When Dreams Come True Part....Something

Story by PhantomDrake on SoFurry

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There is something tumbling around in my mind about tying this into the other story I have here but just haven't figured out the A to B connection yet.

Kaliee lay cuddled up on the hard packed earth of the cabin floor. She was exhausted, terrified, sopping wet, and naked. The howling winds outside the small mountain cabin leaked through the boards, blasting her freezing body with wet winter winds. She curled herself up tighter, the fur on her taur body beginning to ice up.

Standing at the only window was the reason she ran. The only living human. Salin stood at the window, staring intently at any movement as steam rolled off his agile frame.

And of course he is warm. Kaliee thought, shivering, he can just command warmth. Damned mage.

She lay on the floor for a few more minutes before she could stand it no longer. She slowly rose, her frozen legs not wanting to obey. Wobbly she crossed to the cold fireplace and placed some of the rotting logs that sat lay discarded on the floor onto the grate then realized she had no way to light it.

"Damn it." She muttered, close to tears as another blast of icy wind snuck through the cracks and crept over her fur. She pushed her frame as close to the cold fire pit as she could to avoid the wind and started to shiver all over again. Closing her eyes against the cold and the fear she sat next to the stone fireplace. I just want to go home.

* * * *

Salin stared out the window, looking through the howling winter rains looking for movement. He heard Kaliee moving around behind him but paid little attention to the feline taur as he made sure no one was following him. After a few more minutes of peering into the inky chilled night he sighed softly.

Looks like they gave up for now, he thought, turning around to see Kaliee huddled up next to the empty fireplace. Ice was forming on her tiger striped form as she shivered and Salin could see her breath coming in short, erratic gulps.

Fighting cold, fear and tears. The poor girl. Salin thought as he walked up to her.


"I am just cold Salin. I didn't even get time to grab a blanket. You didn't give me time," she responded, teeth rattling. Salin sent a whisper of power to the fire place and a blue flame winked into existence, pouring warmth into the small cabin. Kaliee whimpered and moved closer, almost crying from the relief of the bitter cold that was sinking into her bones.

"I am sorry little one, there was no time. I was in danger and as you were in the house you were as well." Salin said softly, coming to sit next to the taur as she started to defrost. Salin willed power to his hands and slowly reached out and placed them on her back, sending gentle warmth through her spine. Kaliee jumped as the sensation spread down her spine to the tip of her tail, easing the pain in her bones.

"I am not a little one Salin please stop calling me that."

Salin smiled softy to himself.

Yes Kaliee I know, he thought as the firelight played over Kaliee's full breasts. She was a beautiful creature but Salin would never act upon her. He was human and not from this time and she belonged here. Besides, the attraction wasn't mutual as far as he knew and he wasn't going to try to find out.

"I am sorry Kaliee, it is an old habit that is hard to break. I don't mean anything by it." Salin said softly as he started moving his hands around her back, searching for pockets of cold in her body and slowly filling them with warmth. Kaliee sighed and straightened her body, allowing Salin better access to move. Salin fell into a healer's trance as his hands and power wandered over Kaliee.

Kaliee sighed and started to relax more as warmth crept back into her body and closed her eyes. She enjoyed the feeling of Salon's hands moving over her and the heat left behind.

Slowly Salin worked over her, chasing cold from her body and ice from her fur. Kaliee started to doze, vaguely keeping track off the hands as they traveled over her side, down her legs, up her stomach and farther up to her chest. Her eyes snapped open when Salin's hands reached her breasts.

"What do you think you're-" She stopped as she looked at Salin. His eyes were closed and his hands hovered just high enough to brush her nipples but not to touch the rest and they were glowing a soft yellow.

He doesn't even notice. Kaliee thought as her torso started to warm. And that bothered her, though she herself was unsure as to why. She had never been touched nor did she believe she had the desire to but Salin was standing in front of her, his hands centimeters from her, and something awoke within her. She wanted to be touched. Gently she reached out and took Salin by the wrists. Salin's eyes snapped open.

"Kaliee, what are you doing?" Salin asked, the glow starting to fade from his hands, then realizing where he was on her soft body he started to turn red and began to stammer an apology, "Oh Kaliee, I am so sorry I didn't realize, I never, I swear!"

Kaliee smiled softly and pulled him towards her, placing his hands on her chest. Salin looked at her uncertainly.

"Kaliee please don't do this," he said, truly meaning it and not wanting to.

"Why? Am I too strange for you? I am not human is that why?"

Salin stood there speechless; she gave him the perfect excuse, the perfect way out. But he couldn't bring himself to use it.

"No. You are beautiful. And I won't deny that I have had dreams about this since we met, but you are only eighteen. You don't know what love is. You can't discern lust and love and I could never hurt you."

Kaliee pulled the human towards her, using her greater strength and size.

"Salin, there is no love in this aside for the love of a friend. This is lust."

Salin stared hard at her then leaned in and kissed her softly.

Kaliee felt the kiss over her whole body, electrifying and new, feeling lust awaken strong within her.

Their kiss lingered on her lips even as Salin pulled away and whispered into her ear.

"I am also spelled little one I can not do this."

Kaliee was still in the beginning throws of mating lust and barely understood.


Salin nodded and stepped back slightly.

"As a mage I can control magic, which is life energy and as I am filled with it I am extremely....potent."

Kaliee listened as the throbbing in her loins started to grow stronger, her mating lust awoken and growing stronger.

"More potent? Well just pull out." Kaliee growled as she pulled Salin back to her, kissing him again, letting her hand wander this time. Salin tried to speak while her hand continued down his stomach then farther down to grab a handful of him.

Salin gasped as she wrapped a hand around his growing manhood and Kaliee chuckled.

"Sadist wasn't lying."

Kaliee's body thrummed with anticipation as she slowly began to fondle Salin, feeling it growing and throbbing in her hand. Her hindquarters began to ache, needing to be filled. Growing impatient she tore Salin's pants from his waste.

Salin jumped as his cloths were tore away.

"You know what I want Salin." Kaliee said, turning and lifting her tail. Salin stopped for a moment, battling within himself. After a few moments he stepped foreword and ran a finger along Kaliee's moistening lips. Salin's finger sent lightning through Kaliee and she gasped in immense pleasure. Salin stepped in behind her and wrapped a hand around the base of her tail, lining the tip of himself up with her hot, waiting lips.

"Only if you're sure Kaliee."

She turned swiftly, her mind clouded over with pleasure and longing,

"If you don't finish what you started no amount of magic will save you from me."

Salin looked at her for a moment then gently began to push himself into her. Kaliee cried out as Salin began to open her up and he stopped.

"Are you ok?" Salin asked, his head beginning to swim with the pleasure of her heat and tightness around him. He had to take it slow, no matter how badly he wanted to pound the rest of the ten inched into her he had to take it slow. "Do you want to stop?"

Kaliee was gasping and moaning,

"Oh gods it feels wonderful. Keep going."

Salin rebalanced and began to slowly slide more of him inside of her, getting more moans and sighs from Kaliee.

"Oh gods Salin, it feels so good!"

Salin gasped as he bottomed out inside of her, her heat and tightness almost making him lose his load.

"Kaliee, you are so tight, it, oh my gods." Salin panted as he leaned over her, drinking in the pleasure.

"Don't stop, please, don't stop Salin," she moaned as she began to grind her hips against him, listening to him moan with every movement she made, her head swimming with pleasure as the mating lust fully consumed her.

Salin began to thrust in and out of her, hands grasping her flanks to gain more power, each thrust fulfilling the cardinal lust within them. Kaliee spread her hind legs farther and lean down, her head awash with the pleasure of Salin's manhood within her and only knowing she was rapidly approaching orgasm.

Salin wasn't far behind her and he wasn't far enough gone to know this, but Kaliee's last movement pinned his body in the corner of the cabin with little room.

I can go a little longer, he thought, not wanting the pleasure of Kaliee wrapped around him to stop, just as long as she doesn't cum I should be-

_ _ Kaliee suddenly stopped thrusting and pushed backward hard against Salin, pinning him in that corner as she roared in pleasure her whole body shaking as her first orgasm plowing her over and causing herself to tighten even more around Salin. Caught off guard Salin couldn't react in time to save himself as Kaliee's orgasm triggered his own, his seed coursing into Kaliee's body.

Kaliee's head swam as she felt Salin's manhood spasm within her and his hot load filling her, her mating lust making her memory to his warning vanish. Her body continued to shake as the feeling of Salin throbbing inside her coaxed smaller orgasms from her.

"Oh Salin," Kaliee moaned, "Does it always feel this good? Oh gods I feel so full."

Salin grunted. It had never felt as good as it just did before but he wasn't going to lie to Kaliee. Kaliee shivered again, this time from pleasure instead of cold and stepped slowly away from Salin, letting him loose from the corner and feeling him slide out of her. She turned to face Salin in the afterglow of her mating. He sat propped up in the corner breathing hard and sweating with his eyes closed, a small smile on his lips.

Kaliee could feel his load moving around inside her with every step she took. Laying down she reached down and ran a hand over her fur covered belly.

"So how good of a mother will I make?"

Salin's head snapped up,

"Kaliee, I am so sorry. I tried to get away but you pinned me into the corner, I could get out of you fast enough. I -"

"Salin. It is ok."

He stopped and looked at her in disbelief.


"Well it is not ok, but I can't blame you entirely I should of never asked you. Salin I don't love you as anything more than a friend, but I would be honored to carry the children of the last human. And a mage at that. And though you can destroy with a thought I don't see you destroying your children any time soon."

Salin had no answer. He could only stare at the feline taur that carried his seed with amazement. She just became pregnant and wasn't angry? She was just sitting there smiling at him and petting her stomach. Salin finally found his voice.

"You are taking this well." Kaliee laughed and smiled at him,

"I guess I am, though I couldn't tell you why. Maybe it hasn't sunken in or maybe it is the primitive side of me enjoying the fruits of a proper mating or maybe I just want to be."

Salin stood and stretched while Kaliee stared at her stomach, still rubbing it.

"Am I crazy to say I can feel being pregnant?"

Salin sat down next to her and placed his hand on her belly.

"No little one, it isn't crazy. It is your womb and your system. You aren't crazy at all."

Kaliee looked at him and gave him a lopsided smile and patted her belly.

"I am not a little one."

Salin chuckled and gave her one last kiss.

"Not anymore you aren't. Not anymore."