Bunny and Fox, a variation

Story by larkin on SoFurry

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Written by Larkin

The Bunny and the Fox, a variation.

The Fox looked at me all weird and said, "So what are you, a boy rabbit or a girl rabbit?"

Maybe it was because being a bunny made me too cute for anyone to tell? Other's had made that mistake, but they were older. Maybe it was my age?

I lowered my gaze to his black and white high tops and in a hushed voice I said defiantly, "I'm a boy rabbit."

"Well excuse me! I thought you were a girl, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Then he gave out a goofy bark. I knew he was joking and it was at my expense, but there was just something so friendly about him. He was tall and slender and he had concealed his eyes with wrap around shades.

After my confession, he leaned forward and pulled his shades slightly down his snout and looked into my face. He was smiling and when he did. I saw that he had a chipped canine tooth.

His brown eyes were sizing me up.

"Well, you're pretty fuckin cute anyway."

I probably blushed, I don't know for sure.

"What are you up to?"

I shrugged my shoulders and must have looked sort of lost.

"Nothing, I guess."

With his elbows, He pushed himself off the large tree that he was leaning against and began to walk down towards the deeper part of the forest.

"You can hang with me, but I got to go somewhere first."

I was desperate to be part of something, so I tagged along. He told me his name was Ric.

I told him my name was Jay.

"My Dad disappeared one day so I just live with my Mom."

Acting uninterested, the Fox said,

"Yeah, That's the breaks I guess. I've got my own den."

He pointed out things along the way that only someone who lived here could possibly know. "See that bear over there? Stay away from him. He's got an attitude problem."

I listened with interest.

"If you're ever here at night, stay on this side of the deep forest because there is a nasty pack of wolves. Believe me; you don't want to run into them in the night."

I was grateful to telling me what to watch out for. We went down into several ravines and up the side of a large hill. I kept looking back so I wouldn't forget how I got here. I wanted to make sure I could find my way home. There was a dense stand of trees and rocks. The Fox unlocked the door and we went in. Once inside, I looked around. His den was cluttered and messy. The Fox pulled off his sweatshirt and tossed it on the floor. His black tee shirt had the sleeves cut off and it had scratchy red writing on it. The small bed was covered with a twist of furs. He flattened them out so we could sit. I sat on the edge and he sprawled out with his back against a large rock and his legs spread wide.

"So where do you live?"

I said, "Not far from the Farmer's garden. I have many brothers and sisters but one by one they just seem to disappear."

"So is this as far away as you ever have been fro the garden?"

I shook my head yes.

There was a long somewhat uncomfortable pause in our conversation. I looked around his room. There were bones arranged in decorative designs hanging on the wall. There was mobile of mouse and mole skulls hung together with dried gut.

The Fox saw me looking up at them and he proudly announced, "Yeah, I made all them. Not bad, huh?"

I looked at one and said, "Is that a rabbit skull?"

He gave me a sly look and said, "Yeah, I think so, I found it."

He was spread out and was just sort of looking at me. After a while, he broke the silence.

"You want to do something?"

I wasn't sure what he meant. I turned towards him.

"Like what?"

He slid down making himself more comfortable.

"You know, do something, like fuck around?"

I really had no idea what he meant until he asked me if I ever pulled on my bunny dick. The idea embarrassed me and the Fox could see it.

He gave out his goofy bark again.

"I got something to show you."

He stretched out on the bed and started pulling up and down on his sheath. Soon a long wet, red cock rose up between his paws. Once out, he pulled on it and flipped it back and forth until it began to stand up on its own. He had my undivided attention. I could see that he was proud of his cock. I could see his big furry balls. I looked down my belly between my legs and didn't see anything like that on me. The fact that a dickie could grow that big was stunning news to me.

Still smiling, he said, "Fuckin nice, huh?"

I must have seemed stupid to him because I just stared at his stiffening cock then at his stupid grin and back at his cock.

He shook it and continued grinning at me.

"You want some of this, you know, give me a blow-job?"

I quickly shook my head no and must have recoiled because I saw the Fox's expression fade into disgusted disappointment.

"Okay, okay, then will you at least come over here and just give me a stroke. Nothing's going happen to you."

He motioned me to slide over next to him and practically forced my hand around his wet cock. He pulled me up along side of him. Having no idea why, I suddenly I liked him a lot. I didn't even know him and he had just become my best friend. His voice was warm and encouraging and because I was pushed up against him, it seemed to vibrate inside of me when he talked. I stroked his cock and it was so warm and it felt like it had a beating heart inside of it. I awkwardly handled his cock. His frown was replaced by strange rapid panting. He pulled his long tongue back into his mouth only to have it fall out again. He was moaning and moving his body around under my hand. He was expressing more appreciation and pleasure than I have ever caused anyone in my whole life and I found myself enjoying it as much as him. My awkwardness evaporated and I began having fun.

I willingly followed his breathless instructions.

"Do it this way. Do it that way, faster, slower, faster! Don't stop, make me cum!"

He quickly pulled up his tee shirt and tucked it under his chin. His chest and stomach were taught.

"Keep doin it!"

His body stiffened and a long squirt leaped from his cock followed by another and another and another.

"No, don't let go, keep doing it!"

His syrupy juice had gotten all over my paw, but he kept squirting until he just sort of collapsed. I thought to myself, I made a little when I did it, but nothing like this.

He gasped, "That was fuckin awesome!"

He retrieved a dirty tee shirt and wiped up his all of his gooey juice. I stood up and said, "I got to go."

He looked at me and said, "Sorry, when I get goin, there's no stopping me."

I said again, "I gotta go."

He sat up and looking serious, he said. "So you think I'm an asshole for doing that? Fine, go. I scampered out the door towards home.

I looked behind me and saw that the Fox was chasing me as fast as he could but I was faster.

That night I thought about the Fox and what we did. I decided that I would go visit him again.