The Dream

Story by Soen on SoFurry

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Ok. This is my first story, so be kind. ^_^ I welcome all critisism. This is the first part in a series that I hope to make atleast three stories long. Scince this is the first story bare with it. I know this one is a little choppy and stuff but the second one will be a lot better. (I hope) so enjoy ^_^

"Wake up! You'll be late for school!" yelled a voice, before something started shaking his shoulder. He groaned and rolled over. "I'm up, I'm up" He sat up in his bed, searching groggily around for the light switch. I know it's around here somewhere...ahh, here it is he squinted his eyes at the blinding light, rubbing his vision into focus. He let out a long, loud yawn and staggered to the closet and picked out something to wear. Picking out a pair of jeans and a black shirt, he continued his morning ritual and went into the bathroom to get dressed. The air in the house was still cool and everything was still dark, as it tends to be at six in the morning. A banging came on the bathroom door. " Hurry up Sam! You've got 15 minutes." yelled his mom. "Alright, I'm almost done..." he stretched and looked at himself in the mirror and tied his dreads back in a pony tail and walked out the door. "'bout time! Don't forget your backpack." "I wont, mother dearest" sighed Sam, giving a look of sarcasm and annoyance. His mother shook her head. "I don't want you calling me telling me to rush you over a paper or something else that you forgot." Sam picked up his backpack and walked out of the door into the cold night. "Don't worry. I have everything I need..." he yelled over his shoulder. He walked, shivering in the winter air. The cold wind blasting against his exposed skin.

He went through his usual day at school. Sam was a very smart student but he was equally as lazy. Throughout most of his classes, he paid attention where he could, and where he couldn't, he slept. Sleep was one of his favorite things to do. In dreams you could be anyone or anything. You could do anything. It was like a movie where you were always the star. Sam's dreams included anything from the gory and grotesc, to the nice and...good. He could be a villain or the hero. Most people have a few dreams and care nothing of them, but Sam took his dreams sort of seriously. In his opinion, you had certain dreams for a reason. The more vivid the dream, the more important it was to find out what it meant. After his four classes, the final bell woke him from a dream he had been having the past couple of times he went to sleep. It was one of the strangest dreams he had ever had. He couldn't make any sense of it. In the dream, he was in a forest. The forest was beautiful and full of various animals. The grass was soft and plush and there was a small pond nearby. He was laying in the grass, the warm sun beating down on him. He felt some how different. He rolled over to face the pond so he could see his reflection. But the water was always rippled so he couldn't make out anything. Before the water calmed down, he woke up. He could never see his reflection in the pond.

He stood up and made his way home, still contemplating the dream. It annoyed him to no end that he couldn't figure it out. He walked, head down in deep thought until he reached his door. It was locked. He searched his pockets for a key, but didn't find any. A note was attached to the door. Pick up brother at school -mom Sam groaned and started off to his brother's school. When he got there, his brother was in the middle of a spelling test so Sam had to wait. It took about two hours. All Sam wanted to do was go home and relax. Eventually his little brother came out and he had to wait for his friends. Now, Sam was a patient person, but walking all the way home with three 10 year olds would try anyone's patients. He about pushed the chatting boys away when he reached the door, but it was still locked. His brother searched his pocket and found a key. They walked into the darkened house and Sam searched around for the light switch.

"SUPRISE!!!" Sam about jumped out of his skin when his family and friends jumped out. He had completely forgotten it was his birthday. Now that may seem hard to believe. How could anyone forget about their own birthday? He didn't really pay much attention to his birthday. It was just another day to him. Everyone all hugged hm and wished him a happy birthday and they did the usual party stuff. Ate cake, gave out presents, played games, sang, danced, ect. Everyone had a blast. It wasn't until 10 when the last guest left. "Well that was fun." exclaimed Sam tiredly. His mother yawned and hugged him. "Happy birthday sweet heart. Don't stay up too late." he nodded and finished his cake before taking a shower and going to bed. His bed never felt so good. Sam drifted quickly off to sleep. He expected to have the same dream as before, but this time it was different. Or atleast it started different. He was suspended in a black abyss. Suddenly, he herd a soft, angelic voice. It was so soft he could barely hear it. "Why are you here?" it asked. Sam looked around for the source of the voice, but found nothing but darkness. "Why are you here?" it repeated. "I don't know...because this is my dream" Sam hesitantly replied. There was a bit of a pause before the spoke again. "What do you mean...dream?" This was getting kinda odd. Never before had his dreams questioned him. "Well...I'm sleeping. None of this is real." Sam tried to control his dream, like he had many times before, but this time he couldn't. I must just not be able to focus right now... he thought. The a bright light appeared and it grew. Sam shielded his eyes as the blinding white light soon dispersed across the abyss. "But what if this isn't a dream? Haven't you had a dream that you were so sure was real. What if you couldn't wake from that dream? How would you know what was real....and what was just a dream..." the voice faded and the light grew so intense that Sam blacked out.

He slowly came around, opening one eye at a time. It was the forest from his dreams. Everything was exactly the same. Finaly...I'm back to my regular dream. He rolled over as he always did in this dream, but something felt different. He felt different. Then, he spied the pond and crawled over to it. The water was rippling as always and the image started to clear. Great! Now I'm going to wake up and get out of this crazy place. But he didn't wake up. He shot back as he saw his reflection. His jaw dropping in disbelief.

I'm....I'm... he shook his head, staring at the image in the water. He was a kangaroo. Well...he was and he wasn't. He had the face and body of a kangaroo, but his hands...well paws, were shaped like human hands only furry. The same was true of his feet. And his fur was black. He had two stripped marking across his muzzle that he mistook for blood. He was still dressed in his cloths and his hair was still the same. How did this happen? He looked over his new body and felt something behind him. I have a tail! I must be dreaming...That's it. This is all a dream. But this didn't feel like any dream he had ever had. Sam scratched his head and decided to explore the forest. The forest was even more luxerious than he had imagined. He wondered what creatures, if any, he would find here when he herd something coming from the bushes.

"Hello?...Is someone there?" no reply. He herd a low rumbling from behind him and turned around to get pounced by wolf creature like him. It pinned him to the ground and Sam instinctly kicked him off. The wolf flew ferther than Sam had expected. Sam darted off into the woods as he saw two more wolves chasing him from the bushes. The only thought in his head was to get away. The same wolf he kicked off, tackled him agian. He leand close. "Play along if you want to live." he whispered with a wink. The other wolves soon appeared and The wolf ontop of Sam raised his paw and hit Sam hard in the head, knocking him out. "I got him." "Is he dead?" "No. I just knocked him out." "Well come on. Let's eat our prey." "Yeah" The two wolves crept towards Sam when the third growled and smacked them. "We can't do that! What if he's important? We need to take him to the elder before we do anything." "What makes you the boss, Rikou?" growled one of the wolves. "Because I'm the only one here who thinks ahead. Or have you forgoten the incident with the Emperor of Moshi?" The wolf blushed. "How was I suposed to know that would happen?" The second wolf broke in laughing. "The day Seto uses his head will be the day that Foxes will run things." Seto punched him and picked up the limp roo. "Let's just get out of here. It's going to get dark soon."

The wolves walked down the well kept path, idly chatting and joking when Sam started to come to. He groaned and started to move when he herd a small vioce in the back of his head. "Don't move. Stay still." it said. Sam opened his eye slightly and saw the darkened path they were walking on. Rikou glanced down at Sam. "I think it's too dark to carry on. Let's make camp." "But we're almost there!" "Are you questioning me, Jeku?" the wolf looked down, slightly embarrassed and shook his head. "I didn't think so. Seto, give me the roo. You and Jeku go find fire wood and food." Seto glared at Rikou. "Why don't you have to do anything hard?" Rikou snatched Sam off his shoulders so suddenly that he almost gasped. "'Cause if he wakes up, I'm the only one that can chase him down. And I'm the only one that isn't trying to kill him right away." Seto and Jeku snarled and stormed off into the woods. Rikou set Sam down by a log and started setting up a tent. "They'll be gone for a few hours so if you want to stretch or get comfortable, do it now." Sam looked at Rikou, not quite sure if he was talking to him. Rikou looked at Sam. "Yes, you. I'm talking to you. If you do as I say, you'll stay alive." Sam sat up, a little scared and unsure about everything that happened. "Aren't you going to kill me?" Rikou chuckled softly. "No...well not yet at least. You're not from around here are you? What are you doing here?" Sam stared at Rikou. His tail was grey with a white tip. The rest of his body was about the same color grey and his chest and belly was white. His eyes were ice blue and all he had on was a black vest and camo pants. " should answer people when they're talking to you." Sam shook his head, snapping back to reality.

"Oh, sorry. No I'm not from around here. And as for what I'm doing here...hehe I guessI don't know." Rikou looked at the slightly embarassed roo. "What do you mean?" Sam sighed. "Well, at first I thought I was dreaming and that I would wake up at any moment, but now I'm not sure." "It would be nice if all this was a dream. Then the war would be over and we could all go back to life the way it was." Rikou trailed off, seeming lost in thought. "Well...I'm sorry for asking...but..." Sam mumbled searching for his words. "Have you always that?" "Like what?" questioned Rikou. "Like a wolf." Rikou nodded, still looking confused. "How else would I look?" Sam thought of how to explain it, but couldn't find the words. "I don't know...never mind. What war were you talking about?" Rikou's eyes widened in suprise. "You don't know?! You must really not be from around here." Rikou sat down next to Sam, having finished the tent and lighted a fire.

"Well I can't give you all the answers or details, but the wolf furrs of this land are very laid back and in touch with nature and our way is deeply routed in tradition. The fox furrs however want to modernize the land. They think the way to beter one's self is through technology and that hundred year old tradition can't teach you anything. So they raged war with us to try and take over the land to do as they see fit." "Furrs?" "Yeah. It's what we are. Did you hit you head or something?" "No...I don't think so...if you're after foxes, then why'd you attack me?" Rikou smiled "'Cause you were wandering around looking like easy prey. Before I could reason with Seto and Jeku, they had chased after you looking for an easy kill. They tried sneaking around trying to catch you off guard but I knew you weren't expecting anything so I just rushed through the bushes and tackled you. I would've warned you then, but you kicked me off and ran."

A twig snapped off in the woods. "They're comming. Lay down and don't move no matter what, got that?" Sam nodded and layed down, pretending to be out. "We found a ton of food. You should've seen it. Seto tried to get a bird out of a tree. When he climbed up the branch snapped and he fell flat on his back." laughed Jeku as they walked into the camp. "God Rikou, you must've hit that roo pretty hard for him to still be out. You sure he's not dead?" Rikou nodded and helped them carry the food. It was quite a haul. There was enough meat to feed a small army along with various fruits. Seto reached into his pack and through a rope to Rikou. "Well you know what we have to do then if he's still alive." Sam's eyes twitched slightly, trying to figure out what was happening when he herd the voice in his head agian. Stay still. Don't move.

"Come on Seto. That isn't a real ritual. We don't need to do that. After all he's a kid." replied Rikou. Something's not right, thought Sam. Something bad is going to happen. I got to get out of here...after all, how fast can wolf furs run? I said stay still. Don't move no matter what! the voice was louder in his head and he laid still. "What's wrong with you Rikou? This is one of your favorite parts of the hunt. You're not going soft on us are you? We have to have a tough leader, ya know." Jeku added. "I just don't think that part of the hunt is nescesary." The camp fell silent.

"You're starting to sound like a fox." said Seto, staring in disbelief at Rikou. "Don't you dare compare me to a fox!" growled Rikou, shoving his finger into Seto's chest. "Then do it." Seto shoved the rope into Rikou's chest. His eyes staring down the smaller Rikou, chalanging him. "Fine!" Rikou snatched the rope and walked over to Sam. Hold still. Don't move repeated the voice as Rikou spread Sam out and dragging him over to a tree. He tied the rope around Sam's limbs and fastened the ends to tree's and other unmovable objects. Sam wanted to open his eyes but he trusted Rikou. Sam herd something like a scratching or rubbing noise over the crackling fire. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. said the voice and Sam felt a paw move across his stomach and then down to his tailhole. It was all Sam could do to stay still at this moment. He felt something warm and hard, yet soft press agianst his tailhole. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to open his eyes. His eyes shot open and he saw Rikou positioin his hard cock over Sam's hole. A look of panic crossed Sam's face as he tried topull free from the ropes as the wolf grabbed his hips and thrust hard into his tight hole.

Sam gasped and yelled as the massive member stretched his tight hole. Relax. It'll be less painful if you do said the voice. It was Rikou. Could he read minds? At this moment Sam didn't care. He tried tightening his hole to prevent Rikou's member from pushing deeper but that only intensified his lust. Rikou thrust deeper and harder agianst Sam's tightening. Sam felt Rikou's knot start to form as he continued to thrust hard into the tight roo hole. Sam screamed and panted, wishing it to stop as Rikou pushed his fully hardened knot into his hole, stretching it to the limits. Rikou howled as he reached his climax, filling Sam with his hot seed. Sam panted, tears streaking down his muzzle. It seemed like eons past by before Rikou pulled out. Sam looke down and saw Jeku and Seto smiling as they walked towards him. An evil grin crossed their faces as Sam looked down and saw they were both fully hard. He shook his head. "No...please don't" "Aww...looks like he's had enough. But Rikou can't have all the fun.." Rikou looked at Sam. I'm so sorry...there's nothing I can do...just try and enjoy it.. Sam wished more than anything that he would wake from this nightmare as the two wolves both positioned their cocks at Sam's stretched hole. They looked down at the terrified roo before both thrusting their cocks hard intohis tigh hole, stretching it ferther. Sam screamed louder than he thought possible. His body quivering with pain and fatigue. He felt his flesh tear open as they ravashed him. The pain was so intense, he slipped in and out of conciousness. It wasn't until they thrust their knots into his now bleeding hole that he lost it.

Sam woke the next morning with a sharp, almost unbarable pain in his tailhole. He was still tied down and his muzzle and chest were sticky and reaked of wolf cum. Apperantly, after Sam lost consciousness, they weren't finished with him. He was glad he wasn't awake for that. He lifted his head and saw Rikou sitting by the dousced fire. He smiled and walked over to the roo. "There was nothing I could do...I really wanted to do that with you...just in a most pleasing way for both of us." Sam just looked up at the wolf. He couldn't think of what to say over the pain. "W-will you untie me. I want to leave. Please" pleaded Sam. "They'll kill you if they catch you. You're safer here." "I can't do that agian. I just want to go home. Please let me go." Rikou crouched down beside his new friend. "But...I would never forgive myself if they-" "Please. If you're really my friend, and you care about me then you'll let me go" Rikou bit his lip then reached in his pocket bringing out a knife and cutting him free. "Take care. Stay low and stay safe." he handed Sam the knife and hugged him. Sam thanked him for all he had done for him before rushing off into the forest. I wish you wouldn't go, but I understand why you have to. Stay safe until we meet agian. Sam smiled and disapeared among the trees. When the others woke, Rikou made up a story about how Sam had escaped and managed to disapear. "I told you we should've eaten him!" Seto fumed. Sam was walking through the trees, not quite sure where to go. This was the weirdest dream ever. He thought he'd just walk around until he woke up but then he remembered what the voice said to him before this all started.

"But what if this isn't a dream? Haven't you had a dream that you were so sure was real. What if you couldn't wake from that dream? How would you know what was real....and what was just a dream..."