(un Revised) S under D[Arc 2:The academy] Chapter 1

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#8 of S under D

Working on edits.

"Your life is your own and only you can control it. Others may try but often they fail. No one is in control of your destiny except you. But there is a group that proves this wrong. They take the destinies of unsuspecting furs with promise, praise and deception. Right now they are trying to reclaim furs who have escaped their clutches. Right now they are about claim about 30 more unsuspecting young furs. Their lives shall never be their own again unless they can fight the ones who want to take it away"

Tylan Zeal was a 14 year old Raccoon. He had a light blue mask and dark blue fur covering his body. His tail was Black and Dark blue striped. His green eyes were glistening as his dark blue head fur was flowing in the wind. He was currently on his way to a school for young boys in the country side. It was a brand new private boarding school. Tylan was apprehensive about attending the boarding school but his father's new job was taking up most of his time and he did not have much to spend with his son. He was advised to send him here where he would be taken care of very well. This school was new just opening recently. It was very hard to get into since it was an invite only school. Tylan's father had gotten an invite for him. His older brother Dylan was already attending the school and was already there since he was invited to come in early and help setup. Dylan was a teacher favorite for more than just the usual reasons. Tylan however was not as smart as his brother or as disciplined as his brother. He also did not 'suck up' to teachers like his brother did. He hated how his brother had to be a suck up to everyone.

Tylan sighed as his father pulled up to the gate and talked to the monitor. After confirming his name he was let in. The drive way up to the main building was surrounded on either side by beautiful flowers. Tylan glanced over at his father and noticed his father had weird grin on his face. He attributed it to the fact his father was going to be rid of him except the many holidays they were going to get. He sighed and wished he could be with his mother but she died last year in a shooting at her work place.

Tylan and his father gave the bags to the bag carriers. Tylan learned that his bags would be carried to his room which he will be sharing with 3 other boys. He was a bit annoyed about sharing a room with 3 other boys but he knew it was already a possibility. He wondered why his always wanting privacy brother did not complain about it.

Tylan and his father joined the other parents and their sons in the orientation room. The presentation was boring so Tylan paid no attention to it. He was absent mindedly looking around the room and noticed that is was mostly fathers and sons. He only saw one woman in the room. He attributed it to the type of persons they invited. Probably businessmen and their sons. He turned from bored to irritated when his brother came up to make a speech. He tried even harder to not pay attention but before he knew his brother's speech was over and the parents were now saying goodbye to their kids and as the kids were being escorted to their rooms. Once the kids left the parents had one last speech to hear. Tylan was straggling behind and heard the starting of the speech. "It is time to explain our process" was all he heard.

Tylan's room was to the end of the hall way which irritated him more. He was ushered into the room with his roommates. Once their escort left Tylan went to get acquainted with his roommates. His first roommate was a purple cat named Tim. He wore a collar with a bell. The next was a Normal fox with a scar on his left eye his name was spike. His final roommate was a white mouse named squeak. Tylan was the tallest by a few inches and the mouse was the smallest. Only about half a foot separated them in height. The room was moderately furnished and quite spacious. They 2 bunk beds, a fridge, 2 TVs on either side of the room and in the back a door that led to a bath and another door that led to a closet that had their names on it weirdly there was a draw with their name on it that was locked.

Tylan claimed the bottom bunk on left bed. Spike claimed the top. Squeak was on the bottom of the next bunk with Tim on the top. Before Tylan knew he fell asleep.

The next day was his first day of class. They were awoken by a grizzle bear. He was assigned as the dorm monitor. He sounded the siren to awake everyone then announced what they had to do. Since they were year one students they would have homeroom for the entire day. They also had a medical checkup which would be conducted one by one throughout the entire day. Tylan would be going last since they were going by alphabetical order. He went into the shower and realized it was a four way shower. And with time running low all 4 of the boys would have to use it at the same time. Tylan was very uncomfortable showering with the others. He glanced over at the others. Spike's penis was still sheathed but he had a good bit of pubic hair. The mouse has a 4 incher that was flaccid while the cat had a 3 incher. The raccoon felt more confident about himself now since Both Tim and squeak still had their foreskin. He was always conscious about being uncircumcised since most boys who didn't have a feral type penis were circumcised. He always hated the fact his parents didn't do it but he was glad he was not the only one. After a few minutes in the shower the boys came out and got dressed. Tylan was still feeling slightly embarrassed having no privacy anymore. The shower was open and the bathroom had no lock. He was even more concerned his always wanting privacy brother didn't complain about all of this. He was brought out his thoughts when the bear's voice came over the horn again telling all cubs they had 5 minutes to get outside even if they butt naked. Tylan knew that he was not joking when he said that and he and the others rushed out of the room.

The 28 boys gathered in hallway.

"Good morning All you young scholars. I am your Dorm monitor. You may call me Nando. While you are here at The Huffing academy you will listen to my every word and obey it or there will be dire consequences. First off all students will be dressed and ready for breakfast at 8 am sharp. Breakfast will be served at 8:15 am. If you are not in the mess hall by 8:30 you will not be served breakfast. Home room is at 9:30 so you have some time to yourselves but if you do not reach homeroom without a valid excuse you will be sent to the detention wing. Do you all understand what I said?"

"Yes" said most of the crowd. Tylan just sighed. He was happy that he could sleep in a bit more than normal here but still did not like the strictness that Nando had talked about.

They were then led down to the second floor of the building. The first year students took the 3rd floor of the right wing of the u shaped building. The 2nd year students were on the left wing. While the rest shared the 2nd floor. In between the two wings were the staff and security quarters. The first floor had the cafeteria in the right wing and the laundry on the left wing. The middle was more staff quarters.

Tylan made his down to the mess hall with the group. Nando instructed them to take trays from the storage container mark year 1 and then left. Tylan went in and grabbed a sandwich and an orange juice. He sat with his roommates who he did not talk too much last night since they all fell asleep very quickly.

"Your name is Tylan right?" asked Squeak

"Yea but everyone call me ty"

"Nice to know ty, I am squeak but everyone calls me mu"


"Yes because I don't squeak I moo" Squeak made a perfect moo sound gathering a laugh from his roommates. Tim was especially pleased

"You sounded like a real cow there mu." He reached over and pump fisted mu. "My name is Tim but my friends call me Sneak"

"OK how did you get that nickname?"

"Check your wrist"

"Huh? My watch!?"

"That is why" Tim said giving squeak his watch back.

"Remind me to keep my wallet secure around you"

"Very funny ty. And are you going to say anything fox?"

"My name is Spike. Please address me as such. I do not care for nicknames so please just address me as spike"

"You need to relax. You are so uptight"

"I am fine. Now if you will excuse I am going to get my supplies ready for class" With that spike left for their room

"That guy needs to remove that stick in his ass"

"I second that"

"Come on guys I bet he is just nervous" Squeak said taking a sip of his drink.

"But you still agree he has something stuck up his ass right"

"Yep" the 3 of them burst out into laughter drawing the attention of Dylan who came to talk to his brother.

"Found a few jokers already Ty?"

"Ah look who decided to grace the lowly peasant with his presence." Ty said in a mocking tone.

"Very funny ty I hope you know jokes may get your friends a laugh but it won't get you a grade."

"Everything is not about grades Dy"

"We will see if you are still saying that during the summer. C'mon Rouge"

Dylan walked out of the cafeteria with his wolf companion right behind him.

"I wonder who that guy with my brother was."

"Probably his roommate. Ty, sneak want to check out the recreational area?"

"We have time?"

"We have an hour I think we have plenty of-"

"Timothy Alzec and Hugo Animen please report to the medical wing."

"Dang I guess I am first to the doctor. Later Ty, later squeak"

"Later" said Squeak as Tim ran out the building to the medical wing which was a bit away from the residential building.

Tylan and the others went back to their dorm and hooked up a V-box to one of the TVs and played until it was time to head to homeroom. Tylan and the others made their way down when squeak's name was called as one of the next pair to go to the medical wing. Ty was surprised when the principal called Dylan to his office. 'He got himself into trouble for once.' Ty said. Thinking about how his 'perfect' older brother got in trouble was clearly improving his mode and spike took notice.

"Your brother was the one called?"


"You seem to take much pleasure at his despair"

"He is always acting like the perfect older brother. Makes me sick"

"But he is right. You antics may get you laughs with your peers but they will not serve you well with the faculty"

"Tim was right you do have a stick up your ass"

"... This is going to be one long year"

The 2 went off to homeroom. Homeroom was basically introducing teachers and setting rules. Ty found out he had the afternoon off is he was not summoned to the medical room. He wondered what happened to his brother.

At the principle office Dy had just walked past the vice principle and entered the principal's office. The principal was a muscular wolf. His main shone in the light of the office.

"You summoned sir?"

"Yes and you know why"

"A little earlier than expected sir I thought this had to wait until the first years were full initiated."

"I can't call them to my office but I certainly can call you my favorite student."

ON the office walls were pictures of the Lion naked with students in sexual positions most looked like they were taken just after one of both had reached an orgasm. Dylan was in 2 of those pictures.

"What is taking so long? You have a class to get to and I have needs to be addressed."

"Sorry Leon. Should I do a strip tease then?"

"Always one to get me riled up. Do whatever you like Dylan"

Dylan then started to remove his clothes slowly while making faces of someone who was in pain. Leon cracked a huge grin and unbuttoned his shirt. Dylan finally stopped when he was butt naked his cock was at full length standing up at 6 inches.

"You seemed to have been working out"

"Anything to please You Leon"

"Hmmm. I like it when my toys make every effort to please me."

"You are a very worthy principal. You deserve all the pleasure we can provide"

"Good. Now come over here. I am eager for release"

"Yes sir" the nude raccoon went over to the principle. Dylan knelt down between the lion's legs. And unzipped his pants to remove his prize. Leon's 8 inch stood at full length. Dylan loved the sight of it. He had seen it hundreds of times last year at school since he was one of the principals 5 favorite students.

"What are you waiting for start sucking!"

Dylan obeyed the order. He placed his muzzle over loan's dick. He slowly started licking at it before taking it slowly into his mouth. He tried to fit all of it before he almost gagged at the length. He was out of practice normally he would have been able to take it without any trouble.

"Someone has obviously been out of practice. Has your father not carried you to any 'parties' ?"

"My brother got in our way. He did not let us go to any of them"

"Well he won't be getting in your way anytime soon. I would love to have both of you servicing me"

"I think that would be fun but we do have to wait a while."

"We do now get back to sucking"

Dylan complied and continued sucking on Leon. He was bobbing his head up and down making sure his tongue found every inch of the cock filling his muzzle. Leon purred at Dylan's amazing tongue. He loved the way Dylan managed to find every sweet spot. By far he was his favorite when he was in the mood for a nice blow job. Dylan felt the cock in his mouth spasm a bit and he knew Leon was very close. Dylan picked up the pace of his bobbing still managing to let his tongue hit all leon's sweet spot. Leon started purring and he released his seed right into Dylan's muzzle. Dylan quickly swallowed the entire load shot into his mouth. He already learned how to swallow the load Leon had.

"Ahh such a good slut"

"My principal deserves the best I have to offer"

"Good if we had more time I would mount that nice ass of yours but I should not draw the attention of the new faculty and students just yet. They still have to be programmed.

"I know it is a long wait sir but we will have to bear it until we can really have some fun"

"Service night is scheduled for the 3rd week as one of my favorites I will have you servicing some of the more prominent figures."

"Should I prepare anything special?"

"Just your tongue I hear that Mr. Ville is very fond of persons who use their tongues well."

"I will be happy to serve"

"Good now get to class."

Dylan made a move to the door but Leon called him back

"Remember your clothes. We can't have students walking around naked just yet"

"NO problem sir. I am just used to leaving any clothing here now."

"Do not worry young one we only have a few days to wait until they are programmed well enough for us to continue where we left off last year"

"I cannot wait sir"

"Get going already you have a new teacher"

Dylan ran out still fixing his uniform. He managed to get a glimpse of his brother on his way to the medical wing. 'I can't wait to have some fun with my brother'

Tylan was just called to the medical wing. They had gone through the others quite quickly he just wondered what this exam contained.

Once he hit the medical building he was guided to an examination room. He took off his clothes and got into the hospital gown. A Coyote came in.

"I am doctor Glen could you please relax while I begin the fell body examination"

Tylan nodded but could not relax when the hands of the doctor started moving all over his body. He shivered as the doctor put pressure on certain points. The coyote worked his hands down the side of ty's body. He reached the stomach and then the waist and then continued down to the legs.

"Very good. Now I have a few injections for you. Please relax this will not hurt much"

Ty just gulped "how many?"

"Just one"

"Do I have to get it"

"Please do not make this difficult" the doc said while pulling out a syringe filled with a strange Light blue liquid.

"Just relax boy"

Ty nodded and felt the needle pierce his skin and the doctor inject him. After the liquid was all in the doctor pulled out and reach over for a cup and handed it to ty

"Drink this and if you feel sick or puke come see right away"

"Okay doc" Ty said as he gulped down the purple medicine.

"I will need to see you back here on Thursday for your final exam"

Ty nodded and retrieve his clothes and got dressed. He ran out of the medical wing not wanting to stay. It was lunch time but he did not want to go to lunch. He went back to his dorm. Once he reached there he started feeling very ill. He made his way to the bathroom and instantly puked as soon as he reach the toilet. He stayed there for the entire lunch break. He knew the Doctor said to call but he did not want to go back so he thought he would wing it. He skipped all of his afternoon class but no one seemed to notice. When His roommates returned they all just crashed straight into their beds. A 5:50 pm every freshman at the school was asleep. A musical sound started playing through the speakers of their individual rooms. Nando was inspecting each room to make sure no one was awake. He was very confident that when he reached Ty's room. He checked on all 4 of them turning them over to make sure they were soundly asleep. He turned over ty not noticing the ear phones in ty's ear. 'I wonder if he is as good as his brother. Guess I will find out eventually'. Nando thought to himself as he left. Ty woke up as the door to his room was closed. He looked around and saw that his roommates were adjusted. It seemed someone had checked in on them. He removed his ear phones and heard the music just as it ended. He was wondering if he missed an announcement. If he did his roommates did as well. He put on some clothes and went out into the hallway since no one was in the hall way he figured the announcement was not a summons. He would have to ask some other freshman if they knew what the announcement was about.

He heard Nando talking to someone around the corner he stayed back trying to hear what was going on.

"My favorite toy. I missed you over the summer Dy I just can't find any kid as good as you"

"Principal Leon said the same thing. Shall we go back to your dorm. My presence can be explained by the presence of my brother"

"Good I don't need those initiates suspecting anything right now"

"We only have to wait 2 more days until they are programmed enough. That is what Leon said"

"So he already had his turn with you?"

"Him and the head of security"

"Guess it is my turn. Come on the faculty should be busy enough so we can sneak over to my room"

"You don't have any new roommates do you?"

"Nope. Just get that tongue of yours ready I am feeling very pent up"

"What are we waiting for then"

Ty peeked around the corner looking at his brother. 'What the hell was he talking about. I know he is suck up but is he sucking off too? No, no my brother is not that crazy it must be something else. I better get back to my dorm before someone notices me.'

Ty heard another conversation between 2 security guards

"If we find any freshman out of their dorms we have to take them straight to the doc"

"We haven't found one in the 4 years we worked together"

"Still a possibility. Some furs have an allergic reaction to the Programming. The doc doesn't have the equipment to treat those. We have to make sure they are sent to the facility"

"I remember I had to send my son to that place. After he got back he was such a good boy. Very eager to please his father"

"Mine became a moaner. He has earned a good rep might even get me a promotion"

"Wish mine was that good. But that dude Hylan Zeal. His older son is amazing his skills are legendary. That kid can work his tongue"

"I heard I got to get a blow form him someday"

"Wish I could get him on service night but he is a VIP server"

"I hear he has a brother. If he is half as good as his brother he would be a great one to play with and he is a freshman so he has not been claimed yet"

"Does he have an assigned partner?"

"Yea I think that fox named spike was his partner"

"Interesting combo. Spike's father is a very dominating fur or so I heard"

"You subbed for him didn't you"

"Yea he is quite the rough Houser"

"Wonder if his son is as wild"

"I don't know but this group of freshman has some real exciting talents."

"That Cat named Tim his father is William azlec right?"

"I think so."

"He has an older brother who is a senior"

"Yep and boy is that one a firecracker"

"Have you seen him on the heat juice? He is such a cock slut"

"You should keep it down when you talk like that"

"None of these kids are awake so it doesn't matter. They started their programming already they should be out until tomorrow morning."

"I would love to see the looks on their faces when they wake up tomorrow"

"We can remember the camera's in their room. "

"That is going to be some good TV. Hey wait those 3 are in the same room!"

"Which 3?"

"The ones we were just talking about and their third roommate is a mouse!"

"Wow that room is going to be a favorite"

"Totally can't wait for the S under D fall Gathering"

"Neither can I. I hear Josh Ville will be there. That kid can pleasure 4 people at once. I can't wait to try my hand at him"

"We have a while to wait just be patient. Once all these kids join S under D we will have a lot more toys to choose from"

"Our rounds are over the principle will scold us if we don't make sure the other students are quiet"

"C'mon then"

The guards had started their convo while Tylan ran back to his room and listened from the other side of the door as they made their rounds. His door was slightly open but the guards didn't notice.

"What the hell is going on here. And what in the world is S under D?"