Camping Trip Chapter 2: An Afternoon to Remember

Story by warewolf1542 on SoFurry

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#2 of Camping Trip (Series)

Now we get to meet all of the companions of Grant who all are homosexual. Sit back and watch how their varied personalities play out in various situations!This is the revision of the original with additions to the story, introducing all five of the campers, instead of only four, like I released at first. So, read to see the full tale, and the new camper Reese the Gnoll.

Rate, comment, and please give constructive feed back if you find something that could be improved. Otherwise, enjoy!

The sun had finally settled down, allowing the moon to take its domain rightfully in the night sky, a perfect gem to nestled among the stars. Campers were enjoying their leisure with their afternoon activities: gathering around the fire for a feast of easy-cook foods, the classic marshmallows on the stick, camp songs and stories, and star gazing.

"I swear to god it happen'd," Tyson the polar bear insisted. He was trying to back up his version of a story about a serial killer who ate the flesh of his victims. "Sure they did." Bernard patronized. Taking a bite of a fire-fresh hotdog, Bernard seared his mouth and yelped, lunging for a cold beer to remedy his burns. Grant chuckled at his performance sipping his beer as he rubbed the dog's stomach. "Good on ya!" He said, reaching for a crisp hotdog. "If anyone ate anyone else, it would probably be you Grant," Craig the forth camper sneered, dexterously dodging the flames to steal Grant's hotdog.

Grant snatched the fox's paw as he let out an audible yelp. "You calling me fat, shrimp?" He asked agitatedly. "Well, I ain't calling you skinny." The fox replied, knowing he was getting to him. "You just wish you were half the man I am," Grant spat. "Hell," Craig retorted, freeing his paw, "I am half the man you are." "Better watch it." The badger warned, standing up with a loud thump. "Bring it on tubs," Craig said from across the fire, "I could beat you any day of the we- "

"Ah, the both of you shuddup," Garik interrupted, stepping out from behind a tree, lighting a cigarette after zipping up his fly. He took a seat on the log between Tyson and Craig, exhaling a drag into the fire, which danced in protest. "So, where's Reese gott'n 'Imself to eh?" The black wolf asked. "Bed" Tyson, Craig, and Grant said in unison.

"Hand me another," Bernard insisted at Grant, who grabbed another beer from the cooler. He quickly started to chug it, Grant and Tyson cheering him on.

"Ya might wan'a slow down there," Garik warned, fiddling with his lighter, "You don't want to black out this soon with us around." Grant, Tyson, Crag and Garik exchanged looks, and then burst into uproarious laughter. "Why? You going to gang bang me?" Bernard retaliated, throwing a challenging glance across the fire at Garik.

"Easy there," Garik said, lighting another cigarette for himself. "Didn' think you'd care so much, consi'erin' you're clinging to Grant.... And kissin' 'im in public...." He muttered under his breath. "You saw that?!" Burny was a bit shocked; he swore no one was around when he did that. "Yeah, huh...huh..," Tyson cheered in, "Bout' damn time Grant got some with someone decent lookin'."

"Yea'....I mean our camp is literally across from y'urs," Garik explained, crushing an empty cigarette box in his paw. "Jus' sayin," He grinned.

"Hell," Craig said, crossing the camp to rub his elbow into Bernard's ribs, "Tyson took a picture of that action." "Ey, don' go an' tell 'em!" Tyson yelled, throwing a punch at Craig across the fire, ignoring the pain. "Too late for that!" The fox jeered, dodging Tyson's massive paw. "But not to late for me." He winked.

"Damn you Tyson! Do you want a repeat of the video in 11th grade?" Grant complained. "I thought you'da wanted a keep-sake...y'know, for lonely nights?" Grant grabbed a beer and plopped back down onto the log, cracking the beer with a frown. "As long as you don't go forwarding it to everyone like last time, I don't care. But I don't know about Burny here...He might still be in the closet, ya'know?"

"I don't care at all." Bernard insisted, "So...on another note, are all of you into...well, you"

"Pretty much," Garik assured him, "We all gay boys." He winked.

"Well...then who's with who out of you all?" Burny inquired, interested to know more about them. "Since we're all the same, it c'uldn't hurt to tell ya," Garik said, cocking his head. "Tyson and Reese are toget'er and Craig and I are."

"How do you and Craig work out exactly?" Bernard asked, inquisitively.

"Well, it all starts with a good dinner and some role play, then he usually takes it in the ass, and then, and this is the good part, I-" "No, no!" Bernard interrupted, blushing lightly. "I'm...uh...not talking about how you have sex...I mean how do you two work as a couple? You two don't seem to get along with each other.

"Oh, ha ha," he laughed, "We haven't exactly decided on wha' role we are. We fight for dominance all the time, so we tend to switch it up...we are always figt'n to be the more 'masculine one'." With that, Garik shot a glance at Craig, who had left to get more beer from a nearby car. Raising his voice just loud enough to carry the distance, Garik spoke: "Craig's just an egotistical asshole who believes he's superior to me, which is obviously not true."

"I am superior to you, you damned mutt." Craig hollered from the car trunk. "If you want to show him who's the top, than come fight me puppy."

"...Like I said," Garik said, turning to Bernard, "egotistical asshole."

"Oh, really?" Craig said, tackling Garik from the side onto the ground behind the wooden log he was sitting on.

Garik and Craig tumbled about on the campground grass, both trying to end up on top. Craig nimbly pinned Garik's arms and legs down so that he couldn't get free. Knowing his victim couldn't escape, Craig skillfully used his tail to remove their shorts and then stuck his throbbing member into Garik's ass right then and there. Garik fought viciously back, but to no avail. In his current pinned position, there was no way he could break free or gain the upper hand.

Tyson watched over his shoulder as Craig humped the hell out of Garik like he was a rag doll, bursting from a small snicker into a dangerously loud "Bwahahahahahahaha," while he rolled on the floor.

"Who's the egotistical one now bitch?!" Craig said proudly. "Just wait...ngh... I'ma rip you a new asshole after this is...ngh...over." Garik grunted, his brow dripping with sweat as he slowly gave up his struggle. "Like I'm doing to you now?" Craig insulted, his tail wagging back and forth happily.

Someone came out from the tent, rubbing his eye with his black paw. "Can't I get an hour of sleep without one of you sticking your dick into something or someone?"

It was Reese, the gnoll, who had awakened. His eyes showing the depth of his failed sleep, large black rings were present.

Craig stopped thrusting into Garik just long enough to come back with a snide comment before resuming the task at hand:

"Can't you stop bitching for more than an hour tiny?"

Reese happened to be very short in stature, but very muscular, easily the strongest of the five. And he loathed being called tiny.

"Tiny?!" Reese roared, his voice still groggy from sleeping. "How about I come over there and show you how tiny I am." He said, gesturing toward his unconcealed, black crotch.

"Any day you think you're big enough tiny."

Enraged, Reese charged at Craig, who was lustfully unaware of his approach. Once close enough, he loosed a strong, momentum-filled punch straight into Craig's face. The sheer impact of the fist sent Craig spiraling backwards over the campfire, the flames themselves parting in fear of Reese, who had also unintentionally freed Garik of his tormentor.

Holding his cheek, Craig grabbed a cigarette from the pack he had snatched from Garik's pocket, and lit it. Injured as he was, Craig still mustered yet another comment."You hit like a bitch tiny." He inhaled the cigarette. "That's it!" Reese shouted as he charged the annoyance yet again.

Frightened, Craig cowered behind Garik, who had pulled his trousers back on and was just standing up.

"Help me." Craig pleaded, holding onto the wolf's shoulders. "After what you just did to my ass, why should I help you?" Garik said, trying to pry his partner off his shoulders. "I should just let him have his way with you. Maybe you could learn a thing or two....that was the worst sex I've had in awhile."

Craig fell to the floor and grabbed Garik's leg, rocking himself back and forth as comfort. "I-I-I'm sorry," he whimpered, "N-Next time, you can be on top, ok?" Garik grinned fiendishly, and put out a hand to stop the rampaging gnoll.

"Say I'm the best." He said tantalizingly. ".....You're the best...." Craig replied. "Now, say I'm bigger." Garik commanded an evil gleam in his eye. "...You're bigger..." Craig whined. "Now," Garik pondered, rubbing his chin. "Say that you're an egotistical asshole, who can't lay a man the right way." Craig cocked his head up and stared at Garik, a grin spreading on his face. "Alright Garik," the fox said, copying Garik's deep voice and country accent. "You're an egotistical asshole, who can't lay a man the right wa-oof" Garik had shoved the fox's face into the dirt and stood up, grabbing his cigarette.

"He's all yours Reese." Garik said, fumbling around in his pockets for his lighter. Reese strode over to the half buried fox, and took the cigarette from Garik's hand. Garik turned in protest, but upon meeting Reese's soul piercing eyes ran over to the fireside logs with Bernard, Tyson and Grant. "Now," Reese said, lighting the cigarette, "What oh what are we going to do about YOU?" he said, pulling Craig's head out of the ground, a smile still on the fox's face. "We can all go eat marshmallows and sing show tunes...." Craig said with tears in his eyes. "Or?" Reese said un-amused by the fox's sarcasm. "I could introduce you to our new friend Burny?"

Reese looked over at the other guys who were still watching the whole spectacle like it was a big show. He quickly singled out Bernard, who was sitting close to Grant, and he spotted Tyson still on the ground, laughing.

"Tyson!" Reese shouted, getting the polar bear's attention almost immediately. "Shut the hell up and sit down bud."

Tyson, without a word, followed the request to the letter. He seemed like a robot now; his dim-witted, laughable, carefree self seemed to disappear. "Now, you sit the hell down as well," Reese said, looking down at Craig, who did as he was told, wanting to not upset him any further.

Reese, himself, sat down solo on the empty log across from Tyson.

"Beer." He gestured toward Grant, who tossed one over. He was still angry, so it was no surprise he was on a shorter fuse than normal, even to the jolly Grant, who did nothing to offend him. "Thank god you weren't slow this time." He barked.

Grant knew from experience not to take Reese's comment as hatred, as Reese was still angry. Bernard however, wasn't as familiar with his temper.

"Don't treat him like that!" Bernard shouted from across the fire. "It's understandable why you might be mad at Craig," Bernard went on, "but Grant did nothing to you. He may be a bigger guy, but so what, we can't all be tiny like you. Even if he was smaller, that doesn't make it right for anyone, not even you, to alienate him from us."

Reese was at Bernard in seconds, holding him up by the collar of his shirt. "Let me make this clear boy." He said hotly, "I don't like being called tiny! If anyone even mentions that word to my face, I'll crush their skull like jelly. But you don't know this, so I'll let this slide." Reese relinquished his grip from the dog's collar and walked away.

Under his breath, Bernard asked Grant, "Why didn't you do anything? Grant smiled, "I know Reese well, and he wouldn't harm you in any way unless you knew that he hated that word."

"I'm going for a walk to cool down." Reese decided, heading towards a sandy path leading to the river, "you're all probably pretty sick of me anyways." He looked back at Bernard. "Sorry about that Burny," he apologized, with some reluctance in his voice, "I just hate that word..."

Looking at Tyson, Reese gestured toward himself, indicating that he should join him for the walk. The two left without another word.

"Whelp," Garik said, standing up and stretching his legs, "I'm off to go night-fishin'. I found a great spot earlier today, and a ranger told me it has great fish this time of night." Craig jumped up and chased after Garik, but not before throwing a seductive wink at Grant. An awkward and heavy silence filled the air between the two remaining campers. Grant decided to break the silence. "Why are we letting those guys have all the fun?" He bumped against Bernard playfully with his shoulder. "Wouldn't that be a little too fast, too soon?" Bernard countered with a bit concern. "Well, if you want to I'll go slow." He grinned handsomely.

Bernard laughed at his response and finished his beer. "Only if I can be on the bottom under all of this." He poked Grant in the stomach, which sunk in from the added force. "Nice and soft," he smiled, feeling a buzz coming along. "Fine with me." Grant smiled then kissing the dog.

The two of them headed to the tent which happened to be a single but very big tent, which the six of them would have to accommodate together. Not like it would affect their relationships much. So, much happened that night; Bernard knew he wouldn't forget it so easily. He felt he knew himself much better and loved these men who had generously taken him in like he was one of them. Now he had a lover and began making friends.