her every move. This way you can put some ice or whatever on those nice lookin bruises she gave ya." I said giving a slight laugh.

"Alright then, just don't do any thing drastic to keep her secured."

"Alright, I'll go easy on her." I said with a smile. "In the mean time you should get some sleep Zackros you look awful."

"Ya well I feel awful, I'll see you in the morning Jimmy."

"Goodnight friend, see you then." With that he was fast asleep and quietly snoring, soon followed by me in the chair dozing off.

The sun was barely starting to make a red haze over the horizon when I awoke to the low groans of Jessica. When I looked back I saw her wiggling around in her bonds, shifting my gaze I looked at Zackros finding him still sleeping comfortably in his bed. I got up and went behind the chair to find Jessica clutching her head with both hands. "Lets head outside for a little chat shall we." I said in a hushed tone, picking her up and taking her through the doorway and into the trees. "How's the head?" I asked as sincere as possible. All I got was a glare that would have melted the old me into nothing.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is but in my opinion this place is so much better than where we came from." Still clutching her head she stared at me a moment longer, wide eyed.

"Your from Earth as well?" she asked quite obviously shocked.

"Yup, Zackros back there helped by changing me, just like he did you."

"He didn't help me, he destroyed me, just as he destroyed you. I mean look at you, you look like one of the monsters a kid believes is hiding in their closet. Besides you were probably just some lowly nerd that was never noticed by anyone other than your few friends. Plus no-one is going to miss you anyways except maybe your family." She screamed at me rather going on a rant.

"Wow good guessing, yes I was a nerd, yes I had few friends, in fact I had three, and yes hardly anyone will miss me. Are you happy now? That's why this place is such a relief to be in, no-one knows me and I know nothing about this place. I've been here three days now and thanks to you it has been an exiting time here so far. Besides if your life was so perfect why did you click on the add on the internet?"

She sat there stunned for a few moments before answering "I felt like there was no way out, I felt like I had to impress everyone around me. I never got a break from life, it just felt like it was choking me and I knew there was a way out. I just didn't want to take the option in my head."

She was starting to cry now, small streams of tears were flowing freely down her face wetting the fine yellow fur on her cheeks. I looked at her with a sincere feeling of pity. "I'm sorry for your loss but it doesn't change how I feel about you from what happened last night. Why did you decide to come back for him, he thought he was helping you."

"Ya well he thought wrong." She screamed sobbing harder now. I looked at her for a moment before I had a thought to go over there and comfort her, but as soon as the thought crossed my mind I was already holding her lightly in my arms as I listened to her cry against my chest, feeling her soft fur and cold tears on my new scales.

"Hey now, shhh." I said trying to soothe her sobs.

"Look at the bright side, at least you didn't grow out of your clothes like I did." I chuckled, receiving a small laugh from her as well

"I was wondering why you weren't wearing a shirt this whole time." She giggled still sniffling from the tears still being shed.

"Nah I thought I'd just show off a physique I never thought I'd have to all the hotties over here." I said with a smile, receiving another giggle. "Well at least you can still laugh after all that's happened. Think we can talk to each other, get to know one another?" I asked propping her up in the crease between my arm and my chest.

"I guess I can, it'll be nice to talk to someone who can understand what I'm going through."

After a few hours of talking I had pretty much heard her life story and she had mine. "Well you want to head back to Zackros' cabin, but can you not start attacking him this time?" I asked, sarcasm drowning my question.

"I guess so, just don't leave me alo..." Turning her head away from me while the pink blush showed through her fur

"Last night you slammed me with a flying door on entry and beat up the one person I knew in this place and now you don't want me to leave you alone, why?"

"Because your all that I feel I have." Keeping her head turned back as the her face became slightly deeper in color.

I gave a small smile before we got up to head back to the cabin, feeling her wrapping her arms around one of my massive ones. I looked down quite surprised by this change of attitude towards me, but feeling no need to question the good I just let her continue hanging on to my forearm. "Come on then, I'll even let you have the chair to sleep in tonight."

"Where are you going to sleep then?" She asked actually sounding concerned, causing me to look at her slightly surprised.

"Wherever you want me to." I said with an obvious smirk.

"Ok then, lets head back." She said unaffected by my sarcastic comment.

Once we got back to the cabin Zackros was awake and cooking the last of the fish from yesterday with a stunned look on his face from seeing me walking up with her attached to my arm. "So, what did I miss. Or was I out for a longer period of time then I thought. Cause last I remember she was trying to kill me."

"Ya well it turns out she just needed someone who understood where she was coming from and could slightly relate. Even if the only thing we really have in common is that we were both human once." I stated with a slight grin on my face as she squeezed my arm a little more as he continued to just stare.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked sounding slightly sarcastic just to change the topic.

"Same thing as last night... fish." he stated with a flat tone still staring at the yellow and black fur ball attached to me. I sat down slowly feeling her reposition herself beside me. "Here you go Jimmy, its cooked to perfection."

"Thanks. Did you want so-." As I looked over to Jessica to ask, but she was already asleep, cuddling with my side tucked under my arm.

"Looks like you got a friend there Jimmy and I don't think she's gonna run off any time soon." He smiled as he made the comment and turned his attention to his own fish. After a while and a lot of talking with Zackros he decided to let her stick around for a while till I decided to leave.

A little while after we finished discussing the topic she woke up with the kind of look you have when you are standing in a dark room and then you turn on the lights. Slightly squinting she started to stretch till she realized that she was cuddling next to me, once she figured that out she gave a small jolt and looked up at me as if to ask if she was ok where she was.

I gave a slight nod then said "Hey look who's finally awake, sleep well?" She just groaned quietly and continued the stretch till her claws came out of the tips of her fingers and toes. "We saved you a fish if you want it. Still kinda warm from the coals under the rocks."

"Sure, I haven't eaten much in the last few weeks."

"Well after you finish eating I'm gonna go to the beach and practice, wanna come?"

"Practice what?" She asked slightly tilting her head in question.

"Flexing my new muscles." I laughed

"He means his wings and tail, he hasn't quite got them worked up to their full potential." Zackros informed her.

"Oh, ok sure thing just give me a few minutes." she said just before devouring the fish in front of her.

Two minutes later she got up and held out a hand towards me saying with a slight bounce. "Ok I'm ready, lets go." I looked at her and then to the bones of what was left of the fish on her makeshift plate. "Wow you were hungry weren't you?" I asked with a slight laugh. She never answered just shook her hand in front of my face. Getting the message I place my hand in hers and got up, in the end her pulling me down more then helping me up, but it was the thought that counted. As we started walking down towards the shore she came up behind me and pounced on my arm, holding me like she did eirlier in the day.

We arrived at the beach a short time later, once I got to a good spot I asked her to move back a ways and have a seat somewhere because I didn't want to accidentally hit her. Starting the same way I did the last day by working my shoulders, finding it going a lot faster as I found the use of the muscles coming back quite quickly. After a good warm up I decided to try and take off, using all the force I found in those muscles I thrust downwards towards the ground. I ended up blasting a large amount of sand around and a few strokes later found myself slowly lifting off the ground and towards the sky I so long wanted to join even before I was changed.

After a short while I began to tire and started to sink back to the ground at a much faster pace than I'd have liked, slamming into the sand. Jessica ran to my side quickly grasping my head and turning it towards her. "Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?"

"Nothings really hurting besides my pride." I laughed, as I felt a warmth come over my shoulder and wrap around my neck as Jessica embraced me in a hug. "I'm fine Jessica, but you don't have to stop hugging me if u don't want to." I joked.

But instead of pulling away like I thought, she just stayed there. "Ok, must be comfy there then." All I got for an answer was a nod and a "Uh-huh" from her.

"Alright hold on tight then." I stood up with her being held up by one of my arms and the other placed over the spot that I hit the hardest stepping with a slight limp. As we walked down the beach we talked about what we used to like from before, like music, movies and such, finding out we actually had a lot in common. When darkness arrived we had been back at the cabin for an hour or so and had eaten part of some animal that Zackros had caught while we were out.

After the meal we sat around the fire as Zackros played some soft tunes before we all decided to call it a night and head inside. We came in through the door we had fixed earlier and headed to the chair, as I motioned for her to sit down, but she just kept trying to push me onto the chair first. After a little while I finally gave in and sat into the chair and reclined in it like I did the night before. Only tonight I had company invite itself onto the chair laying on top of me, pressing her body tightly to mine, her head resting on my shoulder. Looking up at me she gave my shoulder a light nuzzle as she said good night, falling asleep shortly after and probably feeling safer than she had since she got here. Unlike the night before, I wrapped my wings around us as a kind of makeshift blanket to stay a little warmer. But as much as I enjoyed seeing such a lovely thing sleeping on me, my eyelids protested and decided to close, blocking my vision of her and taking me into a dreamless sleep.

A little over 2 weeks had passed since I had come to this place and I now had excellent use out of my wings and had figured them and my tail out completely, able to move any part without concentrating. Also I had learned the basics on how to harness the use of the elements when needed. Along with these things came the time for me to leave Zackros' place and head out on my own, although I wasn't really alone. Over the last while Jessica and I had become quite close and had decided to travel this place together.

As I had done nearly every day first thing in the morning I went down to the beach to wash the grime off of my scales from the previous days events. Jessica as always was latched to my side chatting away of some of her stories from before she came here. With her being a feline she had gotten used to cleaning herself and when I went to wash off she had gone over to a tree that was perfect for climbing that had a decent perch a little ways up, which is where she sat while I cleaned up.

Turning my head to see her facing the other way I took off my pants and made my way out to the deeper part of the water until I was neck deep. When I turned around I saw her following me out with her clothes atop mine on the shore. Once she made it to me she grabbed my arm I had outstretched to help her stay afloat easier. "Hey, I thought cats hated water." I joked.

"They do, but I wasn't always a cat remember." She smiled slyly staring into my icy eyes as I stared back into her jade green pair. She started to swim toward me and not really knowing what to do I stepped back only to trip on something on the bottom splashing water around and going under.

Once I resurfaced she had her arms wrapped around my neck with her body pressed to mine, embracing me in a kiss I wouldn't have seen coming from her any time soon. Slightly stunned I still felt my eyes close, enjoying the feeling of her lips pressed to mine. I felt her mouth slightly part once and close still probably thinking of going forward with it or not. But before I finished thinking about it she had parted her lips again and I felt her tongue pressed against my lips, pleading to get in. I complied and spread them a little and she squirmed in as I went out and into hers, surprising her a little. Making her eyes open quickly then slowly close again, lost in the moment as my tongue wrapped around hers. As I explored her mouth with my long reptilian tongue she started to purr, giving me the impression I was doing something right.

After a few minutes of passionately kissing she broke off and moved closer, nibbling on my neck. I shuddered at the feeling sending shocks to my groin making my cock slide out of its sheath ever so slowly, barely rubbing the inside of her leg. She pulled away for a moment to see the 'why'd you stop' look on my face. She grinned a grin of cruel intentions and I knew I was in for it. Just as that thought crossed my mind she was back at my neck biting a little harder now making me shiver each time her teeth ground against my scales. She also started sliding her sleek furry legs over my shaft making it harder faster.

I slowly made my way to the shore making it half way till it only came to my lower chest, at which time she slowly slid down making sure that her nether lips slid across my hardening shaft tip, making me slightly buck my hips, almost making it in. Feeling her hands sliding up and down it made me feel like I was going to explode, never having felt anyone else touch it but myself. "Move closer to shore." she said in the most sensuous tone I had ever heard. As I moved I could feel the water get shallow enough to reveal my now fully erect fourteen inch cock bobbing with the beats of my heart. I watched with unbelieving eyes as she not only continued to stroke it but slide the tip into her mouth, teasing it with her rough tongue and enticing a quiet rumble to start in my chest.

I felt the touch of her hands leave me but soon were replaced with the feel of her two ample breasts pressed on each side of it, rubbing up and down and moving in unison with her mouth. She continued to torture me using what she found I liked to get me right on the edge then she would pause till the feeling left. After doing this a few times she stopped causing me to look down as I felt her arms grip my sides trying to pull herself up. As she moved higher I felt her pert breasts rub along its length one last time before sliding past it and almost making it high enough to give her body what it wanted most.

Placing my hands on her perfect ass I hoisted her up and lowered her slowly on to it, making her arc her back from the sheer size. I kept easing her down gradually putting more and more in, spreading her wide, causing a moan to escape her lips. I wrapped my wings around us to give the thought of privacy that wasn't really needed. Sliding her down further I stopped then brought her back up, then back down creating a rhythm and each time sliding more and more in until there was only an inch or so left out. "Oh my god , that feels so good Jimmy keep going." She begged wrapping her legs around my waist as she tried to increase the pace. Moaning with every stroke, making me feel my cock swell for the approaching orgasm as I tried to match the pace she was working on.

A short while later I heard a scream of pleasure emanating from the beautiful feline riding me, her inner walls clamped down as I continued to fuck her through her orgasm hitting mine right in the middle of hers causing me to lean my head back in a silent moan. As I exploded inside her. She pumped herself up and down along my length, making me buck my hips each time I went as deep as I could go. As the orgasms resided and the afterglow came I simply held her in my arms still moving in and out in short slow movements, finding that my cock shrunk slower when I did. I moved towards the shore as I continued the pleasure, still giving a random buck as I kissed her, throwing my tongue back in her mouth as one of my hands caressed her furry breasts.

As I made it to shore I slowly laid her down next to me in the warm sand sliding my shaft in and out of her occasionally getting another moan to materialize. We lay on the sand embracing each other in a passionate kiss while my other hand found its way to her breasts aswell, massaging them lightly while rubbing my fingers over her stiff nipples. After a short while of this my cock sprung back to life, expanding back to full size inside of her. She placed a hand on my high up shoulder and gave it a nudge, I got the idea to get on my back giving her control over me.

Not wasting any time she started bobbing up and down along my length causing a deep rumble in my chest along with her moans. Watching her pussy engulf my meat inside her again and again turned me on all the more making the feeling return sooner than wanted. I placed my hands on her sides and slowed her pace down till she stopped and flipped us over so she was in the sand with me on top buried deep inside, every movement causing a small twitch or moan from the impaled beauty. Continuing what she started I kept pumping in, slow at first, setting a steady rhythm again.

Although soon after my rhythm was made it broke as pure ecstasy replaced my manner of thinking, causing me to thrust faster and faster. Each thrust rocking the feline under me and getting a near screaming moan from her every time. It felt like just after the feeling left it was back. This time stronger than ever causing my member to throb inside and soon after blow its load into her depths, she arced her back hitting hers as well causing her walls to clamp down around me for the second time that day. Collapsing beside her she rolled with me to keep it inside for as long as possible, rocking her hips enough to make it continue pumping. As she enjoyed the feeling of being so full sitll rocking her hips until she felt it slowly slide out and back into my sheath causing her mouth to open in a silent moan. We just laid on the shore waves barely making it to our feet as we bathed in the hot sun.

After what seemed like an eternity in paradise I opened my eyes to stare into hers as we relished in the afterglow, knowing no words need be spoken to express our feelings. Our eyes and actions spoke volumes to one another, knowing from one look that life was livable again as long as we were together.

Well i hope you liked this story. Depending on the comments and ratings i may continue this.