Everything Or Nothing capter 7 - Late for dinner

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#8 of Everything Or Nothing

chapter 7 , Done , enjoy and tell me what you think ! :D

Sala drummed her finely manicured nails on the shiny,black tabel she and Cassandra sat at in the buzzling, full restaurant, waiting for Jorek. Like always. Waiters came in and out of the kitchens dubel swinging doors having big overgrown plates whit steeming delicious looking meals on.

She was a black Jaguar , and a damn attractive one too. Sleek and curvy. Her dark fur had rune like markings on hit,mostly on the vrists and ankels. They were a pale grey that mixed perfectly with her black fur, it gave her a mysterious and almost sorcerus look.

Dark and brooding brown slitted cat eyes regared the cheetha she was table lady with for the evening.

The cheetha was busy at the moment, her full attention on the bit of bread she was trying to keep balanced on her pink nosetip.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to play with your food?" Sala remarked coolly as she grabbed a flask of vine on the table and examine it critically.

The cheetah looked at the other female, her gaze turning cross-eyed from looking at the bread piece and Sala at the same time; she stuck her tongue out of her muzzle and giggled.

Sala sighed and poured the content of the flask into one of the clean crystal glasses on the table, along with plates and two pairs of forks and knives.

She looked sceptically at the red vine, she had a tendency of getting drunk, not really that drunk...okey a tad too much sometimes.

Cassandra sure weren't paying any attention, she had gone back to her silly seal imitation, she even sounded like one!

Geez no suprice really that she and the white tiger were best friends,they were both wacko in Salas opinion.

She gently spun the red wine around in her glass, sipping it slowly and carefully.

Were the fuck was Jorek? She was not going to leave the restaurant with an empty stomach, Again.

Cassandra gently wagged her head from side to side,the pice of bread tiping gently from the motion. Geez what a freak...

"Um ma'am,you and your friend has been siting here for almost two hours-do you...um... want something..."

A shy voice said from behind the doziel female. Sala turned sideways on her chair and was meet by a young pretty fox boy.

He was younger then her,perhaps eighteen at most. The fox was a rusty red color, but his ears were tipped whit white.

It looked like his mother had (if he had one,you could never be sure) tiped the tip of his ears in white chocolate.

Sala leand a bit to the right on her chair and saw that the fox's tail was also tiped whit white. "Dose your mother know were you are?" her voice was still just as frigid as before and razor sharp.

With a small "Eeep" sound from her ,Cassandra droped the pice of bread. It gave a small 'thud' as it fell onto the shiny black tabel,crissps fluttered down in its wake.

The young fox was visibly shaking ,his ears ,tail and body poffing up remarkebly.

Really kid.

"Piss off!" The dark female hissed sharply betwen perly white,pointed fangs.

The fox skedaddled out of there ,fluffy and scared.

"Jesus Sala, you looked like you might had eaten him up for an appetizer!" Cassandra exclaimed,still trying to put that stupid piece of bread on her nose again.

Sala groaned.

"I should have done it , I'm probably going to get sued for making that little kid cry!"

With that said ,Salas head conected with the table ,staying there as if glued to it.

"Why the long face,my beautiful!"

Sala shot up from her sagged position, jaws clenched hard in anger, brown eyes flashing.

There stood Jorek, dressed in a black v-neck sweather and dark blue summer jeans. His trademark smirk lighting up his face and his ice blue eyes glinting with amusement.

Sala grabed onto his colar and jercked his face closer to hers, a furious growl rumbling in her chest.

"Were the fuck have you been,huh! I'm starving! Go and order something right fucking now!"

Drops of spittle splattered across Joreks furry, handsome face,he stood there calm and collected ,like they were just having a normal conversation and not an argument...well Sala did the arguing,he just listened.

She all but threw him away from herself when she was done cursing and growling. Joreks chuckle earned him another colorfull curse from Sala.

"Why are you so angry,babe? This isn't something new,right?" Jorek raised his muscular arms lightly in a questioning gesture before folding them over his chest.

"That is exatcly what I'm talking about! Jorek you're always late! Sala exclaimed,throwing her hands up into the air in great aggravation.

"I have been stuck in this squirmy littel hell-hole for two fucking hours, without food, with only Her- Sala jabbed at Cassandra who was siting quiet as a mouse,eyes wide and mouth a perfect "o".

"And I have been assaulted by small monster foxes with ears and tails tipped in white chocolate!"

Sala had started to slur uncontrollably now , and Jorek glanced between her and the wine bottle, which looked terribly empty. "How much did she drink?" He mouthed to Cassandra,who had one arm resting under her bossom and the other resting on the tabel,which she now moved to show two fingers to Jorek , "Two" she mouthed back.

"Two!? Shit...guess it becomes pizza again,huh" He gave Cassandra a apologetic smile. She gave a deep sigh in return.

"Come on, let's get her home". With that said they grabbed onto a sluring ,drunk Sala and started to drag her to the exit.

"I'll make it up to you when we get home!"Jorek leaned in to whisper into Cassandra's ear, "You better make it good!" She whisperd back to him. He winked, a lustfull glint in his blue eyes. "I always try my best to please in the sheets!"

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The cell smelled of dirt and water... And for the little shivering figure in one of the corners it was cold too. Water ran along the grey walls and pooled onto the floor before being sucked into the drain opening carved into it. The prisoner...

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Arlen felt how Tamra's panting breaths washed over his face as he trusted his hard,stiff member into her damp, wet silken sex, the hard trusts making a wet slapping sound as both of the felines hips smashed together at a pounding pace. He had her...

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Everything Or Nothing cap 4 -Questions and Concerns

"So what did you want to talk about, Doc?" Jorek said whit a raised eyebrow, his tone light and friendly. His ice blue eyes were fixed on the snow leopard that was sitting behind a desk with high piles of paper piled on it. Jorek could hear how the...

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