Autumn Walk

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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Feedback in any form is always welcome. As for the title, i just thought of it a few minutes ago. Enjoy!

The hard sidewalk was always uncomfortable, but it seemed very unforgiving with each clacking step I took. I planned to walk into the other end of town from the near outskirts where I lived. Deciding to not drive around instead seemed like a smart idea at the time to save gas, but i was really missing the heater that shielded me from the autumn chill. Being an accountant and all required me to do some occasional meetings with people. With all the money I had been saving up, I was hoping to relax or take some huge vacation, but that's the main reason I chose to work at home. Besides, why would I take a huge vacation, it would whither my time away and make me lazy. My dark brown hair ruffled in the cool autumn breeze, the end of summer was usually dreaded by most but not me. The vibrant green colors of leaves would soon change, but most importantly the sun wouldn't drive blistering heat down upon me. The cooler weather made hiking much more feasible and enjoyable. If only I could hold that optimistic attitude on my walk home, but the weather did change rather abruptly. All of this only determined me to get home faster.

Another cool breeze cut through me giving me goosebumps, crossing my arms I trudged onwards only a short distance from my house. Passing an alleyway, without much thought, I failed to notice my wallet dropping out of my poor excuse of a side pocket. I was lucky to be able and fit my hand in one, but I guess being pickpocketed twice does that to you. Nor did I hear the one who went to retrieve it for me.

"You drop?" I heard a faint nearly squeaky voice call out. Stopping dead in my tracks, half expecting to be mugged, I turned to see the owner of the voice and what they wanted. I was taken back a bit from the site laid out in front of me; a vixen wearing tattered clothes that could be mistaken for rags, clearly shaking lightly in place. Her form was small probably an inch or two above five feet, easily dwarfed by my five eight. The vixen's fur was matted in many places, dirty, with a scent I couldn't really begin to describe. What pained me the most was how skinny she was, ribs showing, gripping a whole arm around her waist slightly bent over with her other arm held out with my wallet in it. I slowly approached her and grasped my lost item, this time placing it in the safety of the back pocket.

'She must be a runaway slave or something.' I couldn't just leave her there, maybe she was kicked out of someplace, but I had to do something.

"Master happy?" her hand still held out as if I had kept on walking. Yep, definitely a slave, but from the sound of things not your typical runaway; they usually stayed hidden and escape the country without too much difficulty if they knew how to do so. Judging from everything thus far, she was uneducated and desperate.

"Would you like a place to stay?" The words practically came out on their own, I felt the strings on my heart tug, there's no way I would let her succumb to the elements or someone else who planned on using her. A gleam of happiness twinkled in her bright green eyes. She understood, nodding her head, and made a wobbly step towards me. I went out to grab and support her, "Woah, take it easy, I'll help you." I scooped her up in my arms noticing she was more malnourished then I thought, her hands clung to my shirt like an infant afraid of heights. I started my trek back home enjoying the warmth her fur created on my bare skin. She made what I would call a "purring" noise cradled in my arms making me feel a little warm on the inside despite the chilling autumn wind trying to accomplish the opposite. I quickly hurried down the last block crossing the street to my small two story house. My house was nothing special, small yard, basic layout, but easy on maintenance. I opened the door with a little difficulty, shuffling over to the living room. I laid her down gently onto the couch, still wondering what to do next. My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of my belt being unclasped. "Hey!" I looked down seeing her hands work delicately with precision on my jeans now. She looked up with a smile.

"Please my Master." before trying to continue.

"Wait, No! Hold on." I grabbed her wrists pushing her back. Her ears turned back and she started to quiver clenching her eyes shut, expecting punishment for doing something wrong. A little shocked myself, I knelt down to her level letting go of her wrists. "Let's get you something to eat instead," patting her shoulder. She nodded still looking upset. "Wait here, I'll be right back." As if she would actually run off. I came back a few minutes later with a tray containing a well portioned lunch. Setting it down on the small table in front of her, I motioned for her to eat, she did not hesitate. The tray was void of everything edible in what seemed to be a few moments. I was happy to see her eat a decent meal in god knows how long. Licking her lips, she sat back into the couch. Seeing her rags for clothes, and dirt encrusted fur decided that she would need a bath immediately. I helped ease her onto her feet, and walked her to the stairs. I led her up through my room and into the bathroom, opening the door for her, "You can get started on taking a bath, I just might be able to find you some better things to wear." She only looked back for a moment, tail slowly flicking to and fro, before focusing on the flower print of the shower curtain.

I gave her some privacy and closed the door behind her. Keeping a box full of belongings from a previous girlfriend actually paid off. Burrowing into my closet, I found it tucked away in a corner. First thing I picked out was a large bathrobe followed by a plain white t-shirt and a simple pair of underwear. 'The bathrobe might be large, but the rest should be fine.' Sitting at the end of the bed in silence, I didn't hear any running water. 'What is she doing in there?' I thought stalking over to the door garments in hand. "Everything alright in there?" I said knocking on the door. Without any response to go on, I opened the door only to find her standing in the same spot on the carpet rug I left her on looking around the room. I set the bathrobe on the counter shaking my head 'What have I gotten myself into?' I knelt down turning the water on filling up the tub with lukewarm water watching her keenly pay attention to my actions. I went to grab a hand towel, soap, shampoo, and anything else known to man that would help clean her up. "Alright, strip down, but I don't think I can salvage your old clothing." She obliged peeling of the fabric and handing all of it to me.

Wasting no time, I chucked it into the trash bin reviewing her body over. Combing through her fur "You just need a good wash." I was happy that nothing serious like a broken bone was present. After helping her ease into the tub, I got to work. She cleaned her front from her chest to her thighs while I was graciously tasked with everything else. While washing, I noticed her footpaws were digitigrade, which is uncommon for anthros slave or not from where I lived. Lifting her footpaw out of the bath water, I began the tedious work of scrubbing off all the dirt and debris from her pads. At first I thought it was just me, but I heard giggling at from her. "Sensitive paws you have," I said playfully. The golden laughter continued in time with her toes' spasms. Finished with that one, I set it back under the water. Looking up, she was smiling at me with her other footpaw held forward invitingly. Her sweet laughter was more than pleasant to hear. It must have been at least a good half hour of cleaning her, even with her help. Hoisting her out of the tub full of water that should not resemble such a color, I started to dry her with towel in hand accompanied with a powerful blow dryer.

I could now see what she looked like without the mask of filth that had disguised her. I'm guessing she is a red fox, but I could be off. Her whole muzzle was snow white that traveled down her chest continuing past her nether regions. Her ears were the same color but tipped in an inky black. The same snowy white covered her hands, wrists, and her entire tail. All her pads and nose were black. She wore the same black socks as many other red foxes do, but the remainder was a very radiant and flowing red, as of she were wearing a finely made royal coat. Lastly there we're the two crystal green eyes resembling emeralds that sparkled full of life. All in all mesmerizing. She gave off a warm cinnamon-like scent that made my nose twitch in response. My staring probably lingered longer then it should have, but she seemed to enjoy the prolonged probing of my eyes. I wrapped the robe around her slender form protectively, leading her to sit on the end of the bed with me. There was so much to ask her. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Dave Newman," I said shaking her paw, "but I must know, what is your name?"

Shaking her head "No name." was the reply.

"Hmm, I'm not used to that... how about Aurelia? Do you like that?" She smiled and nodded cutely. "Ok then, can you tell me anything about where your from or how you ended up in that alley?" Her smile faded as she looked away, almost dejected, focusing on an imaginary point on the carpet floor.

"Bad Master abandon me." I decided to change the subject and prevent opening up a freshly closed wound.

"Well you can stay here as long as you want to, if you don't mind," I replied. Her smile grew back as she looked at me playfully, shedding off the robe. "What are you doing?" She licked my cheek, making me shiver as her body nudged towards mine.

"You kind Master, make Master happy." Grabbing her shoulders, oh how soft and luxurious the fur was betwixt my hands, I held her still with her tongue peeped out the end of her lips.

"H-How about I show you around the house so you know where everything is at." Saying a little nervously getting up, I was sure my face was reddened by then. "Besides, my name is Dave, not master." She put the robe back letting it hang loosely.

Poking my side with a claw she said, "You Master." That did remind me of the whole legality of the situation.

'I'll call Rob in the morning.' Rob, my pudgy raccoon friend, knows the law inside and out and can inform me on everything that I will need to know. Keeping that in the back of my mind, I gave her the tour around the house showing her every room, piece of furniture, etc. You name it she knew where it was located. We ended in the kitchen, "Ok, I'll start cooking dinner help yourself to any food, I want your weight to return to normal." She found a chair to sit down in at the kitchen table, watching how everything was done. 'Lasagna sounds good to me.' I prepared it accordingly, and after shoving the dish into the oven I stepped back looking back at Aurelia. She didn't budge an inch from her seat, keenly staring at me. With time to spare, I sat down next to her trying to find out more about her without much avail. She was simply born a slave and raised as one. Improving her speech would be my next task as the oven timer began beeping, shouting to us the meal was cooked. I pulled it out to cool. She knew how to talk, but working out the kinks in the broken English would take a while.

Lasagna cooled, I made both of us a plate and we chowed down. I tried my best to continue the small grammar lessons with a full mouth. After eating, dishes cleaned and put away, I led her back upstairs and prepared for bed. I felt more self conscious leaving my clothes on the floor clad only in a pair of boxers, but then again she wasn't wearing anything but an untied robe.

"Were I sleep Master?" she said standing in the doorway. I didn't think about that.

"Uh.... In bed with me, or wherever, I mean the couch isnt very comfortable to sleep on." I replied fumbling around with the covers. I cut out the lights as she hopped on the bed crawling on all fours to the top. Her body pressing against mine.

"Please Master," she said in a whisper. Her smooth paw traced down my side to the hem of my only garment. I grabbed her paw.

"No, sleep," I stated. She sighed, licked the back of my neck, and settled down leaving her paw in place. 'I feel like she's the one in control,' I thought yawning, falling asleep with that warm fuzzy body up against mine, her cinnamon scent teasing my nose. 'No need for a vacation now.'

I woke up with a moan, wait a moan?

'This blanket is heavy,' I tried moving around feeling pinned down. My heart was thundering along trying to wake the rest of my body. Hearing a sort of purring noise, all the events from yesterday came crashing back to me. My eyes shot open to find a fluffy white tail swaying back and forth in the air above my head. I pulled the covers off me only to reveal Aurelia cradling my erect member using it like a pacifier. "Aurelia, why are you-" I bit my bottom lip muffling a scream as she dragged her teeth delicately over the sensitive underside. Her paw kept a firm grip around my twin orbs, in a steady vice grip if I moved too much. Her furry twinned mounds donned with those stiff fleshy nubs constantly grazed over my skin, only adding to the electric thrills that pulsed through my body. Her cinnamon scent seemed almost pungent as I grabbed her legs trying to pull her aside, but that vice grip tightened briefly making me think otherwise. "A-Auree... Please sta.. stop." I blurted out between gasps. Her response was quickening the pace of her mouth and the dancing of her smooth tongue. My breathing transformed into short bursting pants, colluding with constant moans.

The pressure down below was too great. The pure ecstasy of it all made me lightheaded. Everything grew hazy as I started to see spots, and then nothing, her purrs reverberating in my head.

I woke up a second time, wondering if it all was just a very lucid dream. Same cream colored walls, sunlight pouring through the windows creating a morning glow effect. The tv was sitting on the dresser pitch black. I felt dizzy, boxers tugging against my ankles.

'Definitely not a dream, but did she really cause me to black out?' Aurelia's head rested sideways on my chest, gently rising and falling with my breathing. I reached down and rubbed her silky neck and back, causing her to throat to rumble in purring fashion. It was difficult to imagine her as a slave to anyone, let alone the seductive little vixen hiding behind that beautiful face. But here she was, laying on me, sleeping so preciously. Aurelia opened one green eye then the other looking at me and smiled.

She placed her velvety paws on my shoulders and yawned out, "Morning Master," nuzzling back into my chest. Her rumbling throat was felt over my whole body soothingly like a massage chair. No need for me to rush a peaceful Saturday morning, as I enjoyed the closeness of having her there. But all good things must come to an end. I gently shifted her up with me as I sat up. Her gaze never wavered from mine.

"You really are something else," I said returning her stare. She buried her head into my chest, and I chuckled at her.

"Master pleased?" I was a little embarrassed about what happened earlier in the morning.

"Uh, yeah... pleased." I unraveled her embrace and set her on the edge of the bed. I quickly stood and pulled up my boxers. "I'm going to take a shower, you can sleep in more if you want." I walked over and entered the bathroom shutting the door behind me. 'She really is something else.' I couldn't help but think that over; could she comprehend what was said? I grabbed a towel and threw the last shard of clothing into the laundry basket. I started up the shower allowing the water to heat up before stepping in. The water cascaded down my body as I cleaned myself over quickly hearing the door open.

"Need help Master?"

"Uh, no I can manage." I heard the door close. 'She just won't quit,' I though to myself. Turning the shower off, I grabbed the towel hanging on the curtain and stepped out of the tub carefully watching my step so I wouldn't slip.

A second towel wrapped around me, "I help Master!" Aurelia said cheerfully.

I stood there resigned, "Alright, let's hurry so we can cook up some breakfast." With that in mind, she didn't bother using her seductive antics and we were downstairs in a minute. I prepared us some pancakes, she loved the taste of maple syrup. It was good to see her ravenous appetite working flawlessly. I laid back in the chair closing my eyes, "I out did myself this time." Picking the last of the pancake matter from my teeth, I opened my eyes again to find her chair empty. "Aureli-AAH!" Two paws from under the table fastened themselves to the top of my pants at the button, her white muzzle poking between my knees. I scooted the chair back frantically, "Control yourself Aurelia!" She closed the distance on her knees possessively taking hold of the growing bulge in my pants. I noticed she "lost" her robe on the way to my side of the table. I grabbed hold of her white gloved hands, "Please Aurelia, I... I need to... make an important phone call!" She hesitated, then retracted her paws back almost pouting.

"Ok Master."

"Thank You." I hastily excused myself from the table going to the living room. My jeans never felt so uncomfortable sitting down. Picking up the phone, I dialed Rob's number. I heard it ring twice before he picked up.


"Hey Rob, it's Dave."

"Hey! What's happening? And why are you calling so early," he yawned out the last word.

"Grab a seat, I'll explain everything."

"Can't it wait?" he replied with another yawn.

"No, it's important."

"Surprise me." he remarked. So I explained all of yesterday's events, leaving out how I woke up, in detail. "Wow, that is pretty unusual. Slaves are rarely abandoned," he said across the line.

"That's where I need you to look up any information about Aurelia." I heard him chuckle.

"You must really like her to name her."

"Well..." I was at a loss for words at the moment.

"Aww, how adorable." he said teasingly.

"Well, she didn't have a name," I retorted.

"Most don't, but to me it sounds like you two were made for each other," he proclaimed playfully adding, "but then again, most men would envy your situation."

I felt my cheeks redden, "Well she already 'got' me this morning, and if she can keep this up, I might get the life sucked out of me." I heard a clattering noise and static for a second, 'He must have dropped the phone laughing so hard.' I thought. "Hey this is serious! She keeps forcing it on me." His giggling started to die down.

"Ok, ok, I'll see what I can dig up." I breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thanks Rob, I owe you one."

"No problem, it shouldn't take long, but until then have some fun!" I heard more of his laughter erupt on the other end, so on that note I hung up. I took a deep breath heading over to a small room that I like to call my office. One wall was lined with a bookshelf, the back had a desk for the computer. There was another desk a few feet in front of the other to work on, and most of the tan colored wall space was covered in maps that I have drawn over the years as a hobby. Sitting down in the cushiony chair, I began working over a few figures for a client. Time seemed to fly by when I heard the door click open, I looked up and Aurelia walked into the room swaying her hips lazily in time with her tail.

'Will she ever wear clothes?' I thought.

"Working Master?" she asked stopping before my desk.

"Just finishing up a few things, do you need anything?" She shook her head walking around the desk to my chair. "Well if-OOF!" She plopped down in my lap resting her head against mine, her fur muffling my ear in the process.

"Master sell me?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Huh? No, I was talking to a friend, and I can't sell you, I don't own you," I added.

"But Master not pleased," she whined at me.

I was a little frustrated, "Your not anyone's slave anymore, your free." Aurelia's ears perked up. She swiveled around in my lap now facing me.

"Free?" she said.

"Yep, I'll have to find out the specifics from Rob when he calls back."

"Free." she repeated, this time squeezing me in a bear hug with her smaller form. I soothingly returned the hug.

"Wherever you want to go, I'll help get you there." I didn't want to hold her back from anything she wanted. She licked my chinthen nuzzled her head under my jaw.

"Stay with Master!". I felt a little fuzzy on the inside. Then the phone rang.

'That must be him.' Picking it up I said, "Hello!"

"Hey Dave, I think I found all that I could."

"Well that was fast, are you sure you have the right person?" It had been only an hour from when I called him earlier. "With her description, it was pretty easy; a vixen with a completely white muzzle, tail, and ears tipped black. How could you miss someone like that?"

"Yeah, yeah, so what did you find out?" I was being a little impatient.

"Calm down I'll explain everything," he said. I wasn't going anywhere with Aurelia on me anyway. "Ok, Aurelia only had two owners, she is in deed a red fox with odd markings, her age is 19 or 20, I can't narrow it down any further. Uh... her last owner died about ten days ago."


"That's right," he continued, "The lion literally drank himself under! He was last seen at a bar before an ambulance picked up his body, the hospital confirmed he was dead."

"So she ran away when all this happened?" I asked.

"Apparently so, and from what you told me, hiding in that alley for at least a few days." he paused before continuing, "Your gonna like this, her sellers information states she was first raised as a house maid until she turned 12."

"What happened after her 12th birthday?"

"Slow down I'm getting there! Her owner sold her to the lion, then he trained her as a pleasure slave. Which explains her behavior around you."

I was perplexed, "How so?"

"In other words genius that's her only way of expressing her gratitude to you. So basically, Aurelia is happy to make you happy, and the only way she knows how is through satisfying any sexual desire you crave."

"Gotcha," I said trying to keep her paws away from my button and zipper. She giggled at my lousy resistance.

"Sounds to me like she has you figured out Dave," Rob said dragging my attention back to the phone. "You can figure that one out yourself," he concluded without waiting for my response.

"Wait, another thing, how do I obtain the forms and such to get her freedom?"

"I thought you might ask that."

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"It won't be a problem I can take care of the paperwork; besides, you wouldn't know how to fill out half of the forms, and I have some spare time today as it is."

"Thanks Rob! That means a lot."

"Yeah, yeah don't mention it, although you can always thank me with reservations at that fancy restaurant in town," he sounded very hopeful ending his sentence.

"Sure, I'll think about it."

"Sounds great, talk to ya later Dave."

"Bye," I replied hanging up the phone on the receiver. Aurelia had busied herself alright, my jeans were already unzipped as her paws peeled back the thin cloth "freeing" my painfully erect organ as it sprang up to meet the challenge. Everything seemed so much easier if I would just give in to our mutual desires. So that's what I did, not stopping her in any way, I sat back and followed Rob's idea. Aurelia paused a moment to look at me, with my approval, before continuing. Wrapping her paw around my base, she moved her silky smooth pads in a slow stroking motion. She used a claw tip from her other paw, dragging it lightly over the sensitive head.

"Master like?" she asked inquisitively. My only response was a prolonged moan as she continued her motions dutifully. Even if I knew how to use catharsis, I probably wouldn't be able to stop my arousal anymore than the next guy. A bead of pre collected at the top opening as her paw's grip tightened briefly. Her tongue swiped it off in one quick motion causing me to gasp out. She continued her eager lapping, focusing at the slit, hungering for more of the fluid. My hands were clenching the arms of the chair, trying to stave off my hips from unconsciously bucking into her muzzle. Her tortuous tongue kept up its speed along with her paw trying to entice in giving her my load. I felt a growing heat as she edged me on towards a final climax. She seemed to sense this using her free paw to take hold of my two orbs, holding onto them gently. Meanwhile Aurelia's hand drew away as her white muzzle engulfed my throbbing erection. Her cavernous mouth was warm, her teeth massaging the base as her velvety undulating tongue caressed the underside. I squirmed around in the chair, the springs groaned in the strain of my movements, her overstimulation was agonizingly pleasurable.

"I... Going to..." I said strained along with my erratic shifting around, on the brink of having an orgasm. She tugged just a little, sealing her mouth shut as the first jet of cum landed on her tongue. Milking me for all my worth, she sucked me until I went limp.

Sitting back up, Aurelia licked her lips, "Master pleased?"

I was left in a powerful afterglow, panting, "Ugh... Very pleased." She giggled, sliding off my lap, pulling my pants off completely helping me up.

"Master need to lay down." She led me up to the bedroom.

'Definitely owe Rob one.' I thought laying down on the covers.

"Master relax," Aurelia said sitting in between my legs, stroking my thighs. It was going to be a long day for me. Oh boy a day it was; she did finally stop after a few hours, just in time to make a quick bite to eat for dinner, then get some sleep. My muscles and nuts felt tight and sore, aching, as I laid down in bed on my back. Aurelia crawled in after me wrapping around my side. For once, sleep came quickly in the form of a blanket of satiny fur.

The rest of the week went by quickly; Aurelia's English was nearly perfected from her broken phrases, I bought her a few clothes for whenever she wanted to go outside or in a public area, although she preferred her own fur rather than shirts or pants, and I did get reservations at the nice restaurant in town for all three of us. She finally returned to a healthy weight level. The only things that never changed were; Aurelia's persistent use of 'Master', her consistent nudity, and her attempts to 'please' which was increasingly difficult to avoid, if avoidable at all.

"Are you ready Aurelia?!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Just one more minute!" She replied.

'She said that a few minutes ago.' I thought to myself. We were running a little late as it was, and I didn't want Rob to poke fun at me for it. My eyes lit up watching her descend the stairs, wearing the blue dress I bought yesterday.

She stood in front of me, "How do I look Master?" Was that a joke? She looked stunning in the outfit, sure she rarely wore anything at alI except for the robe on rare occasions, but Aurelia had the appearance of a goddess, a blushing one, eagerly awaiting a response from me.

"Wow!" was the only thing I could think of on the spot. With everything ready, I took her hand and headed out to the car. The drive didn't take long, not as long as walking might I add, but we arrived on time meeting Rob at the front entrance.

"Hey there's the cute couple!" He said waving at us. "So there's the beauty you've been keeping," Rob said looking at Aurelia.

"We are here to eat Rob, not gawk at people." He shrugged it off as we went through the entrance. "Reservation for Newman," I told the busboy, who was checking a few things.

"Alright, if you all would please follow me." The cat said. We were led to our booth, and seated.

"Remind me how you got seats here again Dave." Rob said staring around at the rich decor. Fancy may have been an understatement, the inside reminded me of a Taj Mahal type of building albeit on a smaller scale.

'_Knowing the owner always helps, but no one else needs to figure that ou_t.' I kept to myself.

"I can't forget about giving you these," Rob said handing me a folder with a few papers inside. "I'm sure you didn't come only for the food like I did," he added.

"Thanks, and the food is a nice bonus." I said. The menu had plenty of foreign sounding names, so I chose a large pasta dish to share with Aurelia. Rob decided on a steak. After finishing our meals, talking forever, and paying the bills, we said our goodbyes for the night and headed home. The ride home was near silent being as late as it was. I pulled in the driveway, and we went inside. "I'm going to bed, and I'll put your papers on the nightstand for the time being." She yawned following me up to the bedroom. Putting everything up, I discarded my clothes as she shed out of her dress. She pushed me onto the bed; I landed with a soft thud on my back watching her. With one movement, the dress fell and pooled around on the floor. First revealing her stiff pink nipples perched attentively atop her perfect white-furred breasts. She was eying me like a piece of candy, licking her lips. Aurelia's gaze stiffened at mine, before her lips erupted in a large smile showing her pointy white teeth. I felt mesmerized by those sacred gem eyes of hers, but the rest was no less amazing. Aurelia's lithe form was indeed something to behold. She slowly approached climbing onto the bed laying directly on top of me, her black nose touching my nose.

"I don't mind staying up a little late Master," She cooed at me, before a yawn escaped her. I opened my mouth to answer, but an invading tongue and pairs of lips stopped my efforts. She tilted her head to get a better angle as she felt around the contour of my mouth. I moaned into the kiss with her lips pressing against mine. She pulled out slowly, playfully nibbling on my bottom lip along the way.

She relaxed resting her head on my chest, another yawn overtaking her, "I love you Master."

I drew her close with my arms, "I love you too Aurelia." Exhausted, we both dozed off quickly, hopefully to sleep in some through the morning.

The fireplace crackled alive with orange and red flames bringing that mid-December cabin coziness throughout the living room. I placed my empty mug down on the table, finishing the last of the cocoa Aurelia made earlier in the morning. I folded the newspaper setting it down next to the mug. A few steps were heard from the kitchen. I could tell she was behind me, her feint cinnamon scent twirling in my nose. Two warm white paws eases onto my shoulders and slowly started kneading the muscles within.

"Mmm," was all I mustered out, melting into her firm delicate touch.

"It's good to see you away from that office of yours." she said softly.

"Yeah," I responded goofily enjoying her warm touch more than anything at the moment. I moved my head back looking up to see her smiling at me, her breasts suspended in the air above the couch as if they were the ones begging for attention. "You never really liked wearing clothes now did you?" Her smile only broadened.

"I know you prefer my fur anytime, especially in bed, and you would stop wearing clothes altogether if you just let me to sit on your lap more often, or at least have me pressed up against you." she cooed at me.

I smiled back, "I wouldn't get much done if I always did that."

"Oh, I'm sure we would be very busy." she said, slowly moving her hands further down to my chest.

I exhaled slowly, "Yeah, just try walking like a sore penguin all day." She chuckled when the oven beeped loudly interrupting our conversation.

"Be right back Master." She said walking back into the kitchen. To this day she still prefers to call me Master, even at our wedding 'Dave Newman' never once escaped her lips. I didn't mind though, tracing the ring around my finger. I looked out the window seeing a few snowflakes falling. Sure the sex was great and all, but just holding her or being next to her made my heart skip beats. And it might have just been me, but her belly did look a little more pronounced then it ever had.

'I'm so glad I decided to walk into town that chilly day.' I thought watching the snow outside, the flakes nearly suspended in air as they made their spiraling descend onto the frigid ground. 'I guess everyday with her is like a vacation.'