Gateway: The Offer (6)

Story by Breakersky on SoFurry

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#8 of Gateway

Welp! Here you go, another chapter. Rubs hands And I'm not going to lie to you, I reaaaally like Garock x3 hehe

The Offer

He threw the rock hard and watched as it skipped along the surface of the water before settling in and submerging into the black glistening water. The waves blew calmly with the nice breeze outside, the soft echoes of the water splashing the side of the cement river wall was all his ears would register, aside from the sounds of cars splashing into puddles in the distance. But he wasn't focusing on all that, in fact he wasn't even trying to hide himself as halogen lamp that hung above him on the dock boards, casting a circular light above him like a spotlight. He dangled his legs over the edge and breathed in the sea water air, the smell of New York was plastered all over it. He hated that smell; it smelt worse than the slums of Arella.

He smirked a bit and picked another rock in his hand that he collected off the ground before walking on the pier. Squeezing it tightly, he shut his eyes and the smirk vanished as his brother came into the black void behind his eye lids. He was still so young and their mother told him to not pursue into the soldier life, but Logan was stubborn like him. He always said, "I'm going to be just like Luc, ma', but even better!"

He was only 18 then. Though, it seemed like yesterday he said that. Logan, in Luc's eyes, was still 18 to him--even when he was actually 22.

By now Logan's body would have been reported to his mother. Luc could imagine how she would break down with the news. Two soldiers walking to her door and telling her in a sorry voice that her youngest son was killed in action, though she would probably get the glamorous version instead, a mother doesn't need to know how her son died so brutally. They would leave out the bleeding to death part and abandoned in an alley way on some trash bags too.

Luc tensed and felt a tear slide down his cheek fur, squeezing the rock harder before tearing his arm back enough to whip it out into the void, releasing the memory into the rock and watching it fade out of view.

Now his mother would have to deal with another death on her hands, first her husband, now Logan. Luc's all she has left now, and he can't even see her until this war's over...

He whipped another rock.

His father died of a heart disease that ran down in his family generations. He died when Luc was 17 on his bed with an alchemist trying to help out any way he could. But there was no hope... His last words were, "Take care of your family, for me."

He launched another rock.

"Hey," The smell of Tiger hit his nose the second he stepped beside him on the dock, normally he would have smelt him coming from a while away but the water seemed to have his smelling scenes screwed up somehow. Damien had a soft voice when he greeted him and sat down next to the Fox, pouring more rocks into his hand. "Mind if I join?"

"Free world." He shrugged and threw another rock out into the water, hearing it skip 4 times before disappearing.

Damien laughed softly at that, "I see what you did there."

But Luc didn't respond and just stared at the water, his somewhat tear drying on his fur now.

Damien lightly threw his arm back and tossed the rock, but instead of it skipping like how Luc did it, the rock just splashed brutally and submerged quickly, disappearing into the black void.

"You're doing it wrong." Luc grumbled and tossed his own rock, watching it skip a couple times.

"Sorry," Damien smiled a bit, "I'm not a fan of big open ponds like this... Deep pools of water plus a giant Cat don't mix well."

Luc sighed and just stared softly out into the water, the soft sounds of car tires splashing nearby, "Sure." He grunted again and fiddled with some rocks.

Damien sighed and tossed another, having the same result as last time and growling softly at it. "Damn..."

"You're supposed to flick your wrist." Luc held out his paw with a rock in it and demonstrated his technique, flicking his wrist quickly for the Tiger to study. Afterwards, he propelled his arm back and slung it out into the dark abyss, the soft clatter of rock hitting water echoing in their ears. He sighed later, "You'd think a feline would be a good shot."

Damien snapped his head in Luc's direction, sensing the racial slang coming from the canine's mouth and choosing to ignore it. "Well, I'm not the one who's good at throwing knives like you are, Luc." He said simply with a smile etching on his muzzle, "So you do have that advantage on me."

The Fox just gazed out at the river and nodded. Luc was indeed one of the best espionage specialists Damien has ever seen, and that's special coming from a feline himself who knows how to hunt. Though, Damien was never all that good at the whole stealthy, get in close and kill someone quietly. He was raised to be a brute, anyway, his father always forcing him when he was a cub to work extra hard on the chores around the house.

"You'll get the hang of it..." After what seemed like a few minutes, Luc sighed and stood up, whipping all the rocks in his hand out into the river and hearing every single one bounce excitedly till it became silent again. "Eventually..."

"Hey, Luc," Damien spoke slowly but low enough for only the two of them to hear, "If you need anything, and I mean anything, just let know." His smile when he looked up into the Fox's eyes was bright as he made the offer, and when he noticed that the Tiger probably wanted to be his friend, Luc hesitated.

"Er... Yeah, thanks." He replied slowly, looking into those eyes that looked so happy when in truth the world around them was turning to shit.

"My Dad," Damien spoke softly after a long silence, trying to veer the conversation somewhere else and keep the Fox talking to him, "He died when I was just starting out as a knight, but man I will never forget how he made me go through my morning workouts with him to help around the store." Damien now smiled brightly as he looked into the water, "He always said, 'You're going to become strong like a war hero one day kiddo!'. As a kid, I was never good at taking care of myself when it came to bullies, but my dad taught me how to fend for myself and protect the family. I looked up to him the most in my childhood. When he died, I thought I had nothing left to help me through with life, that I was alone with my mother and that I had to grow up fast and protect her and the store. I always felt alone until I met someone special to me... And because of that special Racoon, I finally understand that life means something. That it has meaning... You're not alone, Luc. You'll find that someone, and when you do you'll understand that you're alive for a purpose... and that purpose could mean the world to just that one person."

Luc was frozen to his spot with wide eyes and he suddenly felt the threat of tears in them. He looked away, his face leaving the spotlight that hung over them so the Tiger couldn't see his face and cleared his throat.

"Thanks..." He turned and walked out of the spotlight, leaving Damien to dangle his feet in the nice river breeze.

"No problem." He replied after he heard the footsteps disappear into the night, and when he was sure the Fox was gone, Damien left too.

Garock purred lowly as his release came in a long lasted wave, his seed being caught by the talented mouth that was wrapped deeply around his throbbing member and gulped quickly to catch the next. His purple eyes glowed as he swung his head back to look up at the tents ceiling, feeling the gentle touches that the slim Otter was giving around his sac and sending him in complete pleasure frenzy.

Gods! This one had a great tongue, quick and playful, just how he enjoyed receiving a blowjob anyway. The Otter stuck Garock's member to the back of his mouth as each seed spilt down his throat heavily, though with much luck he had been able to gulp as much as he could with the excess come seeping out the sides of his mouth. Once the wave of pleasure stopped, Garock released the tension he had and sighed deeply as the Otter pulled his length out of his mouth to catch some air, his breathing heavy from sucking so much.


Someone called from outside Garock's tent and the Saber had to growl roughly at that intrusion. There came a time and a place when he did not like to be interrupted, especially when the timing couldn't be better than now with an Otter on his knees in front of a half-naked white Saber.

"What?" He asked sharply, his head snapping towards the tent entrance and his eyes radiating a darker purple to whomever interrupted his private time. Though, he doubted anyone would walk into his tent knowing the full intent of the Saber would be to glare them down until they shattered like glass with fear.

But, as predicted, no one dared entered his tent. The Otter cleared his throat softly and dove down once again to lick off what was left on Garock's shaft.

"Lord Humphrey is ready to return to the Human world but would like a word with you before he leaves." It was one of his guards on duty, a broadened shoulder Elephant whose name seemed unimportant to him at this moment.

He growled and swung his head back, "I'm busy."

"It's about the Alliance Gateway..." That comment made his eyes open slightly, the purple glow emanating his shadowed fur.

"Bring him in."

There was a shuffling at the tent entrance and the slow steady pace that intruded his quarters was hesitant at first, but then walked closer to the two and looked away from what was being opened to him, "My Lord, we have word that our informant may have a theory as to who might be the Alliance soldiers Gateway." Humphrey's tone was slow, but determined.

"Can you be more descriptive?" Garock brought his head to face the Rat's, his pupils narrowing slowly, which means he was excited about the suspense the Rat was giving him.

"We believe it may have something to do with the Human who was in our world 10 years ago, it turns out that our informant thinks why we're being sent to Earth's New York is because that is where the boy is located." He responded with pride, standing tall and having his dignity shined with his ego.

"So you think this boy may be the Alliance Gateway?" Garock smirked, his pupils slits now.

"Yes, my Lord, that's what our informant believes."

Garock sat up from the news and got excited. This was perfect, if they get closer to finding their Gateway, than that means the Rebellion might have a chance to take Earth once and for all. "Good, now go and get me more news. Don't come back until you do."

Humphrey nodded, bowed, and left the tent in a quick trot.

Garock chuckled and looked down at the Otter who was now finished with licking off his member, noticing that in between the brown furred legs was a damp white mess. "Did you finish yourself off without my permission?" He asked coldly, his violet eyes glowing harsher.

The Otter froze and looked down, his face blushing and his hands shaking.

"And I just started to like you and that talented muzzle of yours."

His claws ignited a violet flame and he effortlessly swung them across the Otters throat, his body slumping sideways on the ground. Garock sighed and returned his claws to normal, standing and equipping his armour again before leaving and telling the guard outside to clean up the mess.

Kevin tensed and moaned a bit as those large hands expertly dwelled down his body's side, his legs squirming a little because of how ticklish his sides were when Demetrius' fur made contact with his body. His muzzle was buried in the Human's neck, nipping and using his tongue expertly to trace feather-like touches on his bones, familiarizing himself once again of each detail he used to know so well 10 years ago.

The Husky growled and spoke lowly next to Kevin's ear, "I missed you so much..." His left hand grazed the Human's side lightly, following the path down to his pelvis and back up again to his armpit, getting an exciting response, "I love you so much...Being away from you hurt so much."

"Shhhh," Kevin put a hand on the other's muscular arm and kissed those lips shut, the threat of tears building up in his eyes, "I've missed you, too."

"I told you I promised..."

"I know... I know..."

Kevin shut his eyes for a minute to pull the Husky down to make his furry body touch his own bare one, letting their warmth fill in the gaps between them and feeling every heartbeat pound their chests. Once Kevin opened them again, he was faced with Emily...

"Emily?" His stomach twisted in a tight knot and his mouth suddenly went dry, her eyes looking into Kevin's with that familiar twinkle he always loved about her eyes.

"Kevin," She put a hand on his cheek, her smile soft and warm, "What are you doing? I thought you loved me? What's Skylar going to think of you if he found out you loved a monster?"

Kevin choked and couldn't move. She was right; Kevin couldn't love a monster, what would happen to Skylar if he found out his own father, his protector, was a crazy, senile man who loved imaginary animals?

"Emmy..." He spoke her name lightly and suddenly Emily was Clarissa, her naked body touching his and her eyes looking so hurt that Kevin wanted to try anything to make smile like the angel she was.

"Kev, I thought you loved me...? Am I just a tool to you?" She crunched her face and tears started to fall, "Is there something I did wrong?" She asked and Kevin panicked.

"No!" He exclaimed, "Clarissa, I'm not trying to hurt you--."

"--Who is she Kevin?" It was Demetrius, suddenly he was back in his apartment living room with the Husky holding him on the floor again like last time, except this time they aren't wearing any clothes, and the Husky wasn't being rough like earlier. He was careful, gentle holding Kevin's hands behind his back, "Who is she to you?" He asked.

"Demetrius, no wait." He cried out, "I can explain!"

"Explain what, Kevin?" Emily walked into the room, her slim figure so model-like that Kevin was reminded of the many memories of when they first met in college, "That you're in love with more than one person? That you can't choose between a man and a woman? Or a human to a monster?"

"Emily, no!" He screamed.

"Kev, I thought you loved me..." Clarissa cried from next to Emily and Kevin's heart raced rapidly.

"What about our love Kevin?" Demetrius tightened his grip on the Human's hands and Kevin cried out. "What about the promise you made me keep? I searched 10 years for you!"

"You're going to let me go, Kevin?" Emily's face frowned and Kevin felt all the tears he had built up fall down his cheeks.

"No! Please!" He screamed but nothing worked.

As everything around him suddenly vaporised like sand and flew with a gust of wind, Kevin opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm clock. He was in his room, in his bed by himself. Kevin groaned and brought his hands up to his face to wipe the sweat off his forehead, reaching to his alarm clock and hitting the off button roughly. It was Saturday, his day off from work finally and his excuse to forget about the responsibilities of life and to be lazy for a few more hours. Skylar wouldn't be up yet, so he had time for him to think about what he just dreamt.

His heart was still racing inside his chest and the light patter of rain drops slapped his window outside, which in truth made Kevin feel at ease again. It was just a dream, he told himself softly as he took slow breaths to keep his heart from pounding out of his chest, and it's alright...

_ _ But is it?

No... It's not...

_ _ Why?

Because he's back...!

_ _ Are you sure?

I don't know!

_ _ Kevin growled out his frustration and put his hands to his face as his he tried to put his mind elsewhere. Clearly fighting with his conscience wasn't doing anything for him, he felt like it was trying to toy with him on purpose.

What about Clarissa?

I still like her!

_ _ Do you, really?


_ _ What about Demetrius?

I... I don't know...

_ _ What about the promise?

I was 16!

_ _ What about--


_ _ Kevin shook his head and sighed. This wasn't how he pictured his life going in this turn of events but what else was he supposed to do? Kevin was cornered between a love triangle and he didn't know which one he wanted the most. Did he really love Demetrius? Well, 10 years ago maybe. But Clarissa was there for him these past 2 years! She was perfect and just the thought of her made Kevin's heart and stomach heat up with a fire that burned for more of her.

But still, Demetrius was his first true love and his first fiancée... Does he really have feelings for Kevin still? How? It's been so long since they've seen each other, why hasn't Demetrius moved on yet? Has Kevin moved on?

So many questions filled his head that had no viable answers but when his iPhone rang next to his head, he cleared it and noticed the caller I.D was anonymous, but the phone number was recognizable...

"Hello?" He answered after turning onto his elbows.

"Hello, Kevin, how are you feeling this morning?" Her voice made his spine shiver like as if worms started crawling up his back.

"Dr. Ada... I've been fine, thanks. What brings you to calling me?" He asked slowly and cautiously, trying not to sound like he just woke up.

"Good, good. I was just calling to tell you that I will be in New York for a few days and that I would love to see how you're doing. After our recent call, I just wanted to make sure you were still okay." Her voice sounded like it had a smile on her face, but he could never tell, this woman could be angry and would sound happy.

Could therapists do that? He thought to himself but realized that his mouth was hung open and he just responded with, "Uhh... Yeah, sure I guess."

"Great, I'll call you once I'm in the city. We'll arrange a meeting somewhere. Perhaps your apartment?" How does she know that?

"Uhh... Yeah, sure. Okay."

"Excellent. Talk to you soon, then. Enjoy your day Kevin." She hung up and Kevin was left in the silence of his room.

Oh boy...

Damien woke up slowly as the morning sun broke into his room inside the warehouse base, his groggy mind trying to register the brightness of it but somewhat getting a weird response as his body suddenly ached to his protests. He tensed at first, squeezing his eyes hard and burying his muzzle in the softness of his pillow, then squirmed his legs a bit, stretching. After a few clicks and cracks, he sighed and snuggled back into his very warm bed, his breathing steady and even so he could fall back into a deep slumber.

As he was about to enter dreamland, his bed suddenly moved after he did, like a response to all of his protests, he suddenly heard some click and clacks below his head...

Below his head?

Damien opened his eyes and realized that he wasn't sleeping on his pillow after all, his eyes shooting open and his head looking up to meet the Fox's sleeping face, his breathing also steady and even. He was lying on a naked Fox, but that wasn't the cherry on top of the cake. As Damien realized that he too was naked, the Fox who was below his nude body was Luc Sparks...

This wasn't what Damien meant when he offered the Fox for wanting anything...